Half Century of History: We pick a farm estate auction! Chevy trucks, Case tractors, & a Pontiac!

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everything on both trucks seems to work good brakes are good uh they both started up good for us they will out at a farm sale today this is the ingles estate this was a hog farm crop farm and you can tell there was just a great great pride of ownership of these items they took care of the vehicles took care of the equipment and a little dual quad intake there somebody had a performance car at some point and there's still pieces of it scattered here and there pretty neat little toy trucks here little cab over and little ford c series chevy truck there so we'll show you around show you what's here what's selling about 15 years ago updated the motor to a 350 truck engine and it had a 327. we overhauled that so 15 years ago we put about 1500 miles on it for the last 15 years it was our seedling truck we would catch an overflow off of a field if we had one trip that makes the elevators red trucks a 67 everything everything on both trucks seems to work good brakes are good they both started up good for us uh they willfully lead on the green the bleeds off a little bite through if it sets over the winter you gotta add some breakfast but that's normally what we do add a little breakfast the 970 case tracker we bought a new 74 kind of same story i think it's stolen over 7000 we did have a case internet casino but there's a engine they were late long trucks there we couldn't get new ones back then oh like this there you go guys ready to go any questions on the combine any questions i'm intense i'll see you right there how am i going to hit 5 000 foreign how much how much is your option guys tell me what you want to give i'm good here's what i'm going to do i'm going to earn five five times all right here nobody here to learn to spread it how much how much paper itself pretty quick that's some grassy thousand dollars holding half a pound hundred dollars out of here 2015 a 1500 paper itself in one afternoon 1500 1500 of 1750 1750 1750 1500 what about a number five two number five two hey good looking drugs right here oh guys get truck right there any questions on that truck sounds good looks good guys not a lot of hours on it not bad how much on it here i'm gonna talk about here hit your five thousand for it but five times all around here let's start it how much thousand fifteen hundred a fifteen hundred dollar only here tomorrow to get the chain hundred uh fifteen hundred dollars here's the talking parties my man fifteen get two yeah a six pound dollar here in the long run five hundred three times dollar running here tomorrow thirty five hundred dollar four four five dollar around here four four here talking to governors a forty five hundred dollars sir thank you now pride my top seller on the air i'm gonna hit the barney five now a five times dollar on it here's the money in the morning bomb now out here guys six thousand dollars a six thousand dollar here on the monday tomorrow six now a six year to the month here tomorrow a six thousand dollars here everybody here tomorrow here tomorrow you get six thousand even a six hour 62.50 now a 62 and a half on it here 92 i can't go wrong guys clean clean ready to go six thousand sixty two fifty diddy now sixty five hundred a sixty five hundred a sixty five hundred dollars here and a month here tomorrow now a 67 and a half i want to hear the money here tomorrow seven and a half an hour a 67 and a half want to hear the money here tomorrow seven and a half plus sixty seven fifty on the hill tomorrow 67 58 6 are you done you're done done 6 500 right there number what our prior number is 89 joe number 89 all right next one yes ah there you go guys next truck right there any questions on it i'm in here here i'm going to give you 5 000 for it a 5 000 around here started how much how much on that truck some fifteen hundred down fifteen hundred and two uh a two thousand dollar on it here two two here let me want that one too a two thousand dollar here i'm not gonna do that two a twenty five hundred dollar honor here seven and a half here to the talking to the doctor to particular seven and a half a twenty seven and a half hours here and i'm already here tomorrow at seven have an hour 27 50 here i'm not going to fire to get 27.50 now but 27 hundred did not have here the money had the fire to get seven and a half but 27 and a half want to hear anybody else 27 50 27.50 a 2750 out of here to buy to get 27.50 27.50 let's go to 2500 put it on fire number 31 number 31. okay hello there you go guys workforce ready to go right there case 970 any questions on that tractor they'll be right there how big here they're talking about it how much i'm dead here i'm gonna take a 7500 on that tractor seventy five hundred dollar around here started how much how about you how much on that good case tractor how much guys five hundred thousand thousand dollar around here tomorrow a thousand now a thousand dollar ninety thousand dollar here about to 4500 on it 4500 running here tomorrow to 45 now a 4500 out of here five five forty five now forty five hundred dollar army hit a market forty five a forty five hundred dollar duty on ahead of ninety forty but 4 500 now 45 45.5 you're not right five thousand five thousand even money five thousand dollars a fifty five hundred dollar on it and ironically 55 now 5 500 55 wrecks you're out 5500 5500 you get 500 500 here tomorrow morning tomorrow 55. 55.55 25 000 even put it on fire number 32 number 32 right down here so so all right there you go any questions on that track you've seen it you've heard it how many dollars here want to give you five thousand dollars to get thirty five hundred how am i trying to get thirty five hundred per pair talk to me how much how much guys start it guys 500. thank you 500 give a thousand everybody get thousand dollar bid and now now fifteen hundred dollars a fifteen hundred for it five thousand fifteen here not about seeing the two two and two thousand dollars on the two twenty two and a half a twenty two fifty i'm twenty two and a half two and a half twenty two and a half and now five twenty five hundred twenty two and a half you gotta be twenty five hundred twenty five and down to buying you for the bomb here we get twenty five hundred i'm gonna go 22 50 25 where 2500 yeah now 27.50 hang in there 27.5 about gardening oh that's 25 7. 27 58 20. i talked to an engineer 27.50 2500 and now seven and a half seven and a half last call all in all done 27.5 27.5 sold 2500 numbers 24 2 4 2 4 3 right up there all right they had it going here we go 500 bucks 500. talk to me start it two and a half 250 three four to four hundred three fifty four that's you three fifty four speakers this old guy that i see at auctions all right are we ketchup on the corner of his mouth i mean uh mustard are we dividing the spoils of war here i see something that'll keep my vinyl tops sparkling for my 69 to 72 grand prix at least for you mr good fires it's going to be extra for me yes i got to pay the pay the fame fame tax name tax oh the proud owner of some hot oh i think that's what auction joe said joe did you mean you didn't want the ashtray nope that's what van says at his sales when he can't when he can't sell a box of ashtrays he ever heard that start a new habit for a dollar just a dollar come on set up shop somewhere else tell you what i'll take them down here to turn them over look at all this fun stuff got the old landline telephone got the old telephone with the advertising sleeve lots of history here just not real old or exciting we still have to climb upstairs here did you oh you your good pliers that oxygen i sent you oh no i didn't i need to do that now this is kind of a cool cool hanger piece auto light plug gap wrench keychain thing with ford keys nice what is that this is midtown service you don't do whatever you want i'm happy to take the card your cash there's a steering piece for a case tractor for tractor dave i bet thank you sir thank you i just keep finding more stuff they call this a wonder pile you either wonder why you bought it or you have lots of wonder at all the great stuff you find did you buy those for the long darts yeah that's cool i remember throwing one so i bought everything and the kitchen sink as they say see the white porcelain sink on top there also did get a couple scully oil cans planet junior cultivator there's a bumper in there that i'll trade off for a derby car wire hubcap for the uncle buck car nothing great nothing spectacular but just a few base hits no home runs see obviously it was a rainy yucky day out at the sale but better to go pick some junk rather than sitting home and do nothing so i'm home here in my garage show off a few things i bought nothing super exciting old holly carburetor old rochester just look up the numbers on them and see if they're any good maybe put them on ebay got four pack of eight track players it's my plan for american greatness uh chicken in every pot uh malaise rescue car in every garage and eight track player under the dash of every one of them follow me for more great tips got the very very old rca victor tv cool piece little coleman camp jug on top of it and then some mid-century lighting pieces i like the size of that tv you could just put a little tablet in there and watch black and white dinosaur chevy show or even you guys that know the old rca ads they had the master's voice being played and then the dog would wonder where it came from so maybe we could have some mr good players cranked up and have uh some pancake wandering through and wondering where his master's voice is coming from out of the old tv project for another day right last piece to show you is this uh spanish art print or portuguese possibly be kind of a fun piece to research and find out a little more about people just kind of think of me as a car guy but i do have quite the appreciation for fine art studied that for a little bit in college and then kind of did my own study program on my own afterward about a year or two ago here something that i just really liked and kind of put it up on my fine art wall here in the garage if you watch my other videos i have one of forward look mopars and you can kind of check out the 59 imperial and the inspiration behind that and the story behind that picture so you
Channel: Mr. Goodpliers
Views: 20,513
Rating: 4.9153438 out of 5
Id: pye7Mdw2Pu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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