Guy Goma: 'Greatest' case of mistaken identity on live TV ever? BBC News

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what does this all mean for the industry and the growth of music online well guy cuni is the editor of the technology website news Wireless hello good morning to you good morning were you surprised by this verdict today I'm very surprised to see this verdict to come on me because I was not expecting that when I came they told me something else and I'm coming you got to interv so a big surprise anyway a big surprise exactly yes yeah um with regards to uh the cost that's in in involved um do you think uh now more people will be downloading online uh actually if you can go everywhere you're going You're going to see lot of people downloading into the internet and the website everything they want but I think it's is much better for the development and uh to improve people what they want and to get on the easy way and so fast everything things they looking for this does really seem to be the way the music industry is progressing now that people want to go onto the website and download music exactly you can go everywhere on the C Cafe and you can check you can go easy it's going to be very easy way for everyone to get something to the internet thank uni thanks very much indeed I think we can now also speak to [Music] [Applause] uh
Channel: BBC News
Views: 6,438,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Guy Goma, guy goma bbc, Guy Kewney, guy gomma interview, funny bbc interview, guy goma interview, bbc, guy, goma, funny video, funny videos, funniest, bbc news, lifestyle, comedy, culture, africa, congo, it, expert, apple, spotify, apple music, music, streaming, music streaming
Id: e6Y2uQn_wvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 46sec (106 seconds)
Published: Tue May 10 2016
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