Ha Eun So 소하은 2019 YAGP Korea Swanhilda Variation from "Coppelia"
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Channel: YAGP - Youth America Grand Prix
Views: 136,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ballet, yagp, ballet competition, ballet variation, youth america grand prix, first position, ballerina, pointe, black swan, swanhilda, Swanhilda Variation, Coppelia, Sunhwa Arts Middle School, Sunhwa, Arts, Junior, Division, 2nd Place, Winner, Age 14, Korea, YAGP Korea, Hee Seo, Hee Seo Foundation, Ha Eun So, 소하은
Id: -HqfEA3kMZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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