half•alive - still feel. [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
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Channel: half•alive
Views: 55,402,721
Rating: 4.9346962 out of 5
Keywords: half alive, half alive band, still feel, i still feel alive, the fall, aawake at night, awake at night, tip toes, half•alive, still feel., official music video, music video, video, band, josh taylor, j tyler, brett kramer, alive, dancing, 70s, dance, orange, funk, disco, alternative, pop, indie, 80s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 16sec (256 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Wow, this is pretty sick. Lead singer's got quite the presence too.
This is really fun, thanks for sharing! Their choreography brings me back to the early days of Ok Go.
Wow, very glad I opened the video. That was a great song.
woah, more like r/watchthis. choreography and videography was awesome. song's super catchy too, thanks for sharing!
My first thought was the Silicon Valley guy could dance
They sound awesome, sadly they only have 4 songs
Was this filmed in the off-site Batcave?
I fail to feel the funk within me, but a catchy tune indeed
That choreography was fucking amazing!