Gwyneth Paltrow ski accident trial: Actress describes what happened from the stand

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The court doesn't mind if I acted out, correct? Yeah. The objection was sustained as requested. But, you know, you're welcome to move around the courtroom. Wonderful. Thank you. Do you have a microphone? Testing. OK, Miss Paltrow. So your your counsel doesn't want you to come down, so I'm not going to ask you to come down. That's inappropriate. The judge sustained the objecti. So she shouldn't comment on on what I want. It's what the judge wants. The the objection was sustained. I am going to try and be both you and Mr. Sanderson at the same time. Let's have Bob. Bob can be. Let's have Mr. Sanderson, he's . I don't want to. We're not going to reenact what happened. I think you can ask questions and if if you want to stand and move around in order to help you with those questions, you can do that. But that's as far as we're going to go. That's that's not a problem at all. All, right. So since you're not down here, may I ask how tall you are? I'm just under 510. OKI am so jealous. I think I'm shrinking though. You and me both. I have to wear4 inch heels just to make it to 5. So they're very nice. Thank you. So. All right, so as of right n, I'm Gwyneth Paltrow. OK, I'm skiing down. Can you tell me with my legs? I don't know. Again, I'm not much of a skier. Are you snow plowing? Are you parallel? Kind of Orient my legs. First of all. Sorry. I can do this. I can do this. Not not snow plowing, just skis. All right. It's hard for me to see what you're where you're standing. May may she come down just to te you can you can is that OK? Youn see better. You can walk further forward, Miss Van. Oh, sure. Great. No problem. All right. So. The jury, you can go ahead and d or move wherever you feel you nd to to see what's going on here. All right. So are my feet oriend correctly? Yes. Go ahead and tel me how to move them. I think, yu know, skiing down, going to the right. OK. So about probably a little bit further apart. OK, about like that. And then two skis slide slowly between my skis. All right. So my feet are about. What, a foot apart would you say 18 inches probably. OK and you believe that two skis slid right between. That is correct. OK. And so all of a sudden you see e two skis coming in between your legs. I would have freaked out too and I did. OK. So, so the skis are coming. How, how far did the skis? Yet in between your legs, before you guys fell, his body pressed up into my baco I froze. But I don't know exactly how far the skis would have come through, because then I noticed his body pressing against my back, and then it was probably a few good seconds, and then we fell to the right. Somebody must have caught an ed. So when you guys are, when you froze, and you're. Skiing together. I think you said at one point yu it was like you were spooning, r when we fell down, we fell. I fell on his body. He fell on the ground. And so it was kind of like a spoon on the ground. OK. So I think it's fine. I think it's fine. OK, well, now that Mr. Sanderson is here. And I don't need you to do anyt, Terry, but just for comparison , I'm in my heels. We're about the same height, about 5-5 with heels, roughly. Oh, tell me I'm taller, please. OK, so, so, so you we've got, Mr. Sanderson, that's about 5-5 that comes in back of you. And you said that you felt something huge. What was your word? Just a big. A big body. A big body. All right. And. Was it just the front of his boy that touched the back of your b? I couldn't see in the back of my head, butI felt a body press against my ba. But there was no grabbing like nobody that he didn't like. Grab your waist or grab? No, not at all. No, nothing. OK all right. So skis slide between you, kind of freeze you. You end up. Maybe your skis kind of cross. You end up going down. Would you agree that Mister Sanderson fell to the ground and then you fell on top? I don't know if it was simultaneo. I don't remember. But you didn't fault and hit the ground, correct? I don't remember exactly where I . OK, but I fell over. All right. And with Mr. Sanderson. Right. And Mr. Sanderson fell and hit the ground. Yes. All right, so going back here, you guys are on the ground now. You, you realize, right, you're and you're not saying to the jury that this was in any w, shape or form a sexual assault.I am not saying that. I'm just sag what went through my mind for a split second when it was happen. All right, great. So you're down on the ground. And then you started yelling at him. I I don't remember if I started yelling at him while I was on the groun. I remember pushing away becauseI was very upset and it was stilly strange to me what had happened. And I pushed down the hill and I turned around and I said. And I yelled at him. Did you scream before you went ? I don't think so. So if others heard a scream, you wouldn't. That wasn't you? . I froze when he slid between my skis. I absolutely froze. And I don't remember yelling or screaming until I was very angry at what had happd and so. You guys are on the gro. And then you said to him, I think you don't know if you were up or if you were still on the gro. But he was still on the ground, right. When you said, what are you doi? Yes. OK, like, why did you do t? And he said, I think you skied into me, and that's when you were furious and said you skied directly inty * back at the top of your lungs. OK. I apologize for my bad lange and, well, in fact, you were screaming that so hard. You were worried that Moses was hearing you. Yes. OK and after you were screaming to him. Isn't that when Mr. Sanderson said, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, he said, I said, you skied direy into my* back. And he said, oh, sorry, sorry, I'm sorry. Right. And that was. You screaming at him while he's on the ground still, right? I was yelling at him pretty lou, pretty forceful. I was pretty upset. Right. You're small but mighty. Actually, you're not that small. So when he said, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, would you agree that he kind of mumbled it? Yes. All right. And then? You remember Eric came over Eric Christensen. Yes. Who was Moses? Instructor, correct K and that was when you were concerned that, oh gosh, Moses is close by, he's hearing me yell obscenities at this man, which is not my custom, right. And I think you said that and at some point. The man stood up and we were all sort of talking. Yes. What conversation did you have with Mr. Sanderson standing up? I wasn't having a conversation with him. Eric was helping him up and asking if he was OK OK Eric eventually yanked him up, right? He pulled him up. He helped him. He didn't get up on his own acc. He helped him. And were you still standing right there when he helped him? I believe I was, yeah. You sure you hadn't skied down a little bit? Because I might have skied down a little bit wih my son was down a little bit. And my now husband came over at some point. So I and I remember moving away from Mr. Sanderson after he collided into me and we hit the ground. And do you remember we heard from Craig Ramone? He was the first individual who testified. Do you remember him coming to the scene? I do not. You don't remember him at all? No. You don't remember him being there or asking you. Are you OK? I do not. OK. You don't remember him asking Terry if he was OK? I don't recall. All right. And then? I think what you've said is Eric told you I'm going to handle this, and that's what I think you've said people do. They handle things for you. I don't believe I said that. You've never said that. I believe what I said was in the acting world, that's a world of representativ. So you have an agent who represents you. And so if they say, you know I'm going to provide information, you allow somebody to represent. So. When Eric, as an accreditedr Valley ski instructor, said to , I'll fill out the paperwork, he knew also that my daughter ws at the bottom waiting for me toe for lunch or at the lunch place. And so Mr. Christiansen handled it for you. Mr. Christiansen stayed and fild out the report, made sure Mr. Sanderson was okay, and said to me, you can go ahea. How do you know that if you weren't there? Because he told me. That's what he told you. Yes. But you weren't there to see it. He told you you can leave. He wasn't there. Objective form. I don't understand. Sustained. Go ahead with your questions. Yu weren't there when the paperworr the exchange of information was given. Fair. Fair. All right. And would you agree that? Mr. Christensen did not see the incident, didn't see the collision. Corre. He just saw us right afterwards, right. But, and in fact, nobody from Deer Valley has seen saw the collision, correct. Your kids didn't see the collis. That's right. The only person tt you may not be aware of this, the only person who says that they saw the collision was Mr. Ramone. Yes. Do the way you answer that makes me think that you don't believe that he saw it. I did not believe his testimony. Do you believe that he saw the collision? No, I don't believe that he saw what he thinks he saw. Miss Pastra, why would he lie? This is a man, a motive, your honor. Perhaps that's not the right. Objection under the rules. So let me be quiet and withdraw my objection. Can you answer it? He said he was 40 feet away and colorblind. I don't know how he can be posie about what he saw, especially wh how much he changed his story. Well, what does colorblind have to do with anything? My husband's colorblind. We tease him all the time, but he can't tell red or green. But what does that have to do with not seeing who hit who? Well, if you have two people in ski gear with helmets on and you're 40 plus feet away, I'm not sure how you can discern who is who. OK. Well, and I can tell you that he didn't because Mr. Sanderson categorically hit me n that ski slope and that is the truth. And and I'm sure that that's what you believe. I'm not saying because it's the truth. I'm not saying that. Let's get a question. So you and Mr. Sanderson, if you're almost 510, Terry's 55, pushing it, Your honor, that's facts not in evid. Council, you'll have an opportunity to. Redirect or to direct examine. o if you 2 stood next to each oth, do you think that somebody would confuse the two of you? I I don't know. I'm telling you what happened. OK, all right, so you're screaming at Terry, worried that Moses hears you. You admit that you were shaken up. Yes. OK. You don't recall Mr. Ramon being there? I do not. Or asking you if you were OK? I do not. Did anybody ask you if you were? I remember Eric Christensen asking me if I was OK and Brad, my now husband, asking me if I was OK. OK. And when you talked to Brad, he was down further, right down with Moses. So none of that took place where my client was. He came over to me after the fa. K and I just want to make sure you don't have any kind of medical traini. No, K you don't know what injuries Mr. Sanderson did or did not sustain in in the accident. I do not. K are you aware now that you'vet here the last three days that he did sustain 4 broken ribs? Yes.. Aware that he sustained a concussion? Yes. Are you aware that he had to be taken down on a toboggan? So we should be clear. Like, does she know as a result of this testimony or does she know personally? Would you clarify your question? Yeah, sure. How? How did you learn that he e four ribs through all of this? OK. And and. To make it clear, I don't want to find out anythig that your lawyers told you. That's attorney-client privileg. We can't. So anytime I'm asking, I don't want you to tell me what your lawyers have have told you through the court proceedings. Is that fair? That's fair. All right. You learned that Mister Sandersn broke four ribs and that he sustained a concussion, correct? That he went was taken down on toboggan. Did you learn of that that day? No. Did you inquire? What is your name again? Sorry. Kristen. Yes. Sorry. I was going to say Kristen, sor. I think you have to keep in mind when you're the victim of a crash, r. Your psychology is not necessarily thinking about the person who perpetrate. So the answer to my question is, you did not inquire. Did you ever ask, hey, how was that guy that ran into the back of me? Is he OK? Do you ever ask anybody from Deer Valley about that? I did not because at the time I did not know that he had sustained injuries like that. I thought it was very minor on the day and you didn't stick around long enough to find that out. I stuck around long enough for him to say he was OK, to stand up, that he told Mr. Christiansen he was OK, and when he's when he was helped up by Mr. Christiansen again, you weren't right there. You were down a ways, just a few feet down, yes. Could you tell if Mr. Sanderson was sl dazed or unsteady on his feet? I I could not. I don't know. And again, you didn't leave your name, address, contact information. You didn't fill out any paperwok in connection with this acciden. Eric did on my behalf. Right. But I'm asking about you personally. Has been asked an answer. Sustained. OK, after the incident, you skied d, went to lunch, and then my understanding is you got a mass. So after the accident, I met all the rest of the kids at lunch. We all gathered. We had lunch and I still felt very shaky. And my knee was bothering me. My back was bothering me. So I decided to go in early and get a massage. OK, you never did seek any kind of medical treatment for your knee or your back. No. OK, now at the scene before you skied down. And. And had lunch. There was no indication that Mr. Sanderson knew who you were. Is that fair? I don't know. OK. I think what you testified, there was no indication of that. You were wearing goggles, a hel. OK. Kind of look like everybody else on the slope. That's always my intention. OK. Probably had a better ski outfit, though. I bet I still have the same one. I just have one. OK. So nobody on the hill woulde able to recognize you. Is that ? Maybe you're fake having friendI have been recognized on ski slopes before. Do you recall testifying in your deposition that no one in the oe hill would be able to recognize? That would be the idea. But sometimes paparazzi has a wy of figuring it out, is my point. So your testimony to the jury here today is Mr. Sanderson skied into you. That is correct. All right. Craig Ramone, you said he's not telling the truth or you don't believe him.I don't. I I'm telling you that what he said is not what happen. OK? So in other words, if somebody says something thats not what happened, they're lyin. He is not telling the truth. All right, I don't know if he knows he's l, but I'm telling you what he said is unfortunately not the truth. All right. Well, in addition to. Ramon, you've sat here when some of the experts have testified. We had doctor Gibby and we heard Doctor Bame. I always want to say bomb or bom bame. You've heard their testimony that the only way that Mister. Sanderson's ribs could have been broken. Where they were is that if he was hit from behind. You disagree with that? Think it misstates their testim? I guess. I'm not sure what the objection is, but it's overrule. The jury will have to remember what the testimony was. That means you get to answer yo. You disagree with their testimo? Absolutely. I disagree. OK, what medical training do you have to disagree with that? I'mt telling you the truth of what actually happened, OK? That's all I can . All right. And you don't have any other witnesses who sought o support your position, correct? Well, I have a lot of witnesseso saw the split seconds afterwards and the positions of the bodies on the mountain, which would indicate very clearly who hit w. Okay, do you have any witnesses who saw it? Who saw the collision? No. All right. And you're not trained in accident reconstruction? Me. Yeah. No. Neither am I. All right. So, Miss Paltrow, isn't it true that this was an accident that you caused? No, ma'am. OK. Would you agree that you are accident prone? So, your honour, can we have a a bench meeting on this? Why don't we take our recess no? Mr. Owens. Your Honor, why are we dealing with things that have been addressed specifically on pretrial motion? And I have to object which motion #14. Previous, unrelated injuries. The court's ruling on that was that it appears the plaintiff ds not intend to inquire into the areas covered by that motion. I think it was represented to the court and the motion was therefore granted. The ruling would be revisited if the defendant opens the door to these areas of evidence at tria. What's the relevance? Let's say she's clumsy. There's been no testimony that clumsiness in any way contributed to the accident. Your Honor, we also mentioned dg that court hearing that questions were asked repeatedly in Miss Paltros deposition if she was accident prone, to which she said no, I am not, which she has admitted a number of times that she is. So this is all impeachment evide and that's when the court said, OK, that's impeachment. Please provide that information to counsel, which I did. He has all of the. Articles, etcetera. And the video where Miss Paltrow went on Jimmy Kimmel saying, yes, I am accident prone. I am always running into things which is which is I'm a moron, which is very relevant to this case. She's ho, because we believe that that's exactly what she did, is she ran into things like she always does. She was asked if she ever said . She said no. And we have impeachment evidence that she h. But you've got no your accident Reconstructionist did not testify that that she was, that her clumsiness somehow had played a part in the cause of the accident. It's not just clumsiness. It says she's running into thin. That she's accident prone. Absolutely. That's that's the heart of this and that. The point is she was asked a number of times in her deposition. Were you and that part that part I think I see is collateral impeachment. So I don't see that as I mean I don't see that as your Ave. to get the evidence in. The closest I guess is your theory of the case but you've got no expert and no one that testified that clumsiness somehow played a part in the accident. So it's it would just be argument based on based on kind of fringe impeachment. It's not clumsiness it's. Being accident prone and always running into things OK, which is what we contend she did in this case. All right, let me hear from Mr. Owens.
Channel: 11Alive
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Keywords: [ trials, crime ], news, gwyneth paltrow, gwyneth paltrow trial, gwendolyn paltrow, gwetheth paltrow, paltrow trial, gwyneth paltrow testimony
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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