Guy does sweetest thing for swan

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her mother rejected her now we are Mom and Dad it's your birthday girl she rules our world I'm Andrew and this is Lola's story for Gio beats there's a local Lake in downtown Orlando the mother left the nest with the other signets but Lola hatched after the others so she was bone in the nest the Rangers scooped her up and tried to reintroduce her to the known parents and the mother rejected her the Rangers realized that she needed to be rescued all right good girl we live on a Le we had rehabilitated a goose we thought we'll give it a shot get her to the size that we need her to be able to fend for herself and then we'll reintroduce her to the L good job we worked with the city as well as some other volunteers and we reintroduced her to her sibling they developed a bond we thought great we what a success unfortunately since Lola did not grow up on that Lake and navigate the waters she went into an area where one of the most aggressive swans was and was attacked by this male swan thankfully she was okay but at that point and said Lola is going to be with us forever Lola you want to go home we didn't do all this work for Lola to go back on the lake not know how to survive and perish and Consulting with the Regal Swan Foundation they came and took a look at our yard our access to the lake and said she is absolutely best here with you we had to do a lot of modifications for our backyard there's already a mating pair of swans on this lake so we had to create into the lake a 20x 20t space for her to have access to and do fencing all the way down to the Lake's Edge and the meeting pair you don't like I guess necessarily seeing another swan in their territory but they've figured it out and they've respected the boundaries we built a very extensive home for her outside and she's very protected but every night she would walk to the bottom of our stairs and she's just going back and forth waiting for us to come bring her inside so we obliged of course every night she comes pretty much the same time we have our TV room we put a bunch of pads down [Music] in the morning we pick her up we bring her outside and we have the same routine sometimes she sleeps in her house outside but she definitely prefers to be inside with us she knows when the lights go out that it's bedtime she's really smart we'll say it's sleepy time and her chirp instead of it being high pitch it's a little more docile let's go to bed you turn on crickets on the sound system overnight so she has a sound of outside she waits for that I would compare her intelligence to a dog for learning commands understanding things she grew up with our dog so she understands they're not [Music] Predators for the most part they get along there's a little like any siblings right peekaboo Lola is almost 3 years old Swan's in captivity live for 35 years so this is a commitment for us as well as for her but we wouldn't have it any other way Lola happy birthday it's absolutely incredibly endearing every time we walk outside that she comes up and wants to come spend time with us she is everything to us our life truly revolves around her every decision we make and think about in life everything we do we always think what about Lola [Music]
Channel: GeoBeats Animals
Views: 160,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0y235eTbVtA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 28sec (208 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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