H3 Podcast #61 - Harley Morenstein (Epic Meal Time)

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welcome everybody to another episode of the H Street podcast live if you're on twitch if you're on YouTube it's not live this has been pre-recorded in previous day if you want to watch your life to get on over to twitch.tv forward slash is redirected you can watch the live next time but not this time because it's a recording like a song and dance with the Cape yeah that's funny you should do that for next time today's episode is sponsored by quip audible and MVM T movement thank you to them today's guest is the great and wonderful pioneer of YouTube hardly Morenstein that's got to be one of the most Jewish names I've ever heard props to him Harley Morenstein he's got he's like a he's like a Jewish warrior like when you like he's a big guy and he's got like a big beard and and like because when you think about a Jew you usually think about like like a guy who looks like me you know like a doe a little boy but they're what had to be Jewish warriors cuz you think back to the biblical stories of like King King George what was the guy's name that's a restaurant what's this guy's name the old Jewish King he was a warrior the old King David yeah so King David was apparently kicking ass back in the day so you know that there's some warrior blood in the Jewish line it's not a meat but it isn't some and he happens to be a warrior Jew is what I mean to say he seems really don't know warrior vibe yeah there's like like an Israel there's like a yeah my name is Mort steed but then there's like warriors in Israel you have everything right it's American I guess it's really American like in Israel I wasn't thinking what is the the Jewish stereotype like inside Israel you have different stereotypes right right right right here I've learned there's so much like more going on the American Jew is like oh I need to call the electrician to pull to put in this light bulb what are the stereotypes in Israel it's I don't know there's like really dumb ones but it's more like depending on like Ashkenazi or Safari so you guys who don't know Ashkenazi is European Jew Sephardic is Middle Eastern Jew like near Arabic almost kind of like how you have here and I don't know what's politically correct here by like how there's like like black people will have shut it down at times that black people shut it down there's theory there some white people right sorry white people have got their wall like this cuz their asses be so high that's one of my favorite ones from Eddie Murphy good sorry whatever so what but I'm actually really curious about what are the stereotypes about Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews I don't worry all right are not as good with cooking or like they won't make enough that's true that's not a ton of food there's no such thing as like running out of food right and I skin eyes is like don't put like don't comment on many people they're cheaper is that part of it because I feel like that's real yeah what else you got mMmmm that can't be the only one like it's interesting I think everybody's friend is the other night okay but there's like a stereotype that there too so I love that even amongst the Jews in Israel there's one sect that's really - it's like all gays are cheap but the Yemenites they're super cheap watch out for those guys it's it's just it's it's fascinating to think that like everybody thinks about Jews in this way but then when you go to Israel when everyone's Jewish you have all these sub stereotypes it just kind of shows how stupid it all is it is really dumb and like no one our age really talks about this stuff anymore it's like all this stuff is there any other interesting ones because I think it's great well what do you what do people think about the the that the Sephardic Jews a lot of times they go together with like the obviously minify time explain what our skin is our seam is like a jersey Shore's a Jew it's like a a what going on I got my pop collar forget about it I just got herpes the other day forget I just do Lola rubbing alcohol I got my dick and another girl forget about it eight but on the muse Rock a and they dance they said I guarantee nobody's upset about making fun of our soon a okay anyway that was a nice little any other stereotypes that we can talk about here any other people we can piss off I am super excited about this weekend we are going tomorrow hopefully with with post to Coachella backstage hopefully like we just before coming here you asked if we want to come he's like I got tickets for you guys the thing with post is that like whenever he invites you somewhere you know you're gonna be on a crazy reckless almost helpless journey because like he'll get you there and because his life is so insane and he's playing tomorrow at Coachella yeah so it's almost like I'll get you in but beyond that you're in a war you you mean your own it's like hey man nice to see I love you buddy thanks for all you're the best and then he goes out in there and then it's just mean yo like you know just like it's floating in space it's exciting it's fun it's a thrill right I'm really excited never been to Coachella no I hope I don't know what to expect what what what I imagine is that well there's like I guess there's two portions there's like the public area and then there's like the backstage yeah the artist area that'd be cool I'm gonna harass I'm gonna harass people like I'm gonna be that guy who's taking pictures with all the famous people who shouldn't be there yeah I mean hey Drake Drake hey Ben here's my let's play for tonight here's my here's my card I'm gonna bring cards here's my card it just has my Twitter tag oh my god it's a USB key oh wow data get him they never see and then on it is the spyware is blow over and it stalls the h3 app which is unloads a virus to the whole network and then on Monday we're going with the whole clan the h3 clan and the Teddy fresh clan there's eight of us to Disney delay it's a company event we're gonna build memories that will Latin door beyond these more these mortal bonds I guarantee I don't know we're just it's gonna be the best time nobody's ever gonna forget about it we're going it's gonna be adorable we're gonna all wear matching outfits and shirt we have to do the shirts yeah so if you happen to be on Disney Land on Monday and you see a big group of hooligans walking around and red beanies come say hi it'll be fun so there's a couple things I won't talk about before we bring Harley and end on that first things first the h3 live show that we had planned for the 26th yes what Brad buried we pulled the effing plug on that B and it was so I don't want to I don't want to throw any blame around okay but here's what happened we were I don't know how to say this without a lot of misunderstanding in the process of the prices on the tickets right so and and and somebody somebody put the tickets up without finalizing the details with us first of all we were misled about the price like we were told there was going to be $3 in services fees so the ticket is 30 bucks I kind of wanted to do them for 25 but then they threw it up for 30 without consulting so then I was like okay fine so 33 was what I thought would be the final price out the door but what happened when ended up happening was there were so many fees so much taxes and it ended up going from 30 to 50 bucks so two people coming into our live show would end up paying a hundred dollars to come watch us do the podcast that was a good podcast I wasn't comfortable with that at all I mean our last show at The Improv was twenty two bucks and like I don't know if there was like a couple bucks service charge but it wasn't but that was it it wasn't 50% of the ticket price and so one the tickets went up without us knowing and the price was cut a little higher than I wanted and then two we didn't realize that first all the fees that came with it than what I after people complain to us yeah okay what the hell that was just three bucks I thought it would cost thirty three bucks plus tax and so then I saw that there was these insane fees and I was just so pissed off and I yelled at them and I was like dude this this isn't right this isn't the way it's supposed to be so they go back to the venue and then the venue magically reduces the the convenience fee from 1050 down to like three bucks and then I was like okay can you refund everyone who already bought tickets like well I don't know we're dealing with the AXS and there and I'm like dude and it just said and I was just angry I was like why didn't you reduce the price from three dollars out the get-go like what what what the hell they says well nobody asked us to I was like okay the whole thing was just super sour and and it just didn't feel right anymore and we weren't sure if people were going to get refunded who bought before and after most of all we really didn't that wasn't the price we wanted for this kind of show it's made us uncomfortable that people would pay so much and and also a lot of people have to travel so right you'd pay for traveling food drinks and and a hundred bucks for tickets it's like twenty bucks for parking no penalty so we're just like you know what this isn't right let's just let's just pull the plug on this so everybody who bought tickets is getting a full refund including all the convenience fees and everything and I know on Twitter a couple of good were like well I bought plane tickets and so I did genuinely feel bad about that so what I offered on Twitter and if anybody's listening bought tickets in it airplane it emailed a net HTH reproductions calm and we will help compensate you personally on on that there is one funny anecdote the guy on twitter is like man i got by this i bought plane tickets i was like alright well you know will compensate you thinking that what how much is a domestic flight like $200 he sends me the receipt two first-class tickets 1600 bucks i was like bro i don't even fly first-class I can't I can't I can't pay you $1600 bro both some life choices you have to live with we haven't fully looked into all the details yet because we want to just get everything first all the people that are to compensate and look into the details and makes decisions a bit we like when we opened that one ready what Dan cannula yeah so anyway if you if you got if you bought a plane send your your proof of purchase to Dan and well well that will help you out how we can but hey that's crazy that you fly here to see us you know acknowledge how freaking crazy that is thank you ma'am what else I mean I wanted to talk there's a couple of things I wanted to talk about here for one this is kind of personal but I feel like it's interesting alright I don't know how to broach this but I feel like I want to talk about it okay we've been chopped okay we've been trying to get pregnant we being me either's been sticking her dick right my belly button I know it does good when you say we it's like well I'm trying to get a dealer pregnant when we say we try but okay whatever we're we've been trying to get pregnant we don't really know how it works Neela's been I've been rubbing my dick all over HeLa we're not really sure the mechanics of how you Lisbon we don't know how it works so we've been trying but so far another things work this is not what I agreed to talk about okay so we've been trying and getting you you think like by the population of the world that getting pregnant would be something easy was it like seven billion mouth-breathers in this world it's taken up all the oxygen you know and china they have like laws they're like you can only have one kid or we throw the second in the river everyone's scared about overpopulation i can't even get a have a kid how did we get to this point in history and evolution if it's this hard to get a kid like we like you've been on birth control for like two years and recently in the past couple months you've been doing like ovulation tests timing it out and stuff wait what are you saying I'm in off maybe that's the problem no we figured it out you went all brokers or you doesn't go honk birth control so we've been trying and trying it's so and it's so disappointed because you try it all month all month guys no I don't know if I want to talk about this we try all month and then it's it's just it's disappointed because ela gets her period and then you and then it's like you have to wait another month and it again it starts to get really stressful at this point when you're actually start trying but but what's frustrates me is like what is going on with this planet where everyone's just getting out kids but apparently a lot of people have this problem a lot of our friends yeah almost everyone that I know had really hard time can it happen right I don't know we had another friend who just had a kid like a year ago they said they were trying like with tests like timing it out and stuff for six months and I'm like where are all these people coming from when you're 18 if you just buy it's just like they make it sound like you just touched a guy and you're seriously and sex education that's what it makes it sound like sperm can last for 30 days so even if you have sex when she's on her period thus warped this the sperm can hide in her vagina for 30 days and get her pregnant when she ovulates it's like seriously so my point my lesson to you is don't use protection god it was most likely you'll be fine I'm just kidding protection is honestly to keep your dick from rotting off your body no and to prevent unwanted pregnancy let's not start some rumors now that were use a condom I guarantee it's worth it so I don't know that's just something that's that's I'm just trying I'm trying to be more honest right I'm trying to be more gentle I'm trying to talk about what's on my mind a little bit this is something that we've been thinking a lot about and doing you know for a while so let's talk about it let's be real again have a I'm trying to I'm trying maybe I'm maybe yeah maybe we're doing something wrong maybe it's supposed to go somewhere else no okay I don't know you know Einstein says that the definition of insanity is trying something over and over again and not getting resolved gotta stick it somewhere else yellow I don't mean like the but I was just making a joke I just making joke I just wanted people to know that was an anal sex joke or anything all right what else we got here you guys heard about all this I was gonna make a joke about how I got in trouble got in trouble for the transphobic tweet and that's why the show was canceled but I didn't add a border I don't really want to talk about that I think it's whatever there's a couple of videos I want to watch but maybe we can watch it with Harley cuz he's here mm-hm cuz I've got that Count de aquila video and the st. Claire news clip that I wanted to watch maybe I should bring Harley him is that weird though did like do that and then talk to him maybe we should just watch it now it's not weird it's not we're nowhere alright apparently it's not we're deal said let's do with them so let's go to a quick commercial break we will be right back with ya boy Harley we're gonna have a lot of fun there's so much to discover there's so much to learn in this life it's gonna blow your mind don't go away you guys hear that that's the sound of everybody's favorite electric toothbrush quip who's also incidentally the sponsor of today's episode when it comes to your health brushing your teeth is one of the most important parts of your day and qyp knows that they've combined dentistry and design to make a better stronger slicker more beautiful electric toothbrush here's the deal quip is the new electric toothbrush that packs just the right amount of vibration into a slimmer design at a fraction of the cost of a bulkier traditional electric toothbrush I mean this is it this is all it is and that's all you need you ever see one of these like oh it's got a whole package it's like a power tool you have to like unholster it out of your belt it's like give me a break this is all you need guiding pulses alert you when it's time to switch sides making brushing the right amount of time completely effortless I personally a lot of people I brush for 30 minutes because I'm neurotic but a lot of people are like I don't know how long I need a brush that's the genius about quick it vibrates for thirty four three minutes it tells you when to switch sides and and you know when you're done and when when you've done enough brushing that's when I use this I usually I'm about to stop before really ups so like normally I guess I would do two minutes but then this makes me that's funny cuz when it put when it tells me to stop I'm like I just started you're in the same by the way I thought I had a cavity and I have had one cavity in my life when I was like eight and the pain went away I was like Eli have it yeah yeah there's no way I think I have a cavity he was like oh hell yeah I can't wait for Ethan to go get up by the dentist and I was like nah just not enough I'm happy to say thanks to equip by the way it comes with a mount that sucks right to the mirror right there dude also because that thing cleans your mouth should also be clean wept subscription plan refreshes your brush on a dentist recommended schedule delivering new brush heads every three months for just five dollars including free shipping worldwide which is just I was free shipping worldwide who what what kind of underground consortium is this what kind of weird they took the time to make a little package for a little toothbrush refill it's a pod because they didn't it do you already have this quip is backed by a network of over 10,000 dental professionals including dentists hygienists and dental students again the dental students don't I don't I wouldn't ask them for advice they're students they don't know anything they're students I'm not what am I supposed to take the endorsement of a student oh yeah you should really use this toothbrush what do you do I'm studying dentistry I'll talk to my dentist most toothbrushes don't get named one of Time Magazine's best inventions of the year but guess who did quip find out why by getting want yourself one of these amazing toothbrushes quip starts for just twenty-five bucks if you go to get quip comm /h through right now you'll get your first refill pack for read with a quip electric toothbrush that's your first refill pack free at get quick calm slash h3 spelled GE t qu IP doubt cop / h3 if you are not quipping yet then you are quitting life I don't know but give it a shot because I genuinely love this product I think you will too so thank you very much squid for sponsoring us up next we've got everybody's most beloved audio book service audible for our audience 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audio book that expands on the original story because they cut a lot they I just got to say a lot of the characters were undeveloped a lot of the plotline were undeveloped so in this story you got all the details all the development you really get a better sense of understanding of what was going on so if you didn't like it you get to know what was going on if you loved it you get even more I highly recommend listening to the last Jedi expanded edition and it's gonna be a lot of fun here was what else you got speed control you can listen to books faster or slower the narration the speed suits your desires that's really cool what did they have them read it I like five different speeds today's audio books about to you babe yeah it's probably something where they like pitch shifted it's AI so guys get a free audiobook with a 30 day free trial at audible.com slash h3 or text a street podcast all one word to 500 500 that's audible.com slash h3 podcast or text pod h3 podcast to 500 500 go 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dreamed about having a YouTube channel I was at work and we would pass around epicMealTime videos like amongst each other in the office and that was just you were like you know was just like you were YouTube royalty I mean your YouTube royalty and so it's really weird to have come to the point where I can sit at a table with you and do a podcast that means a lot that means a lot sometimes I don't know if I'm like I'm like I look at the landscape of YouTube and I'm like am I like Nick Cage of YouTube where it's like yo this guy everyone knows this guy everyone loves this guy this guy's a legend he's been in there man he's been there it's like what's the last movie box office how to feel okay okay but you know what he's gonna get another chance we'll do another one he's been that solid right or I'm like maybe I'm like gene Simmons of YouTube it's like this guy still here he looks like now oh my god you're not genes man you're different I'm a 'king me toos between the two and they give and and who wouldn't want to be in a cage no I want to be someone's gotta be in a cage somebody like that's me yeah I feel like I'm the Nick Cage guy you know like I'm like you got a job I'm on it right I'll do it come on the bacon guy will do it right I think that was like a motto for a while cause it's like you know I'll just tell people that just so that I'm not all about bacon I'll take roles in other people's videos and they'd be like oh that's awesome just come here and hold this bacon in yeah so it's like everything I'm doing yelling bacon well the first thing I noticed about you when I see you is that the guy that I would used to watch back then looked a lot different from the guy that's sitting in front of me right now you're you're you look good dude you got you you look good you dress good thank you you're killing it what's going on what happened well here's so here's the secret I just watched myself look worse and worse every single week and it's weird to have that documented every week right where you just like see your progression or regression right and it's crazy cuz it's kind of like this I feel like I've been traveling a lot lately so if you look I'm kind of like on the down I feel terrible but I got gel in my hair so that counters everything you feel good with the gel I didn't interview the other day like i legit did an interview the other day and after the interviewer was like are you single female a real life drawing you that much longer a live one was like are you saying that I was who says can you imagine being approached by a female like that I can't very unusual that's the Nic Cage I pollicis all I thought you must know that I was in the Ghost Rider movie equivalent of YouTube so but you have a girlfriend so that yeah she's outside yeah brought her really entertaining shredder shredder is actually under the desk so why you come on my show and liable why isn't he jumping in my face right now he has zero and ten that's all I have like what tell me more about like your physical transformation because I'm always someone who's unhappy with the way I look even though I make it meme out of it doesn't I'm not like utterly depressed but I know I'd be happier if I was more fit yeah you're like me in a way that I at least of what I could imagine is like how you know after I just literally put up on my interest or a picture of your belly look at you looking down at the camera with your belly there oh great like it's like you posted yourself as well i remember i i i have these times where i'll sit down like to put on socks oh look at this sad boy you know there's a lot of people who can relate to that right now yeah and whoever's around them like yellow might come give there's a pinch so I gotta want to some would come touch it they're like it's fine it's not even that lying to me you're lying did this ever happened to you this was one of my I was fatter than I am now my most fat and I was like I gotta do something others I went to tuck tie my shoe and I couldn't breathe that was my lowest point did that wrapping you well I don't know if I can't breathe but like I couldn't to put on the socks kind of it would be like when I'm done I'd be like right oh my god there's like a parent wrapper there yeah yeah yeah there I had to hold my breath I would literally take him deep breath that's inouye year age for me I had I had a moment where I was just looking in the mirror and I just had like an angle before I was getting in the shower probably charging a phone at the same time and whatever and I just looked back and I was like like is that my eyes for my back no no or where does my back and my ass begin I'm like what's happening and I was like just like that's my body as it gets like fully like people joke like potato but like I was full-on potato ass and that was just a moment for me I was like oh I should maybe change a bit mmm all I did was drop the carbs they did the no carb thing Kate oh yeah the keto diet it was good that's it I enjoyed it where he's well on the keto no III got off it I you know I think it's not meant to be forever type thing huh but a mere one of the guys that cooks on Epic Meal Time has been on it like non-stop but he's just gone from like disgusting slob to really trim guy and as before enough their picture yeah they're wild and yeah it was literally just for me a big thing was drinking water because if you drink water then you stop snacking and oh if you're watching in your disgusting slob and I I'm a disgusting slob but I transitioned back and forth between the two i I I would say drink and it's always sounds cliche and dumb and you're like all you idiot drink more water seriously I started drinking if you aim to drink like six to eight litres of water a day don't even get me started on Coco khoka love that but it makes it makes it it's it's like even without breaking it down it makes you want to eat more the fate that like it makes you want to make sugar doesn't work no well this is what I heard apparently we have triggers to sweetness and remember everything I'm saying is nonsense who the are my arms very one that ever should be commenting on that stuff but what I think dead yeah inspire quote me on this is that when you have something sweet like diet coke is super sweet coke Zero super sweet there are receptors in our body where it's like sweet means high-calorie it's a tree so it's like Oh incoming intense sweetness crank up the metabolism let's go boys lots of sugar coming through oh no sugar that's weird I thought there was gonna be lots of sugar I guess we're wrong and then it creates these false alarms so the next time when you are eating something sweet or something that does have a lot of carbs in it your body's like I is just joking it's diet coke don't doesn't matter and then you just get destroyed and I think that's right yeah I feel I think that's true I felt like that's gonna be right the biggest thing though for me was sleep because I'm like I hate sleeping I love staying up late I'm always like I don't need a sleep it's just stupid like you're better off you know trying to stay awake as hard as you can enjoy sleeping I love sleeping when it happened but trying to sleep but now these days it's like once midnight rolls around I'm like oh now no one's gonna with my I can start that video game I wanted to start or I can go and I can work on something that's like a side thing or I did you know sit sit there just smoking watching like five hours of a cult on Netflix whatever it is I just value that Solo time I get there at night so how did you make that sweat you're saying you used to do that and now you sleep well I go now I've been traveling so I go back and forth all over time I've had a terrible sleep last couple days but I noticed that me aren't I my best it's like a domino effect it starts with water and then sleep and then I want to go to the gym and then you just don't want to snack at that point mmm because you're already committed you don't want to do any sauce when you went from potato in the mirror yeah I don't know why I'm on my way back you look good a potato in the mirror right now yeah you're not a hitter when they mirror my eye which is the Jewish warrior we're talking about how you fish for it before but we said that you look like a warrior thing there's two types of Jews in the world there's like little like Al Oh like me and then there's like Jewish warriors like during the king of David like biblical but anyway when you went from potato in the mirror to Jewish was it was it like a straight just like you were like I'm in I'm going yeah it's it's if you really think about all the times I look to myself when I was terrible like all those times culminate in many false starts right there's so many times worse like now it's the time doesn't fly and then something happens like wait tomorrow my sight I know because that's good exactly yeah but those false starts are important they really are I really feel like you build on that leg like I maybe got to a place where I felt comfortable because I had all those false starts leading up to it that wouldn't have happened if I didn't feel one way you know many times you know cuz after the fifth time we're gonna be am I gonna say this is going down again or am I gonna lie to myself and man how many times for me it was like 27 times I like doing to keep failing like that no I think that's important for people listening to remember that it's okay to have those false starts because eventually you're gonna get to the point you won't be at yeah definitely well that's why I think it's happy what's happening you know when you when you do you guys ever catch for wasting food on Epic Meal Time like I'm sure that's probably the biggest criticism people say about the show yeah there's lots of there's lots of criticisms one that's consistent that comes up is do you guys eat all this and it's like it's a multi-tiered question answer there are times where we've food has been contaminated and we've thrown out an uncomfortable amount of food where we've been like Oh somebody we're like that's time we do we're like that sucks you know we're like visible otherwise but it's just you know that sometimes other times we're like we're five guys on camera and there's about eight people off camera okay and people on set like aren't ready they're like you're there like filming for six hours they're ready like they want to eat it people want to try it you know we they were episodes where we knew there was gonna be a big waste like one time we put we stuffed 50 Birds into ten pigs and attached all the pigs at mouth we did it years ago and I just knew that it wasn't going to get eaten and we literally ate like two of the pigs and the other eight we have set it up with a soup kitchen in advance they came with like garbage bags literally scooped at all hours I was like what's it gonna be and they were like soup for a year well so I was like okay yeah it's cool we did it we did our TV show we did we did donated a portion of the budget to feeding America org right but a lot of people are like you know once you give that to like homeless people on the streets and it's like you actually can't yeah it's illegal yeah like it's it's like you just expose yourself if you're not if you're like a production come out of letting a liability yeah it doesn't mean you could feed people you can't feed someone if someone gets sick like you haven't sure that you're screwed for that some guys just gonna be like I puked and so I'm suing you for poison well yeah America this is even even like if you go look at grocery stores we're like a lot of times when we're doing meat heavy episodes we're buying meat that's getting that's gonna be expired anyways we go there whenever there's stuff on sale like expired meats it's like one more day we go when we buy all those up those get thrown out a lot of the stuff that we use would have gotten thrown out and you know if you ever watched the grocery store what they'll do is they'll like triple quadruple bag things and lock the dumpster in the back cuz they could throw something out and someone can go in the dumpster eat it get sick and then also sue god bless so yeah I actually really do love America god bless I am Canadian and I really love this place every time I come here I'm like I love this country here when yeah or I lived in Montreal yeah you're back and can I lived here for two years and now I'm back in Canada and I come here for work very often mm-hmm who do you guys film from now Toronto so can you can you get rid of the food there is it's not as sooo happy there right no you it's still the same scenario like you uh like you couldn't get in trouble because we're we are a company so you can't be giving food and don't want any liability exactly you can't feed someone you could you know you can get in a lot of for that you know what I mean if someone starts barfing they go to the hospital and like goes down and it's really expensive like that's that's on us you know I don't really understand that criticism though as if flex somehow this one large meal you made is gonna solve world hunger well the biggest thing is like I noticed the people are always like oh look at that waist and you know what everyone wastes yeah but before epic before Epic Meal Time happened I never did anything I didn't do anything like for the homeless or anything like that and episodes where we've gone to soup kitchens and volunteer and and stuff like that or if we donated the most I've done is during this time on Epic Meal Time like it kind of like the guilt aspect of it because there was some inspired me to do something but then the people that go in common they're like oh wow look at this guy I'm like I hope you volunteer right I hope you're a volatile year over here right now talking about this but if you're just some asshole that's you know like oh man look at this guy wasting food and it's a bull you're on you're on the internet let your mouth throw in like half eaten Carl jr. burger cigar meal they never finished our Carlos you know you know that yeah and also I feel like I feel like at the same time it's like you know if you were too overly scrutinize so many things you really can't a Quebec well look at you paying for Internet when people are starving yeah and you can feed children for a year we live in America it's the most opulent is that the right word opulent most / abundantly resource country that's ever existed I don't even think it's just it's like the way it's it's messed up because as you were saying grocery stores are even throwing out their like whatever you guys are doing for entertainment purposes in the problem when grocery stores and restaurants are throwing out every ounce of food well what I heard is that and you know there's something I heard is that we have enough food on the planet yeah feed the planet right it's just a logistics issue right like if we can somehow move the corn in this country around the world at you know basically the thing that we need to solve world hunger is teleporters we're at we'll figure out teleportation we can teleport under all the corn to Africa things are good as I understand it it's that simple you guys God there be so many weird like things happening with tell apportion exist teleportation the clock no I'm not gonna go there I better not keep my mouth shut why why do things happen when you make jokes no it's just embarrassing not that I'm gonna get charged more why did you get in trouble no no I'm okay okay I've embarrassed myself several times on this podcast I think that's the one thing when people become creators that they don't understand or they'll never really grasp is you got to do it you got to go all into it you got to have fun you know you got to for lack of a better example pull your pants up really high and take pictures of your gut like you've got to be all out there everything and it stays there right so like you can look like you could ask any critter like I I was a Viner also vine was like a big thing for me for a period of year and a half like you go back and if you had a vine account like if you did trust me like it was like ela e to anyone the content that you have to be comfortable leaving behind the trail of it right is everyone will get embarrassed everyone will get in trouble everyone will do some up and if you ever get big enough they'll go back I don't whine some things he did in the past and make a make an issue out of it and I just went I looked at my my vine as an example and I was like I'm an unfunny piece of I'm like deleting every single vine I was like can't believe I did this the format of vine it was brutal and there's a similar way of YouTube but that it's just it requires you to be so fast-paced you got to make content you got to slime it out you can't ever think or work about on it too long yeah on the podcast it's like I sit here and I talk for for hours and hours and hours and of course I'm gonna say and do some stupid it's just inevitable it's like I can't even try to avoid it I just have to embrace that I'm embarrassing the biggest thing and I think we've learned that even with like you know things in the and in the recent past and stuff with creators is everyone's gonna up it's just how you handle it after the fact that's the most important part because I feel like what this society loves American society Liz loves building someone up on a pedestal yeah and make it a big deal of them but then we love knocking them off the pedestal yeah and like clowning them but then we also really love a comeback introduction which is right like this guy's such a good singer oh my God look at her face that's terrible but he's a good singer again you know when it's like kind of like it's torturous to be in that position it's hard to understand how anyway you know what whatever let me ask you this so when you guys were making it I sometimes I go down the rabbit hole you know what let's not talk about this let's just go tomorrow let's go take us there were there ever actual medical concerns that you guys had during the filming like I think back to man verse food you know the story of that show yeah he was eating the gnarliest for so long the doctors were like you're gonna die if you keep doing this yep was it ever I mean I know you were a potato in a mirror but I just love that phrase thank you the good cuff like I need you guys to write the foreword now no there was never any major food concerns and I mean if I can go deep on some theories for a second you know and I actually I met Adam Richman a few times I never spoke about about that specifically or anything like that but this is just my theory is once you've done three seasons of a show you control a lot more if you are the talent on the show so you kind of get like you can get like kind of stepped on in your deal the first three seasons but then like you know once you get to that point it's like now it is I who can make demands right and you can make those demands and I just feel if I had done three seasons of that show I'd be like hey you know what I'm tired of getting really fat right and I want to start paying for my trainer and in fact this in between this season and last season I did start to make a better difference on my body and I want to host other shows where you know they want maybe a trimmer look so other people eat now that's just it yeah I'm like well what are we gonna do well you could just say that I was gonna die that's it like that I would die you think that that's overhyped I I think if I were him I would I would have done that I would have been like kay we're done now with this we're done like let's be honest do I really have to to die for people to it the answer is yes then yeah it is saying you have to die I want to watch you specifically you you I yes you I've enjoyed your content I think you're a great guy Adam eat you I want nothing more than for you to slowly I want boiling and on and on your funeral I want to deep fry that confident and forced you to take a bite of it oh that's actually an actually never knew I want to fill his coffin with ground beef and nacho cheese coffin guaranteed 50,000 views and then out of Adam Richmond's inside oh that's the mill I want the service to be called potato and the grave in dug grave yeah you know the craters the crater saw are you going to put in the gravy potato in the gravy no yeah that's my life I can have you guys on a Halloween episode now next year potato the spookiest yeah it was like you gave you don't like this episode you gotta go listen to this podcast months ago the shredder has this uncanny ability to always find the most uncomfortable place to say he's literally right where I would put my feet and I don't notice it he does this tequila every more not every morning all night he started doing this thing where he'll he'll I will go to bed and then he'll jump up on the bed and go right next to her pillow like next to her face and then somehow in the middle of the night I wake up and I'm completely like in the middle no no longer have my Saturdays like sideways on my side it just takes it over every night now killer yeah now what she was less keyed so he's so good that it's hard to complain but I wanna literally I want to strum through the window he's so good I was just I was wondering what is it we were talking about it briefly that what is that impulse that one cute when you want to kill cute things mm-hmm you want to like squeeze them till they die you're like oh you should die what is that we are they just a weird thing I don't know you my lover you're so adorable and so defenses and so sweet I want to kill you I'll kill you is it like something like I could kill you because I'm so much more powerful than you are you're you are nothing and I can't but you can see everyone goes it right yeah like you can see and ant would say to baby I want to squeeze him right like everyone would say that they won't say I want to kill you but no but that destroys it until it's completely obliterated cute Oh somebody said in he said it's cute aggression yeah can you get me a Wikipedia on the cute aggression chameleon I exercise I Gretchen unexplained like I'm five went up at one point no it's just like all interesting but it wasn't one of those point four I named click it I was like I'm in a gif mood so I didn't click it but now like well actually this is playful aggression not cute okay a superficial aggressive behavior superficial speak for yourself human baby or young animal people grit their teeth clenched their fists or feel the urge to pinch and squeeze something they considered cute well not actually cause you're intending to playful aggression is a type of dysmorphic display in which a positive experience elicits expressions usually associated with negative emotion there's behavior occurs more calmly individuals who experience what is de morphus emotions across a range of society go down a hole that you clicked amorphous this article sucks I was kind of hoping for an explanation they're just like yeah and you want to kill cute things we all know about it it exists um last year we were both that creator summit YouTube Illuminati anchored meeting yeah exactly are you going this year no are you no no did you get invited yes oh I was not invited I think it might be because I shouted at everyone I was gonna ask you last year we were there and that was right after like the whole and buckle in popular as soon as as soon as the six companies like pulled their ads because they found that their ads were playing in front of like weird YouTube videos that they didn't they weren't happy about I don't remember what it was we were screaming about I remember very clearly what did you know communication this information yeah that's that was my fault point but my main question was like like I said I used to make vines and vine ended vine was an app and it ended I saw people like people existed that you know were like you know what it felt like when you were on the rise you're like hey he'll I think it's gonna be all right this YouTube thing it's starting to come through now you know like you had that feeling and it's like whoa let's buy a better camera or a laptop there's an investment aspect there where you're gonna double down on this career but there were people I'm sure on vine that were like wow I just got 150,000 followers I'm gonna move to Los Angeles and they book the plane quit their job and then they heard vine was dead that must have happened surely and we didn't hear about these stories because obviously no one gives a about vine or the people who use it so what happened was I felt that YouTube like is no different from vine in many respects in the sense that it's like you know we put all our eggs in the YouTube basket and we hope that YouTube will work out and that if you have a career you have a career and that's great but I just found out that these companies can just close like they could be like whoopsies ha ha we're not doing this anymore so my question was to YouTube if one company can complain about one instance of a bad ad being on a bad video that 6 it was the number was 6 I believe 6 companies can pull away and it affects all money making across the entire site I needed to know how many companies control the fate of YouTube what if 8 companies backed out do we close YouTube what if 10 back up do we close YouTube and since we're in a room of 200 people that dedicate their time and their money and their effort to making a life on YouTube which YouTube capitalizes on as well we should know if it's like hey guys things are much more fragile than you think right and and we got that I already found out how fragile it was it was as fragile as Pepsi can be like that sucks that add going on that video so we're pulling money off all of YouTube and so are these other companies in YouTube's like wait wait we totally agree we totally agree the problem was how about it the problem was how submissive they were to these advertisers yeah it's it's all you're talking about influencer yeah and in an influence like scenario you have infinite influence or ammo in this room just this room let alone everyone else right no it's people like PewDiePie weren't even in that room but like who still is a guy that lives and breathes Oh YouTube yeah and and my positioning was how many companies back out until this whole thing shuts down and they're like well then it was just this one scenario and this is what would bother me was Robert had said he was like you know hardly put yourself in the shoes of the Pepsi executive that had to go and explain and I jumped in and I don't know what this point was gonna be but I was like I'm sorry I apologize but we only have one time where we get you guys face-to-face and I would love to say hey I love you too thanks so much for changing my life for the better by the way they ran off stage right after that till yeah yeah well the whole point is like and I've been through these things before they're it's so cool they show us a great time but really if you look at it you just need to see that we go to this you know sooo secret YouTube awesome meeting we get there they have this face-to-face and he was like well imagine the Pepsi executive that had to explain to his superior my uncle a about that guy yeah that guy makes six figures there are people in this room with popular channels that will not make six figures because they invest back into their channel and maybe someone spent fifteen thousand dollars that week on their biggest video of the year and there was no ads and no one told them but people are YouTube's knew that that was gonna happen and this Pepsi exec or whoever knew that that was gonna happen but we didn't know we didn't get the heads-up and you know what Epic Meal Time was never affected by the ad pocalypse buzzing the reason why I think YouTube up is because I made more money on Facebook last month see real-time that I did on YouTube Wow and that's pro monetization we'll have to talk they won't even get they won't even throw me a bone not that I care I don't even upload our videos but do you how many views do you get let's see that I have like some like we have like one video we put up and it was like you know a recut of an older video and it got over 30 million views you know great yeah it is you know what Facebook for example would really go viral I can see that yeah yeah so what was like we take our old content we take content that exists we take out all of our faces we take out the voice we take out any context that would have timed it and we make it just becomes like the most epic lasagna instead of it starting off with me at the fast-food being like what like do a little bit it's like you know cut out literally every single person that's so you put me cut it and you got a regear sometimes we put it in square feet were like who made this and put emojis and like literally throw a plant out there yeah we play the game you know what I never played the YouTube game I never got into playing the YouTube I feel like the game didn't even exist when you guys were at your peak but the game kind of came around YouTube a hundred percent it did dude there was no game then the biggest it was with pretty long actually did the biggest game then was just like there were categories so it was like they would say like food and like one video was shown that day on food Tom comedy entertainment movies and like if another youtuber uploaded in food they say girl what the bro you're my category dude I thought you know like if you're like if Tim Billy gato uploaded in food I'm like that's weird brought on how you feel if I started uploading an entertainment right then what what I don't want to choose weekend warriors showing up at your crib I'll be throwing down a King David there sounds a lot better than potato in the mirror I feel like Jewish warriors is a lawyer a Jewish lawyer Jewish warriors just a lawyer but I was annoyed and to that point about the Illuminati secret meaning thing like if you look at it I love you too I really do and I'll probably always have if YouTube is existing I will upload to YouTube but there's a up when there are articles out there being like this guy makes five hundred thousand dollars every month playing video games online on a service called twitch yeah you know that's a YouTube up because you could make you could do bigger than that on YouTube mm-hmm and the millisecond people do they exist but no one wants to talk about youtube as much it's not exciting news it's like you know what I mean it's like we just we bash YouTube you know we don't yeah exactly yeah I know it's even in like the mainstream media that's what I noticed like if you're talking about twitch and how much money people make on twitch it's like that must be like a YouTube fuckup because they should be mentioning it on YouTube but they don't that's interesting in itself that management the company has become so unsexy they're just a bunch of the people whatever I'm bitched about YouTube so much but you're right you make sure the point they're missing see why didn't Drake stream for tonight on YouTube that's a big deal yeah you know and it by the way we're on twitch right now if well yeah that's right if we were on our podcast channel streaming the numbers would be way higher mm-hmm but it's better on twitch god it just feels better the experience is better the audience are more engaged the twitch audience community I cuz I made a twitch channel as well and I noticed that which is a different audience yeah and you know what like we put our Facebook videos up Facebook is its own audience yeah you big like Facebook Facebook can like look is its own planet a hundred percent make a million percent Facebook is like our content doesn't have to Rieger like they do were you like write our content makes sense yes and no you just cut out everything I would keep it the boat I would keep it exactly as a or literally you just take your video it's basically a 10-second video of you with like 100 beanies on it's like look how many hats how open you know why to make Joey salads God bust his soul was like I'm killing it on Facebook yeah and YouTube won't even hey for me I don't know he doesn't make it he's just getting D Montes every time well as he should another lesbian couples mix mix child and broke a trump card Facebook the thing about Facebook is like if you look at it this way is the biggest youtuber has like 63 million subscribers right yes it's a huge deal like the number one like like like that I could think of just in the food space just in food is like tasty and they have 96 million likes on Facebook it's really and then you go look at some sports teams that have like or soccer players that have like a hundred something million and if they upload and it's a video native to Facebook Facebook's like oh yeah we love video content we want to be video players in the video game so let's push that push that video push that video like I have a friend who put up a video one video it got 180 million views and then he got 500 thousand likes on his Facebook page first video one time within a week YouTube has not in forever done that to a channel or someone or anything but that really yeah the biggest thing is like let's say you started a channel and I started a channel we did it on Facebook the biggest thing is we could share each other's Channel right I remember when I was negotiating the peace between Joey and soffel they're initiating so Flo didn't show it Cheryl shares and he never paid up yeah he did a night got a nice everybody's like you know what it's fine I think Facebook's still the Wild West I feel like they're gonna start something's got to happen there cuz it's just too insane what's going on there but my page is dead because they just favor a video content so much like short form snappy video content with like crying laughing emojis everywhere yeah that are like if you post a picture or status update or anything it's like a link any people saw this yeah I think what would do very well is highlights of the podcast with huh with interest it's this is the most important part subtitles woah that's a really good idea 8 damn job titles if you have the subtitles it changes Facebook here's thing you go on Facebook and it's just three seconds counters of you and they don't have to have the sound running which is dirty so 100 million views yeah it's like 179 million people that scrolled by just didn't scroll by fast enough and it plays without sound and if you have subtitles people do again some people allow you to watch during class they're in clouds you got tips yeah I knew you were gonna come in here with me write that down everybody I want ten I want ten highlights on our channel we need someone we need someone we optioning that and we go for uploads a day I have a disgusting feeling that if we start posting those it's gonna be it's gonna be sick you're gonna post in your make a hole look at this now our lives if but I don't have known your facebook lives and I do hookup monetization I can try I can connect you to a person I've done that with two of my friends okay yep yeah hook me up yeah I don't know if they got monetized but I hooked them up with the person okay that's it yeah what do you got speaking of potato in the mirror what do you got there my pizza and a bag this is pizza and a bag it's my jerky I have a jerky so okay good I'm a really tell ya well it's so crazy because I made let us hold it here hey guys look he's available in Walmart I like people just like killed you ever expect Epic Meal Time man to do all this and be like you know I'm always like no I was joking like I literally made a video where I was joking around mm-hmm and it got views and I'm like oh let's talk again next week we're joking man I can't believe we're still joking I mean it's like six years later I'm like yo this jokes really heavy almost seven years later I'm like I have I have found the reasons internally within myself why this joke will always be funny to me and why I should value this joke and I'll continue to joke with this joke forever and I got to that place and I'm like where can we take this joke snack I love Walmart that's a joke it's sunny it's called super snack time good Epic Meal Time let me let me break into this I want a baby yeah it's called super snack time cuz Epic Meal Time this is the craziest thing is copyright which is a yeah that's not seasoning so hold on hold on it's copyrighted yeah so okay I didn't expect this it's little pepperonis yeah oh my god I swear to god you could be a hundred percent honest if you don't like it you could say it's not it's not good you could you could say that be everything want me to give you a real review right now a hundred percent 100% be truthful ok well it's like honey I'm thirsty on first doesn't it taste like it shocks me I'm not gonna lie it's like a mass of meat that's like it looks like a potato in the mirror like okay so visually it's interesting but then I was like oh that's kind of cool looks like pepperoni yeah well they are it's pepperonis the pepperonis I found that that jerky is like sometimes dry or top right now at that gas station I was like let's changed the game let's bring in this pizza flavor which our surprise pizza doesn't exist this is gnarly that's really cool this is like a little shot of life I know isn't it crazy it's actually pretty good right I've never had anything like it no III swear I was like I was shocked that a triangle bag doesn't exist the that Pizza jerky itself doesn't exist doesn't say stuff like that yeah hundred percent you could say that doesn't taste healthy yeah it's it's it's high protein and low carb somewhere I was telling you about Kido mmm-hmm if you sat down and you had like I'm still eating about if you had sick by jealous if you had six slices of bacon and three eggs for breakfast you know people would be like Oh cholesterol that's not really healthy that's in line with a keto diet though so if you want it this is the best way to eat pizza if you're on Aikido because your other option is making a cauliflower pizza and then just do I gotta say I mean I'm I'm heating it I'm still eating it where are these little nuggets here they look like raisins glued to it raisins to our jerky what is this what are the chunks so it's like it's marinated and seasoned so those look like Olaf those are like delicious little like sauce pouches you just like it's basically when you get a chip and it has extra powder on it you got lucky with that bite no here let me read the packaging I I agree about the texture it is not try what you don't they have that I love trap I'm a jerky guy I'm just gonna be frank with all you right now so yeah I was gonna call it Epic Meal Time Pete's in a bag but I found out a human to calm down a huge Food Company trademarked Epic Meal Time in the food space in 2012 whoa and it wasn't you know was enough did you combat that yeah but then you just have to I have to just spend a lot of money against it's like literally like it's like a mega corny who was I don't even want it that's how big they're there's like five of their products on this table right now so just like that serious table oh no not that what sneaky little actually very sneaky big these were like big mmm big ones you know but actually it's like my first lesson it's just like I was like America yeah okay I'm gonna say I endorse it it's great sweet it's fine it's interesting I've never seen anything like it before it's tasty oh wow thank you where it's really cool yeah we I it's it's so crazy because I've pitched shows before like doing this whole thing I've gone in and done show pitches like I've been there like waiting like in like you know the hall of like this huge production company being like I hope they like this show when going in there doing the little song-and-dance but it was just interesting with this because I went to Walmart to pitch it and that was just different in itself oh so you did it directly with Walmart yeah yeah I own this it's not like a licensed one like this is like this is how the hell you make a food do they help you like how do you make yes that's a jerky company that makes the jerky and partnered with them yeah and they make a jerky that's a delish Turkey and Walmart are you telling me not to chew on the mic oh yeah I'm sorry shredder I'm sorry you try this you know I did I don't like eating on the podcast but I did like well I'm a I'm a big disgusting monster that is why we look like we look thank you for saying a proverbially so it hurts less no and I look skinny you know and that is why you're gonna die young and I'm shredder gonna live on happily you're not what is after you gonna gravy grave I was saying that I was standing up at YouTube and I was like y'all for taking away the money yeah from all the people anything they were like we put up a blog post I know I was like it's the same blog post if you have 75 subscribers or 7 million subscribers yeah and they're Alejo can we appreciate the irony of YouTube communicating through blog posts yeah yeah all right how you guys know what you're doing y'all are in touch and then and then the best part is and guys if you're watching this and you get to go to the the beautiful youtuber Illuminati secret meeting which I do love YouTube also I can't say I love YouTube but it's important to criticize it as fun I was watching a superwoman video and for like seven minutes she was like YouTube's the best love you to be so good with and she went on about how great YouTube is then she was like but and it's like she had to do that before she criticized it so six minutes of praising YouTube I had it you know but like how dumb and they bring us there and they're like sorry we took all the money away for a week without any one now can you go on stage and dance right and dance to hype up Ellen's YouTube channel and type up James Corden's YouTube channel and now you go to like YouTube trending you're like oh great YouTube this is it TV leftovers from last night Ellen segment James Corden segment and it's like I'm not bashing them although I could bash Ellen for a long time I'm just saying you look at this top ten list of people and it's just gonna be left over did you Ellen for a long time oh my god tell me about Ellen I'm licensed oh yeah watch yeah I love that I've watched Ellen I've started watching Ellen I got on the treadmill recently and I flip on Ellen just had a carrier I'm just curious what's out there but I've watched so I've watched a couple episodes recently and I'd love to hear all your all of your grievances well see you guys actually touched upon it in one of the videos something that I do bring up and that was the girl it's like oh look at you now you had to steal right yeah and for those that don't know she she chief set up a ruse that would totally encourage someone to steal an extra hat or it's garbage Ellen bar mitzva merchant good yeah it's like four dollars not a multi-billion yeah like over gives car so don't get high and mighty that someone took two hats yeah and she so this what everyone could take one thing and someone took two things and she was like oh my sister at Ellen's like oh you don't think we all have sisters right everyone wouldn't we all like to things like yeah like robbing they almost if she said Nicole she was a killer would go and hear that woman to pieces for Ellen but I hope I get a hat for this and we don't know if like maybe her sister was supposed to come she filled in for her sister made her sister's sick we don't know it'll tell you what I know I know that Ellen Ellen's like a billionaire she you know she's got her like slot machine level she got her own slot machines and yeah so she's the one for stealing a hat when you got sluggishly Oh exactly and so she's there and she's like oh look at this road it's like oh wow Ellen you know your billionaire and this girl's like a peasant stealing two hats let's shame her on TV what is the Ellen slot-machine like when you lose does it be like you took two hats it actually says claim prizes or claim below both prizes if you claim both prizes you get nothing you web cam turns on and dreams your family like pops up you line bitch like one not everyone's a billionaire another one no Dan sent me something another one was the the you know damn Daniel yeah yes so damn Daniel okay let's say you're the the damn Daniel okay and I'm other guy that says damn Daniel oh I got to some pics of Ellen's oh man oh my god it's about dancing come on all right it's sorry to pull that up and everybody you can open your eyes again so let's say you're Daniel yep and you just came to school in your white vans mm-hmm now I'm here with my $600 iPhone and I'm like damn Daniel back at it again with the white you know and I do that here like haha shut up and then like damn Daniel everyday damn Daniel damn Daniel right okay now if we just black and white it you are the star this wouldn't exist without the star however this other kid you know he bought this iPhone and he uses his data and he is the guy saying to him Daniel mm-hmm like that is his phrase you know so I would say that they're equal in the sense I would say the damn Daniel's the artist the guy make he's the creator yes and this is just the star yes the main actor and this guy this guy's the director the writer the producer and disturb his it's his grade of work right so let's just split it half half let's say they're here okay they both go on Ellen she gives that guy Daniel a lifetime supply events he's already got some slick new shoes you know but he now he has a lifetime supply this guy the friend that came with him a surfboard that says I went on The Ellen Show was she trying to be rude to him I think no she wasn't trying to be rude to him what she's trying to do in my opinion is subtly place the seeds for a treacherous backstabbing of these friends around like in a year oh these kids aren't anymore no way it's now music oh yeah Daniel why don't you just do it with your van so you have a lifetime supply of and all I got is his surfboard and he's like bro you were always jealous of my wife back that's why you filled me in the beginning and then they bite each other who knows but you know what I mean so she's breaking up that's what I think what a nasty wit how how is it hard her face are crazy by the way Horus we're done whatever you know whatever I got scared for a millisecond I saw you realize blah I thought I thought about it I thought kpop fan base you're okay I thought you were a kpop fan every day I fight for that for oh you fought against the haters I fight against a knife it against k-pop fans wait I thought you were for Cape I am they're so up so what is the key about 25 plants I like I like I like some kpop band some boy bands I find them I find the mesmerizing the fascinating and I think that they're the pinnacle of money spent on pop music and designer clothes and it's like they're born and bred like they're like Spartans except instead of kicking ass they're a boyband right they're born from the beginning and like they throw other other kids like other Koreans in the garbage that just don't have the look they're like no in the trash in the trash this one the pop singers do that the there there if you thought the Backstreet Boys were corporate shills you have no idea what it's like in whatever we loved them just like five seconds ago I do love them but you just call them corporate chills sometimes when you talk about something like in a way it sounds worse than it is in real life you know like like this this in this one this one video this one video on YouTube this guy max describes Ric Flair and he's like his skin is he's like he looks like leather and he's this weird old goober and he's so gross and he's awesome and it's true something he's never downed worse right when there's explained but when you really when you take it in yeah these guys are nothing but you know they're they're corporate shills okay but you love them all they're there yeah they're the best okay all right I get you I understand so they they they're just born and bred to be the best at this and this is a very specific thing their groom exactly to be in a boy band right and their fans are very territorial hmm and I like some fans bases and other fan bases don't mix well and I went once and I was like oh like I'm like I love BTS haha my boys are so sick and I you know this one's my favorite and then literally people were like you stupid jar mayonnaise and slit your throat if you think you could be fan of BTS they hate white people you and I was like whoa there's really intense they're like can't beat that comedy racist bitch yeah I actually i screen shot so many people all different pirates all different walks of life on Twitter being like you scumbag if you think you'll be fan of BTS I will kill you I swear not like dude that's crazy though and they I like they kept sending pictures of like a jars of mayonnaise crying why why exam white and white racist and they are like yes race they're like another like they can't be racist to white people you idiot oh I was like what my people think that I would look I'm like oh this is just completely interesting on on so many levels do that I kind of want to get into k-pop now yeah yeah I got I got like a list for you I got like a start I like a list of please like I don't care about the music I'm just interested in the beef yeah and once you just go out there I got just like like if you went up right now and you're like huge I'm a huge fan of jungkook like you'll see your mentions are gonna change hue jungkook yeah Ju and GK oh okay you write that and that sounds like that's a Korean pop that sounds like a cowboy so weird it's like a twist but it I bet if you see it's a ghost they're gonna hear dude they're I mean they're throwing mayonnaise through the window right now that's interesting yeah and I just I was like oh yeah this is awesome people were like I'm gonna kill you crazy I'll on the surface value it's like oh this wholesome everyone's having fun and seeing it and dancing and then underneath it's just static don't ever first she's so obviously what I did was I was like well in that case I guess I'm gonna be the fan club president so like my bio has said fan club president for like the last lexicon and Ryan I'm gonna get messages being like yo mr. president can I be in the BTS fan club and I'm like hey just wanting to be in the club get you access to the club alright and I had some websites like throughout an article being like Harley Morenstein from Epic Meal Time is that there's the BTS fan club president it was like literally like written on this like Korean website and I was just like oh this is actually true and weird it's not only was a weird that I was wearing a kpop t-shirt with like a young man's face on it but I was at Dave and Buster's which is also weird I was having a weird night and someone tapped me on the shoulder and it was just like young girl and I turn on shows are you the BTS fan club president okay I swear to God I unzipped my jacket where I had a picture I was like yeah and she went it is usually staff and I get a picture no she was a nice one at least so she recognized you as the fan club leader yeah well I was like damn serious brand pivot working hopefully I got a couple videos you wanna watch some videos yeah I would love to I've got did you hear about this count dink EULA Chet the dog that's a dog yeah yeah you guys you guys probably mostly heard about this but I'll show you a little clip I haven't actually had a chance to talk about this I mean you talk about it for a long time this guy trained his girlfriend's pug she's always she's always you know doting over this pug saying I was the cutest thing doting is that a word they say that right whatever you guys know what I mean I don't love the damn dog yeah and the doc he taught the dog had a Heil Hitler this video just got demonetised algorithms like a legume is like Heil Hitler nope so here's the video anyway he got locked up in the UK so that's it happy so here you can hear him saying it's the least cute bang mm-hmm a Nazi yeah not glory to Hitler all you know and the weirdest thing is is like like he said that he thinks it's not cute he thinks Nazis are not cute so now he's talking about it he's established his side of it yeah but he doesn't think Nazis are cute so then we are we're you know we're are remembering the Nazis which is an important thing right we should remember that that's a up time that's true we should remember it and if we remember it through joking or whatever let's do that but he started it off by saying this you know and like actually member the the I hate Jewish people PewDiePie thing yes I always thought that that entire video would be in completely different and changed if you actually right off the bat said it and I just want to say I do not hate Jewish people and then went through with it it means something so different I've watched this and I've gone over this before alright but like it's really important he paused there because he said thought of the least yeah that context easier put exactly put him where he is yeah I it seems so logical to anyone right everyone that we would talk to seems to be on the same page I just don't understand what is going so well so let me basically I mean I thought it was pretty funny I was giggling to myself as I watch this he says gasps the Jews and all that good stuff and the dog piles Hitler's let me find one because it takes me a minute to train the dog that's funny the pugs an obscene oh my god I'll say the the accent is too spooky he got the low speak German accent it gives me like two real but well today is like okay so in the UK apparently you're not allowed to make Nazi jokes and they're actually sentence his ass they're gonna throw him in the slammer for a for a joke he's gonna be in jail yeah how he's gonna be every day he's gonna be in jail he's like I think cannot believe that I'm in jail and for every person that's like what are you in for what are something that they do that from the movies yeah that is honestly I taught a pug to salute Hitler and then privately like this guy's a violent right and then killed no and you killed who was you kill yeah no I literally I thought that my reaction is I don't know what the laws are and I'm not English I don't know what it's like to grow up there but I'll say this it made me appreciate this God blessed land of the free where free speech is a tent-like we free speech is an actual right that we have and that would never ever happen here in America and you and it's crazy to think that even in UK the birth of civilization someone can go to prison for something so insane it makes you really appreciate what it means to live in America I gotta say this is what's interesting to me is let's say I taught you how to kill someone I just showed you how to kill showed you how the fastest way to kill someone with a knife and I showed you and I trained you for a year on how to kill someone mmm-hmm and then you went and killed someone right right you did the crime yes but maybe I should go to jail too maybe right but it was you you should be punished mm-hmm I don't like the idea of this guy going to jail at all but if you really want a black and white it that dogs are not see how do we do with that Nazi dog yeah what do we do with it right we got a dog out there that will Heil Hitler that watches Nazi propaganda the guys locked up but he knows the difference does the dog no no and what's messed up to me is I hate to say it but like you follow that logic you got to put that dog down we have to put that dog down yeah well it's not that I want to see that but if you're gonna continue the crime you have to guess that dog yeah exactly that justice you really do I would like to see that I guess that and I don't want that but like you know what like if you don't think that anything should happen to that dog then you should have and nothing shopping to that guy absolutely you're moving you're moving UK this is we started off talking about killing dogs we'll make sure to touch back on yeah I just was like when I saw that I was like I don't know anything about the UK I don't know about their laws I thought that they had the same freedoms we have but apparently not I guess you can joke about that's who I remember I went on a cruise way back in the day like literally like 15 years ago and I was hanging out with some kids from America and there was a couple of UK girls there and one of them at one point was just like oh like if something came up and I was going I'm Jewish News like you're Jewish you're Jewish he's Jewish you're Jewish like yeah and like oh wow I never met a Jew before and he went on to talk about Jews and a lot of the stuff he said was very racist it really up and the UK girl was like if you said that stuff in the UK you can literally go to jail and in my head I was like ah she's goofing around she wasn't around so I don't think this is a new thing right I think just that's how serious it is I know in Germany and that makes more sense to me that like if you talk about Hitler or Nazi propaganda you'll go to prison that makes sense to me in Germany they don't want they don't want to do that whole thing again yeah that didn't work out yeah although in a weird way it did because Germany is prospered they took like a weird route there but they seem to be doing well now hey not that bad start a couple world wars like yeah we made a couple mistakes but like it worked out it's almost like you said a couple false starts you find your footing in the rim who might have criticized their plan no would you go to jail for that Joe great possibly interview possibly in the UK I I don't know maybe from that we're going again but there's the possibility that you could I try way too hard to be a funny person to ever go to the you that's right probably a guy that because that that's the American spirit it's like if I wanna say I'm gonna F a bunch of frickin flips gasps a bunch of Jews that it is a word that is a word guess know if you said a word yeah F word that is a word that's a derogatory word right I swear what's your point what are you saying oh no I thought you were trying to say it - like bypass a word but then you ended up saying 100 counts oh here's my ultimate point yeah okay there were UFOs on the news like three months ago you guys see those videos no full-on UFOs like f-16 fighter pilot Jets being like what the it's a UFO look at that and it's spinning and it's doing weird and it's all that I swear to God I believe aliens can invade earth they will be at our doorsteps like it'll be like Independence Day mothership small waiting for that are you expecting that it would be pretty cool I hope I'm alive for it but I'm just saying it could be there that's where we could be at uh-huh and no one will talk about it they're like oh my god this guy this guy said something homophobic on Twitter let's go get him boys and then let's get mad fry or the mothership in the area over New York yeah they could be here what Deng kuelen said about the Jews yeah exactly the black that is borderline anti-semitic and I think we should talk to him right now yeah those aliens they could wait yeah I just feel like that's where we are on it's been about on earth now did you follow the whole me being accused of Transpo being transferred that's what I was referencing earlier yeah those those very reaching I'm like I saw that I'm like how far are we reaching that yeah and I actually I saw that girls post I was like oh she's just been waiting too use that meme format know that format where you say that what you like she just been waiting to do that and to just she's like oh here's where I could jump in on it so and she used it and then it's like oh she's yeah but at first we thought at first it was some sort of a joke that I was missing like I mean I don't know but then I realized it was serious no I didn't see anything like I don't know no it's insane table we did a video we put up a video and there was some weird jokes in the video and I was like oh let's take that out let's take that I edited this video like so that had some weird stuff pulled out and then I put it up and this girl on Twitter was like you know I watch all your stuff and this one really got to me and I was like oh why I will take criticism sometimes you know I was like why is that she was like I just felt like it was really offensive to vegans and really super rude to vegans and now I know that we made some jokes towards vegans but we definitely didn't go anywhere like they should die or anything like that it was just ten on ten hilarious joke and that was it and I was like Oh Mike did I offend you she's like no I'm not vegan I just felt that it was very offensive and I was like okay which part and she was like I'll have to watch it again and I was like this is the problem here because you're not vegan but you feel like it's offensive and you're gonna go back to try and find out why you made me felt it's just that everyone's got their their their their sensors up on so sensitive that like I I sometimes see things I'll watch something and I'll see it and I'm like oh I bet people get offended about that every day things happen I look at that on my all people would get offended about that right you know I kind of like what you said I was watching your Twitter video about the doctor disrespect his Asian guy character yeah and I like what you said in a way where he was denying that it was racist and you're like I like it it's funny and it's rad it's racist yeah it's like okay I kind of like that acknowledgement of being like well first of all I'm not acknowledging that what I said is transphobic I don't want people to know they're very different very different later else but to be like okay I chose to make a racist joke for the sake of comedy but I think the most important thing that nobody considers of everyone who loves to get angry all the time is that what really matters is the intention yeah you're not someone who wishes harm or has bad intentions if you make a racist joke that is harmless because there's a you know well that's it like I I'm like dude I like I I love one of my favorite comics Anthony Jeselnik says the most terrible things ever most terrible things ever if he ever worked to be like it's not that bad it'd be kind of up that he says that it's the fact that he's like oh I know people know that I say up things and I'm a huge fan of doctor disrespect and like you know when he does like like basically mimicking a Chinese person's speaking mock Chinese even though I think he's hilarious at it and what do I know I'm a white Jew how could I ever know if that is offensive but if someone get another give that disclaimer I don't know anything I'm a white Jew I hate that problem too when I was making that video about like my response to the trans I was like I I was thinking about saying something like that but it's like I'm just a white Jew yeah I don't know any you want to preemptively you want to preemptively like just stop those comments or can I know but what I what I settled on is this if if you went and you stubbed your toe and you're like kills and I was like let me see and I looked at it I bet go it's fine you're not hurt it does hurt you yeah I gotta trust that it hurts you that's all so if someone if someone asian is like that's up yeah then I'll be like you know pain is real maybe maybe it is i-i'll just I'll believe you you know cuz someone can go and like shake a jar of pennies in my face now bike that's up and I'm like no it's not like well you know not it was knee high it was a hack joke but now that you're saying it's not up I want to fight you you know cuz it is up but like you just need to just know that it's up and doing like the mock asian thing is racist you can't you can't yell ching chong at a Chinese man and then say that it's not racist cuz you know I think he was like you know my girlfriend's dad's Hawaiian bro that's cool something like that which is like that doesn't cut it you know but I was having a good time laughing at some funny content that I thought was funny but I'm a terrible person so I can laugh at racist things I don't think you have to be normal person except we need a yeah you know a terrible person insane anyway that I'm terrible on that the most sensitive person will find a million reasons to get annoyed with me and that's what but i'm i think i think joking about sexuality and races and yeah all that is important and I think joking about the Holocaust is super important also I think it's important we're like joking is an art we'll remember things by how we laughed at it or whatever and if you like in that scenario I wished that he would have been like either a like huh my name is dr. disrespect what the did you think other than I would disrespect a bitch I'll disrespect the whole race and you know whatever but then it got to like a weird quasi play by the way I don't follow the whole I didn't see his response I just saw I like that what are you explaining yeah well cuz I felt like it could be taken what I was said could be taken and applied to lots of things well it's just like recognizing what you're doing like you know like like the PewDiePie's like I I know it like the guy invited me to sleep on the couch at his house if I ever wanted to go and film with him you know I don't think he hates Jewish people he knows very well I'm Jewish you know I don't think that's I never thought that but the content yeah the content the joke was anti-semitic in definition but he is nowhere near an anti-semite you know what I mean like in my experience no that's not you know what I mean so like it's it's like people take the joke and and it's just the comedy is at comedy is at risk yeah okay I'm always Pro comedy that's right I'm always like what I hated the most was growing up is if like you know like someone would make like a racist or homophobic remark and I might say something but I might make like an anti-semitic one and then a Jewish person would get offended and I'd like no you're ruining the game because the game is all or nothing and if you're gonna get mad at one of them then you're gonna ruin the whole concept of the game and the like for me like I like pushing buttons I like being extreme so always default to saying something about Jewish people because I can go to that far edge and then be like oh it's our word the K word you know I could say that it's fine you know and if someone else said I'd like oh as long as it's funny let him do it if it's not funny let's make fun of them for not being funny but also just know when you're being racist or know when you're saying something homophobe Bick or whatever and I thought your tweet was however that even came is being transphobic does not make sense to me at all that wasn't partly really frustrating me was that like I didn't even know why I was being such a reach it was just such an intense reach that I thought it was so goofy what am i I feel like it's just that people are expecting at this point that you shouldn't you should never be offended by anything like it's fine to be offended you can move on right it's a normal healthy reaction that we live in a society are supposed to feel you you need to be able to talk and express yourself you're gonna worry about every little thing you may offend you can't say anything anymore or if you get offended I want that person to pay is like that was this justice on the the offensive aspects is weird by the way I can only imagine how many people were reporting our channel and trying to get my Twitter banned and yeah because that's it it's like a it's it's all about retribution the thing that really annoys me is like I'm I'm so pro trans right and so liberal on social issues and I feel like I'm an ally to them I'm not a conservative Christian who thinks that they're mentally ill or that they're desecration of God or anything like the that I hear that's really awful I understand that growing up trans is probably really it has to be extremely difficult a lot of them are at risk for suicide and depression and like that and that you should call people by the pronoun that they want in the name that they want and I totally understand respect that feel like I'm a sensitive dude to their issues and it's so it's like why are you trying to ruin that alliance yeah I'm on your side dude why are you segregating us people jump people to jump the gun on pointing fingers and what's weird about it is like you know what I don't like is like now if someone this week we're to Google your name it's just attached to something that says like transphobic and that just exists and it's there and then you know obviously like some websites will mention it or talk about it Ethan comes recently accused of being transphobic which is yes that's 100% true you were recently accused of that and that makes whether it's really baseless and completely nonsense it's not gonna yeah even like you know I was listening the podcast with Shane like how terrible that is the whole you know Shane Dawson is dude that was insane that's like that's 12 on 10 scary that Twitter news that they featured that exactly and how fast that gets out of control like this is minor compared to that yeah oh that's but that's insane like and I I'm like you know that's what's scary is like this day and age like you know something could happen someone someone could be accused of one thing or whatever and then before you know what you're in this box or there's been where the company of that bin is ten times worse than what you're even falsely being accused of and that's what's weird is you get thrown into these bins we categorize it like oh yeah first I think that Twitter should be deeply ashamed of that whole Shane Dawson thing that was just shocking I am as borderline like Miss America you should sue them I genuinely think that what they did was borderline I can't remember the word was it defamation yeah what they did I know they have some exemptions if they're like journal journal but you have to have there's some journalistic standards yeah like you should use that power to correct yourself the next day never then and they kept it up for a long time so up yeah it just up but that was one thing this it's like one of those under under side risks of doing what we do is you know you put your name out there and like you said you you go on the mic and you talk on the mic non-stop you're gonna say some dumb or whatever yeah or maybe you don't but people will piece together some dumb or say you can easily remove context from anything there's this picture like this picture that like I could see why someone would think it was me like it almost could show you the picture I'll follow if I find it on my phone but it was just this picture and it looks like a guy that like could almost be me but he had like a tattoo then I don't have a single time what would you do it was just it was him and then it was this girl that looks like it could be another another youtuber like really if you wanted it to be and their faces were blurred hmm but like there were like naked together and like it looks like it could be me and another youtuber and I just remember it like the week that it went on Twitter like in 2014 people were tweeting it like crazy and like Mike girlfriend at the time was just like look is this you and I was like yo I'm like look at my shoulder I'm sure this is like my girlfriend were in the same apartment look look at my shoulder I have no hair this guy's got hair all over and surely you're lucky and I'm like I am lucky and it's like this is you but the people that are looking at this picture they don't have me showing them my shoulder they don't know me as well there's like damn damn dog look at you - you did this and it's like not a thing that happened you know that's great but yeah it's just wild just what it is and it's funny cause like I'm sitting here like sharing this with you guys right now and like there's still an element of me male just even randomly sharing there wasn't even anything bad to it there's nothing bad to it it's like okay yeah we each other even let's just say that is what happened when it's not but like I'm still sharing and it is somewhat an innocent enough thing and I'm casually sharing and like I know it's not but there's still an element of like you know you get this aspect of like I don't know if I should believe this was it that they thought that you that you I didn't want to I don't want to say because I feel like it's like a thing and then it's like kind of like a thing but it's definitely not someone that would ever me someone that I know well enough and I would tell you that they would never they would never mess exactly so if they enough every time I got you you have the best you've got all the Jews all the stories you were there from day one I know a lot of it you would never say on camera every time I see it this guy he's telling me that's blowing my mind is there any stories you can tell on camera that is just like the greatest craziest YouTube it's a good one I could tell on camera the best you guys I'm telling you get this guy off camera oh boy you're on it's too bad like 90% of them are like incriminating - yeah Tom berry I mean every moment was extremely incriminating to all of our favorite youtubers yeah there was I remember there was a point like where like it was like you know Toby Turner of course Toby Turner was like the Great Gatsby of YouTube at one point where he had parties every single weekend at his house and they were like extravagant parties like Thursday Friday Saturday and I just remember going to those parties and be like something bad is gonna happen here something bad will happen there's just too many youtubers too many people getting up I just feel like something bad will happen and I remember I used to go there like all the time and like you know I had some somebody some guys that were on Epic Meal Time then and they were just like oh man maybe we should stop coming to getting up then I remember the last time I went it was like the last straw of we're like okay let's go was we went in the backyard and like in the hot tub was like someone that I recognized from like fine brothers like teens react mm-hmm and this is like a party there's like drugs going around and drinking going around we walking and I look in the back I'm like yo I'm like that's one of the kids from teams we act like we leave now let's go that was the last time I was there but anyone who's ever been at a tobyturner party who's ever gone to any of those they've been up they know they got up everyone's been up at those parties everyone like every youtuber if they've ever been like oh I remember the I was at a Toby Turner party and this they were on what they were on ecstasy probably yeah everyone those were the days on those were the do tube days right you know what it was funny is like it my experience on YouTube going through so many phases that I have been I can recognize enough that sometimes someone will say to me like you know if I talk to one of the guys who used to be on Epic Meal Time they're like man then whatever man those were the days and then a part of me thinks I'm like these are the days and I know that's like a weird thing to say but like we are still in the days and I know that like there were times where I'm like oh those were the days but like these are the days to in a weird way like I had like the days where I remember that when like Epic Meal Time was like fastest growing number one channel on YouTube it was like you know like 10 million views a week and we were like going like up like 25,000 subscribers or a week and that was a lot more those yeah yeah those were the godly numbers yeah there was it was messed up those were the days and it was like Food Network was like had a show where they had a guy that looked exactly like me but it was just like doing like we're doing outrageous foods it was like over Aegis meal fibers all right and like you know huge corporations are trademarking our brand I'd like to accept those were the days but then after that you know we moved to LA and living in LA like those were the days and then we got to work with like some people like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Seth Rogen James Franco and I'm like those were the days but like then there's an aspect of it where I said about like I think about the times where we've met where I met you guys the YouTube thing or something like coming here and I'm like these are the days where to pizza and a bag for me is like these are the days there are like the days are like there's just so many you know there's just like it's all the days like it'll all be one when you look back in 20 years from now it'll all be the days you know like the the the Joey salads and like you know the lawsuit and the podcast everything will be like into the days yeah that's all I think that's healthy I think that's a that's a good outlook for anyone who's listening because I think people have a tendency to be like always looking back yeah the truth is about the days too I mean you'll talk about this all the time like we idealized the time we were in Santa Cruz and we're like man those were the days back then like we were broke now we even sometimes talk like that about the times in Israel right all the times in New York but you remember sighs it and you're like those were the days but when you actually like meditate and think back you were miserable back then there were a lot of complaining for like man YouTube's so up these days I was like dude YouTube has always been up yeah do you think it's up now people used to complain and be like why is there 15 Taylor Swift parody music videos on the front page every day why doesn't my content pause and like there was always something like that there was always an element like you know people are like oh I heard this youtubers like not even that nice to everyone it's like people said that about like raywilliamjohnson back in the day I thirst he hates me whoo hey William yeah I bet well I don't know why I've never caught though I all I don't I'm I'm he's before my time on YouTube I didn't really watch his colony is I know about its lawsuit case because he was our predecessor he lost his case I studied a little bit in preparation for our case and why he lost and what you know why did that happen but I he's a real interesting guy I appreciate what he's accomplished and I was like hey you should come on the podcast you know I love to be a really interesting conversation because we have a lot in common Ally the guy does he watch his videos that's kind of what we do we both been a lawsuit about fair use so somebody I tweeted at him he didn't respond but I got a lot of attention somebody showed me a screenshot they've been following each other for a long time for some reason they know each other I guess and he's like hey you should go on the h3 podcast I heard that he wanted to have you on there and he blocked him straight-up blocked him did I mean what's that about so I listened I met I was kind of like I met him I met him a few times in Jefferson and he hangs out with Jeff Dunham by the way it's interesting you know what cuz like you know what like I I come from a place where it's like this if you if you make content you put yourself out there then you are open game for discussion we can talk about you we can that's just how it is I think there's there's there's a fine line to that like I I'm for you know the content you guys make I'm about that I find it weird like sometimes when a creator will like you know talk about like an 11 year old girls Instagram feed you know like rice gum content is weird - I agree and there's a difference but when someone like gray he's like you know he's a real person I've met him before he's been nice to me I do know that he doesn't like being the topic of conversation so I know even in this scenario I from what I remembered of him I haven't hung out with him in years is he wouldn't like that I'm even discussing right now about him but there's an element of when you become the top there's an element we might never really grasp unless you've been there yourself like I remember when jenna Marbles was blowing up and that sky rocketing like how that affected her in my encounters with her personally I saw Logan Paul when he was on vine and then I saw him when he was on YouTube before he popped and then I saw him when he was skyrocketing and there was something similar there there's a similar what is this detachment to an extent of like relationships and whatever and there's this element of any any person that you can think of or speak to were people that would message you there's an element in this position where it's like what do they want from me what is that person why I have mean I definitely the element of that so if you're number one yeah and then you've been number one then you have that feeling with everybody yeah sure so you know like Logan had adore I've noticed I thought maybe Jenna may have have it but but Ray had a strong aspect of that that you know I'm sure he was one of the people that were there way beginning way early on and maybe there was that element of like what does this person want from me from him you just him and Jamie on the podcast yeah but but like I did but why are you trying to you trying to put me on blast but rose yeah yeah so yes this and this is an important one to this scenario is I went out and I and I tend to be someone who connects with everyone I literally I met like one person on YouTube that I didn't like literally everyone else like I like and I went out once and it was a scenario where I I went to this club and Ray was gonna be there and Sam pepper gave me a lift so it was just like an interesting night your ass no this was pre ass touching and so I got there with Sam and I was at wallbrook grace ray was there yeah and he this is the perfect encounter that sums him up in a way Sam went up to him was like oh my god I'm a huge fan I made YouTube because of you I can't believe it like it's just you made me want to be a youtuber hmm Narae said to him I'm not a youtuber and then Sam said raywilliamjohnson and he was like yep and he was like yeah you're a youtuber I used to watch equals three I loved it like you made me want to do this and like you know and I literally like I loved your channel he goes cool but I'm not a youtuber I think as well you were a youtuber he was like I was never a youtuber and he was like mad and he kind of stepped away and Sam was like to me like I'm getting mad like I'm getting mad at him why is he saying he's not a youtuber right and I was like well let's be let's be honest it's pretty lame but we all are he totally is yeah yeah we're all youtubers you know but like saying you're youtuber maybe is an element that you don't want like I knew that he you know he's he's a musician he's a writer he had directed content that did not go on YouTube so if you just say you're a youtuber maybe he felt like that was limiting what he's done or whatever but he that encounter himself is I don't know anyone else that would have had 9 million subscribers where eight point nine nine nine nine nine of them would refer to them him as a YouTube and one of them would refer to him as their son you know and everyone else would be like a youtuber so well also that when if when an impressionable fan comes up to him is just being nice and looking for a little yeah well who's also now in his own right he was successful at that when he was probably I remember yam was a big deal yeah so it was like that in itself it was just weird and I'm in the middle and that just right there I mean I guess to an extent can give you a hint at you know huh what the mind frame you know so it might not be that he hates you but it is interesting that he went and blocked that purse just bro but that comes from a really sour talks place that's not a help happy man who's blocking people just watch you know I I found it I interested like you know like maker studios had like a weird dynamic back in the day like I used to go there and it was very strange because it's like you have all these employees that want to be youtubers and want to create channels but they're now until they get their break they're working for other channels and that person's coming is like edited better breath inches you know and it's like you are you're working for this guy's channel but you want to be spending time on your own channel yeah but you're trying to work your way you're trying to make something happen you're trying to figure it out so I think maker just had a very strange dynamic but I remember people used to bash ray like I'd go to VidCon and be like VidCon Ray's not even at VidCon thinks he's too good for VidCon and my only thought process is maybe he's just really uncomfortable or unhappy or you know like I don't know when when I started doing YouTube when I went to the first VidCon I was shocked at how strange every creator was hmm I left my bag yo you oh my god I love your shouldn't he like to say I was like oh it must have taken us particularly be like I am gonna go on this site YouTube which doesn't even make money yet yeah and I'm just gonna for fun talk to no one and say like me follow me subscribe to me and I'm gonna upload it every day and I'm not even like getting paid for it or anything I'm just doing it because this is who I am and I just noticed that I'm like well those people are different people from myself now it's different now it's like being a youtuber so cool in this day and age you know like someone like when like I was telling Tim to leggett I was like bro when you uploaded your first video to YouTube Jake Paul was six yeah like he was six years old right so he grew up at a time where it's like yeah what YouTube it's actually cool to be a youtuber bro alright like Rey grew up at a time where it was not cool in fact it was uncool in fact you were just using it as a milestone stepping-stone to get to other stuff to be respected in auditions you know I used to talk to me he said he used to wash dishes in his videos to seem relatable with the audience he never wanted to say that he had an Escalade at the time he didn't want to talk about his fancy car or his fancy lifestyle because he thought that would be weird for the audience where I remember when we came onto the scene we were like oh let's pretend like were rappers well we're gonna pretend we have money before we had money like we said YouTube money before we ever got our first paycheck we were just like let's just be like we got a million dollars doing good good you know but it was just too counterculture what was happening then but he came at a time where it was like uncool to be a youtuber you know so maybe he is just not a happy guy I really I don't know I don't anything about the guy he's interesting did and I'd love to sit down oh I think it would be and I'm sure someone's gonna be like gray they spoke about you at this moment and check this out rage he's in this pod right here if you block me if you don't want to come on huh and if you do want to come on follow me those are your two options yeah you can't do it nothing yeah he is friends with Jeff Dunham I've noticed that he's friends with Jeff Dunham who is my personal friends there's they may be together they're friends they're like I could work because they're cut from the same block of uh I don't think he would work with someone that he doesn't like personally I like I think if he's working with someone likes them personally I think if he's working with someone he's bringing them into like his you know I think it is what you just said connected with me I think he's like doesn't even want to associate with this that's going on here yes cuz he's a big deal he makes collabs with Jeff Dunham are the best pass the most powerful comedian that's ever lived who puts puppets on his hand and tells racist jokes through the puppet so he's not accountable he's friends with the great and wonderful Jeff Dunham and he'll be goddamn become waste his time with me he prefers to spend his time with peanut he prefers to spend its time with the talking jalapeno peppers it sounds like over-the-top Mexican so I'm way I'm way way way below his level let me ask you this yeah we oh we didn't do the giant babe bring up the giant babe for Christ's sake and so important we totally forgot yeah all right you got to hit this thing it's customary that uh this is like ceremonial yeah usually good in the beginning but we forgot so hit this hit this monster would you now it's not a competition between the guests at all it's been sanitized so don't worry about that it's been spit shined by Dan is there chronic in this there's no chronic it's just vape juice now is Shetty okay I think he's just yeah he's all right now it's not a competition but there there's a friendly exchange between people to see who can rip the fattest vape cloud so don't worry about it you know but like let me warn you let me give you some advice if you rip it too hard you coffin when you cough the smoke disappears so you have to find a balance of ripping it really hard and not too hard so the buttons right there and you just suck you're gonna love it yep yeah that's where you suck from yeah I every time yeah all right Godspeed I can't wait I would go all around it yeah for max suction you're very you're very is you're very self-aware about holding that little phallic tube wrapping your mouth going yeah don't worry man just put your mouth around that little tube and suck it here we go ladies and gentlemen staff a trip he's very tender very dainty you can take another good at it yeah you know you that was impressive cuz you coughed but you also still got a pretty fat rib it was no it wasn't that big but you caught if you didn't cough it was gonna be a lot really big yeah yeah yeah yeah that's a bat cloud it's uh donut I don't know so thank you for doing that by the way how was good did it hurt the first rip yeah a little bit oh no it's so closed it out and it's like it went yeah sometimes when it's not been serviced I don't know why just told me it was clean there everything is clean the tube is clean not been used but sometimes I don't know why trips so harsh it's like battery acid and like so you know it's so funny vape scary the worst like like if you have a vape you suck online automatically did you know this let me explain let me clean I have an account on Instagram mm-hmm it's literally a toy account it's my side passioned fun project I have little dolls I swear 12-inch dolls like Star Wars force diagram it's called young toy boy why you ng to a boy yeah so I put this up and sometimes I'll tell people how I made a picture like I'll be like oh here's what I did like and I'll be like the background is cardboard I mean we'll shot I'm using the hot toys r a picture or a sideshow Boba Fett and the alien queen and then I'll say like and then III use like a blue light and I'll say I took my vape which I literally bought the vape for this and then I bought the vape to their atmosphere to blow it yeah into the picture so there's smoke in the picture this is why I bought the vape and I'll tell people I'll put the picture up and I'm like yeah check it out into the sideshow Boba Fett I put some cardboard in the back there and I blew my vape for the smoke effect mm-hm and then all the comments are like you have a vape oh my god you loser or kill yourself there's no you're so garbage Wow made more douche bag jeez and I'm like yo I literally just I'd literally just took a picture of dolls there's a lot of people these are lighting to kill you these are pictures of malls I took a picture of dolls and I sent them up with fake plants and everything like that and I took the picture and you're gonna comment me for the vape a more Pro like yeah exactly I'm like a grown man lying on my tummy on the streets taking a picture of toys yeah this is pretty much I'll be like oh man use your vape Wow you suck bro you suck and I'm like but how did that outshine the fact the fact like a grown man payment yeah we got playing with all there's not really crazy really cool actually yeah do you ever feel discriminated against because our producer Dan Azov is a big actual vapor dan do you ever feel discriminated against for vaping no no I mean I see the hate online but not in real life not in real life oh my god they're probably talking behind my back but a hundred percent they are when you leave everyone's like that vaping Wow by the way I didn't want to say in front of him but Dan is a babe we always ask their guests at the bottom of the show if you have any and it's okay if you don't have them okay paranormal extraterrestrial or unexplainable stories that have ever happened to you ghost stories yeah you okay god bless you what do you got for me so I I was dating this girl not my ex my ex but the other ex before epicMealTime ever happened in my basement mmm and I always felt like weird vibes in my basement like I'd wake up sometimes and I felt like I couldn't breathe mmm you know and I'm not someone who's like there's ghosts but I am someone like maybe there's ghosts you know I'm like you know I'm very like anything is possible to exist or not exist who knows it was her in trouble then grab him let him out of the room and so what happened was I there's this ghost in in in history or in different cultures that sits on your chest I've heard yeah and you could wake up maybe like or in your dream you can breathe or you're kind of awake and you know you're napping but you can't breathe and it's like it's like hard to breathe mmm and it's like there's this just I I experienced and I remember experiencing it in googling and then finding that's in culture there's just like this ghost that sits on your chest whatever you know it's a thing whatever I had these weird experiences and then I remember being in bed with my girlfriend at the time and it felt like we're both in bed and I wake up it's like 4:00 a.m. and it's black in the moments all the lights are off and I felt like someone was at the edge of the bed kind of like pushing down on the bed and it felt like the bed was moving a bit and I felt that and my face was up against the wall so I like put my finger on the wall to see if my finger was moving or if I was just imagining this bounce hmm and I felt my finger like going on the wall so I was like it feels like someone's here hmm and so I roll over this way so I'm facing her now but you know I don't know if she's facing me or what if she's sleeping whatever and I rolled over and she just goes Harley Harley I wasn't quiet she goes there's someone here and I look at the foot of the bed and it's everything's black but at the foot of the bed it's extra black like really dark like ultimate darkness so there's just like two things you could do here I could scream at the top of my lungs or I could fight I kind of did a mix of both I like stood up and I was like and like fell through whatever was there or wasn't there and my light is behind it so when I fell through it I hit my light and my light turns on and she's got tears all over her face she's like there was a ghost here for like 20 minutes I swear he was there don't freak out and I totally thought there was I was like oh don't worry I wasn't gonna be like oh my god I felt it too so I was like aw don't worry you stupid idiot you thought there was a ghost here you must feel foolish like we'll just keep the TV on if it makes you feel better you know I'm not putting the TV on and keeping the light on and everything I'm like it was a weird encounter fast-forward a week from then I wake up in the middle of the night and I'm just trenched in sweat like I'm sweating I'm drenched and I'm like full-on like like having rage sex and I like what when you wake up I wake up but I'm doing I'm like covered in sweat and I was like what during a sexual act when you I'm having sex okay I'm having sex right now and I'm like what is I like pull out and I'm like oh my gosh I'm like what's going on she's like what are you doing I was like what happened here she was like I don't know you just you just got really one-track minded about it and he wanted to do it and I was like I did this again like it wasn't me and she was like no it was you and I'm like no I think that was the ghost from the other week that did this and she was like what are you talking I was just like I don't know I'm sweating and I don't remember starting this and that's not when do I ever do this and I don't want to do this and I think I think he's with us or he you or whoever that is or whoever the ghost was that I didn't do this look look at me I'm soft now I don't even want to be here I didn't want this I waited you were actually having sex with your girlfriend I was fully having sex I woke up and I was in the middle of sex and then all of a sudden you were like wait I was at whoa I'm awake now who did that she's like you're being weird why don't you just bang this one out let's get back to bed I was like no tell me how did we get to this place crazy but she was like you did this she's like you woke me up you didn't say anything you were just really one-track minded about Oh oh my god that's ever happened yeah those are the only scenarios that that happened I I her and I didn't stay together much longer anyways and I didn't stay in the house much longer anyways so I don't know if it was her or the house but those were the encounters that time that a ghost my girlfriend Oh No yeah and usually a dick yes use my pathetic dick as a mere vessel for this of all the Dixon of all the disappointing David in the world mine was selecting this ghost dick alright the be exercise I have an honor in a way spooky and and and and fighter I jerked off with holy water to exorcise the demon visa following that's right the Pope ribs website yeah that's great thanks for sharing that Amy told me to can I say can I say that I've been I've had experiences it's a type of sleepwalking I happen for a period of like a year or two where same thing would happen to us where I would wake up having mid like mid sex like I would wake her up and initiate it and then come to and not remember it at all I was waiting to see if you'd bring it up but yeah it was like how much do you want Amelia yourself I'll let you do it no I don't want talking about it's just that weird then did you feel that I that ghosty was even better than you Frankie wasn't self-conscious like oh yeah like after that you're like all you thinking about ghosts oh yeah but you are nobody was just like he's awake like himself you're not talking to me and everything and then just wake up all of a sudden like what's happening it's a weird one is it the house you think it happened in Israel only mm-hm I don't know we move I know I guess there's old enough to be pretty on there so make up take it over my dick dick gets taken over I find I find some places to be more haunted than others and every time I go to Hollywood I walk into a hotel in this place so haunted there's so many disappointed ghosts that died here they just wanted so much more than they got right and now they're bound to this room they'll have I'm trying to sleep oh no you know I have an audition tomorrow and this is this ghost a man yeah this goes to just pissed about this they're gonna curse your audition I've been I've been cursed so many times and in Hollywood hotels I just feel like every single one is like every time I go into a room and Hollywood I'm like someone died here sad it's like every single room in all the way right I'm like someone had a terrible death in here that's probably true we were we got a room in Vegas and there was blood on the ceiling on the ceiling on the ceiling and I came out oh my oh my brother I was like Darrin like look at his but he went like this went ass blood oh who said that bad it was that's blood blood he just for him he assumed that has blood would get on the ceiling first than any other blood I'm trying to imagine a scenario where that happens like that he shoots like that he shoots a bloody diarrhea on the roof every scenario I share is terrible ass blood yeah a split that he came in he was like oh my god ass blood no it's cool san aspie I think it must be all right well I'll leave you guys with that ass blood and go stick yeah and what about you and everyone part of the us and let's not forget it in the mirror this stuff's great I urge you all to give it a shot because it's it's interesting and I guarantee you've never had anything like it and it's really good I love you found a flavor raises you think you're putting it back in the bag I want that one will touch the ground or something I would have totally popped that raisin flavor that that's some for the boys flavor raisin oh you did yeah there's much for the boys over there cool some Buffalo one and pepperoni cool and well congratulations that's really exciting to the cool product that does really great yeah I hope so I mean I'm hoping Americans do what I want them to do and that's go to Walmart by your feet the bag nothing face it it's low-carb also though low-carb if you wanted that you know if you wanted that it's low-carb right that's it that's all we got thanks everybody for watching appreciate you god bless you love ya what else what are we doing next week we don't know I've exciting announcement next week we have no guess but the week after ninja is joining three yeah wow that's gonna be a big one ninja is on Monday the next I think we didn't finalize the date but I think it's gonna be on the 23rd so that'll be cool well get hyped which get hype yeah anyway 500k a month I think he makes even more that's just that article I know that was like alkylating the numbers and then I was like I don't know where his sub-account got but it was some more like eight hundred thousand dollars a month just from subs that's stupid it's insane god bless him good I'm happy that this world exists I'm so happy that that guy was able to carve out he's fired alright good guys by the way guys he smells really good we better at home wondering if I the dog yeah we walk alright enough [Music] what's a goodbye see you guys next time love you [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 1,512,909
Rating: 4.8400292 out of 5
Keywords: epic meal time, epicmealtime, harley epic meal time, harley, harley morenstein, podcast, h3h3 podcast, h3 podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions
Id: pY6NGsmzIUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 23sec (7943 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2018
Reddit Comments

Harley's laugh is fuckin hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/UpDownLeftAround πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"All month guys ;)" lmao

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/klownxxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Awwww, are we gonna see an H3H3 baby soon?

That part was so delightfully awkward

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AnImpromptuFantaisie πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank fuck Hila stopped Ethan and made Harley finish his story about Epic Meal Time getting trademarked, I was getting anxious thinking I'd never hear the end of that sentence.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 37 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hadtomakeanaccount3 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 69 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/questionablemandible πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

when he said they were trying to get pregantΓ© i was so elated

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 33 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/suzanneallen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Harley is probably the downest guy on earth

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CursedQC πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you have a baby. Dont exploit it on YT like Laowhy86 does. Even the H3H3 super fans does not deserve to see their kid, i hope Ethan and Hila respect their privacy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheLonelyDevil91 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 15 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

If found that whole Toby Turner Party discussion/story really interesting. I think I have a good idea of who he which Teens React star Harley was referring to

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SS4Jodem πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 16 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
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