H O U S E O F H A C K N E Y - House of Broadbent: Portrait of a maximalist

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I am this house and this house is need everything in it I are the chose or made myself or picked up out the skipper this house is full of rubbish and actually in this house it doesn't look like rubbish I never passed a skip without looking in and I never passed the junk shop third opinion lettuce bought the things I liked so the house is me I'm not particularly a hoarder I mean I don't throw things away if I think I can use them everything in the house is worth more than I gave for it everything it is a ravishing house to live in I have been educated a bit by this house this is an earlier Georgian house which means that it is very well built but they have a beautiful sense of proportion that all the rooms are exactly the size and scale that there should be and it is so solidly built you could not kick through any of my doors it's a beautiful house that's all I need to say I like showing people out of the house and people like seeing it and I do occasionally if I see somebody taking a photograph I sometimes do I open the door and they come inside the last time does Party of Germans and as I followed them around I realized they didn't know I understood what they were saying which was how this woman got off her head this is a picture of this house from the times he has born boom and more their porn not frankly good form this part of the house it's the servants part very soon after the main part of the house but they will look at this door this is the servant side of the door but inside you can tell it's one of the grand doors but they hung it inside out so the servants wouldn't have the privilege of seeing with the grand people saw I bought for 10 pounds 15 frames once you got the frame the pictures cost nothing because nobody wants and these are pictures of faces and I have an artist friend and who can do lettering has invented ancestors and they've gotten onto the frames I have some genuine ones she's a genuine one and some genuine ones in the passage to the garden and otherwise they are invented ancestors because why not [Music] she needs touching up no sad memories at all of the house it doesn't love me it is just objects but I love it [Music]
Views: 36,671
Rating: 4.9649358 out of 5
Id: 8SrXYMYw7V4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 23sec (203 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 06 2017
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