Half Dead 2 Funny Moments - Delirious Has Terrible Luck!

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you want to do the intro vanos yeah are you sure about that vanos yeah alright the soundboard talking by the way just for the people watching right oh no that sounded like you that was definitely you've a nice right that was definitely you've a nice right yeah yeah yeah alright I like the sound board because I don't actually have to talk to be in the video just let the sound waters work Nessa toward a [ __ ] music behind that one music playing behind yeah [ __ ] go [ __ ] yourself whoo no [ __ ] yourself that'll be just fine alright listen up we're in the cube this is a present and if you're looking at his left corner there's a little mini map that tells you you can go in any direction okay let's test the room careful don't you don't want to lose your shoes what is all this OOP Saints and ro universes and why is there sand in here why not Oh No oh brother here ever since you you killed your parents don't let the water water hit you yeah all right that does not look safe oh yeah okay okay oh wow just don't don't don't breathe it in what do you mean this is the video game this is drag it something in hold your breath in real life you might get a wish Oh God is it safe you could go into the door and the rice Oh God Oh God you got to open this door I just went through so much you don't even know who would have guessed all right so like another boot strap only affects one corner should I go in there Brian as I seem safe no I give them this shoe like a normal gamer go into a damn room [ __ ] go the opposite way off your shirt right there go get your damn shoe where is it in the room that you left it hit it's dangerous in that room for dangerous believe can pick it up dude wasn't picking it up and I'm dead howdy die from the [ __ ] water that's all down to vanoss yeah you got this violence Hey look at look at its termination termination that's a yes oh wow Steve what the [ __ ] oh hey is that ice or water that looks like it's gonna kill you straight up bro don't let it tell the left one don't left on and just just go just go just go been in that room before pay attention to your map you tell you where you been on the hide then go left then go in there and go left go in there and go left everyone yeah I know drink [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah southeast no no no do you sense a dodge it figure it out you ready get ready get ready get ready I've seen people get out of this before you just have to dodge it what is it don't flip oh hey oh my god it's the very version of dart we laid it down three levels all right we're playing half it - yes we're playing I have there - but we're playing a little bit differently this is a competition to see who can live the longest alright so the first rules yes the first rule is to throw your shoes in the corner we're not gonna be using shoes what oh we're not confuse the shoes okay I'll go first I'm gonna pick this room this how we're gonna play we're gonna play wait hold on open the door and then we're gonna back up through it I like this game so we'll go bought one by one so whoever's next pick a door turn around before us you're next you go Venice you go okay choose one of these three yeah you choose one and III you want passive turn around and walk backwards this one's definitely safe all right Wow turn oh yeah that looks really sick oh yeah hey no problem Wow to choose venoth you got this one I don't know if this one's safe but everybody gratulations he didn't bring ya anyone yet you're gonna join the skulls yes going to skull squad join the skulls I can hear the music with that one isn't the next round I guess I'll go first begin no choices so I'll go in the in the room with sounds I'm not afraid [Laughter] I'm going back in boys we're not allowed to go around the side when you go why would we go this way if you're opening door you can choose the center the left or right side Oh [Music] flashbang yes all right all right all right your turn Evan two doors obviously don't choose the right one because you kind of just went to that one it's fine I'm gonna die right now so it's okay you gotta believe it you had to believe you kidding me kidding me all right next level yes two more levels by the way whoever it lands on the last thing first is the this is the real winner go in there you're right you're right you're right you're right fine he's my choice good choice it's my my heaven and your hitman do I go forget it no actually [ __ ] it of Evan you go you go first you know if I get yeah you died like the first time each time so now I'll go first I'm gonna we're staying on the right side okay yes and on this side I'll tell them to subscribe to our channels these final words guys we're doing an item on and we're hoping the delirious doesn't dawn this is just a test to see if I'm really truly unlucky or choices will for traps yeah yeah okay I choose this one choose this one but only the left side [Applause] nice water oh that's a weird-looking floor come on those [ __ ] nice and you just get across and survive okay spike one of my ass man I'm neighbor ever die thank you were looking directly at it all right please give it another go buddy I'm not damn lucky how many rooms okay I got three rooms you listen to me listen to me listen to me look at me listen I know I know you've been fooling around on this full-time okay no no no no you have it in you okay you have it in you the best player will escape without the famous words come on neshama [Music] persuasive stuff I lost you in the corner some I feel let you get my life back control of it this time [Music]
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 4,868,294
Rating: 4.944603 out of 5
Keywords: Vanoss, Terroriser, Nogla, H20 Delirious, Silly, Funny, Half Dead 2, traps, prison, alligator, crocodile, lava, come on, rage, Doc oc, teddy bear
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 12 2019
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