HALFTIME FULL SERVICE - Fred Hammond - Pastor Matthew Watle

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[Music] good morning church family we're so glad you chose to join with us this morning and uh this is a great day this is the day that the lord has made we should rejoice and be glad in it and it is a great day because it is indeed halftime for our capital campaign it's been a long journey but we're at halftime i am so thankful that god has allowed my wife dorothy and i to be a part of this legacy that i know kingdom fellowship is going to build you know it's not often in line in your life that you have an opportunity to be a part of something as big as this reverend watley is a great founding pastor he not only believes in delivering the word but he also believes in elevating the community and the members in all phases of their life we now are at halftime without further ado let's get into a worship service with fred hammond kingdom fellowship amy is your man fred pastor matthew first lady got mad love for you and i am so happy to be a part of your halftime celebration right there in silver spring maryland so without further ado let's get this thing popping all right let's go family all right everybody let's get this thing going hit me with that [Music] somebody [Music] what says mean [Music] it's in your [Applause] [Music] i need you to stand with me [Music] everybody come on now wherever you are make some holy [Music] your nails [Music] the lamb the lamb the lamb everybody [Music] come on [Music] and this is what i need you to do everybody sit with me [Music] everybody come on [Music] everybody [Music] we praise you [Music] let me go back can i go back 1994 hey here we are let's give it a go leave all you problems open up your mouth and take the name of [Music] jesus is [Music] [Music] is [Music] he's here i don't care what you gotta do but what you need to do with victory [Music] he's here he's here he's here he's here he's here [Music] come on see ya [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey come on come on [Music] [Music] can you help me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] going to be blessed safe in 2020 say [Music] uh-huh [Music] [Music] come on [Music] the body of the lord [Music] [Music] ha god bless you god bless you let me smile upon you one more time one more time midnight say it ladies [Music] let's go to it say it say it say it lady [Music] uh-huh [Music] my brothers and sisters good morning fred hammond is in the house oh bless this thing that was just some outstanding praise and worship myself i'm just excited as we go to worship on this morning would you now come with me as we go to the throne of grace as we just seek our lord and celebrate on this half time today let us pray my brothers and sisters our lord and our god our excellent how excellent our mighty is your name and all the earth you are a great and wonderful god you are king of kings you are lord of lords you are the conquering lion of the tribe of judah you are our god you have been excellent in every way because as the alpha and the omega every stop from the beginning to the end submits to your will and your purpose so we come this morning oh god with hearts of thanksgiving ready oh god to share our voices together lifted up in worship we come celebrating you on this halftime for all of the wonderful things you have been doing in our lives as a family heir here at cafe god you have been good your mercies have endured even through this pandemic god you have met us at every need in every situation god you have shown yourself strong and mighty in our lives god we thank you this morning for our pastor and our first family for all that he has been doing as he shepherds us and leads us along the vision of god that you have given to us at our church we are so thankful god to be cooperating and working with you in the building up of your kingdom god we have a sense this morning a sense of excitement that something miraculous is gonna break out the god to all that has been happening through this financial fast year you are about to do something you're gonna break chains you're gonna set captives free god you are gonna release a spirit of generosity amongst us oh god that when it's all said and done we will give your name the glory the honor and the praise because you are great and you are greatly to be praised have your way with us now in this worship experience in jesus name amen now my brothers and sisters just as it's been look i want you to get ready let's fellowship together and because not because you're not in the house you can text somebody let them know you're checking on them are you in the worship we're gonna fellowship together with our theme song gather grow give and go [Music] go [Music] oh we gather to worship the lord so glad you chose to join us [Music] [Music] [Applause] never broke it [Music] we are we're kingdom focused we gather to watch [Music] [Music] together [Music] go [Music] we gather too much [Music] together [Music] kingdom focus it's half time and we're so excited about what god has done and what god is doing even now and what you the people of god have done to support your church as pastor i just want to say right up front how godly proud i am to serve a people of god who have a mind to work and certainly the lord has brought us a mighty long way i just want to pause and thank god and look back from where the lord has brought us from it's half time [Music] i am so excited that we're at half time in half time you usually look at what happened during the last two quarters and then try to think of a strategy to move forward goddess in his spirit that you might use it to be a blessing to somebody else and to build his kingdom and his church we've been uh at kingdom fellowship for a long time now we've seen our church grow from starting in high school to going to an our current location but we always knew it wasn't the final destination when we were looking for another church home we are coming here by way of ebenezer amy in fort washington love love love it we did not want to leave but living here in laurel driving to fort washington one it was hard enough going to service too was certainly not going to participate in extra extra things then one sunday we heard reverend watley preach and i said to my husband oh we need to go to silver spring and we came for one visit and stayed here ever since trust me yet when god spoke to noah and said to noah i want you to build an ark forget the fact that it's going to cost you more than you have forget the fact that you won't be hundreds of miles from the water the reality is noah i'm telling you to build something for something you ain't never seen before proud members of kingdom fellowship been a member since blair high school um we moved here from florida and um came to a service one sunday and uh never left since yep never left never looked back it's just been it's been amazing we've learned a lot here we've grown a lot since we've been here some of the things that made us stay is this sense of family so even though it was a larger congregation uh from what we were used to it felt very close i remember the kids ministry dancing jumping around having fun having my 12 year old be excited about church and you know that's no small feat i remember seeing nursery rhymes in the nursery and that's just something that's always been in the back of my head like reciting the lord's prayer stuff like that we've been focusing on our faith and just we know that faith is unseen we don't see the building done yet but we have faith that it's going to happen we know it's going to happen we're sure it's going to happen and one day i'll be holding my grandbabies and in the pews and i just just to know that you said the generations and the generations that will get to be in this church and enjoy the ministries of the church and and all the souls that are going to be saved i am excited about halftime i think that anytime you get to the halfway mark of something you can kind of see the finish line the goal is getting closer and closer in sight we have to keep going forward forward to meet our goal to win for god for me it has been the build up it has been the transparency it has been the excitement around it i value um the meetings with folks individually i value the events that have happened you know in silver spring the guest musical guest and all of these things to really build it up and draw excitement around it i feel very excited about being a part of the new phase in our church with kingdom fellowship you can see where your money is going you see the building of a church you see the many ministries that are within the church from kids to the elders the importance of half time is a good time to just reset look at where what we have achieved and where we're going half time has caused us to make sure that we are being uh attentive to our giving relative to the kingdom builders campaign give what you can you know that god will always reward what you give he never fails we know even looking at our checkbooks tells a lot about us when we see where we've put our money it's one thing to show up on sundays and just take take take take take but what are we actually giving back i'll have in my legacy that i'm a founding member of kingdom fellowship and and that means so much to me for generations to come people will come to the church to praise and worship the lord people will be saved our church will do much more than what's happening now look at what we're doing now in this cover season we're doing so much so just think of what will happen what we'll do will really impact the communities the state the world [Music] isn't that awesome to see where god has brought us from we don't sing it much anymore but when i came up we sang a song that said down through the years the lord has been good to me and certainly that is our testimony as a congregation and because again of the faithfulness of god and your faithfulness we find ourselves now standing on the precipice of a new ministry base of ministry operations for the glory and honor of god listen before we get too far out ahead of our skis i do want to remind you that the work of ministry is going on so excited about our new season of advent army starting a new series of sermons next sunday and already dr nicole and reverend and sister kerry are leading a new series on advent i encourage you to check it out sign up and also don't forget this coming friday and saturday we will be making communion packets available for pickup at the church and so please make sure you stop by so that on the first sunday you'll receive the broken body and the shed blood of our lord and savior jesus who is the christ but listen i just want to one more time thank god for this halftime halftime celebration this kingdom builders campaign listen we started off with a 45 million dollar project we're still on task and for this campaign we had a 5 million dollar goal and our prayer was to be at three million dollars in the campaign by today can i tell you that we're almost there we're about four hundred thousand dollars uh close and and i believe that by the end of this day if all of us do our part we will make our goal and that's going to help us to stay instead with our budget and our obligations and our responsibilities to the bank it's going to allow us to opt to move forward with all the ministry priorities that we have uh to the glory and honor of god i'm excited about where god has brought us from and i'm excited about the opportunity to give we always start off however with our appeal for those who are new tithers if you're new to tithing faith we want to thank god for you because what we're doing for our kingdom builders just like what we do for our kingdom cares is above our regular tithe and offering on last sunday we saw what was happening in our kingdom cares ministry and how we're blessing people not just locally but around the world and so i would encourage you to give only as god has blessed you let me pause right now to say once again as pastor if life has happened since we started off on this kingdom builders campaign and you're no longer able to give i understand i want to release you and i want to encourage you to know that god will supply all your needs according to his riches and glory and we stand by as your church family to continue to support you and be a blessing to you to the best of our abilities but i also have some good news to report even though we had some persons that were impacted by the economy we also have had hundreds of new persons to join in our kingdom builders campaign since we got started in fact we've had almost 600 new families join us in the kingdom builders campaign and that's how we've been able to do it and so listen if you already were part of the kingdom builders campaign and you're not yet sure how much more you need to do on your pledge all you have to do is text the word half time to 31 31 31 text the word half time to 31 31 31 and you'll get a report in terms of your progress if you have been giving but you've yet to sign up officially and pledge you go ahead and text that word as as well and make it official and if you've not given it all yet if you haven't pledged at all yet it's not too late as reverend locksley says come on in the water is fine you text half time too to 31 31 31 sign up find out more information about the program and about where everything is going and we believe that many hands make for life work as we give our tithes and our offerings as we sow into our kingdom builders campaign and we're believing this is going to be the largest uh receipt we've ever had in terms of a congregation uh and as as we continue to support our kingdom cares campaign with so many things to give to i want to pause and pray father in the name of jesus i glorify you i praise you for what you've done and for people who give willingly and cheerfully not begrudgingly or of necessity so god i pray that you will continue to make a way to bless your house and bless the homes of the people of god now god we give you glory and praise for it in jesus name amen well brothers and sisters god has already brought us a mighty long way but it ain't over god's got more to do and so we're going to look into the future of what god has in store for us as kingdom fellowship amy church i praise the lord kingdom fellowship my name is reverend roddy williams and i'm the project lead on our construction project taking place here at calverton so happy to report that things are going extremely well on this project all of our contractors subcontractors engineers architects and consultants have all worked together to help us to keep this project both on time and on budget we're about fifty percent done with our foundation concrete which should be done by the end of november then in early december we'll begin to pour our slab on grade we'll start out over in the main lobby we'll work our way over to the fellowship hall and then we'll end up right here in the main sanctuary which should be completed towards the end of january of 2021. um at the same time we are working to complete our underground utility work that includes underground water storm and sewer and we're about 30 done with that work uh in december we plan to order our steel we should take a couple of months to arrive and our hope is to go vertical in april of 2021 um the project is still scheduled to be completed by the first quarter of 2022 we ask you to remain prayerful and by all means stay kingdom focused i think we're making an impact right now you know with all the things that we still have going on kingdom cares is doing phenomenal work i started out at the beginning of the pandemic with the kingdom cares food distribution and i didn't realize how many lives it was going to touch so i think that will only be magnified when we have our new sanctuary done there because it'll be kind of a beacon of hope and a light for that community it's important for us that we demonstrate to our kids that you it's important for you to invest in something that goes beyond yourself for me it really is a sense of pride i'm happy to say that i'm a k-fame member you know it's one of those things where you just pop your shoulder up for caller up and like yes you know i'm a member we're doing so much so just think of what will happen what we'll do will really impact the communities the state the world i'm proud of what the church is doing because it's nice and the church is a very good place we all want to worship god it's almost like the greatest makeover show ever right like this is the opportunity to do something brand new to have a new look to think a new way to act a new way i think as far as being part of the teen ministry i think i'm really excited to see a space for them to really come and to know that this was created for them and that they belong here i'm excited about having a new place to worship and especially the um jungle gym area i feel like that's going to be fun i'm excited about going in the jungle gym [Music] it's definitely five stars that's set in the bar he wants us to offer our best and this is this is this is the best it feels like a major upgrade i'm very proud me too proud of what our church is doing and i'm so glad that all the people are coming together to make this a possibility this project i really think could cause people to redefine their relationship with god on a whole new level it looks great it looks amazing it's all colorful i think that people will find god there too the day we are able to walk into this building can't wait um i don't know there might be there's there's going to be some exciting things going on i'm i'm yet to take a lap around the church and it might happen it's like um super big i just want to say look at god yes i can just see so many lives saved i see that entire platform being filled with people and folks rushing um to the platform to to accept jesus you know this is what i've dreamed of a place where people will come [Music] and feel god's glory it just makes me so happy thinking about where we're coming from at a high school gym and just seeing that we've been diligent and faithful in believing in god to end here that's truly remarkable a lot of a lot of uh hands will be raised a lot of knees shouting a lot of shouts a lot of praise a lot of running get involved wherever you can wherever you see can see yourself just do it you can walk out boldly that you can have a little swag in your step say that i gave that i contributed because we are here to build something really big not just for us but for the entire community it's half time it's half time it's half time it's half time it's half time well brothers and sisters i'm excited about what's on the way i'm excited about our future but i'm also excited because we've got fred hammond my second favorite gospel artist next to walter hawkins in all of life i've listened to brother fred for years he's always encouraged me i like fred because fred make you scared not to praise god come on say amen i guess that's right amen fred and so i'm excited he's going to continue to minister in song and then we'll see what word there is for the lord y'all it's kingdom builder sunday come on let's have church it's time for the first annual kingdom fellowship sponsor a child program register a child in need to receive a gift from kingdom families just text the word recipient to 313131 to register we will be receiving recipients from november 16th to december 1st register today the holiday season can be difficult for many people so kingdom fellowship will be hosting a surviving the holidays one day seminar especially for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one you'll learn how to deal with the many emotions you'll face during the holidays register today at kingdom dot global slash grief hyphen share i know it sounds crazy but christmas is right around the corner and there's no better way to prepare your heart mind and soul than through a study of god's word join us at kingdom fellowship ame church for a dynamic study through the season of advent as we lead up to christmas we're going to study the themes of hope joy love and peace all of the things we need in our lives right now registration begins november 15th and classes will be held on monday or wednesday evenings from 7 30 to 8 30 pm or on saturdays from 10 to 11 a.m you only have to select one day to join and we'll close out with a big finale on december 21st register today invite a friend today the sons of joshua kingdom fellowship's mentoring program for boys and young men is meeting on saturday december 5th from 10 a.m to 11 a.m let's pour into the lives of our young men and help them to become the leaders of today and tomorrow for more details please contact brother leon andrews at elle andrews kingdom.global kingdom fellowship amy let's go family [Music] [Music] chill new [Music] you know what you gotta do [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wait [Music] shake your hands [Music] [Music] don't give up [Music] come on wait on it you got tears in your eyes but wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] yes [Music] one day i said don't give up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no weapon born against me [Music] can i get somebody to help me say it with me [Music] [Music] is do what he said he would do he will stand by his word afraid [Music] [Music] no weapon say it like you mean [Music] [Music] [Music] is it won't work yes hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh thank you jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah go ahead and give me glory right now yeah go in and give him glory right now yeah no [Music] no trauma no curse no witch no pandemic no cancer no loneliness no rejection no weapon that means every weapon every weapon is included in that yes yes yes [Music] now don't be fooled weapons that didn't say weapons wouldn't be formed and it didn't say it wouldn't hit the target it didn't say you wouldn't suffer loss but it said in the end it will not prosper [Music] well praise the lord praise the lord so glad to share the word of god with you today from our new sanctuary and i'm just excited about what god is going to be doing in this new place that's going to be dedicated and consecrated for the worship and honor glory and majesty of our lord and savior jesus christ come on let's go before the mercy father we want to say thank you thank you for all that you've done for us all that you've done in us and even through us father we bless you and praise you for how far we've come and even for the way that has yet to be made in the name of jesus we praise you in the meantime we give you a half time praise because we know that you don't start what you won't finish and so god i pray not simply for this project but i pray for every person connected to our congregation that you might do a new thing in us that you might work your great miracles and that you might perform signs and wonders for the manifest benefit of your kingdom and your people now god we've come to hear a word from you speak your servants are listening it's in jesus name we want to say thank you all god's children said amen well i'm ready to go ahead and get into the word of god today first corinthians the third chapter beginning reading at the ninth verse and there these words are recorded for we are god's servants working together you are god's field god's building according to the grace of god given to me like a skilled master builder i laid a foundation and someone else's building on it each builder must choose with care how to build on it for no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid that foundation is jesus christ now if any builds on the foundation with gold silver precious stones wood hay straw the work of each builder will become visible for the day will disclose it because it will be revealed with fire and the fire will test what sort of work each has done if what has been built on the foundation survives the builder will receive a reward if the work is burned up the builder will suffer loss the builder will be saved but only as through fire do you not know that you are god's temple and that god's spirit dwells in you as the spirit does speak and god does god we want to use as a subject for the next few minutes let's build there are people in your life that god will use to speak the right word at the right time this happened to me recently when pastor joe carter of the new hope baptist church there and newark new jersey called me out of the blue new hope baptist church is where whitney houston first learned to sing in the choir where her mother houston used to serve as minister of music for many years and where whitney's homegoing service was held well pastor carter called me with a couple a couple of months ago and in his purely distinctive voice and way said congratulations i understand that you are building a new church i said yes sir and he said wadley if you were standing in front of my church right now you would see a cornerstone that reads 1918. you do know that in 1918 when our church was being built that was the year of the spanish flu yet god allowed us to finish our building in the middle of a pandemic all right you have a good day and he hung up the phone brothers and sisters can i share with you that call was so deeply encouraging to me because it reminded me that the same challenges that we face today god has proven himself able and to triumph over in our yesterdays and friends while we face historic challenges we face them with god on our side who has the last word over history therefore on this kingdom builders halftime celebration sunday i just want to encourage you to know that we are making history right now no that's not right god is intervening real time in our midst and is making history through us in fact one of the most consistent themes of scripture is that the mystery of the history of the kingdom of god is that it actually is about god co-creating with god's people this is exactly the point that paul is trying to impart in this pivotal line in verse number 9 of chapter 3 in first corinthians when he says for we are god's servants working together you are god's field god's building when he says we are god's servants he is establishing god's hierarchy and superiority hierarchy acknowledges that god is functionally in charge and superiority acknowledges that god's existential transcendence both points are important you see you can be in charge and still be equal in america as an example the president is the commander-in-chief yet despite delusions of some to the contrary he is not above the law yet in this text paul makes clear that not only is god in charge but we are not his equals we are his servants this becomes a crucial point because his next phrase working together is where the concept of co-creating with god comes into play god is the king of the kingdom who is actively building his kingdom on earth by building the kingdom in us and through us which means we are building the kingdom with him as king he has declared the project and made provision and as servants we are doing the digging and the building paul says we are god's field we are god's building the reference to the field actually refers to verse the first eight verses of this text where paul is seeking to quiet the division within the church at corinth which has become divided by different members declaring their allegiance to different teachers some claim paul others claim apollos and so paul must make it clear he says listen i planted apollos watered but god grants the increase the field therefore refers to us as the seeds planted watered and growing currently then paul gives us another phrase he says we are god's building which serves as a literary device where he pivots his word pictures from agricultural to architectural paul says according to the grace god given to me like a skilled master builder i had laid a foundation and someone else's building on it each builder must choose with care how to build on it for no one can lay any foundation other than the one that has been laid that foundation is jesus christ the work of the building is collective and progressive i have the opportunity to go on the site and see the foundational work that was going on and listen it's not a one-person job it's a number of persons that are coming and going coordinating bringing in the cement somebody else is pouring it it's a progressive operation reverati told us that we're actually not going to have steel coming out of the ground until april which means even though we started this building project back in august it's going to take seven months of working on the foundation to make sure that when it's built it's built to last brothers and sisters i need you to understand that what we're doing right now all of this commotion all this fuss all of this giving and energy is about one thing building this temple in the honor and service to christ and christ alone christ is the foundation this church will not stand as a flagship of the african methodist episcopal denomination even though it carries a noble lineage and legacy this church will not stand as a testament to a congregation who is willing to sow and sacrifice in order to underwrite its cost and certainly it will not stand in any way as a memorial to me or my ministry for i would tear it down brick by brick rather than to seek credit or acclaim ascribed to my name no brothers and sisters the purpose of this building is to glorify god and its foundation is christ and christ alone christ the one whom paul declared god was in christ reconciling himself to the world christ the hope of glory christ the messiah the anointed one christ the lamb of god that was slain before the foundation of the world christ who was born crucified resurrected ascended and is coming back christ the stone that the builders rejected who has become the chief cornerstone christ our elder brother and kinsman redeemer christ the first fruit of the dead and the second adam be clear that this great and glorious day that's on the way when we walk into that new sanctuary at 11 710 beltsville drive uh there in calverton maryland when we walk in on that day we're going to sing on christ the solid rock i stand all of the ground is sinking sand that's why a couple months ago for our groundbreaking i made sure that we sang that great hymn of the church that says the church's one foundation is jesus christ the lord she is his new creation by water and the word christ is the foundation of the kingdom builders work and to him be all the glory and honor forever and ever somebody ought to just go into the chat right there and type amen listen brothers and sisters paul declares christ is the foundation of the church and then he says now if anyone builds on the foundation with gold silver precious stones wood hay straw the work of each builder will become visible for the day we'll disclose it because it will be revealed with fire and the fire will test what sort of work each has done if what has been built on the foundation survives the builder will receive a reward if the work is burned up the builder will suffer loss the builder will be saved but only as through fire listen brothers and sisters the imagery of a crack is of a craftsman who is at work at the task of building with different building materials some materials are expensive gold silver and precious stones others are not wood hay and straw but listen the difference is not just in the cost of materials but also in their staying power he says on the day of judgment there will be a testing of the workmanship with fire and those who built with better material will be rewarded and those and those who have not will suffer great loss listen brothers and sisters we need to understand that god will take test the workmanship of our lives and the workmanship and the test will not just simply wait until the day of judgment we're building right now and i can tell you that during the construction process every time we complete a specific task we've got to stop and call the inspectors in they have to look at it evaluate it and determine whether it meets the standard brothers and sisters i come to tell you that we don't have to wait to get to glory in fact we should not wait to get to glory to find out that we got it wrong but rather right here and right now each and every one of us ought to allow the holy spirit to inspect our lives to search our hearts and to determine whether we're living in a manner that brings glory to god can i ask you what is the foundation that you're building on right now is christ your foundation or is it the culture what is the foundation that you're building your finances on and your family on and your faith on i want to recommend christ the hope of glory listen brothers and sisters the bible says that paul declared that christ is the foundation of the church and here's the part that i like because when he says foundation it reminded me of what jesus himself declared when he quoted that old testament passage that said the stone that the builders have rejected has become the chief cornerstone now brothers and sisters you need to understand uh especially in the time of the writing of this text there were three different pivotal kinds of stones in a given building there was the capstone there was the keystone and there was the cornerstone the capstone served to make sure that there was a covering up for the building and that it had a finished edge to make sure that the rain would not uh take away the wall and then the keystone was that stone in the middle of the arch that held the whole thing together that took the pressure and was able to undergird it but here's what's interesting to me certainly god is our capstone and he is our canopy and our shelter certainly god is our keystone and he holds it together with everything wants to fall apart but here's the part that interests me when jesus describes himself he describes himself as the cornerstone now understand this brothers and sisters the significance of a cornerstone is that the cornerstone was very accurately measured before it was laid it had to be perfectly situated watch this because everything else in the building would be built off that cornerstone everything would have to line up and be plumb with that cornerstone that's what i'm trying to ask you right now that if christ you declared to be your cornerstone your foundation then everything else in your life ought to be lining up with christ everything else in your life ought to be defined by christ everything else in your life ought to line up with what it is god has called you to do by his word and by his spirit i gotta get out get out of here but listen the last thing paul says it says do you not know that you are god's temple and the holy ghost dwells in you brothers and sisters what he's trying to get us to see is that the building is not just a building but god is trying to build something new in us that that we are the house of the holy spirit that god indwells us god inhabits us god abides in us and we ought to make sure that we have a house that is suitable for holy habitation i'm trying to hold my peace right here but i'm getting excited because he's even as i'm talking to you right now i'm standing virtually in our new temple i'm standing in the place where the holy ghost is going to end well i'm standing in the place where worship is going to go on and praise is going to go forth well i'm not standing there physically i'm standing there i'm standing here now because of a computer simulation the simulation allows me to be there before i get there and brothers and sisters don't you know that without having to download one more item on your computer you have a faith simulator because faith allows you to be where you're going before you get their faith allows you to speak those things that are not as though they are faith allows you to declare something is so even before it is so in order that it might be so and all i'm trying to tell you is that i can't wait i can't wait because it's time to build it's time to move forward it's time to possess the land it's time to receive all that god has for me because the last thing i'm going to give you before i take my seat simply is this that that when he says do you not know that the holy spirit dwells in you and that you are the temple of the living god what that really means watch this is that even though i've been talking about this kingdom building and all of this physical building and using this as an illustration what it means is that there is a cosmic connection between the kingdom of god being built out there and the kingdom of god being built in here that's why jesus said that the kingdom of god is within which means brothers and sisters that every time you pass by the construction site and you see there's work going on you want to get excited not just for your church but you ought to get excited for yourself because if you are part of this kingdom builders movement if you're a part of this body of believers called k fame then you i've recognized that the house of god can't be blessed without your house also being blessed that as god is expanding his territory you ought to be looking to expand your business as god is prospering his house you ought to be looking for new opportunities to prosper and be a blessing to others as god is sending new blessing his to his house you ought to get ready to receive new blessing in your house and all i'm trying to get you to see is that when you make a destiny decision and determination to be a part of the building of the kingdom of god you know that you are invested in a good thing brothers and sisters i'm excited about the fact that god has called us to be builders let's pray father in the name of jesus we glorify and praise you for the sacred and special privilege that is ours to be a part of your kingdom work god i pray right now that anyone who is listening to me but does not know you as the king of the kingdom if they are unsaved unsure about what it means to be saved they've never invited jesus in their hearts to become lord of their lives on this sunday god give them courage to move forward in jesus name amen brothers and sisters if i just prayed for you for you to give your life to christ and be saved then you need to know then your salvation is at hand that today you can have your name written in the land's book of life and you'll know that you'll be with god in glory but also you'll know that he'll be with you while you're still here on earth all you need do it's going to sound so simple but it's it's the truth all you need to do is reach out to the number that's on the screen and text the word new start to 31 31 31 within a matter of minutes one of our leaders will call you show you in the word of god what it means to be saved pray through the prayer of salvation and you shall be saved if you're already saved if you're a christian but you don't have a church home where you're growing and getting stronger as a believer then i want you to know i would love to be your pastor and kingdom would love to be your church you text that number as well we'll reach out to you finally if you need to rededicate your life to christ you've fallen off and fallen back but now you hear god saying it's time to go forward then come on you text that number as well and watch god do a new thing in your life i'm so grateful for all the lord has done and i'm so grateful for all the lord is doing through you and so i want to say thank you one more time for your support and for your sacrifice receive now the benediction grace peace and mercy from god the father god the son and god the holy spirit rest will abide now with these your people both now and forevermore kingdom focused god bless you wasn't that an incredible sermon that we just received i know that you've enjoyed this just as much as i have because the pastor always deliver a powerful sermon now let's talk about how we are going to finish out this campaign i know that those of you who have not already pledged will certainly pledge after what you've seen here today there is no better time than now to be a part of a legacy that i know that the members of k-fang pastor watley will be building over the years to come so let me encourage you to get involved stay involved make sure you stay connected with us on social media and if you want to see or hear this sermon again tune in at 6 00 p.m it will be rerun for your viewing until next time make sure you stay kingdom focused
Channel: KFAME Church
Views: 9,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3APAnG3mPis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 50sec (4010 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 29 2020
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