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1:41 is celebration of American waterfowl hunting Claire the 41 species of ducks and geese are the roadmap for us to tell the stories of the various regions styles of hunting and most importantly to the people that are representing this great wishes bars this is the original series the chase for the 41 [Music] [Music] now does anything else need to come out [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the Great Valley of Central California right almost in the center of the state it is more than 400 miles long and 60 miles wide a long time ago this whole area was a great glow an arm of the Pacific Ocean after countless thousands of years the Great Central Valley was formed decayed Rock materials from the Mullins were dumped into the Gulf and spread out by the rivers and streams gradually the Gulf filled up with these Earth's materials now all that is left of the old Gulf is San Francisco Bay prior to the South in the San Joaquin Valley millions of acres would have remained a barren waste if the men who settled this part of the Great Valley had not used their knowledge and strength to irrigate the land so here at Redmond Jodha this is sweat line pretty much where I spend majority of my hands is in and just grew up hunting here and what his refuge and it's huge just all free roam there's pretty much every kind of duck hunter you can imagine is here I never have the same hunt here I can't think of anyone hunt what's the same get that my blinds and that that's Brad and it's really nice to have that security if you know we're dying and no one else is gonna be there but here it's like it's grace you guys get intense a bunch of us rednecks racing board a dog it's it's cool part Department here shake hands with danger [Music] here are my keys race we said money led so that's good and then what what have you as I secure spot safety-net call me it's plush right there right there and I overshot it let's head back we heard that Oh Gucci that guys in there yeah so we'll see if the heck's around yeah we can go back this is a small small pea corner morning how many decoys do you guys have right now and I think I see you guys up on the like is that right probably I see more like yeah flash crazy oh yeah okay that's me [Music] you shake your birds aren't refugee my opinions like yes and then the hand follow the Drake followed and went down and the trick was like where'd she go he came right into my barrel you know we have a guy hunting 200 yards away from us right here yeah you're gonna have a confrontation eventually out on these Pollard refuges but you realize these guys actually really love what they're doing too and they want to have a good time also so you just tell him hey I want you guys have a good hunt where can I go if you're 100 that's cool there's always another spot like I we're on our my number two spot for this pond and this guy's actually not shooting as much it does behind us you know so it always works out you know I always can get birds and just you know if you come here to have fun why get in an argument over a hundred yards from or two hundreds from where you want mine you know it's just a plus it feels pretty good to like be a part of someone else's success in a way you know yeah man you hunt here I'll go over here good luck have a good day you know it's dress I think that's I think more duck hunters we are brothers [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is a great cinnamon teal they're just absolutely gorgeous Doug this guy just buzz to me pull over those guys they didn't see him get him all the way back around miss well I think I got a PB in him we went down over there and he jumped up and hit him [Applause] I like to come back here because it's less people and you know that's why I come down fighting going on your and you're super special place to be and you know this is pretty difficult getting cut with your birds [Music] probably leaven 12 yeah yeah yeah I remember some free gnarly days and storms yeah we got out in a couple storms here and Ben got back in after the hunt got home you like to get a little deeper and chase beasts and see if we get lucky on a big grind or something like that you know not that far from price from Sacramento said by many tributaries flows from the northern end of the Great Valley to the thousand line east of San Francisco and the San Joaquin drains the southern end of the Great Valley now we see that the valley is high at the north and south ends and slopes to nearly sea level where the two rivers meet [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Padma first 85 in 68 1968 you still have that one yeah still shooting it yeah these are they're just they're just you know rocks all over too [Music] there they're just tucked tough to beat they're heavy and they kind of recoil but they're fun to shoot yeah don't fire when I say the roof goes to school that has been rubber on top of the wood that's an oil inner to know this just unbelievable got inner tube then they paint him they did back to the same way mallards pintail you read wood on the bottom yeah or rug broke off the styrofoam whoever knew Santa Cruz hippy redwoods with those workers [Applause] [Applause] [Music] just to get like a lot of our retirement see a lot of her just doing I mean I see why you guys are addicted to this this is pretty pretty fun pretty cool bit like Ori hit me I got this buddy ma alright and I you know I knew these guys want to mix it up try to get after some divers yeah that how like I don't know how duck hunter I never met you use but here we are [Music] Oh am i spying on the outside I'm smiling on the inside [Music] [Music] [Music] the natural fertility of the devil and hasn't increased by another system of Canal pumping stations distributing water to 400,000 acres of rich farmland [Music] always love coming here on trips and pretty cool history here this this place but as you can see you get it all in about twenty two year windows he killed all this stuff okay fill this place up in about 22 years there's this mr. Foster yes mr. Foster is a nun and that one was uh for a long time was world record that means farther north near the state capital Sacramento we'll see how the farmers have made use of the lowlands bordering the Sacramento River this Broad River provides ample water for rice growers here we can see how rice is grown in China or Egypt but this fertile rice field is in California huge fields are flooded diked into large squares quite unlike the small patties of China or Egypt in the pintail limit was reduced to Vancouver's they started producing more and more closed in habitats so the other products we prefer and the mallard you [Music] was that oh you hog is that your second California screwed man more than anything is the art of waterfowl not just to kill it not just social park but the art and filing the waterfowl I worry that we're gonna lose that overtime [Music] and when I built my little quack Shack my wife and daughters started referring to our group as Triple D ducks decoys and dorks Triple D Hey there was nothing here but a pasture then the old slew went through the property and it was just except for the little patches of open water it was nothing but round stem bulrush the government came to me and wanted to dig all this out make these these deeper ponds for Yuba City then it came to pass that I I thought you know I could deed level that pasture and do just that I have a Bachelor of Science degree in biological conservation and then out of college I became a pest control adviser and so I you know I have an Ag agricultural background from school of hard knocks [Music] well the first things they did was of course to plant the trees around the edge and that was to separate the farm ground from my Mars so that I would create an area that the Ducks would feel a little more secure in boom as I stated before ducks or farm or site since that have been sound-sensitive so consequently that was step number one and I was opening up areas to make ponds where it was solid Julie so I say to Lee's I'm talking about the majority was round stem bulrush there were some cattail fair amount of cattails out here too so drink there you go I got some phone poles out there that I staked underneath some of the trees I put under the trees to create loafing and so it just creates a natural perch for the for the wood ducks before season opens I can drive by and look through the openings of the trees over there in my pickup and I can see oh sometimes as much as many as a dozen wood ducks on one branch the food sources although they are important maybe not the the missing link [Music] they've got all this this rice ground out that previously was burned and maybe worked up if possible to being flooded and here we are in January and we're shooting ducks that are full of rice furthermore when I talk to the guys that hunt on my commercial properties that are rice fields and how many of them say gosh there was a ton of birds on the property and we walked out in the morning and they one shot and they were gone well where'd they go in my mind they are going to low fall town because they spent all night feeding so my focus has changed to low [Music] I think you should get that news on oh yeah let's see that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I want you to think about this now you think if if you shot right over Tony it would be a definite right okay we're shooting up these ducks at these flocks of ducks and you know be able to get one bigger we don't however over the course of it of the winter they become death and so when you're calling these ducks when you don't come that's the only logical explanation is is if they're dead that's all I have to say about them [Applause] going up there what we do is we plant trees around every one of these blinds all of these willows off below the frame of the blind and then then we come back with our zip ties in the fall and we're zip tying those live trees its new pliable growth and then we zip tie the live trees down to the to the blind so that it's going through so it's a live tree that you're putting in as opposed to the big brown spot in the green area beautiful [Music] what's your favorite thing about your mouth here I guess that I made it I happen to say absolutely that I made it you want to move here as a pasture and then the rest of the area was just solid round stem bullish and I kind of had a vision and I planted some tools out here in the marsh for city ID leveled this and made mounds and planted trees and all the trees receiver I planted on my friends and I'm fixing my friend fed batter and to be able to sit here on my own property and shoot ducks it's beyond beyond I can't I can't I can't really put it into words it's just a one [Music] he's got a wheel here to shoe what we're gonna do today [Music] really stylish you interested I have this cartoon record but again he was a teenager when he made this for sure on the heights [Music] yeah [Music]
Channel: HUNT 41
Views: 95,042
Rating: 4.930851 out of 5
Keywords: CA, duckhunting, goosehunting, hunt 41, h41, canaoutdoors, waterfowl, ca waterfowl, mendota, california waterfowl, hunt ca, hunt california
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 32sec (1592 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 18 2019
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