Gwydir Castle

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[Music] with her castle more than 500 years of History dwell here walk in and it's like a time machine has taken you back to another age it's a story The Tudor Castle's present owners have spent almost 30 years working to bring back to life of course they can't bring people back but they can bring back the furniture that once graced it it was sold off in a massive 1920s auction it's a detective mission that seen Judy Corbett and Peter Wellford searched the world with some spectacular successes and recently after a century away more furniture has returned to the place it truly belongs the the latest bit of the puzzle isn't it which is come back it just tell us how this happened we were contacted out of the blue and um by a curator of the Schroeder collection and she said that they'd got 12 amazing chairs and it seemed that they were from originally from glitter and so they'd been sold in the sale of 1921. and she asked us whether we could confirm this and of course we had the sale catalog from 1921 and sure enough there they are shown in in that uh depicted in that sale catalog so amazingly they then uh the schroederer collection agreed to um gift the chairs donate the chairs back to Guida so it's a a wonderful story and a great story of um philanthropy I think really the 12 Walnut chairs car for the wind family of guided in the 17th century now sit in the dining room which itself was brought back to Guida in 1996 after being found by the couple in a warehouse belonging to the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art they've also found a 430 Euro dining table and a 400 year old chest of drawers but their mission is not complete the one piece that we are desperately searching for and that's the oak parlor which is another paneled room and again it was bought by William Randolph Hearst AKA Citizen Kane and he took it over over to America America and he did in fact assemble it in his apartment we have photographs of it in New York in 1939 after that point we lose track of it and we've spent 25 years searching for it so if anybody out there has seen our room please get in touch this is a worldwide appeal because you have no idea where it is we have no idea where it is so this incredible Furniture detective story goes on and if you want to soak up the atmosphere of this historic building yourself guider opens to the public in April inlang ITV News in the Conway Valley
Channel: Gerallt Jones
Views: 55,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ynQZ884Lnb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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