Guitar Teacher REACTS: Billy Strings "Dust In A Baggie" LIVE @ The Opry

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yeah success success here we go [Music] ladies and gentlemen good afternoon today we're doing we're doing some bluegrass and for those of you that don't know I got bit by the bluegrass bug real hard I was a metalhead and then went straight into bluegrass and it was Doc Watson and it was kind of old and in the way that that did for me and that's pretty much what I listened to for a long time five six years you know when I was out in LA that was kind of like my thing and then you know things changed that I really haven't revisited it much and revisited those chops and I did video not too long ago with Billy strings and Marcus King doing summertime killer killer video exploded so I wanted to do another one and as people have been clamoring for Billy strings and so I'm on my website I'm on my website and if you guys know subscribers on my website can do reaction requests and because you guys literally support the channel because you pay to subscribe at my website I try to do at least one or two of these a week from this page and so MP Wallen has here Billy strings dust in a baggie at the Grand Ole Opry says not your pop hops flatpicking now I'm gonna open this up I'm gonna open this up in its own browser but with that being said I've heard this tune I remember being a 1 for 5 with some dominant chords I remember just being really really fast with some incredible flatpicking I saw the version of him on the couch and I was completely and totally blown away which is why I didn't do it for this video because I try to do videos I haven't seen before so without further ado this is Billy strings dust in a baggie live at the Opry hi [Music] [Applause] I don't remember these licks keep going Michael Biehn with the dummy to the for ignore the badges to the matter to the boolean logic burn [Music] where it's gonna be presented once again [Music] here's Deanna bague all right so yeah be so many bluegrass songs are 1 4 5 and G with these dominant chords so let me kind of let me kind of walk you through it here so you got so you got and now you you know the bass is usually going root 5th root 5th there's a lot it doesn't have to be that simple then let's watch a rip 1 [Music] if I would have listened to what mom and Thomas said I would be not into my mom's fun those little licks it's like little tags at the end of each line that those are the ear worms have always got stuck in my head you know just [Music] all those now that's a that it's important to note so during the course 20 year long years so gg7 on years but he mightn't be doing it like that sometimes you could be doing it sorry like this but if you're adding that F in there for cc7 so and now when you get that c7 what's cool about this is that the is that the 7 is actually the minor third of G so when you're soloing over this you can be you can you can G minor right there all through that forecourt [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] laughter Lord and I feel sushi cuz I'm where the call me so let's talk about something else real quick now you're getting the hard you know that you're getting that hard sound from the mandolin you know but he's he's not really grinding it like that he's doing that kind of more soft floaty wrist of it [Music] not not doing that palm-muted kind of trained thing he's keeping it very very strumming and letting the other instruments doing that having that separation between the instruments is what makes a good bluegrass band it's one of the many things but difference in dynamics different in Tambor but when everybody is a percussion instrument because there's no drums sometimes you got to let the bass be the kick sometimes you gotta let the mandolin be the snare you know what I'm saying sometimes you're the hi-hat as the guitar player that's just it that's dead listen try listening to it that way you'll hear how everybody is in their own in the mix that way rhythmically and it's really impressive when you see people do it around one microphone and manage their their balance their volumes in that way obviously I'm a fan [Music] I use my phone call here's fortune best in a baggie [Music] [Music] [Music] not so much to talk about in there oh dude that these these guys that can flat pick like that blow me away cuz when I'm going at that type of speed got a hybrid got a doula got oh you know pull up stuff just little it flat out flat picking it is so hard to do let's go back and see if I can help you or help me get some of these because some of these ideas work it's just so fast it's so fast [Music] [Music] so he's over the 1 quart here now again if you guys are not familiar with this channel clearly I'm not a miracle worker and I'm not getting this note for note clearly I'm just trying to get the broad strokes of what he may or may not be thinking going through this so clearest AG major right but with the flat 7 [Music] pull-on diatonically sliding up again cruising right past that minor third and then going sliding up from that major 7th to the roof [Music] but all of this this is all G major [Music] going up is like a g7 here like v flat 7 [Music] mixing major/minor [Music] see all I have two hybrid picking don't have it like I used to yeah so when it goes over the dr over the five chord there so he came up and fly implied that g7 forgot how we got down there but he's going for that open d slide it from this see that flat seven [Music] [Music] is there an open e in there so again g7 right so five flex seven see how strong that wrist is [Music] maybe he's not kidney overstrain he's just double picking mesh Billy Billy Billy so what this is as 4/5 in yesterday's your fifth and Shane hammering on for your minor third to your major third b-flat to be implying you're still in tonality G here ain't going back to the minor third bending up to the major third instead of hammering on to get that kind of bluesy thing that does double pink [Music] [Music] [Music] over that deep going for him but that I [Music] don't know what that run was run was it's some sequence in G there there it is there it is what I what I tell you what I tell you but look at his face do I need to tell you what that is of course that's the minor third yeah let's go back see how it yeah remember that that would be flattened is the flat seven of c7 which is your four chord which is forgive all the theory it's just it's just hammer that hammer that thing for that just for that minor third G especially if you let it fight with that major third oh you know that's my favorite killer so killer let's flush to the end then we'll talk [Music] here's for the best and baby so again there's so much to talk about now I can hear it but at least in that blast part he wasn't playing that gg7 cc7 right to turn everything dominant to lead it he was letting the other instruments doing that and other instruments do that so he's kind of laying that very simple foundation and laying that laying that simple sound and then letting the other instruments not only add in the different rhythmic parts like the push of the kick and the snare but also introducing the flat seven right to change the the harmony of the chords it's all the little nuances in bluegrass that it's such a strict idiom but saying that word a lot lately but it's true it's such a strict idiom that it's all the little things you have to get done right like the vocal harmonies you know it's it's um I just love it and this dude does it really really really well I am I'm so stoked to do some more of his videos I'd love to talk to him because I know that like he also has like a metal background and I think he was like a metalhead and then like went into went into bluegrass and I know he's a massive Doc Watson fan like I am in fact that's the first thing I thought of when I saw him do that other video idea I was like this dude sounds like a young Doc Watson so anyway Billy if you're watching dude let's do a video let's let's let's get on the internet and play some guitar I'd love it and for all you guys watching thanks again for all your support for liking for commenting subscribing to my channel on YouTube and leaving links in the comments section on what we should do next and especially you guys that all subscribe at my website hit the first link in the description and you can get all of my courses lessons everything and support this channel all this free stuff for just ten bucks a month it'd mean the world to me and I'd love to be your online teacher and yeah you know not to mention 20 long years for dust in a baggie haven't we come so far I remember I remember everyone and their brother getting in trouble for nothing and now it's just like we're going to the Rite Aid we're going to the you know we're just going to the store I'll be back wild it it is so wild have a good day everybody
Channel: Michael Palmisano
Views: 2,140,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar, guitar lesson, online guitar lesson, prs, prs guitars, improvisation, Michael Palmisano, Guitargate, 4k, 4k guitar lesson, billy strings, bluegrass, prs acoustic
Id: dfPgSYtMe34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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