Gummy vs Real Challenge: LIVE ANIMAL edition!

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Ah! This is the Gummy Food versus Real Food Challenge, Alive Edition-- Isn't he cute? --where one player gets to enjoy the candy version of a food, while their partner has to handle the real living creature. We have a trained animal wrangler, Brian Barczyk, on set and ready to go, so let's see what happens. We're back. We're alive. We're alive. It's alive. Back at it. Yeah. We're going to win it. You ready? No. The second I sat down, I felt my heart rate just go up. Adam, we're doing it. Give it a good spin. First item is the rate. Why would you do that? That's not so bad. There's a bunny in there. That's the one you pull out. Well, maybe we'll get the bunny next. You pull out the bunny. [MUSIC PLAYING] Ugh! What was that? Here we go. Ah! It's a rat. Don't touch me. No, no, no. [LAUGHTER] That's so good. She's cute, isn't she? She's so cute. I'm sweating uncontrollably right now. She loves to be on the highest point. Aw. Ah, I don't like that. It's cute-ish. It is. I don't-- I just didn't like it crawling on me. Yeah. Here it goes. Snake. Ooh. Maybe it's the same snake that bit you. If I see him, I'll know him. [MUSIC PLAYING] I'm ready for it to bite me. Oh-oh-oh! All right. Oh, it's on you. OK. It's coming my way. It's yours, Joey. I don't have anything to do with this. She's only about nine foot or so, so she's got a long way to go. She's going to be about 18 to 20 foot eventually. Yeah. OK. All right. There you go. Where did you get bit, Eric? Oh! Oh, it's biting. Oh, [BLEEP]. [LAUGHTER] Oh, she smells it. She smells it. She wants some. [MUSIC PLAYING] [LAUGHTER] That's really anger. Can it get me from here? It is a constrictor. It strangles things to death. Yeah. God, I feel like it's going to do something. Oh, it's squeezing me pretty good here. Ah! Oh, ah! What do you say we go get some lunch? Let's go. All right. See ya. See ya, Eric. [MUSIC PLAYING] No. No! (IN SLOW MOTION) Oh, it's biting me. [LAUGHTER IN SLOW MOTION] (WHISPERING) Help. [MUSIC PLAYING] OK. Oh. It's a frog. [RIBBIT RIBBIT] OK. Oh, wow. This is Snoop Frog. Looks a lot like Jabba the Hutt. He is like Jabba the Hutt. The worst this frog can do, besides bit you, is pee on you. And they love to pee on people. Yeah, I think she's peeing on me. OK. Oh, yeah. She likes you, and that's usually a good sign. Oh, good. Yeah. OK. [MUSIC PLAYING] Yeah. OK. OK. Wait, what? It's gator. Oh! Wait, why? Yes. [LAUGHTER] Is there a live gator? Oh, god. Oh, Eric just got nervous. Good job. [MUSIC PLAYING] I can smell an animal in my presence. Oh, you can? Oh. Oh! Aw. Ah! [LAUGHTER] I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh, my god. He's kind of cute. He's so tiny. Ha-ha! I can see his teeth. He's hissing a little bit. A little bit. Be careful. There you go. Oh. What are the chances that he's going to just turn around and bite me? Do you want the truth or do you want something comforting? I mean, I want the truth. Have you ever been bit by an alligator or crocodile? No. Why? Would you like to try? To get bit by it? Well, yeah. [LAUGHTER] No, no, he turned to me. Brian, you pissed him off. Ah! Look at him. He's just ready. Look at him. It's a good Instagram picture. Oh, gosh. It's like, if you [INAUDIBLE]. Oh, no. I won. Why am I doing this? Oh, that's right. You did win. Oh, god. I'm sorry. That's better. Oh-ah! Ooh. Yeah, he nipped it. [LAUGHTER] Eric got bit? Yeah. What do you think? Woo! No, that's Eric's thing. He can do that. I'm the, like, "see what it tastes like" guy. Bunny? Bunny. Let's do it. [MUSIC PLAYING] What did you get? What did you get? OK, all right. No! It's a tarantula. It's a tarantula. No! God! [MUSIC PLAYING] There's something on my head. What? Are you serious? Can we take the blindfold-- oh, my! Oh, god. Oh! OK. OK, Brian. I am so happy right now. Listen, I will walk you through this, all right? Oh, my gosh. By the way, I'm scared of this animal. Thanks, Brian. So am I. If you look, it's cool. No! It feels kind of cool, right? What do you think? You're doing great, bro. I know, right? [SCREAMING] Look, she's actually spinning a little web. Whoa. There's a web coming out. Whoa. Can they attack? They don't do anything like that. But they do have two pretty big fangs right about here. And those fangs can actually sting you and inject a venom. It's really weird. It's like-- it's like digging-- digging in. Oh. Ah! Oh, dude, I think it's biting you. Oh, by the way, did I tell you they hate loud noises? OK, can you take him off now? Please, Brian. Please take him off. All right. I'll take-- This gummy is delicious, though. Is it good? You having a good time? Yeah. Let me see it. Well, I've eaten off-- Oh. So, yeah. --five of the legs so far. But-- I think we're done. I think the video's over, guys. Great flavor. I think you can quit now. Please take it off my hand. Oh, sorry. I forgot about it. I forgot about it. I'm sorry. He has a lot of questions about this gummy. Could you be a little less rude? You're being rude. But no, seriously. Don't get that thing anywhere near me. [LAUGHTER] [MUSIC PLAYING] [GASPS] I'm kidding. It's a bunny. We got a bunny. Yes! [MUSIC PLAYING] Oh, [BLEEP]. No! Holy [BLEEP]. His name is Bunny. No. You guys picked Bunny, right? [LAUGHTER] He looks cool. He's seven years old and he's my buddy. What the-- what just came out of its eyes? Have you ever heard of crocodile tears? That's basically what these guys are, right? They actually have-- their tear ducts are attached to their respiration, so that when they actually breathe out really good, they'll actually bubble their eyes. Why did he hiss so much? He's just saying hi. Oh, god. No. Oh, no, no, no. Oh, god. Son of a [BLEEP]. Oh. Did he get you? Yeah, he got me right in the gonads. Oh, sorry. Sorry about that. That's OK. It's just an especially tender area. Guys, there's a real bunny, actually. Oh, god. You sign up to work at a video production place and-- You never know what's in store. You never know. I want to pet the bunny. This is better. We did it, guys. I'm going to go cry now. Thanks. Ah! Try the tamed version of edible animals when you shop for gummy, and hundreds more gifts we have curated for you at Hey, I want to say thank you to Brian Barczyk for bringing all of these wonderful, yet super scary animals for this video. Tell them about your channel. Yeah, so basically, I vlog seven days a week on a channel called Brian Barczyk. You can actually even just search Brian B. and I will come up. It's about me and my family and our adventures, not only with all these amazing animals, but traveling around the world, looking for incredible wildlife adventure. Go check it out. I'm going to get further away from the animals. (SINGING)
Channel: Vat19
Views: 14,105,541
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Keywords: vat19, vat19 gummy, gummy candy, vat19 candy, challenge, vat19 challenge, brian barczyk, real or gummy, real versus gummy, gummy, vat19 jamie, vat19 adam, vat19 kara, vat19 danny, vat19 joey, vat19 maddie, vat19 eric, gummy rat, gummy snake, gummy frog, vat19 gummy frog, vat19 snake, vat19 gummy snake, vat19 gummy rat, vat19 gummy gator, gummy gator, vat19 gummy tarantula, gummy tarantula, vat19 gummy bunny, gummy bunny, vat19 alligator, gummy challenge
Id: ItbpcAifAXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 10sec (430 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 11 2018
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