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does Hailee Steinfeld have a kid

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Son_Jnow_95 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

"What's Hailee Steinfeld?"

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/man_with_0_names 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
hey I'm Hailee Steinfeld and I am doing a wired autocomplete interview Oh scared no not except let's go first question is how is Hailee Steinfeld I don't really know how to answer this I'm how how am i yeah I'm good how tall is Hailee Steinfeld this is where I lie and say five seven was Hailee Steinfeld in Harry Potter no is that like do people think good yes what is Hailee Steinfeld doing now currently right this second I am sitting here talking to you do says Hailee Steinfeld have a child not that I'm aware of I do not have a child does Hailee Steinfeld write her own songs I do music is a huge huge part of my life and I love that I'm able to use that as an outlet of self-expression in a way that I don't necessarily or can't really do in my acting my music is is me and it's only getting more real so I'm very excited for people to hear how much of myself is in these new songs so Hailee Steinfeld have siblings I have one older brother and he is quite possibly the best older brother on the planet his name is Griffin he is 25 and truly my best friend and has been the greatest role model in my life you get to sort of watch your older sibling go through life and make mistakes and learn from them so that you don't necessarily make the same ones and that's kind of an amazing thing and an unfortunate thing for them in a sense but he is so wonderful and has sacrificed so much for me to be able to do what I love and is just so supportive and Griffin I love you that's about all the nice things I'll say about you for the rest of the year does hailee steinfeld have her ears pierced she does now people okay I just got them fierce for the first time a couple months ago my mom wanted me to be old enough to make my own decision about getting them pierced so when I became old enough to decide I decided that I was too indecisive so I guess I got to a point where I was kind of waiting for somebody to tell me I had to but I woke up one day and was like I'm ready I'm on the Pierce Myers I need a little change in my life you know saying it's a little spicy so I'm when Pierce my hair is so rebellious I know does Hailee Steinfeld have tattoos secrets just kidding no I don't have any tattoos I love tattoos though if I found something that I found incredibly meaningful to me I would do it for sure love the idea of it what color is Hailee Steinfeld's hair brown light ish dark some people say it's dark and I've never colored it fun fact what does Hailee Steinfeld sing she sings this a really great song right now called afterlife which is a part of the show called Dickinson that I'm incredibly excited about that I've been working on for I have no sense of time but a while and it's finally out there about to be in the world which is insane what was Hailee Steinfeld first movie true grit I was 13 years old when I made that film and it was the absolute time of my life the Coen brothers are I have no words to describe them they are the ultimate that cast was absolutely incredible I could not think of a better first movie experience it was and is hearted hard to be right before everybody was about to go away for Christmas vacation I started working with my coach on the material in the hopes of getting an audition if not I was preparing to make a tape and send it in and sure enough I was called in at the end of the end of break and I had was prepared because I've been working on it because my momma told me to and then I went in I had three auditions over the course of I think a month and then after my last audition a week later I was on a plane and I was in the middle of nowhere shooting a movie called True Grit what was Hailee Steinfeld's first song loved myself and that song represents self love and self confidence and that sort of self reassurance I was so happy that it was a song that not only was a message I could give to my fans but a reminder to myself especially during that time of like jumping into the music space because that was that a little scary what languages does Hailee Steinfeld speak I wish I spoke languages other than my own other than English in my own language that I speak with myself in my head let's go it is Hailee Steinfeld related to Jerry Seinfeld no unfortunately you see there is a minor difference here there is a team missing okay so no relation unfortunately just admiration is Hailee Steinfeld Canadian I wish I love Canadians is Hailee Steinfeld married to Justin Bieber classic makes up no I'm not Hailee Bieber is married to Justin Bieber is Hailee Steinfeld vegan I am NOT vegan I have quite a few friends that are I'm all for it if you are vegan you fully support it I think that's great yeah is Hailee Steinfeld nice no she's a nightmare I do not recommend if you can avoid any encounters with her definitely do it okay when is Hailee Steinfeld's birthday December 11th Sagittarius I do feel like a pretty true sad I'm learning a lot more about my sign as I get older and and I do find that there are you know there are a few things that are off but for the most part it's pretty accurate which is scary and then I do find that whenever I am Andrew said in a guy I immediately go to our Sagittarius women compatible with blank and I read up on it and I definitely follow if it's not skirt no one was Hailee Steinfeld born so December 11 1996 lil Hailee Steinfeld feet in bumblebee - is their bumblebee - that I don't know about because if there is I better be in it if Hailee Steinfeld win lip sync battle yes she did people that was so fun I am obsessed with that show and think it's so great the way they like fully fully go for it is so exciting it's like a full-on production it's basically what I aspire for my own personal shows to look like but we did a live lip-sync battle and it was so exciting I was actually very very sick and had no voice so the irony of it being a lip-sync battle I was so prepared to prepared I lost my voice whose Hailee Steinfeld does anybody know it's a great question who is Hailee Steinfeld's best friend I have a handful of very close friends I mentioned one before is my brother and my parents but I do have some wonderful people in my life that I have known for my whole life that are just rad people that I'd like to be around so yeah shout out to you guys you know who you are who does Hailee Steinfeld look like do I look like anybody anybody do it spit it out I look like me okay when I was younger I I got Brooke Shields kinda every now and then which I mean huge massive compliment I look like my mom did Hailee Steinfeld play guitar and begin again I did play guitar I shot that film in in New York City actually which is so much fun and I did play guitar in the film I had about I want to say like a week of rehearsals for it I just remember being incredibly nervous because I felt like I was you know we were on a rooftop in New York City of filming a movie but like filming a scene that we were performing live and it was a very big deal and I was so excited about it but very very nervous but it worked because the character was nervous so came natural and yeah I loved I loved playing the guitar did Hailee Steinfeld win an Oscar no no but I was nominated when I was 14 years old which is insane I don't know how I did that the coolest part about that whole experience is no one that I made that project with was concerned about winning anything it was just about getting together and creating a creating art I am incredibly honored that I received that that that on earth and home nation um but yeah I don't know I get to do what I love I get to wake up every day and be around cool people that inspire me so that feels like a big win to me I'm Hailee Steinfeld this was so much fun thank you for googling me and yeah hope it cleared some things up there
Channel: WIRED
Views: 2,902,282
Rating: 4.9589567 out of 5
Keywords: autocomplete, autocomplete interview, hailee steinfeld, wired autocomplete interview, google interview, hailee steinfeld dickinson, hailee steinfeld wired, hailee steinfeld google interview, hailee steinfeld interview, hailee steinfeld autocomplete, hailee steinfeld funny, hailee steinfeld answers, hailee steinfeld answers questions, hailee steinfeld answers webs most searched, hailee steinfeld google search, wired
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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