Hacked to Hell - Agar.io Gameplay (w/Autumn)

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right here with the so that's how you get in and we're all a team we're all gonna be a team Oh put that in chat we're gonna take over the server oh I didn't know oh well it's too late we're gonna take up the server guys so let's do it everyone join someone put that link in chat please oh that's like huh do you think they just ignore me because they oh that's the end [ __ ] they've already cuz they're too small what's the plan the plan is to protect me we will get me to the top of the server but we're probably gonna end up having to designate one other person oh it's it's up there actually it's on the screen chat okay it's top left sérgio thanks the sub Bruce is definitely wearing shorts Bruce is always wearing shorts short Jan I'm having a [ __ ] stroke James Napper Tandy asked if you're wearing shorts well to be fair his name is weird James you're right Bert and to be fair all right we got 10 friends in here I think we can take up to oh boy oh they're getting aggressive I think we can take up to or a minute korban up to like 50 or 60 want to say everybody wants to know if you're okay I'm wondering as well my brain is bad from the measles vaccine from something you don't even do drugs or drink or anything well sometimes people just have bad [ __ ] brains okay poppy from god damn Einstein Corbin oh that was make sure you put a name in so we can call you on stream i see ska oh you had the music i can't put the music in because otherwise youtube will claim it oh yeah and we're recording right now recording it because I'm gonna put this up on youtube so that when we take over the server I'll have a record of it blue one well Scott's doing it all right Scott stay with me let's go get big uns oh do what how do we feed oh I don't remember chat what's the one is it spacebar no space for blitz you I think it's ear w w w here we go Scott here eat some more oh you said hi drew I didn't mean to James mafart and he says I just want to say I live in Scotland it's very very late here I love fun house got the t-shirts watch all the videos etc good lads keep up the good work he lives in Scotland Scotland liking it like ska - Lynne yeah I guess I just watch that man explode it myself need some rent sup need some red cell phone you could get free food from any fast food place which one you choose Foreman help you can't eat you can't that's so dumb [ __ ] hate that I plug in make sure you heal thing okay make sure you uh make sure you protect but also attack do you know name I guess I don't oops Bruce's nameless red dot oxen blood we know you which is also what I call my period oh oh it's okay name no I think I have to well form another party because I already don't like this room you don't like this traffic I think it'll put us in the same room different party I think so then we can try I'll try just put your name in there brah um okay that's a new one new new room guys g2a four three three XL j four three three XL XL it will be on the screen on the top left oh no this is the wrong one wait is it G four three three XL here they come yeah here they come oh no no no wait for me those are I think those are actual robots cuz they're called agar BOTS really yeah no I think there are actual robots playing come here okay oh my gosh that was so close ma don't eat them that's probably right sorry I was just going off autopilot that's better though oh yeah whenever you see somebody with dole yeah there's the soldier Chris that's why guys watch out there's a big man up there yes the goal is to get one of us also just as big as brought them so that we can trade this is [ __ ] [ __ ] tired people playing like that that's how you play fine how they play in the normal rooms well he fed me thank you I mean a [ __ ] in the corner it clings yeah that's a robot for sure just eat them up kids uh no II garma Oh Thank You soldier Chris thank you try goes god damn corner eat that up eat it up I don't eat that one up time to stop you know what I gotta get out of here you know eat him up eat him ox and Bloods up Oh pox and lo just [ __ ] dude help big as that purse blaze blaze blaze it 420 I don't think those are robots I think that's it I think those a team oh thanks Neil oh thank you sacrifice them get away from me stalking me scar you Stark oh thank you Oh what were that nameless green dot Thank You friends is our friend those friend sorry I'm not trying to eat you runs it oh well thank you trying to get don't kill Bruce the goose I'm not trying to eat any of you just an FYI yeah we will not try and eat you you can sacrifice yourself to us but we will not try and eat you well thank you no heap death Luke death I'm telling you those are robots no okay next yes eat them up eat them oh you joking oh [ __ ] Oh what oh you can't eat me dude I think you're bigger than he does well thank you hello when you get bigger than somebody and then they get freaked out yeah korban moving up the ranks next sort is is somehow competing with you hey son oh thanks son it was risky no mr. John thanks for the sub Tier one sub Oh like you yellow for fever oh thank you for food double Fox sir don't we think oh okay bacon Bruce beat your number six oh don't move down we need Corbin we need you to come up come up real fast we need you to get large the weekend quakes thank you just disappear thank you happy ska day if we lose this somehow we will average Baltimore thanks for the bits do you guys wanna join I think there's still room in a JD for three three XL is the it's agario / hashtag G four three three XL oh I gotta get out of there guys you know Quigs I'll try I really don't want to split to vulnerable right now you're number 506 okay jean-claude scab am terrible oh I don't like yeah but they're doing that thing oh there's a lot of them doing that thing no no no I don't like this I don't like this they're all gonna combine and eat me I know that's not fair oh no get the [ __ ] away from me go down oh yeah like you can't beat that they're doing the same [ __ ] I know it'll soon guys we have to be better than them we have to be better than them guys no we have to be better than them we ma I'm not we must protect yeah but we also need we need yeah there you go no the N name cells are coming up just try to stay large if you can let's all go bottom left everybody go bottom left oh no oh no oh no no I came to go bottom left so I don't like this mode because people play like this in this mode well that's worse that's the only way to do it and you won't kind of get in the same room anyway within the other road one damn thanks to the sub whoa I'll get it thank you I in the game thank you I'm so small right now that I can't I can't even eat the stuff you feed me well it's Frank Sinatra wait that's huh that's not one of us that's not what I'm up yeah I think Frank's ganache ro was on your side but he didn't have a little party thing mom he was a renegade oh cool guy oh there goes cool guy did you say thanks to Vaughn dam I did okay bottom left everybody we got to get the me and one other person real big oh hi trauma Tom - thank you dig in this is so scary number one Sonic fan scan ik [ __ ] no [ __ ] lame dude they're just trading right yeah it's so dumb like how do you how do you feel satisfied playing that way this feels [ __ ] cheap what they win uh I'm like the type of person where if I don't win by the hardest way possible I feel like a piece of [ __ ] and that's why my life is so stressful wait what do you mean the hardest way possible actually actually everything the hardest possible way ya know we we can't we came to win than this and this is supposedly the easy way know what I'm saying them doing that [ __ ] is [ __ ] dumb I hate it I like oh I was getting upset guys I like that channel oh that was right into the robot Oh scared oh yeah you're right it isn't a garble chuggers oh he death is a friend of ours no I hate you all right so blob and oxen blood where are you guys right now we need to know so we can come to you blob and oxen blood Bob Bob oh hi Carmen yep competitive edge it's coming out no it's more uh why do I live my life this way edge I'm just I'm starting to realize I'm just not satisfied by anything unless it's like way too [ __ ] hard and that's not a way to live except the help that people give you know I should don't go that way oh you're right my brain Channel something's wrong with my head it's the it's the vaccine dog the vac vaccine absolutely yeah I gave you a mild version of measles and it [ __ ] with your brain Oh what's up a retro he's after you it's me Cathy you can catch mukha and brought him some cotton blob where are you guys cat and blood type of the chat so we know where you are oh hi Renzo what's up Apollo 3 - no thanks the Sun pollo come and get me I know you have it yeah there is a battle royale mode you can eat those robots I'm telling you Kat and brought him some where are you oh hey I can't my brain your brain all right we're gonna do it there's cat I'm staying with you cat I'm right now oh jeez all right next to you cat please don't eat me cat please don't eat me it's brought them bump me daddy so I think we're bottom-left that we are right now I think there's a corner right there you're oh yeah that is left dude something's wrong with my head I know you I'm genuinely stupid right now no I'm having a stroke what's happening you're not having a stroke well thank you hold on let me eat it up meat it up let me eat it up let me eat it up let me eat it Scott on my face all right no cats doing great everybody feed cat and brought him feed cat and brought him well forget about cat don't forget about cat guys feed cat as well and green it looks like as well Oh oh you're trying to come after us oh no we [ __ ] you guys you're in a corner and now you're here looked here cat eat me eat me cast - wait no dude [ __ ] there's no winning with these people well they stream sniping agario are you [ __ ] kidding me right now no these people are you even straining they're just well they're definitely playing together yeah they're definitely together this is what people do brought him son we have to find brought him son good job cat way to go cat you tried and I appreciate that but this is [ __ ] because they're following us into this corner Oh who's that that must be our friend it's it's mr. wolf is our friend look I'm mr. wolf mr. wolf get oh all right never mind don't meet down there top right don't meet in any corners they're gonna get [ __ ] top right and everybody top right [ __ ] [ __ ] man do we need like three or four how do we have a whole room of people that we can't do this I don't understand stop top right oh boy that was close extremely are you trying to eat me cool it is a bloodbath what's wrong with you what happened you were fine all right top right everybody hey Bob try to make it the top right Oh Scott Oh Oh dizzy great just great oh dude what's happening right now bob is still doing well hey blob where are you looking at your girl as [ __ ] this game I'm [ __ ] playing yeah I'm playing where's that go away Ronald's faster than you blob where are you are we so bad at this well you can't really do much against that we should be able to though we have a bunch of people so well how are we doing this wrong because they're already so huge usually catch ups on look at meal chasing me oh you mate you scrub daddy gotcha oh well thanks extreme Ann um where is blob actually where's brought him son oh yeah part of a son where are you we must find him banana sit up this is really scary up here where's brought him son oh this is just one team's it is that's masquerading itself yeah that's it that's all it is and once you get to the top you never ever can be unseated thank you where is brought him son brought him son is at number four we need to help brought him son the snap must find you see sky bought the spanic scanning oh nice where has brought him son home oh dude private server that's no fun it doesn't make any sense all they're doing is this over and over and over all right then let's do another one because it [ __ ] these guys [ __ ] [ __ ] just jerking each other off good luck brought him son wait what the hell did we lose an internet connection or something what's going on I'm gonna look at more Scout tattoos I guess a carios down that's the first thing it's the same server well I'm gonna leave that party can I not leave that party just go to get rid of the hash tag FFA in the okay create so it's FFL sh c FF l sh c and then Saitama and agar bot or we're gonna jerk each other off while we lose FFL s HC ox and bloods coming up in the world I see it whoa stellan skarsgård welcome Tom nuts welcome Tom nuts welcome Tom looks like Corbin's doing doing all right over here Oh who's that I meet you thank you thank you very much oh oh you first thank you Oh Bea was lagging out yeah people's lagging out you're right top right all right go on top right top right scam thanks I am the game oh okay top right everybody thank you thank you scam are you [ __ ] joking there dude that's what they do how did they time it's so [ __ ] perfect no I can't then it's part of my hen you DUP spider-man for me dude what the [ __ ] man I need to learn when when to split or something right I'm glad you're totally tuned out it's okay baby no problem I don't want to keep you here if you're not feeling good why not keep them here but am i bringing down the street just like I don't know I feel bad tell me honestly you're not bringing down anything don't worry about it okay I just don't want you to be dizzy over here well I am but I'm here unnamed cell and Zenith dark sky we need to help mommy daddy is doing well new server again all Troost is trying else Casa di just ate you up oh dude oh yes that's the same person you're right they're following us they're absolutely following us bottom right bottom right Oh parrot on weed dude how'd it fill up so fast oh they're trying to do it they're trying to do I think they are they succeeding or failing I can't tell oh all right skanking on the dots and I am the game where are you guys let's go bottom right let's everybody go bottom right heat up those your mind dodge Thank You Audrey's what do you not slithered out Iowa's um I've heard of it I think it's like a snake game yeah I can't remember if you play with other people are not so we're never going down it's okay I feel bad mmm okay take it easy okay sorry stream it's all right they understand you got the measles thank you well there goes me again uh how did how do they follow us again let's just let's do it again let's do new new new lobby new lobby here national who's ok all right since why mean who are y9b ng r y9 b and g are it's in the top left as well and it looks like there's only a few people so we should be able to take this over and just eat each other up and be a white boy and pepperoni and jumbo are here but since there's so many people there's got to be a sniper in here right I mean it has to be let's go bottom left everybody go bottom left everyone go bottom-left the eyelet there has to be somebody who's following these bottom left everyone all right here we go you guys are doing great you're doing great we're gonna take over the server right now here we go all I want is this person here well thanks mother's be aware well thanks national ska day all right national Scotty orange okay number one bottom left and then we invite but then I need one other person looks like big little fish but Reapers still somehow bigger than should be uh oh no what am i doing aha [ __ ] did not mean to do that oh look at all you guys it's beautiful this is so cool love all the way all of everybody's everybody's protecting thank you thank you very much thank you so we gotta go get Reaper we have to get Reaper and more bots all right to the right let's all go to the right yeah I wish my little guys would combine I know we're doing an Astros ami we're doing it well thanks Zenith if I play Scott on the background I can't post this video on YouTube and I want to post it on YouTube so that when we win I'll have I'll have evidence where is more BOTS Mariner thanks to the sub we're doing it the Avengers are assembling how are we not number one scotum Scot him let's go bottom right tonight install the Chris bottom right here how are we not number one where where is former where is reaper top mid okay got headed top met everybody go top mid everyone go top mid top man here we go it's huge you might all have to feed me then Avengers Assemble all right there's NBA white boy we can get him oh look at all you guys sacrificing yourself going top mid oh there's Reaper holy [ __ ] they're already doing it oh my gosh dude you have got to be joking me no don't feed him No what the [ __ ] his BOTS house you have BOTS how in the world does he have bonds oh my gosh [ __ ] I didn't oh he's right there yeah it doesn't make any sense so he's dividing with the bots what the [ __ ] is going on what are we missing about this game chat so is it there's just like one really mean person in the chat that's just following over and over there what a skank I'll make a new one c7a dxn c7a dxn we're missing BOTS oh this is where I was before see 7i DXM don't share it well then I then nobody else to be able play with me and I want to I want to play with you guys oh my gosh dude all right I'm going looks like bottom left I'm gonna go bottom-left see like howling those gar bots are BOTS right they've got to be as their rhythm only message subs there is not I can email all of you but like a thousand people will get an email and not every obviously not everybody is here so well thanks guys all right I think we're in almost to the bottom right thanks I'll truce oh thanks all right do that Oh Rudy's boyss maybe I should be splitting more to ska banksy Oh big little fish all right stay with big little fish stay large stay large whatever you do stay large and we're gonna we're gonna own the server here yeah so Reapers back in because they're following right so there's obviously somebody in chat that's following everybody feed a big little fish and what a skank make sure you guys do that I'm just gonna stay near a big little fish HQ hamako thanks to the sub mobile sub announcement can you feed yourself on your split I know well you can you can feed yourself from the but then it does that so it's like it splits off oh [ __ ] a little fish No why'd you do that now I can't compete yeah they're doing the same thing they are doing the same thing over and over and over I don't understand how they keep following us in I don't understand okay let's do another 138 PB eg 38 PD eg so far this looks like a different room it's definitely a BOTS farm but like how did they come how do they find the stream and know that we're playing agario that's what I want to know and also how are they so good at this game Oh Jojo won thanks to the sub yeah so how is he getting those BOTS to fly in how is that happening well I'm SCAF Oh game puts BOTS in the same instance I made a bot by pressing W what how is that possible all right I'm going down right Bob bottom right bottom right thanks oxen blood I don't think I can eat it too small oh good all right stellan skarsgård everybody feed Stellan Oh No stellen protect yourself Stella No I'll I'll get a new room link cuz I cannot figure out how to win this game how can we not win this game with like 60 people it doesn't make any sense it makes it literally no sense alright okay nla g6g nla g6g this is an empty room right now no Reaper none of that dumb [ __ ] I'll try uh slither ayah on a second I just I'm just really confused as to how we can't win this I'm gonna go bottom left everybody go bottom left and let's feed up to people for Bruce big guy top right all right so we'll just stay bottom left then there was a bigger guy bottom left - Oh scars are what's up on truce all right well I think we're here everybody's here bottom left right guys well thanks Scott on my face appreciate that mom'll be a weird scam feedly and feed llegan guys vegans number-two llegan where are you is that legal it is llegan yeah feed llegan and cheater thanks Bob everybody feed Leegin and then what we'll do is we'll we'll form up and take Leegin over thank you well thanks looking League and stay large stay large well I'll stay largest a large you stay large Leegin everybody feed Leegin the RAM Lincoln where's make sure you guys feed Leegin Liggins number 2 CB Roose is not on our team not in our party interestingly enough Leegin are you doing okay down here when you combine backup will uh there you go now we're doing it all right leg and let's go get them just so you know when you're playing agario you can there's a little person over the icon of the person that you're playing with that's they that's how you know they're in your party it's like a little man a little white man we were just bottom left so thanks Bob look who's at ed thanks to the sub I appreciate it Liggins combining again everybody feed llegan yes all right Liggins number three though [ __ ] mom Arby's thanks to sub you guys are doing a great job we're doing a fantastic job right now oh no his beer is on our team see somebody's feeding B ruse no digging no no llegan come this way so wait it's beers on our team popper oh thanks to the sub I can't tell if beavers is on our team or not alright we gotta get em be a white boy now llegan that was amazing I cannot say enough about that sacrifice teaming is worse than hacking well everybody's doing it in these servers just so you know all this is so tense no how am I not larger than NBA white boy Oh oh this is so scary keep feeding me guys keep feeding me feed me on the Eastside I'm number one that we're doing it we're doing it scarifice Skara fast yourselves all right I gotta go this way I'm not getting any food MBA white points taking all my food no who is that are you joking are they gonna be teams now they are they're gonna do it chick East Ricky's you're not teaming hard enough huh how much harder do we need a team hey guess what Reapers back in by the way and how is you see all the bots feeding Reaper what is how is that what is going on what is happening up there they're gonna combine again somehow what the [ __ ] are you joking who Luke Skywalker why are the bots feeding them I am so confused yeah he's definitely in the chat there's definitely somebody who's doing this thank you you guys are doing a fantastic job I don't understand how he can't beat this person it makes no sense I didn't I totally didn't no no No dude what what happened yeah how do they combine back so fast is there a button that I don't know about move 69 man thanks to the sub and verify thanks to the sub what is happening right now by the way Reaper is somehow in 2nd and 4th place what am i doing what are they doing right that doesn't make any sense I don't get it no no no all right so w2 split but is there another button that I don't know about is there another button that I don't know oh geez whoa yeah all the all the more OVH bots are feeding them so like so how is that happening yeah there has there has to be a game mechanic we're not aware of but I don't know what it is right there has to be Thank You fullmetal failure jeez I feel like I'm going crazy I'm going bottom left bottom left your pieces come back faster if you eat so they're constantly splitting and eating alright I'll do that geez we can look out no are you joking Oh so should I be splitting more often busted by BOTS well where are the bots coming from that's what I want to know like that's why I'm so confused like where are these BOTS coming from thanks God I'm going a top left how are they coming from Reaper he's making them he somehow hacked the game this room is where every room is bad yeah I guess you do you do eat faster if there's two of you but then you're way more susceptible sacrifice when these splits oh you're right oxen blood that's what that's all I'm doing they're just they're running a script create a bunch of guests that's exactly right and that's what they're did they're they spending their time hacking agario man that's wild well thanks I punch Canada it's up satchel charge that's really what they're doing is just spending their time hacking agario it's blowing my mind right now Thanks graphic llegan we're all friends here llegan well Gigi's not our friend yeah that's what they're doing they're feeding each other they're literally feeding each other holy [ __ ] this is wild I'll be Roose was part of our team well thank you so these are garbetts must be feeding them Boudreaux I'm actually known the guitar player of yellow card for years and years I went to high school with him great guys names Ryan so yeah I've been a fan of them for a long time all right we'll do slither io after this if we can't get to the top it's just so shitty man that's what a what a garbage thing to do just go and hack these games over and over although all they're doing is creating BOTS and then feeding each other look hate it hate it oh yeah I think I knew that Boudreaux just blowing my mind that that's what people do now I guess not now they've always done them in agario streamer that's right as in Purdue B I've converted over now I'm only streaming agario all the time well Leegin no no League and don't feed me thinking you're doing great [ __ ] no don't no I need your help Leegin beams you thanks to the sub very much does rhe burger so feel like you're gonna eat faster this way which makes sense the cardio cosplay you can't see adults cheating in this no yeah I mean like probably just people that are like so bored like hack unpack of real game or something I have split feed me I'm number three looks like Brazilian skank is coming up to so feed Brazilian skank I can't go that way they're just sitting there waiting don't go into whoever that is thanks graphics holy [ __ ] dude why why is this what people do young tennis ball thanks to the sub dude I don't understand it I don't get it I'm gonna sweat [ __ ] no No dude this is all people do I don't understand uh what the [ __ ] yeah those are big big-time hacks all right let's try a that is just absolutely no fun and I can't believe people do that John lemon thanks to the sub oh wait - John John gave me a clip Oh what's up Bruce how's it going what are you doing it's probably not cooking cuz you don't know how but guess what I'm doing that's chicken it doesn't look good right now because I sous-vide it but it's very delicious alright clip that it's in that to him Oh what's disgusting we're starting YouTube make sure you make sure you clip what I just sent or what I just said about him clip that and send it back to John and said it looked like it was disgusting alright I don't know that I can do this I don't know that we can play together slither IO try and join me but I don't know that we can I'm John Smith was definitely Reaper he could probably do that too he could probably create a script yeah why would I play this if I can't play with you guys that's the point of that of agario I want to play agario with you guys whoa America what the [ __ ] whatever we're going back to Acharya holy [ __ ] never mind not this one when I create a new one don't go to that one there's only like four rooms so they keep seeing necks or and every one of them I don't know that we can beat the hackers guys because they're hackers so and we're not scribble on Io let's try scribble Ohio that's not even thing wired pyromaniac thank you for the sub power line dial I'm in I just want to play games with chat that's kind of what I want to do right now there's the room link I'll put that in chat I can't see anything as a banner ad there Oh Lawrence is playing sonic racing well I somehow killed him everybody puts ska in your and your name and that's how I'll know it's you like I know real big dick Oh scroll scribbles knowing you got it understood lots of good boost guys nice Larr clamp that does not look like our yeah heat them up this one looks a lot harder to hack so I'll leave you all I'll type it in after this and we are nowhere near shooting star is really long oh you ran into yourself llegan the only difference I think between this and slither is that slither you could not play with a group Steve Brule I know Steve Brule look at that boo Steve Brule get it hey Scott banks he's doing well scar yo hackers doing well that's good all right let's make our move up toward toward the top here it's tough to find use the mini-map yeah I'm I'm headed towards the well there's a lot of them no [ __ ] I'll try it again look at all that food oh I'm sorry Steve Brule I wasn't paying attention the specials there Scott must eat food whoa that's a holy [ __ ] so if you just run into anybody you die apparently this game is a metaphor for capitalism how so I'm actually trying not to kill anybody especially with people with Scott on their names ooh oh no there's a lot of them No Oh I'd rather fight the hackers seriously kind of the same way now this is fun let me try it let me try scribble leave private room is there a oh here's the invite link I'll just do this oh hey John John sent a response hey Bruce I'm really sorry about what I said I'm sure that you can cook good and yeah my food looked really gross I just hope that we can still be friends we're not friends anymore no no I just said what I just said we're not friends anymore tell him that that's it I've had enough done with him custom words you guys oh you didn't see that here nope not friend no friends start game now here you come oh did I get it no I did not get it hi my name is rubber so it's hamburger got it okay well I don't know why my name is rubber she's the word wait can you guys all see this though well now I have to draw this you already know what it is just everybody guess it there you go those aren't boobs there we go good job guys yeah all the players are from chat yes crispy Tuesday I did play World of Warcraft I'd like to play wild vanilla at some point I think it's I don't know that it's open yet but whenever it opens up I'll um I kinda want to play it we did it alright Leegin don't don't mess it up what in the world Oh that's all geez Aaron the link is up in chat if you scroll a little further up you'll find it that took me way too long to guess that way way too long oh geez there was like dollar bill I think generally this game is pretty easy say cheese I'll wait a minute hold on I'm getting a call from my nemesis hello one-on-one agario yeah can we can we actually do one-on-one let's here I'll create a I'll create a party and then all right I'm gonna I'm gonna give you the URL you ready by the way your uncle your uncle says hi thanks for the sub okay it's agario so a guard io / hashtag and and then it's all caps s JJ s JJ exactly vs see the V is in victory s CBS e alright we'll see you soon no you're going down chat make sure John Smith goes down where is he let's go find him let's go find it I named myself John Smith so I don't know what he named himself what's his name Chad who we got to find him and kill him so we already beat him oh no no who was that dammit I don't know who that was definitely John wasn't that wasn't John didn't have a name 200 IQ that's a great amount yeah if rebury is here I'm gonna that's the little that's all he does all night it's going hack agario rooms all right graphic gaming everybody buff up graphic gaming graphic where are you right now Smith is John okay go where's the where's graphic we got to find graphic top-left the bots are back are you joking all right I'm top left right now well it's commas gene Ligon [ __ ] for Bruce I love that name love it whereas Smith where is he did he lose someone someone tell me what's happening to Smith all its graphic all right let's buff up buff up graphic oh actually sonj myth 1v1 cheating I'm not cheating oh my gosh holy [ __ ] the bots are back that's it I've had enough I've had enough I'll call John and tell him he's won I'll call John tired of those BOTS is he not picking up his phone are you kidding John you win you win you win John you you won because I'm not going in Agha Rios hacked all the hell there are so many hackers in agario right now well that's great do you win yep I want to sing I want to say congratulations no no no this makes us even more enemies that's it I'm sorry yep that's what happened to me remember chat this John John beat me and he also called me out and said I was stupid and dumb or whatever he said so I want you to know that I was nice to you John I tried to say good things about you I thought your chicken looked bad but also I liked your chicken I bet it tastes good so that's convenient that's really convenient really convenient John well which rivalry yep twit well know we'll be finally all more friends in the office but only on twitch are we enemies alright okay that's my mortal enemy out there alright yeah I might even send all of my chat to you right now so they can they can raid you and ruin you yep all right I will I hung up on them alright chat that's going to for me tonight but we're going over to we're going over to John right now
Channel: undefined
Views: 14,249
Rating: 4.6428571 out of 5
Id: SWy6nMpZN5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 50sec (4970 seconds)
Published: Thu May 23 2019
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