Gumball | Nicole's Bucket List | The List | Cartoon Network

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mom what are you doing oh just looking at this list of dreams that I traded for this list of chores you might want to add cleaning the house to it what how I just finished cleaning literally two minutes ago how could you guys make a mess up quickly hmm by being kids I guess nothing just when you grow up reality gets in the way of your ambitions like I always thought I would go to college instead I majored in shopping with coupons with a minor in tension headaches and petty theft it appears this belongs to some girl called Cathy Taylor oh yeah how did that get there whoa I never realized how much you had to give up for us I mean look at these vacation pictures oh I gave up all my hopes and dreams and now I have nothing to show for it hmm okay let me paint a picture of what your life would have been like if you'd never had us the begging your pardon m'lady but the duke of camembert requests the pleasure of your company for supper at the Chateau tell him I'm not here you call again if he's serious so the Duke arrives in person on horseback and he's like ripped anything good so yeah then then you get married and become super rich but it turns out that he chooses toenails so deal's off sorry you had to give up so much for us is there anything we could do to help you could do my chores yeah that's cool we could do a chore chores plurals huh right number one get a degree first question what is your credit card number congratulations you are now a doctor [Music] what is a doctor of holistic medicine well it's kind of like a normal doctor but instead of using science you use imagination we do the next chore on the list save someone's life stand back you look awfully young to be a doctor well you look awfully young to be a librarian stop please dr. Darwin please the holistic candles darn it it's worse than I thought I'm gonna need two amethyst and lapis lazuli [Music] massage looks like he's gone does it have our names on it awesome really yeah another one off the list getting something named after us okay what next when a marathon good because we're gonna need to get away from here fast there's only so much time this output you need cool by us come back here you little fight this stuff does work the pain in my chest is totally gone because my face hurts so you okay dude that will be more hardcore I know right we're so close I can already taste that gold medal tastes like coins anything for a sick child this is why we run what did your children how does that work you're the only one getting fitter here it's about raising awareness showing others what good people we are give the medal to them these sick children are the real winners fortunately for us you can jump it start your own business are you tired of your hands too sensitive to sweaty sausage well after years of research our scientists have come up with a solution we proudly present the stumped Butler no more butterfingers because well no more fingers no more sweaty fingers because no more finger [Music]
Channel: The Amazing World of Gumball
Views: 3,053,499
Rating: 4.8849168 out of 5
Keywords: baby anais, gumball, the amazing world of gumball, the amazing world of gumball baby anais, baby anais commercial, gumball commercial break, gumball and darwin, the amazing world of elmore, gumball jealousy, darwin singing, sing with darwin, amazing world of gumball, cartoon, cartoon network, animation, gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball full episodes, amazing world of gumball funny moments, gumball cartoon network, cartoons, the amazing world of gumball (tv program)
Id: aWJXaZzXiq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 19sec (319 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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