La sensibilidad de este guitarrista hace llorar al jurado | Audiciones 2 | Got Talent España 2019
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Channel: Got Talent España
Views: 33,892,397
Rating: 4.7314477 out of 5
Keywords: Got Talent, Got Talent España, Spain’s Got Talent, Got Talent Audition, Got Talent Spain, Got Talent 2016, Got Talent 2017, Telecinco, Eva Isanta, Jesús Vázquez, Paz Padilla, Santi Millán, Edurne, Edurnity, Risto Mejide, Telecinco Got Talent, Got Talent España YouTube, Got Talent España Jurado, Asperger Syndrome, tea, autism, classic guitar
Id: OQMKrXt-mlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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For those who don't understand, here's some context to help. He says he's a guitarist and composer, and this song is his original creation. The song is called "Rabia Dulce," meaning sweet madness, and his name is Ruben Jordan.
Wow, this literally amazing (and I'm not saying this ironically). I don't know why, but there's beauty in every single note that he plays. It's almost surreal...
That was truly amazing. He practices composition 40 hours a day and his guitar 40 hours a day.
Beautiful! And it's nice to see the audience/judges of one of these shows showing genuine appreciation for a non-gimmicky instrumentalist.