Hale transformation, The chimeran virus

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on july the 11th 1951 the americans launched an assault on the eastern coast of england on the second wave of that assault was a sergeant named nathan hale the actions of that soldier have become a matter of both scrutiny and myth what follows are the known events of his life from july 11th to july the 14th the day he was last seen [Applause] [Music] [Music] the american soldiers had no idea what they would soon be facing the u.s government had sealed its borders in 1950 radio waves and newspapers became state property only the highest levels of their government knew the truth the operation was an exchange the americans were bringing supplies and tanks into york we were giving them our one secret weapon something we could offer that they couldn't build themselves i was the commander of the convoy team that was to meet the us soldiers we were ambushed in manchester on the way to the rendezvous there was no way to warn the americans they were on their own in york fighting an enemy they knew nothing about we never learned exactly what happened there all we know is that nathan hale was the sole survivor [Music] captain you seeing this what the hell is that [Music] no one knows exactly how hale was infected by the camaron virus our only clue is a journal entry recovered from the body of a u.s medic it says that he encountered a number of comatose soldiers in a dry creek bed one of the soldiers a sergeant suddenly woke up unlike the other soldiers his body had no wounds at all the sergeant refused any kind of medical examination insisting on catching up to the rest of the company if that sergeant was in fact nathan hale then he remains the only known person to wake up after being infected whether the chimeran virus mutated within him or whether his body had an innate resistance to it remains a mystery [Music] well thought we might just hold this little piece of heaven tapazini bring those tanks in here and scrape out a landing zone sir incoming [Music] we know from the craters that the chimera ended the battle by launching spires there is no defense against aspire attack by the time you see them in the air it's already too late after impact the spires release swarms of crawlers literally thousands of them can come from a single spire whole cities have been infected in minutes after the crawlers have done their work the camaras send in carriers to collect the dormant victims the role of the carriers is to transport infected humans to conversion centers it's at these locations that the khmer and creatures are born hail was brought to a conversion center in the town of grimsby my convoy team and i were imprisoned at the same location we had been captured uninfected so we will put in makeshift pens until they could infect us [Music] over here over here bloody hell thanks for that i'm parker hey sergeant hale first rangers an american we thought the chimera stopped all of you in york chimera those creatures oh you jammed it i'm sorry hale looks like you'll have to find your own way out i'll be in touch frequency 77.6 it was strange enough that a lone american soldier was walking around a khmer and conversion center but it was his eyes that were most disturbing they showed unmistakable khmer and traits it was subtle but it was there whoever nathan hale was he wasn't entirely human [Music] the tower must be shut down from the inside you have to take us closer negative recon sent in a fleet of savers to clear you all right lieutenant dr malachov stay with the escort and be ready for dust off in case of trouble little radio after we clear path of the tower [Music] [Music] nathan here let me help you how are you feeling nathan mostly human [Music] when cappelli found you the virus had progressed too far i kept you comatose while i searched for a cure but now i i am so sorry nathan [Music] how long do i have three hours if we are lucky [Music] after iceland their ships rolled over serpa bases coast to coast they dug up towers we didn't even know about then two days ago the fleet started moving south command tracked it down to mexico whole fleet just hovering there near the gulf no one knows what to make of it did the perimeter hold up the perimeter the perimeter's gone all we have left is the baton rouge protection camp three million people who haven't seen so much as a supply truck in weeks if we don't do something now it's only a matter of time before they starve to death or worse [Music] so are you gonna make your last hours count because if not i'd like to know in advance [Music] let's go [Music] so [Music] capelli [Music] foreign uh [Music] it's not responding [Music] uh just once i wish you'd try landing one of these things [Music] hale what happened what the hell is that can you hear them they are calling yours it's beautiful stay back this is just the beginning forgive me sir it was an honor
Channel: The chef steffon
Views: 8,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft Studios (Video Game Developer), Sony Computer Entertainment (Video Game Developer), IGN (Website), Eurogamer (Website), Machinima (Website Category), GameSpot (Award-Winning Work), Kotaku (Website), Joystiq (Website), Activision (Video Game Developer)
Id: bcdk12ciEjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 19 2021
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