Half Life 2: Dr. Wallace Breen - The Scientist, The Anti Hero

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what's the meaning of this are you how did you get in here the man i saw i'm all but certain it was gordon freeman dr wallace breen former head administrator of black mesa and later on administrator of earth in half-life 1 he was not seen or heard from but just referred to as the administrator the sample that gordon pushes into the anti-mass spectrometer that caused the resonance cascade was procured by breen that's all we know about him regarding the black mesa incident how he got out of there we do not know in half-life 2 however his role is much much more prominent in city 17 he has set up his headquarters and administration and serves as earth's administrator we can say he's earth's representative to the combine we see him in the screens or breen casts across the city welcome welcome to city 17. hear his voice as he answers questions put forth by citizens or just welcomes people to cd17 malicious by nature diabolical since the start he's the de facto main antagonist of half-life 2. a somewhat unique villain in a science fiction world right well i don't think so half-life 2 doesn't provide a lot of exposition at least not directly if you are able to notice you can piece together the story about what happened between half-life one and two so let's piece together a bit of the story you see right after half-life one portal storms started to occur across the world these storms were created because of the resonance cascade through these portal storms alien forms from zen started to enter into earth within a short time this caused a massive dimensional rift that attracted the attention of the combine a huge alien empire that spans multiple galaxies when the combine invaded it marked the beginning of a war called the seven hour war aptly named because the combine were able to cash the humans off guard and conquered them in just seven hours now the combine were set on achieving human extinction but someone found a way to save humanity that someone was dr wallace breen through unknown means of communication he was able to negotiate peace with the combine but this peace treaty costed humanity their freedom after the war had ended all remaining humans were put into cities like cd17 there was a lot more that happened but let's stick to breen for now the combine appointed green as the administrator for earth or in other words the combine maid bring their puppet this is all the overview i think you need to know for now all that i've stated so far is part of the half-life story but what i'll be sharing now is all speculation [Music] so we do know that dr wallace breen is an intelligent man i mean why wouldn't he be he was the administrator of black mesa one of the most advanced science facilities in the world that did research and experiments on teleportation sciences he wouldn't have gotten to that point in his career without doing anything right but what if i say that he is more than just your accomplished and intellectual scientist what if breen possesses extraordinary intelligence someone who sees problems and their solutions in the widest scope imaginable for example in the beginning of half-life 2 he says this while answering a question let us consider the fact that for the first time ever as a species immortality is in our reach immortality is in our reach such a divine statement but how or rather why again going back to talking about his intelligence he sees things from a much wider perspective for him maybe sacrificing a few hundreds thousands or even a million people to the combine is just progress towards a better future for humanity maybe he's thinking of humanity's eternal salvation but wants us to tolerate the oppression for now as for thee how part of this statement that is a complete mystery one connection i can make is between breen and the combine advisors he's often seen talking to the advisors may just be the master race of the combine empire as they are known to be the ones who lead all military battles and are deemed extremely intelligent even being feared by the wartigans who themselves if not powerful are very intelligent species it just may be that green's connection to the advisors may have led him to discover a way to make humans immortal but if immortality means being transformed into an alien mass similar to the advisors then is immortality worth it in the same brain cast as the mortality one he talks of instinct and how it should be expunged and then appreciates his combine overlords by saying as far as i know there isn't much talk of the stars in between the citizens i can assume nobody in the city can understand what he means by that but what does he mean the next clip might just provide some connection to this statement after city 17 you don't hear a lot from breen in the last chapter dark energy you finally come face to face with him before you are escorted into his office here's what he's saying to eli vance ancient satellites colonized by sentient fuji gas giants inhabited by vast meteorological intelligences worlds stretched thin across the membranes where the dimensions intersect impossible to describe with our limited vocabulary the way he's explaining what he knows to his former subordinate gives the impression that he is amazed beyond words and wants eli to be indulged with this information too but he can't explain it in words the thing is he's seen things that are far beyond human comprehension because being with the combine this long they must have shared things with him that has left him without words the things that he has seen is of universal proportions what does bree know that no other human doesn't unfortunately i cannot provide you with full explanation of this mystery but he has seen enough to publicly state that humans for the first time can achieve immortality sure you can say that he might be talking about transforming people into stalkers but would he really sugarcoat that process by labeling it as becoming immortal no not really he may have lost his mind but he wouldn't be that mischievous whatever knowledge he held is now lost i sense some sort of intentions that would be of a savior when you're trying to destroy the reactor that powering the portal he says this don't know what to unleash he was thinking about the people below some may say that he's just trying to trick gordon into stopping but would a man who knows that an unstoppable force like gordon freeman is destroying his only escape route do that he knows that he's about to die but he still thinks of the people below he cares who he did call rebel before though but still quite an odd thing to think of just before dying after you destroy the portal to the combine world green presumably falls to his death but right before he is presumably falling to his death he screams need me you may say that he's saying that to the combine but really why would the combine care they can get anyone to be their puppet their administrator and even brain might acknowledge that he's at this point useless to them no he said you need me to gordon but the question is why i think because he had answers answers that would stop the combine that would prosper humanity but it was just too late dr wallace breen may look like a simple character but his dialogue deems him more sophisticated i speculate that he was playing both sides he was tricking the combine trying to save everyone behind the scenes while acting as the villain for gordon alex and eli but why act as a villain well i guess because the sharad would have been out in the open and the combine would have disposed of him that's why he was acting in front of the combine that he is still their puppet his fate after half-life 2 remains unknown presumed dead dr wallace breen an anti-hero the true savior of humanity the true free man or just another pawn in the whole game in the start he may have saved humanity selflessly but maybe with all that power that he was given he must have become corrupted his true nature and identity will never be fully revealed after all this time dr freeman you
Channel: Radiation Hazard
Views: 17,487
Rating: 4.890317 out of 5
Keywords: Half Life, Half Life 2, Wallace Breen, Dr Breen, Character Analysis, Speculation, Commentary, Valve, First Person Shooter, FPS, Games, Gaming
Id: RYhi8CPiEwc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 31sec (811 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 28 2020
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