Hakone: Where you ride in, look at, and soak in a lot of stuff

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Hello World! Where I'm from in Japan, this is what Hakone is like. So this is the obento we eat at that train. And you can see what you want to buy. You can get karaage, and you can get onigiri, and you can get one in a Shinkansen. Do you know what kind of train this is? This is a "Romance Car." "Romance Car"... Oh...so it's romantic in there? I don't think it's romantic, but it's just called "Romance Car." Ah. Oh, look at that! Itadakimasu! What did you think of the train ride? It was good. I saw lots of farms, and Fuji-san, and lots of mountains, and it was very cool. Yeah, everybody loves taking pictures of Fuji-san. You think that's normal, or do you think people made that? I think they put rocks and put big rocks together and they made it. I thought most of the walk was very beautiful, but I was a bit surprised by all the pipes you could see. What is this place called? "Hien no Taki." Well, this is actually a famous waterfall, or something. Did you wanna go into the water? Yeah, but it looks so cold. You're feeding goldfish. Kingyo, right? There's Koi, and Kingyo and Kingyo, even if it's an adult, it's still kind of small. Oh I see. So they look like big goldfish, but they're actually Koi? Yeah. So this is the valley we went to and it's snuggled in between the mountains. What did you think of it, Aiko? Lots of fields, and there are lots of nature, and they're so beautiful. What did you think about this type of train? Well, it's kinda different from the usual ones that we go on, and it looked kind of old. Haha, yeah. I think it looked old, because it was old. Oh. And, how many tunnels did we go through? Do you remember? Well, it's a lo-o-ot of tunnels. Why was this steaming? Because it was Onsen water. This is the room we slept in. When we went there, it had snacks waiting for us. I really loved the view. Yup. Oh, wow! Look at all this food! I liked the soup. It was so yummy! I like trading some of the food I don't like to other people so they can give me food that I do like. Ha, ha, ha! I think I'd rather have the kid's meal, honestly. Yeah. I wanted adult's meal. Really? Yeah. Oh. We totally should have just switched dishes, then. Yeah, ha, ha! Oh. I really liked this. It was kind of raining/sunny at the same time. Oh, and here is breakfast. Wow! There are just so many dishes! Yup. Can you actually eat all the dishes? I don't know if I can eat it all by myself. Well, did you? Well... no. You had to cook your own food? Yup. How was the ofuro, Shin? Good! Good! We are going to go into a private family bath. Shin. So, what are those baskets for, Shin-chan? For your clothes!!! OK. Put your clothes in. Shin. Shin. Don't put yourself in there. No. It's not for the entire you! It is! Shin. It is! Ugh! So we put the bath- our clothes in the basket, so we didn't go to the ofuro. All right. Aaaaah! Don't show us. Here we go! Come on in! I will wash my body and go there. And we have body soap, conditioner and shampoo. So, cut that. We need to wash. The best thing about doing an onsen with your son is he can scrape your back for you! This is real hot spring water, so it kind of smells like rotten eggs. How does it feel, Shin-chan? Good. Good. Good. And poor Shin-chan has bug bites all over his face, because mosquitoes got into our room last night. You can't jump in the onsen. We can't put the towel in the onsen. We can't swim in the onsen. Bad! Ba-a-ad! So this is a private onsen, so that's why we're allowed to film in here, and we also didn't use the towels before we put them in the onsen, because you don't wanna do that, because you get soap on the towels and it gets dirty, but we never did that, so it was fine that we put the towels in the onsen, just for showing you what not to do. Do you know what this is called? I think is kind of motorail. Motorail? I don't know. Mountainrail? I really don't know. I'll look it up and then I might put it on the screen after. But it climbs up the mountain, right? Yup. The roof from the top of the mountain is pulling this train up. I thought it was a pretty ride. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Yup. Oh. There. That's the pulley. Oooh! Oh, it's steaming! Yeah. It looks like it's broken. Hey, Aiko, what is that? Orange cola. Well, it doesn't taste bad. Ha, ha, ha! It doesn't mean it tastes good either. This reminds me of Whistler, back in Canada. Oh! Yeah! Right? Peak gondola? Yup. Look! Pirate ships. Well, they're not actual pirates. What are you doing to him? No! What are you doing to him? Daddy! Don't steal my captain! No, no. He's my captain! Come back here! That's my captain! Well, is this a big swan? Yeah. Giant swans. Bam! Bam! What did you think of this boat ride? Well, I didn't see any fish and it just looked like a big pool. Well, that's pretty much what a lake is. Well, yeah. This is were we ate. Yeah. I thought it was pretty good for a restaurant that's just like a tourist type of restaurant. Yeah. It was so... beautiful. Mm-hm. What kind of shop is this, Aiko? This is a gift shop. And what kind of stuff can you buy? You can buy Hakune's famous food and stuff. Do you have to buy gifts for people? No, but I'll buy gifts. A few hundred years ago, when people were traveling, they had to stop here. But this is not the real place. Well, this was actually the real place. Yeah. It was. They rebuilt it. So this is not... It wasn't like new like this, but it really did exist in that exact spot. When people traveled, they had to go through this check point. She is mad, and then she is sad. So a big reason they were inspecting people was because they wanted to prevent the wives and children of the lords from leaving Tokyo. Those lords would not disobey the shogun, because their families would be in danger if they did. You need to go to jail. Aiko, you go in there too because you're bad. "Prison." No...! Help... me! Can I go out now? Fine. Hey, what did you think about this toilet? Well, it looks kind of weird and I don't wanna go in. We made it. Thanks for watching! See you next time! Bye! What's a family getaway like where you're from? You have to go closer, remember? And your voice has to be here. You see? Aaaah! Wow! Please, please don't hurt my ears.
Channel: Life Where I'm From
Views: 700,292
Rating: 4.9536643 out of 5
Keywords: Japan, train, boat, gondola, hot spring, ryokan, mountain
Id: mQ-ocnFYyMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 19 2016
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