Halle Bailey & Jonah Hauer-King Interview: The Little Mermaid

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[Applause] TV hi hey guys how's it going how are you oh wow it's so nice to meet you hey I'm trying to hit coming how are you how's it going nice to meet you nice to meet you look at your oh look at that joke guys it's so nice to meet you how are you thanks guys wow oh my goodness hi hi I'm Janae a journalist for Cocoa Girl magazine that refers as beautiful girls just like me this is aurea a beautiful journalist we are here with Coco kids TV congratulations on your fantastic movie we were all princesses and queens before we watched the movie but what advice would you give to any girl watching who may feel that they could never be a princess especially when they feel nobody's listening to them like how you lost your voice in the movie oh my goodness well first of all can I just say I'm so happy to meet you you and you you're so beautiful thank you guys for being here and interviewing us thank you guys wow I guess I would say to the beautiful girls like you who watch the movie to just go after what you want in life don't let anybody stop you or tear you down or make you feel like you can't because you can you always can and as you can see Ariel gets through her life and her experiences by going after what she wants and she sacrifices a lot to get there but in the end she's so happy that she did whatever she could to pursue her dreams so I would say that yeah [Music] and what's your hair regime when like when you're swimming in the water well thank you so much for that question I love your hair too it's so beautiful yeah I've had my luck since I was like small small little girl my mom locked my hair and so this was all I know I love curling it like you have some time to braid it and let it out and you know I was really excited that Ariel got to have locks too it was a lot of work of me being in the water and as you know we have to protect our hair so when I wasn't filming I would wear swim caps or I would make sure to wash my hair really really good and then put all that moisture back in it because it's beautiful and yours is so beautiful and you just want to keep it healthy yeah I don't know we didn't know you could sing and honey we love your voice so much um but are you ready for some fun can you finish the lyric both myself and a rare will start the song and you both have to work together to finish the lyric and it's under Under the Sea okay seaweed as always Greener and somebody else's league [Music] but that is a big mistake just look at the world around here such wonderful things [Music] take it for me they fade away [Laughter] devoting full time [Music] amazing I have a question like did you have to actually like film it in the water yes so we did a lot of it actually in the water me and Jonah I don't know well I know you watched it and you remember the scene where I'm like pulling him up from the ocean I'm saving him as he's like this drowning that was in a tank and as we came up and the waves kind of roll over us we were really doing that in a wave machine it was easy for me because I just have my eyes closed so I could just relax like this and hang out as Holly had to do all the hard part she had to swim and be strong and I'm a bit bathing you as well and you're having to hold me up yeah foreign how did you do that okay so the ship was built uh in a film studio not far from here and they built the whole thing and it was on this um device called a Gimbal and the gimbal allows it to go like forward and backward and to the side and then they had all of these special effects teams that would have these big engines and the engines would be turned on and it would have like create huge wind uh and they had fake rain coming down although they didn't need it because it was raining most of the time anyway because we were filming in London and then the the Thunder and the lightning uh they had these just like incredible flashes of light like these massive lighting rigs um and it made it all feel quite real didn't it yeah yeah it was scary but it was good for us because it meant that we didn't really have to pretend we could just be present and live it um but yeah it was it was terrifying yeah really scary how long did your hair take to do wow that's a really good question because my natural hair color is similar to yours I got to dye my hair kind of the red that's in the doll for the first time that was my first time dyeing my hair and then but they only dyed the root so that I could keep the health of my locks and then they wrapped this beautiful hair around each of my locks so it took a very very long time forever like it would take two days sometimes to install so we would do one full day then I'd leave go to sleep come back and they would do the rest to wrap each one of my locks and then add all the Loose Hair that you see like in the doll it's like a fusion of both so thank you so much thank you thank you oh my goodness it's so nice to meet you guys come here yeah let's do a picture hey did you guys want to squeeze in here okay I love it thank you so much oh guys this is so special [Applause] TV
Channel: Cocoa Kids TV
Views: 216,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tr2L4yXbhM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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