Gypsy Kids s02e05

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[Music] you tune control you don't like me family you probably don't like me why because I'm a gypsy a new transfer people don't understand us these are our guns here we got shooting they don't want us living there them real if you think don't you know that's not fair it's a traveler face hands off here we are they make it hard for us to keep our traditions people call me party was it Lima don't hate me something take away some figures for this time gypsy and traveler kids are making big decisions about their education 56 now I want to go working from the dead how will the skills they learn outside of the classroom these earphones I enjoy very good compete with what they're taught in school fathers don't need school it's not fast learner only leaves going in years time oh they both let's go hi eight I hate learning cuz I don't want to learn and I don't want to be a sign this I don't want to be a comment so something I just want to be a roofer I'm gonna leave school and I'm foot in an ass and I'm gonna go smoke me grandes gold you children would stay in the school to the ATM to get a good education that's what I'll imitate it it's just the best to go to school so he can learn they just stopped a second as a spider nine year old paddy and his older brother Jimmy live on an authorised site in Essex I love living in this site because it can mix with other travelers made for all the kids and regarding our bikes it's fun gorgeous don't do all that Custer ones won't let them because their finger saw a lot of safe but travelers t he trust him and ammo box it's broke completely the whalers folks this is a load of won't drive at all pirate from job not only do paddy and his friends have more freedom at home than a lot of non traveler boys their school life is also a little unusual my school's different because it's full of travelers weird patty school is unlike any other in the UK ninety-eight percent of the pupils are from the traveling community [Music] many travelers ildren have a bad experience at school as a result of bullying but here paddy is amongst friends I don't know what that man nearly all of our pupils are from the travelling community actually numbers vary a lot from week to week from day to day because obviously our families travel there's definitely an element of having to be flexible but the kids in this car great and I suppose having a population of pupils from predominantly one culture can help those pupils feel like school is more inclusive for them it's good that first watch our first I love Trevor is like a layer of dick of a traverse you can feel more comfortable comfortable around them there's loads of country people normally they won't let us play with them because they don't they don't like travelers the map [Music] traveller children are often on the road for family reasons and by law most schools allow them long periods of absence and in a school with so many travelers that brings extra challenges with a transient population of pupils we want to find a position where children can learn to their best so the children are grouped according to their reading ability regardless of their age it's all about meeting individual's needs but despite all the positives of this particular school parties upbringing means he can't wait to be free of the confines of the classroom Calvinists don't need school as much steagle under 12 to work in school you just do the ABC and it's just stupid I already know it I want to leave school in years time and I want to go work with my dad block paving roof and do everything like that one lease called my life couldn't be better [Music] in Hampshire ten-year-old Romani gypsy Shannon is visiting her great-grandma Lena my great grandma taught my mum how to cook clean and look after children for generations the women in Shannon's family have been proud homemakers and Shannon is about to join them when she leaves primary school at the end of this term she'll be pulling out a formal education to concentrate on her domestic training it was Shannon's christening the noid the granny sort passed away and she was the only one that she got to meet that's what she's very special to us in Shannon we've talked about what just like she's still here but we just like to yep she isn't I'm gonna follow in her footsteps as well Shannon's decision to leave school has the full support her family we like the girls to be able to stay and learn how to cook clean just learn how to be girls really [Music] Shannon's family live on an authorised site where she's already getting a taste of what lies ahead and well at Grambling sister wait to leave school then I'll get fit more freedom no homework no beliefs but will life after school live up to her expectations as a traveling woman it's very important to keep your home clean and tidy eat properly don't eat before years old a lot to learn she don't really like washing up because she says it makes her hands go funny I wouldn't trust though of the oven yet I'd more fun being at home than I do at school my grandma left school when she was 10 my mom left school and she was 10 so that means I'm gonna go around 10 and that's a family tradition [Applause] [Music] in County Offaly Island nine-year old Irish travel William can't wait for the school day to end so he can get back to his family's farm because they're playing it down like many traveler boys the outdoor life comes naturally to William and animals are his biggest passion first that's the day my homework and then like the Monaro my homework I got chicken man get the feed don't give them war are some days yes they're trying grass it's a to white some days you have to get bit grass and children they lay up there and if they're if they're like that wise you can leave them out some people fight some is even the big ones like knocks them out and they after night they get sick and die rearing the best animals is a source of great pride for travelers and none are more highly prized than their horses checkers or salicylate the house horses like there are more step up from their higher job developing his skills as a horseman is a way for William to build his reputation within the traveller community and these vital skills can't be learned in the classroom it's important to me like a good heart manly kind people like say he's a good man with a horse and gosh I could never do that and I was his age on a neighboring farm Williams 12 year old cousin Davin has been learning horsemanship from his dad for longer than he's been at school that says I used to go with him and he used to give me the Rings we've it's not a time interval horses tomorrow Davin will be riding with his older cousin in the first sulky drive of the season the horse is happy we're happy this is Sookie some people call that do we are some people called a cart but we call a facility operator the pack is it keeps it to the harness to straddle how long with you and then you see up here up here and our feet is like a pair look I need to show you a pattern [Music] that's where that goes like that that's where we use is it like that sulky drives involving horses and carts have been social occasions for travelers for over 400 years to help keep traditions alive William and his dad will also be riding in tomorrow's event the ride will test their abilities as they'll be trying out an inexperienced horse this is my first experience she hasn't been at this year before so we don't know I say she could like mess up this trial but it's also a chance for William to develop traveler skills that will be just as important to his future as any academic grades I'm gonna concentrate about my daddy the way he drives the horses so steady and horses and I'm gonna look at the horse too in case he like messes early why dad learned from his dad his dad learned from his dad I learned from my dad have a good day today cows a school day was born accepted to write a fun fact it wasn't fun and then right to go to the life we thought I think the right break is born it got loads of rubbish books 10 year old Shannon has made an important decision about her future this is my last year at Primary School and then it's the summer holidays and then No More school for me come on then don't do my own work seven times something take away something is full I'm good my Adam we're taken away or dividing Oh am i I did Shannon started school at the age of six and has struggled to keep up with a lot of her classmates people at my school they they know more than I do because that living at school longer than me but they knows like how to write better me and they know to spell they don't maths yeah like what question I just go I didn't know they would know that like in a click and then there we go though probably getting marked for it going always that fun sometimes it could be a bit boring with the mouse always boring Shannon believes the skills you can learn outside of school are far more relevant to life as a traveler woman papa womp and over the years she's already learned a lot of lessons from mum it can't be too quickie today they're making a traditional gypsy bacon pudding just buy things onion and just a little bit of pepper on it I will be learning morphine so old-school Eddie look after the home and cleaning outside and you lost an hour to cook she want to lay the bacon down but cooking isn't Shannon's strong points this is a bit restless baby oh very nice I think to get Nuggets these beets are sloppy like a cup of cake Oh from my own Eastwood's and it didn't turn out that well it was Bo Shannon just sprinkle some of the onions over tradition is important I'd love for Shannon to be able to get married and to be able to cope with things as well as I did when I got married this is the tricky part and what why did you think we should roll it this way I feel as a woman it's obviously nice to keep the home together for pride really it's not because we have to do it because we want to it reminds you when you're fighting a little poufy once Shannon is at home full-time she'll focus on fine-tuning all the skills she needs I'm not gonna miss anything he's got just the place fingers got me to washing you dry novels like Shannon most traveler girls start learning from their moms at a young age but at just five years old Shannon's cousin Lindy Ana isn't yet troubled by domestic duties my mummy no no my daddy for me laughs well thank you move straight away while traveller boys are encouraged to pursue hobbies that prepare them for manhood girls often have a more protected childhood [Music] stinky hey hey and Lindy Ana has learned that being her parents little princess comes with big advantages like Spanish [Music] it's all important if you have both sometimes I like it um Chanel earrings all the girls get swept away from at the moment Lindy Ana as a new item on her wish list I wanna be singing out like Patsy Cline I said to my mommy and mommy make us um a CD and she said yeah come on tomorrow so today at Lindy Ana's request her dad is taking her to a recording studio and she's very clear about who's in the driving seat Judy I'm gonna be the boss [Music] going to tell people what they have to do and boss them around ESMA T I'm gonna make it quite milky yeah now look at the color of that slap somewhere probably a bit of water we're gonna she's probably the most demanding lady we've had a studio to date do we know if the microphones right hi yeah we're gonna put these on these earphones singing is this skill valued by both traveller girls and boys and country music is a particular passion I love singing and things financing is good for you are you ready yeah Dougie keep on shining shining one that's got me blue [Music] okay c'mon Shannon one that's gone and left me Balu left me whoa excellent you must be proud of it I'm very proud of them in the next few years Lindy Anna will start learning how to run her future home but for now she's more than happy to let everyone else run around after her do you want a cup of tea yeah you don't wake up - okay so when did you start drinking tea then when he's not in school nine-year-old paddy spends much of his time under the wing of his older brother Jimmy bad shot very pretty important to me afford to teaching you just because he learns me new stuff every day what's your safety yeah when you're not shooting keep the safety out you teach me how to shoot rabbits pheasants Birds we eat them and cook them - fun killing birds it's it's a traveller thing we know what we're doing cuz we've been doing up I call a life yeah yeah in traveler culture being a strong role model goes hand in hand with being the oldest brother if you're gonna do heavy gotta lean on shoulder yeah lean your shoulders was too passionate how'd he do learn a lot from me if the elder brother stupid he's gonna he's gonna go off stupid Jimmy left formal education two years ago and when he's not being homeschooled he works his dad's construction business are you enjoying it now and party can't wait to follow in his footsteps when you go to work in one and I got scolded more often like and you go to where I can do lot of fun stuff you even come out with me every day yeah what's work lot hard it can be good after times it can be stressful very stressful why don't you like skew this and boring and I don't want to go to it patty wants to leave school next year but Jimmy is concerned it's a decision he'll live to regret if the line had to read and write yeah Emily we hung right come on Burley we have to learn yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] what's that is that a there's only two months until 10 year-old Shannon will be leaving school for good with her mama's teacher she's already started a domestic education I wash up dry up he's just my brothers and my sister this morning she's entertaining her cousin Lena with a game of shops you need baby clothes till and you need to learn your maths because look how I did I've done it wrong so doesn't like to start it getting like 60% of traveler children Shannon will be leaving school with no formal qualifications but she believes the lesson she's learning at home already give her the edge over her non traveler classmates the gorges that must go try to act like they're better than me like they're perfect cause your clothes they they don't have a mama fingers syrup on a sofa and their phone apparently they can't last one minute without their phone I can I can laugh 20 minutes Shannon may be learning some vital life skills but it's becoming clear that the path she's chosen won't be without his challenges [Music] like Shannon 9 year old William and his 12 year old cousin Davin are learning valuable skills outside of school hashtags are important to me because they're learning me how to be like a good hot smack when I get older today the boys are taking part in the first traveler horse drive of the season what do you love horses Byron of our shoes because that's where I look gonna keep you our trouble harsh is to keep our trouble keep your mind occupied today's event will be a test of each team's abilities as they cover a five mile route that will bring them onto major roads horse drives are mainly social occasions for men in the traveler community but the competitive traveler spirit is never far away well this one over here any good and pop up this one here for tonight any good this one for the sake of family pride a good performance today is important but William and his dad are working with a young horse and riding in busy traffic will be a big test of his experience does not tell you that careful I think that you learn more out schooled and what you do in school because in school you've got the teachers turn you about maths and English math but outside schools like the real world and I want to be a pleasure to fight on the motor but if I'm not I hope to be a roofer st. more electrician or plumbing saint like that a hairdresser here's Jessa hey don't go out working girls men stay at home and do I look after the children at the boy did a girl drop down having a massive STIs [Laughter] [Music] in Manchester nine-year-old Irish Traveller Michael lives an unauthorized traveller site with his family do office - but I don't like going because it's not fair because the teachers they get paid for sitting in the wall we do a lot of work as well and we don't even get paid and nothing we're not even a pound Michael may not be top of the class but his family is schooling him in skills that will guarantee him a good living in the future so I'm just putting jump leads on [Music] do any of your friends or school not have to do this no not one I should be out working it's important for us to work now so in order to do one road bike alone in the traveller community many children learn as much from their elders as they do from their teachers I enjoy very good just in the cow one day and we dad said you wanted drives all said yeah and he brought me to a car park and he let me drive around and then I just learned one good bike for just keep backing buddy [Music] worn just pulled there whoa whoa Alleluia when he grows up Michael intends to take over his family star marking and paving business and this morning is getting some on-the-job training from his granddad crowbar we need this to loose the flag yeah the pickaxe to break them and I still saw if you want to cut the bridge me granddad he shows me how to do things and we get paid for it having started work with his own down at the age of eight granddad is more than happy for Michael to learn the ropes at a young age I feel sorry for a guard your kid because the parents doesn't trust him he wants to learn all this because he wants to grow one day and do it himself [Music] it is hard because you have to lift up flags you get on the Michael first you have to level the ground then we have to sand it you might think it's easy because it's only sand and bricks but it's not I haven't got one nothing yet but soon I will I'm not really strong but I can do it it might be tough work but for Michael it's far more appealing than the sort of job sees non traveler classmates might end up doing when I'm older I don't want be working or office because it's just like going back to school early get write a lot of papers for me it's easier to work outside because I'm a traveling boy and non travelers they don't like working outside because you think is too cold the tear used to houses [Music] not much more than you'll know after four hours of shovelling lifting and bricklaying michael has learned a few more important lessons when you finish school I'm proud of me grandson he's gonna find job today it's not about just work and you can have some fun too while you're there [Music] sparing school because all you have to do is Dave bricks and get money couple of more bricks and that's it all done done Michael we all finished for today [Music] it's time for cousins Davin and William to move on with their out of school education I'm very excited about this today traveller man have been riding horses and carts down these lanes for generations and today seven families are taking part in the first sulky drive of the season but for the boys this is about more than nostalgia find out - his fascist their five-mile trip begins at a gentle trot but as the road opens up onto a busy dual carriageway the race is on [Music] it wasn't that good when we're all jogging but then when we let them go despite its inexperience Williams horse takes the lead but as traffic builds up behind them the horse is spooked and they're forced to slow down first before the bridge unless you got for him despite the setback William Shaw still manages a good results [Music] knives on ony opens that is like a second it was good and as for davon it's been a good learning experience for the boys and the skills they picked up will be as important to their future as traveler men there's any formal qualifications [Music] you might be another last you know I like goes out for the crack although school performance levels are improving on gypsies and travellers have the worst academic record of any ethnic group looking at the national tests age 11 of the general population 53 percent of pupils achieved the national expectations in reading writing and math whereas only 13% of gypsy Roma pupils achieved that level so educational outcomes at 11 are really poor [Music] at Hayes mainly traveler primary school nine-year-old paddy has the chance to book the trend reader could look his flying skills feel our life padding is an extremely well-mannered hard-working little boy and he's really delightful to have in school but party's interests lie elsewhere schools boring desk I just want to be working with Jimmy I'm a dad you just do way more stuff and it's better 45 46 47 48 Patti wants to leave school when he turns 10 but older brother Jimmy thinks that could be too soon I left school at lemon crevice leave school at life and where Wendy can read and write read and write and add up numbers paddy can't do not so good I'll druggable de maps it's just the hair shaft Allah well okay most vacating and 56 worry when you go to a job and I say add up or make sure that and then you go y'all can't do you do it for me you can't just do it you need to learn that's why I need God to school and education but although paddy looks up to his big brother on this point they don't agree he tells me you'd be stupid when you're older won't know how to count money or learn things it's just the best thing about working is getting money cuz it gets your trailer's hopes world while shelley's cars watches rings and a wife [Applause] ten-year-old Shannon is marking the end of her school career with a party today I am going Olli just going because my last time at school and I can't wait to go because who my cousin is going to be there well all my girl cousins anyway new boys allowed yes I don't mind it but sometimes he's boring I'm gonna step I'm helping my mum and looking after my little sister I don't know how long I can take over when we're at school she bit him he had to put me it shows nothing at all I don't know what else she needs to know me what are you gonna miss the most when you lose them I think those are always two things okay I'm not gonna miss anything for my new school I'm just going to be happy let Mel I'm not been running skimp on office although Shannon is more interested in learning from her mom than her teachers there's another big reason why she's happy to be stepping away from school what do you think about Gorger girls who are teenagers infected me school traveling don't they like to look their best like go online now you like Spanish coast but Ray would wear berry tots miniskirts and all that it's bit all quite a lot [Music] yeah as Shannon looks forward to the next chapter of her life she's no regrets about the choice she's made and the grown-ups in the family also can't wait to have her around full time Shannon's new life might not be quite as rosy as she hopes but a world with no school appears to be an inspiring prospect we're gonna be checking your name - Shannon Shannon may be having a break [Music] started I could pound here while Shannon gears up for her new life at home turn the key to start hold it yeah nine-year-old paddy is keen to prove he's ready to go out to work so today he's asked older brother Jimmy to teach him some skills don't crash it in the fence right now isn't that sentiment he thinks worse I haven't found out what once he leaves Gillian laughs I think it's gonna be much better when we go work with my dad in school you to sit on a table and learn how to do a B it's not fast learner [Music] [Music] Jimmy thinks Paddy's rushed to give up on education is a mistake and he wants to try and change his brother's mind only when I'm nine and I am nine ad times you miss it all that forth so if you think that's not hanging your scale is what's to force you forces that's why you think that's why you need to stay in skips you don't have to new times those times and I see you need to learn if you stand still for a bit longer like a couple more years you've only got like three years left that for years now you can learn you a lot you don't know punishment stage screen when you're 11 from some states go to 11 how many years is that 22 more years to go can you teach me how to drive to digger I've got to make sure when I leave school now not all the maps and do how it had multiplied they're all that sometimes you just have to do it otherwise you're gonna be stupid when you're older and well know you press warning Jimmy's advice finally seems to be getting fun yes around lots of things you wanna do he know he has to listen it comes right look most chips in traveller families now appreciate the importance of formal education but for the children the barriers are still high so punch me up and face there are huge problems with prejudice and bullying in schools I've been to ten schools actually because I got strangled there are issues with support when parents struggle with their own literacy this is my anyway there are challenges of absenteeism as families relocate for work or are forcibly relocated by the authorities but whether in the classroom 14 14 at 6:20 or in the school of life oh good dealer gypsy kids are ambitious I've always been trying to come fast keen to learn flatfoot easy putty and often find a way to succeed in the end xed time that's it Shakira he's out to prove girls are as good as boys I don't care I'm doing an anti marvelous pilgrimage to brave her brother's health doesn't help to plan Margo James got a family call her an Gypsy campaigner Ben I'm asking for equality has been attacked at school again I don't bring my kids up to have to fight a wall I don't know whether some kids gonna bring a knife into school and then stop me in at the same time next week brand-new tomorrow night obtained she worked so hard to build a career only to see it tumble down around her because of her personal life Anthea Turner opens up and brand new in therapy next tonight blowing the lid on those who swindle the system with the undercover benefits cheat [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Malta Babe
Views: 229,432
Rating: 4.6695538 out of 5
Keywords: Gypsy Kids s02e05, Paddy, gypsy traveller commany
Id: 1TflNLDpNxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 5sec (2705 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2018
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