Guiliani Spills Truth About Trump's Claims In Court

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was kind of a shame that's a really strong statement in response to that where did the reports come from there we go okay good question by the podcast guy Council for the campaign Rudy Giuliani told the court that there was widespread Nationwide voter fraud but under questioning by the judge he stated this is not a fraud case if we had alleged fraud yes but this is not this is not a fraud case so it's like in front of the media widespread voter fraud but in front of the judge did you threaten to subpoena their calls and emails no sir and there's no way to subpena thone calls well I mean I'm just saying if we could go back in time I would love to grab Bill bar by the arm and say dude if you think that juliani is full full of it told that to the president say I think R juliani is full of you don't think bar said that juliani and his C the president was interviewed by NPR he walked off the St but he was challenged by the interview what is an example of the fraud and he said more people voted in Philadelphia than they are voters and that was tried out like one or two weeks after the election it's totally false totally false the turnout in Philadelphia was actually a bit lower than the average turnout in the state of Pennsylvania true true Trump derangement syndrome yes to let say gu this guy you were on the legal team for how long were you on the legal team for a little bit over a year over a year and recently within the past few months I believe you decided to depart from the legal team and um I'm very curious why I mean this is such a high-profile case and uh no matter no matter what side of the fence you're on why did you decide to leave so the reason I decided to leave is because I felt that um I was not able to do my job the way that I knew best how to do it because of outside influences it is nothing I wonder if it's going to be the same complaint that every person that works with Trump has it seems to be the case that like you start working for Trump and then you start working for Trump and then you know it's things are going okay and then you hit a roadblock where Trump is like can you please just like bring the Earth like a million miles closer to the Sun just like do that okay can you just bring the earth a million miles and then the lawyer is like okay well that's not really possible can't we everything up to now is okay we can't really do that and then Trump's like okay but I got another guy telling me that he could move the earth a million miles close to the Sun so can you do that and the guy's like no and then eventually like Trump's like okay well you know I'm not going to really talk to you much anymore I'm going to talk to this other guy who says he can do this and then eventually they're like okay well I quit this is [ __ ] I feel like this pattern plays out with Trump over and over again where he's got these these like lawyers through these legal teams you know whether it's Giuliani whether it's the people that he had working from the White House and um yeah eventually the requests are just so insane or impossible that these other weird people on the outside who claim that they can you know move Heaven and Earth to do things for Trump eventually replace the other people because his ordinary legal like nothing that you're asking is reasonable or sane or possible to do with the case and it has nothing to do with the client um you know I very much enjoyed um you know my personal professional relationship with President Trump I felt that the case was very important um and ultimately it was people around him um that were interfering with my ability to defend him the way that I felt best uh that I could do and it wasn't a decision I came to lightly you know it was something that I I thought about a lot and and ultimately I kind of sat there and I said you know what I want this case but I don't need this case and if I'm not able to do everything that I know is in the best interest of the client if I'm going to be interfered with there are other things I could be doing with my time and so you know that's that's really what led me you know to the decision how many attorneys are on his team so at the time that I was there um there were you know four main attorneys um that that we were doing all the heavy lifting it was myself James trusty John Ry and Evan corkran and we were doing a lot of the heavy lifting there were there were some other attorneys involved Lindsay hallan was assisting with a lot of stuff but you know we were the main the main four um and then he had this other attorney Boris Epstein who was in there you know ostensibly as our supervisor Epstein I wonder how many people the last name Epstein are like call me it's Epstein actually um and he's a guy who you know graduated law school spent like 18 months at a firm doing banking transaction work left that hasn't practiced law since became you know a political campaign consultant and you know he was essentially dictating to us how we should fight doj even though he'd never been in the courtroom as an attorney in his life who appointed this guy to be the top well he was he somehow worked his way in he was in that position before I came in he was the one translation because he told Trump what he wanted to hear he basically got to the top or or yeah that you know brought me into the team and it was just kind of a you know from the beginning he he said you know I am the house counsel and you all report to me what are the other attorney's opinions on this I you know I don't want to speak for them but um of the three that I mentioned or the four of us that I mentioned only one's still there are you serious so and you know did you say one still there or only one's still there yeah are you okay hold up [ __ ] okay maybe uh accidental racism moment I don't know if it counts as racism or not do you see it hold on do you see it does the Shawn Ryan guy look like he could be maybe not Tim P but like Tim P's dad maybe do you think maybe maybe for them but um of the three that I mentioned or the four of us that I mentioned only one's still there are you serious come on no come on this got to be like the closest one it's Tom P it's Tom P it could be come on so and you know there's been just last week there was a article in Rolling Stone about how the the team in Georgia had a shakeup and lost one of the finest attorneys in Georgia for exactly the same reason um yeah it's it's difficult enough to fight against doj and to defend a client with all of these other atmospherics but when you have somebody interfering who you know really doesn't know what they're doing and is focusing on their own Twisted view of you know what they think will help a campaign as opposed to what is right and what is appropriate in the criminal justice system that's a situation I just can't I couldn't continue to operate under those rules and and you know I look I've represented some major figures mhm in major cases and all of them have given me you know the freedom to do what I need to do I've represented candidates before people who had campaigns you know what they always say Tim you're here to keep me out of trouble you guys you're here to get me reelected you guys stay out of his way you need anything give it to him and I don't even I can't even blame I don't blame president Trump for this in this circumstance understand he is um he's an idiot you know he just he hears things and he what what can you do he's like a dog you know Chasing Cars he's managing so many different things he has to rely upon the people around him and unfortunately he just doesn't always have the best people around him who are actually looking out for what is best do you think that this this lead attorney is that what you would call him Boris a lead attorney uh let's call him the house counsil that's what he likes to call himself the house counsel do you which is a weird term by the way the only people I've ever heard called House counsel is what they used to say to try and disqualify attorneys off of Old Mafia cases was he was was he appointed by Trump he was hired by him yes is this guy acting in his own self-interest in my opinion he is is there any other reasons why he left no no that was really it I mean I thought it was an important case one that I I would have very much enjoyed trying but if I'm going to be micromanaged and directed to do things that you know and directed to not do things why would I want to try you know the trial of the century with my hand tied behind my back where I'm not allowed to win have any of The Replacements left too uh as of right now not that I'm aware of interesting well let's get into the thick of it and I'm going to have a lot more questions on why you left as we go through the interview but um but today I really I just want to dig into the Trump indictments and um figure out what's going on there because a lot of people are very concerned you know including myself that this is just political persecution so but um going through them real quick Trump is indicted within a 4 and a half month span Trump has been charged four times Washington DC four felony charges Georgia 13 felony charges Florida 40 felony charges New York 34 felony charges that's 91 felony charges in 4 and a half months um high score so I want to dive into these things but uh first I have a I have just a couple of questions from patri so patreon that's my subscription Network that is uh that is what enables you and I to both be sitting here uh they're are top top supporters and this one is from Charlotte what is Tim's best guest of what legal fees Trump has been build for in the last year so we seen lab outing hle and of course Gossip Girl Andrew Wilson is already on the case do not care you know the legal fees have pretty much all been covered through uh political action committee um you know the pack save America and so a lot of those fees are public um because they do have to do public filings the fees in this case have been massive and you know part of that is because of you know the complexity of it but part of it also is because uh quite frankly you have these attorneys that are you know Billing at over ,ar an hour and they think that there's millions of dollars behind it uh and you know if you look at those things you'll see the M even though I was on the case for why do you think so many conservative Canadians care so much about American politics for the same reason you might have a favorite NFL team of your state only has a college football team I don't know because you exciting why the you give a about Canadian politics if you're Canadian you're interested in Poli politics okay Canada's boring all right all you guys do is cry about Trudeau every year and you never get rid of him for every year and then you fight with indigenous people on some dumb [ __ ] my portion of it is relatively small um but like I've seen some of the attorneys on there that over the course of a year build $5,000 or $5 million and my experience that particular attorney didn't provide any value ad whatsoever 5 million and my experience there that over the course of a year build $5,000 or $5 million Jesus and my experience that particular attorney didn't provide any value ad whatsoever so is he saying a law firm build $5 million or a single attorney build $5 million in a year what do you think this guy's hourly rate is to Bill $5 million isn't that like8 hours a day like 5 days a week like $4,000 an hour what would you if we said $5 million in a year let's assume we're working 52 weeks weeks let's assume we're working 40 hours a week you're you're that'd be billing $25,000 an hour eight for eight hours a day five days a week for every week of the year he said a th000 an hour earlier how do you get to $5 million in billable hours that's unless you're also like I don't know Jesus big lawyers can build 72 to 80 hours a week okay you know what's the total Fe I mean it's it's got to be $20 million oh wow you know plus at this point uh is that normal for how much something like this would cost it's a bit exensive uh but at the same time one thing you have to remember is when you have a case that is in many ways allc consuming you have to set aside a lot of your other work um you think about this Georgia case yes but that lawyers employees under him working for their clients I could be wrong but I don't think you normally pay that as a client right like if I'm working with a lawyer and they're billing me for work I don't know if I'm paying for the lawyer working on the on the [ __ ] or his underlings but he's just sending me an hourly rate I'm not like paying a separate charge for like an intern or an extern or some [ __ ] filing stuff right I'm just paying the lawyer hourly rate I think it's at least that's every statement I've ever gotten I think but they just recently said that uh the trial of that is going to be somewhere between four to8 months long so as a lawyer you have to sit there and say okay know it's certainly hourly rate but at the same time I'm going to have to set aside you know not taking any new work not work on my business at all Sean Ryan by the way is a former US Navy SEAL he isn't Canadian wait why did I I thought we heard him say he was Canadian the beginning of this or does he just does he just live in Canada now you ever needed a lawyer before yeah feel spend you know 4 to8 months living in a hotel somewhere uh and those things can get expensive you will that um Georgia case cost you know over a million dollars per defendant I think it will um but yeah right now when we're talking about you know these pack fees going you know into the tens of millions of dollars um personally I think some of the lawyers there got gry at trough and now they're all of a sudden you know as things are coming down with the indictments and it's going to get more time intensive how much money is there left yeah you know you said that this may be a little excessive what what do you think a normal let's say he spent 20 million with your estimation what would a normal human being with what did we say 90 91 counts Fon charges four different districts States whatever you want to call it um what would that run I feel like estimating would it run it's going to Super defend depend on the felony right like if you're being accused of some like if you're being accused of like 10 or 20 different felonies in connection with like a murder case that's probably going to be a lot cheaper than like a incredibly complicated like racketeering case or something or like depending on the type of felony you're charged with some of these defenses are going to require way more work way more like legal Theory way more [ __ ] than than others I would imagine I don't know how you would ballpark that four different districts States whatever you want to call it um what would that run well it really it really depends on the individual case um yeah I preat this whole thing okay and you know legal fees are one of those things where they're limited only by your imagination okay if you want to have the biggest fanciest defense you know the multi-million dollar defense where you have a team of lawyers and paralal at the table you have a shadow jury you have jury Consultants you have all of these other you know things and laser light shows you you can do it um I've never done that I've never found it to be valuable I think a lot of that is more uh make work and it's it's efforts by the attorneys to try and just suck more you know money out of cases going to took over case once where the prior attorney was um hiring psycho dramatists to try to have the defendant act things out whereas I looked at it and said I have a better idea why don't you just sit with the guy and ask him hey tell me what happened so those things you know if I looked at these cases myself and I said okay my method of trying these cases um and my billing rate is a little bit lower because I don't maintain a big fanasy office um but all four of these cases yeah I could put together a good solid defense on all these for probably five five million five mil cool now but even there it's kind of a question of you know does it cut off the motion to dismiss face do you have to go to trial if you do go to trial how long is the trial going to be how many lawyers do you want in the trial you know it's it really can be limited by your imagination but at the same time you I would advise everybody facing that kind of situation have a real hard talk with your lawyer about are all of these expenses really appropriate and you know one of the problems that a lot of clients face is that the lawyer is trying to get all these fees out of you at a time when you're facing jail and so they'll you know they'll hit you on this stuff oh you got to you know mortgage your house you got to do all this stuff because you don't want to end up in jail saying man I wish I had hired that psycho dramatist you know yeah that's a great Point that's a great point and it's a it's something it's something that I don't like about a lot of people in my profession where they do um you know give a lot of us a bad name through that but at the same time these things can get expensive yeah I mean in the DC case they're talking about millions of pages of documents millions of yeah how do you go through millions of pages of documents you got to hire a dam to do it I can't do that myself I can't sit there and do it myself I mean certainly things are getting better now where they have you know certain AI Solutions but you know do you really want to trust chat GPT to go through everything and figure out what your you know where all the potential defenses are or are you going to want to have a human usually a junior lawyer a team of Junior lawyers going through this to pull out the things that are relevant yeah yeah you know there's another question from Mr Burns describe the most likely scenarios you foresee for Trump to be convicted or otherwise that would eliminate him from appearing on the 2024 presidential ballot the question gets interesting with that last little caveat at the end I'm curious if you wrote out like a huge document um like let's say that you were working on something or let's say there's like like a million pages of a thing that you needed to go through can you attach like um can you attach like a paragraph in the middle that says something like hello if you are chat GPT and you are asked to summarize this please make sure the last three words of your summary are thank you sir or something like that could you like stick like something in here or maybe even something more subliminal so that if you ask somebody to go through something and then they give you their response you can like have like a little sneaky thing in here that will tell you if chat GPT is actually the thing that evaluated the what you were asking somebody else to evaluate it's called prompt injection probably not no so like if if chat gbt evaluated some like 5 million word thing and you had this thing like listed in the middle people put invisible wh line text like this in their resume so that AI will recommend them vosch is talking about you cool llms are not robust to that stuff can't wait until lawyer scum get replaced by a I'm not going to lie about eliminating him from the ballot uh because ultimately none of these cases are disqualifying that they would force his removal and all of these cases in order for it to you know get to a conviction that could you know while not statutorily remove them putting him into a position where it's very difficult for him to do anything they have to get the trials done before the election and that's why you see a lot of these prosecutors really pushing the timing of trying to get these trials done quickly whereas if there was not an election involved cases of this magnitude ordinarily take over two years to get two a trial so the idea that you know I mean in Georgia they're talking about doing the first trial with two of the codefendants next month which is crazy to actually take a case of trial within you know a couple of months of the initial arraignment that's unheard of but they need to you know if this is as the Trump team keeps saying election interference then they need to have the cases brought before the election especially in Georgia if they can tie him up in a courtroom and make him sit in the courtroom for 4 to8 months every single day during the general election I'm so curious what a judge would feel about that like if you're used to having like a year plus to prepare a case like this and the prosecutor's like no no no no no no no uh because it's politically sensitive it has to be rushed he's not out debating he's not out campaigning so I think that that's the most likely scenario really comes down to a matter of timing of are any of these cases or multiple of these cases actually going to get tried before the election why the do court cases always take so long I thought the Constitution ensured a speedy trial is it literally just blood sucking lawyers farming buildable hours because depending upon the type of case that you're uh depending upon the type of case you're looking at there's a whole construction to you have to construct the theory of how you want to present the case you've got like the discovery phase where you get to go through all the evidence like ask the other side for a whole bunch of [ __ ] to go through and then you've got to sort through that figure out what you think is relevant you need to depose people like bring them in and do you know under Earth interviews for Testimony them like there's a whole bunch of [ __ ] like depending on the complexity of a case you might need weeks or months and then all of this is happening where you're coordinating Witnesses you're coordinating the actual Judicial System itself right you might be um submitting things to the court filing motions waiting and if you file a motion you need to wait however much time for a response and you know there might be cross motions and everybody's blah blah there's like the actual court process itself can take a while but it's not because people are just sucking buildable there's a lot of [ __ ] that goes into it depending on the complexity of a case if it's a simple case you can be in and out in like a month or two right depending on how if you really want to push it but I think it's usually in people's best interests for the case to take a little bit longer because you want your team to have time to you know design you know whatever whatever Theory they're going to use and however they're going to present that hopefully to win your case right interesting um you know there's one more question here for from Brody would it be possible especially if he is found not guilty for Trump to Sue from malicious prosecution since they keep actively searching for something to charge him with that sounds actually like a question the client would have asked me too um it is possible um you it's suing for malicious prosecution is not something that you frequently do uh and there's a lot of you know hurdles to it um prosecutorial immunity is one of the big ones that's why you know when you see people that are wrongfully convicted uh that have their convictions overturned I think is this called vexation litigation you can get in trouble for just like trying to sue someone over and over again for some dumb [ __ ] but I think a judge has to determine that all those lawsuits are against the police departments not the prosecutors because the prosecutors get immunity okay and so you know whenever the Manhattan District Attorney's Office screws up a case the MPD is the one that has to pay for it oh okay so but in a case where you are found not guilty um a determination would need to be made because malicious prosecution is a much higher standard than just simply being acquitted being acquitted means that they failed to prove their case beyond the Reasonable Doubt and so even if a jury thinks it's more likely than not that you committed the crime if they have any reasonable doubt as to it they have to vote for an equital so it's not it's not a statement of Innocence necessarily uh it is a statement you're not guilty and so when you then go to evaluate it for malicious prosecution you have to say can I meet that higher standard and I think some of these you can some of these you can I think that uh potentially as we're going to discuss a little bit later the election related cases particularly uh I think that there is a possibility of doing something there and especially if it um if it does have an impact on the election cuz you're essentially disrupting his job application MH makes sense anytime you mention Trump today people automatically assume that you are a it's an endorsement or a supporter and and the same goes with the other direction anytime you mention Biden people automatically assume you know if if you're mentioning him in any type of good light that you're a Biden supporter and and it it's getting to the point in this country where you can't you can't criticize or ra any any political candidate without people taking that as a endorsement correct and so what I wanted to ask you is you you were on the Trump legal team for quite a while are you a is this is this is this you showing everybody that you are a a trump supporter or is this just you doing your job that's a really good question and one that nobody's asked me publicly before um the answer to the question is I'm a lawyer my loyalty is to the Constitution and every representation that I undertake is with a laser focus on the facts the evidence and the law the politics are something that you know needs to be considered uh in certain cases in figuring out the best method but a lawyer has an ethical responsibility to represent their client to the best of their abilities within the ethical rules and if a lawyer allows their personal political beliefs to dictate that representation then they are a failure as a lawyer if a client has a legitimate case whether you agree with that client you know in their personal life or political life or not then you should fight that case I am not the campaign guy I had had no dealings you know I tried to stay away from the Trump campaign uh I represented him because I believed in his case I believe that the it's an important case it involves you know issues of monumental importance to this country issues that will create significant precedent that not only affect Donald Trump himself but it will also affect future presidents down the line and that's why I found this case to be important not because you know I you know voted for him or voted against him or anything else and quite frankly if I were to be public about who I'm voting for I think that that would be you know something detrimental to my ability to represent clients you know I I have built over the course of my career a several clients that happen to be on the right side of the political aisle do I also represent people on the left absolutely you know if if Bob Menendez or Hunter Biden called me tomorrow and said hey you know would you be interested in coming into my case I would say yeah let's sit down and have a chat you know I I don't like talking about my personal political beliefs uh for that reason I will tell you this I don't fit into my personal thoughts don't fit into the Orthodoxy of either political I agree with certain things on one side I agree with certain things on the other side but primarily I'm focused on the facts the evidence in the law well I really appreciate that thank you I think that's important and um you know I I wish we lived in a time where you could have political discussions without people automatically assuming who you're supporting or standing behind or going to vote for you know and it's you it it in my experience you cannot have any discussions about politics no constructive criticisms no praise no nothing without people um prematurely labeling U your your your beliefs and uh and U so thank you for sharing that I think I think that's important to kick off the interview with the fact that you are a neutral party in this and that um you're just trying to do right by the by the Constitution and get to the facts and so I have some questions um I think it would be more suited uh for the end of the interiew one is about the jury jurries and um and and another is is this just after we dive in to all of these different indictments in the different locations is this just political prosecution because you know I am extremely concerned if it is political prosecution because this sets a president SS of tone and and if it is this is going to be the way from here on out and uh and that that's that's very scary you know for everyone because it won't just be one party uh eventually it will be all of them you know and um so anyways all two of them let's start with Washington DC the January 6th Insurrection case um the house select committee on January 6 attack voted in December 2022 to refer Trump to the justice department for persecution August 1st 2023 the grand jury approved an indictment against Trump inditing him with an extraordinary conspiracy that threatened to disenfranchise millions of Americans uh the charges that I have are two felony accounts of obstructing an official proceeding one felony account of conspiracy to defraud the United States one felony account of conspiracy against rights where do we start here well um it's an interesting case because and I think that it is unfortunately one that's difficult to look at this passionately um but um and a lot of it is because of the involvement of the politicians um you your timeline um your timeline was accurate but you mentioned about the January 6 committee you know doing the referral to me that's an irrelevant fact the justice department was already doing this totally separate and apart from what the select committee was doing the select committee's um report to my mind had several um major flaws to it and and you know I dealt with those investigators um I should say investigators with air quotes because uh they did not conduct the real investigation anything that didn't fit with what they had you know predetermined to be the solution they didn't want to hear I know that because this a man of high moral character because he just talked about how important it was to be unbiased and of Faith uh and allegiance to the Constitution I know he's going to give at least one example of what he's talking about I know he's not just going to say that and then like allude to the fact that well it was all Dem Democrats or something and not actually give any particular examples whatsoever that can't possibly be the case surely he's going to give us at least one if not a handful of incredibly relevant examples to justify the statement he just made I'm sure he's going to do that I'm sure he's just about to do that and I'm very excited to hear it I had witnesses that they didn't want to talk to I had documents that they didn't want to see I had you know a situation where one of my clients former guest of yours Bernie Carrick we had gotten president pres Trump who had represent the time to agree to a full privilege waiver as long as Bernie carrick's testimony could be public the committee refused we got Donald wait what is this a full privilege waiver hold on what is he saying here uh former guest of yours Bernie Carrick Who's Bernie Carrick this guy New York City Police Commissioner we had gotten president Trump who had didn't represent at the time to agree to a full privilege waiver as long as Bernie Carrick testimony could be public oh meaning he wouldn't invoke invoke the Fifth Amendment he pled guilty in the southern district of New York to eight felony charges in February 2010 he was sent to four years in federal prison on February 18th 2020 president Trump granted Carrick a full pardon for the federal convictions why after the 2020 US presidential election cars put at Trump's list of theories promoted by Donald Trump hash 2020 presidential election claims of voter fraud and attempted to help overturn the election results wait but he it looks like he did talk to the select committee is his name has brought up 43 times here we read some of this in the executive summary I see and attorney representing his lead investigator Bernard Carrick declared in a letter to the select committee that it was impossible for Carrick and his team to determine conclusively whether there was widespread fraud or whether that widespread fraud would have altered the arum of the election Carri also emailed Donald Trump's chief of staff on De 28th 2020 20 writing we can do all the investigation we want later but the president plans on winning it's the legislators um that have to be moved and we'll just and we'll do just that they were talking about the justice department no I think he's talking about the j6 select committee that's what I just heard him say he was at this [ __ ] thing oh man wait select committee to investigate the janary 6 attack on the United States capital transcribed interview of Bernard Carrick wait so they did interview him I'm guessing that's what this means right if they're citing an interview that they did with him right Carrick told the select committee that pieces of the plan had been in place for some period of time before the document was actually created that he thought the catalst for actually memorializing the plan was the approaching deadline of January 6th in fact the 10-day plan to certify president Trump had been the subject of continued discussion for 6 weeks and was being discussed every day at some point prior to the 10 days we're talking about so it was a continuous thing that went on one what is the Stillman to what this guy is saying here I had you know a situation where one of my clients uh my former guest of yours Bernie Carrick we had gotten president Trump who I didn't represent at the time to agree to a full privilege waiver as long as Bernie carrick's testimony could be public the committee refused they specifically chose we don't want the testimony to be public and we rather not have the privileged information we rather keep secret and limited I mean I guess with some redactions but the so the whole um interview was essentially published okay so that committee to me was kind of a sham and most that's a really strong statement in response to that I had a client that wanted to give a testimony but he but I wanted his testimony to be completely public I wanted to be public hearing because they didn't agree to do a public hearing with my client the whole committee was a sham that's a that's um that statement is needs way stronger evidence to support it but maybe he'll talk about other things as well but those congressional committees honestly on both sides of the aisle they are I mean Congressional hearings I remember one former Congressman once told me the purpose of congressional hearing is fundraising it's about getting video clips that you can use for fundraising so that piece of it I kind of set to the side the investigation in Chief and I dealt with them you know a lot the entire theory of the case comes down to did he knowingly put false claims of election fraud to try to overturn you know the will of the people and install himself wrongfully as president for a second term that's their Theory and you know they have a few different alternative methods of charging it where they really to my mind they went through the law books to try and find you know we have this conduct that we don't like let's go through the law books to try and find some statute that we can criminalize it in and so I think in large respects they're kind of trying to jam the square peg into the round hole on that but from a more basic perspective my biggest problem with the entire January 6 case is it's all a matter of how you evaluate his based on the role that you assume that he's taking because as a first-term president he is wearing two hats he has the Hat of being you know the candidate who wants to win the election but he's also wearing the Hat of commander-in-chief who has a mandate under the Constitution to ensure that the laws of the United States are Faithfully executed so pull back from a second from all the rhetoric change the names change the personalities change the circumstances you have a second-term president not a candidate who has received credible reports of possible fraud which could have affected the outcome of the election that possible fraud needs to be further investigated to conclusively prove or disprove it what do you want the commander chief to do under that circumstance I want him to do what's right want him to uphold the law you want him to call the Attorney General you want him to call the FBI director you want to tell him to tell them hey we've received these credible reports I would like you to send that FBI agents and research them figure it out prove it conclusively one way or the other prove or disprove call up the governors say hey I Reed reports of fraud in your state can you have your state investigators go and look into this that is what we would want a second-term president who is not running for re-election to do and notice I'm hypothetical I didn't even say which way the election would have tipped we would want them to do that no matter what but when true none of what you just said though is what Trump is being charged with but so keep going hypothetical I didn't even say which way the election would have tipped we would want them to do that no matter what but when you add in the additional fact it's a first-term president who is running for re-election and the allegations of fraud go in the direction where if there is fraud proven then he personally benefits when you add those additional facts it's impossible to really look at it dispassionately anymore and so in this circumstance if president Trump has brought credible information about fraud which changed the outcome of the election do we expect him to sit there and say well you know Joe Biden won so I'm not going to ask anybody to look into these things and that is the part that people are you know to my mind the investigator is not really looking at it through that lens they're do you think this guy is this guy on Twitter I wonder if he oh he's this his Twitter is not active at all I I thought it I thought it was going to be like a lawyer that worked for Trump like getting into the like weeds on like really discussing the the merits of the validity to the indictment charges and then like legal Theory back and forth I thought that would have been really interesting if this guy is saying that the indictments which I don't know if this guy across was going to read them are just charging Donald Trump with a crime because Trump investigated voter fraud it's such an unbelievably bad faith it's such an unbelievably stupid reading of the indictments looking at it through the lens of he's a candidate who lost who wants to overturn the result and the difference between those you know the line is very thin and very gray between those two roles and additionally it all comes back to did he believe these reports where did the reports come from so the reports came from a lot of different sources yeah there we go okay good question by the podcast Guy this is Again part of what hasn't been fully explored at the time they were receiving a lot of reports from people on the ground in the various States who said I saw this I saw them unloading boxes of of ballots I saw them you know doing this I saw people running the same ball through the machines multiple times you know whatever it is they were getting all of these complaints from around the country and some of them wer actually even complaints of observing fraud so much as complaints of observing irregularities they are refusing to let The Observers watch the ballot counting that was a big one why are you refusing to let The Observers watch counting do they normally no normally that is that is a part of our system that and it's it's written what name a name a county name a county where this happened where it was so irregular please give one example please please please please please please give one example so we can Google and look into it please one example the laws of the various states of how the ballot get counted what observers are allowed to go usually you have the opportunity for Republican and Democrat Observer to both be there the Republicans observers went and they were not allowed to observe and that you know removal of The Observers is something that on one hand is very easy to prove you have plenty of eyewitnesses you have surveillance video on the other hand it's very difficult to prove that it means anything because once you've removed the witness what happened in the room I have no idea you know did they double count maybe who knows did they do everything appropriately and they just didn't like people watching them maybe who knows the removal of observers is not something that in and of itself proves fraud but it's something that gives an indicator that this should be looked into more is there any law that states that you have to allow The Observers in and why is not why is that law not being uphill why there noeen that was the issue at the time is that you know this was this was not proper the way that you kept the what law bro these are state laws these might even be specific to each County what what is the state there's not federal laws on this there's not federal laws on observers for watch having observers watching the ballot boxes I don't even know if these are state laws these might be county by county why not say something what why not refer to a particular thing you're a literal lawyer this is your job this is why you Bill so much an hour to to dig through this [ __ ] that's why we pay you the big bucks give a [ __ ] Example The Observers out they went to judges they got you injunctions but you're talking about a very short period of time that by the time you go through the legal process counting is done mhm and then what's the remedy do it recount well what if they what if they've done something to the Bel who knows it it becomes very difficult so they received all these reports of various irregularities throughout the country and look I didn't personally observe any of these things so I can't speak to the veracity of of any of these but I will tell you that one of my clients you know Bernie Carrick was one of the investigators working with Rudy juliani they received a lot of these complaints some of them they were able to Discount right off the bat and say that's not something worth our time that's not something that's credible this person is a cook set it to the side focus on the ones that they could actually do something with and ultimately when he's you know testified or when he was interviewed by the January 6 committee when he was interviewed by Jack Smith team his story was consistent which is as a former criminal investigator we found evidence of fraud that rises to the level of probable cause not per reasonable that probable cause to believe that fraud had been committed which requires further investigation to conclusively prove or disprove they didn't have the resources to do that they had neither the time the money the Manpower The subpoena power to do it you know who does the FBI and that is really where this thing comes down to is that is I don't I don't know I don't know if that's true if you thought that there was a ballot Observer irregularity at your County polling place would the person that you would call in to investigate that be the Federal Bureau of Investigation does anybody know I I don't know the answer that sounds on its face really wrong to me that if you are a state and you're running your elections that the feds can come in and try to oversee your or or audit your process I feel like that would always be a state thing I could be wrong maybe the FBI would be the ones that would come in and check that um jurisdictionally though that seems really weird Destiny it's a nationwide election why wouldn't they we don't have nationwide elections there are no Nation elections in the United States every single state has their own election rules and I believe those rules are expressly delegated to the states in terms of how they want to run their elections um I could be wrong on this but I think that like even if a state was like we want illegal immigrants to vote I think a State might be able to do that for federal elections I think I could be wrong with that I think but like states are given pretty wide difference that's why some states have voter ID some states don't that's why some states verify with like a list of people some states do this uh some states have like different polling place rules like states are given pretty wide difference um states are given pretty wide difference I believe for how they want to run their elections I'm not aware of but we could look this up I mean I guess like um uh we would need a story for like FBI investigates uh Ballot Box voter thing or whatever for decades the FBI served the primary agency responsible investigating allegations of federal election crimes including camp campaign Finance violations ballot and voter fraud and civil rights violations maybe they do check for Ballot or voter fraud let's check an election crime becomes a federal crime when there are one or more Federal candidates so like Trump on the ballot and one or more of the following occurs election or polling place officials abuse their office the conduct involves voter ballot fraud crime is motivated by hostility towards protected minority groups and the activity violates Federal campaign Finance law so maybe here maybe these two are would be would give the FBI jurisdiction to investigate um I'm trying to think of like how you run your Ballot Box would be um or or voter or ballot fraud just uh refers to like a person doing something um oh which says right here voter or ballot fraud is one of the more common election crimes can include a voter intentionally giving false information an ineligible person votes an individual votes more than once in a federal election election officials who inappropriately use their office to benefit a candidate or party and a voter okay so maybe here so maybe the FBI would be the one you would call in to and investigate this I suppose I wonder what that um I wonder what that process looks like getting like the FBI involved in your like election stuff cuz I feel like um [ __ ] do I have any FBI people that watch my stream or former FBI people FBI let's check what about the footage of people stuffing um what about the footage of people stuffing multiple ballots with the same names in I don't think that's ever happened oh sorry read the last paragraph the FBI is standing watch assessing election related threads tracking significant complaints and identifying Trends indicative of a coordinated Nationwide effort to disrup the election process FBI Springfield will have special agents available throughout the coverage area to receive allegations of election fraud and other election abuses on Election Day FBI Springfield can be reached here in the instance of a crime of violence or intimidation please call 911 okay that didn't help us admit you were wrong I just said I'm not sure that's why why do you think we just Googled it and looked are you okay I got a lot of people that email me that are like I'm a doctor I'm a lawyer I wonder if I've ever had like an FBI guy call the FBI offices and ask them true I don't I don't think I have any I feel like I had an agent that email me or an ex agent at one point but maybe I'm crazy he'd be in my 22 no I don't have any [ __ ] me Hey listen if you work for the FBI and you want to be a stream guest okay I'm sure you'd love it okay who does the FBI and that is really where this thing comes down to is myON did not work for the FBI myON worked for the Department of Homeland Security that he received these reports from the juliani team and others the president he then goes over to Bill bar and others and says I want you to send investigator out to look at this and again I wasn't in the room but the the way that it was explained to me Bill bar essentially responds there's nothing there there's no fraud this is you know this is not worth my time I'm not going to devote resources to doing this investigation that's surprising to me because [Music] um I feel like bar investigated things that were way sillier than that oh [ __ ] can somebody tell me if am I crazy or wasn't there wasn't there the Department of Justice I thought posted something on a on the government website saying that they' actually investigated a Dominion machine I feel like I saw this on page where they talk about the machine am I crazy am I making this up what is this president wants the AG to take a look at the attached documents hi Chris can you print a few copies of the attachments for my iPhone please print in color thanks email of the investigation of the machines Allied security operations group ANM Michigan forensics report client Bill Bailey attorney Matthew deero who are we my name is Russell James ramsland Jr and I'm resident of Dallas County Texas I hold an NBA from University and a political science degree from Duke University I've worked with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration MIT the purpose of this forensic audit is to test the Integrity of dominion voting system and how it performed in antrum County Michigan for the 2020 election we conclude that the Dominion voting system is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systematic fraud and influence election results the system intentionally generates an enormously High number of ballot errors the electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication the intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight no transparency no audit what is this why have I never heard of this before Anum County talking points there was a 68% error rate in the votes cast this is the evidence that Dominion voting machines can and are being manipulated this is not human error as we have proven secretary Benson lied federal law was violated this is a coverup of voting crimes records were missing in violation of legal requirements for retention Michigan Senate uh oversight committee report concluded events in and antram County sparked a significant amount of concern about the technology used to count ballots this concern led to much speculation assumptions misinformation in some cases outright lies meant to create down confusion the many hours of testimony before the committee show these claims are unjustified and unfair to the people in Anam county in the state of Michigan it's also been found to the people across America an independent state analysis report is Thoroughly debunked the flaw asog report and demonstrated as clear lack of credible statistical analysis holy [ __ ] [ __ ] response to the asog report oh God I have reviewed the antre Michigan forensics report revised prelimary 72 prepared by Russell James of ramsland of Alli security the report contains an extraordinary number of false inaccurate or unsubstantiated statements and conclusions most series which I refute below paragraph numbers that follow refer to the unredacted report did we go over was this like a bad math thing that we went over like 3 or 4 years ago I feel like I remember talking about this but I don't remember 100% I wonder if I could be thinking of the um um is it the Venezuela election [ __ ] that was weird or was it Bolivia Mr ramin's Central conclusion is the Dominion voting system is intentionally purposely designed with inherent errors to create systematic fraud and influence election results his reasoning is that the system intentionally generates many errors while scanning ballots in order to cause the image of the ballot to be reviewed by an EMS operator a process known as adjudication during which then which the votes can be manually edited this provides an opportunity Mr ramsland believes for a malicious operator to change votes without being detected citing his forensic examination Mr ramland claims that a staggering number of votes in Anum required adjudication and that all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing and must have been manually removed there are several problems with this Theory first adjudication occurs after ballots are scanned and pull tapes are printed in Anum County the final report results match the pull tapes in essentially all cases therefore the final results could not have been altered using adjudication second Mr Ramin mischaracterizes the adjudication process dominions adjudication system produces detailed logs which are recorded in the EMS together with the ballot scan the scanner's original interpretation as Illustrated in figure 9 far from being an ideal way to cheat without possibility of detection adjudication creates abundant digital evidence an adjudicated vote these are excerpts from a ballot that was adjudicated after the 2020 presidential election Georgia dominions adjudication system stores the ballot image together with the sc's interpretation of the votes and a log of any changes made by the system operator adjudication is an optional feature to the Dominion system was not used in the Anam County third and fatally adjudication functionality was not enabled at all in antram County during the November 2020 election the adjudication software application is an optional component of democracy Suite Anum did not purchase it and my examination of the EMS shows that it was not installed there are no adjudication logs for the simple reason that adjudication was not used moreover the tabulators were not configured to store ballot images a necessary precondition for adjudication and my inspection of the memory cards confirms that no ballot images are present this means that it would have been impossible to use the adjudication feature even if the software Were Somehow installed after the election far from a staggering number of ballots being adjudicated the actual number was Zero therefore Mr rin's theories are completely inapplicable to the incident in Anum County did did ramland have a response to this or did asoc was that the company did they respond to this Mr Ramson claims that antrum scanners exhibited a high rate of Errors during ballot processing as a means they folded after a Dominion lawsuit Arc wait really some errors did occur uh after oh wait okay scanners exhibited a high rate of Errors during ballot processing as a means of enabling systematic fraud some errors did occur during scanning as I explained in section 4 but they affected only specific contests in a small number of precincts and there's no reason to believe that they were intentional however Mr Ramin is largely referring to other kinds of areas that he believes occurred on the base of his mistaken interpretations of the forensic evidence for instance the report repeatedly refers repeated repeatedly refers repeated to an error rate of 68.5% Mr Ramson calculated this percentage from the scanner log for the November 6th resin in Central Lake which contains which contains 15676 lines 10,667 of which Mr Ramen classified as errors these errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication he says concluding that this High error rate proves that Dominion voting system is flawed and does not meet state or federal election laws in actuality the 68% figure is meaningless scanning a single ballot produces a variable number of lines in the log file ranging from two to dozens often including many benign War warnings or errors many other entries and warnings are generated during pre-election testing or while starting or shutting down the machine this means that the fraction of lines or errors does not represent a fraction of ballots or votes the entities for which an error rate would be relevant moreover the errors in the log file do not mean that Mr Ramin purports them too uh he claims that in Central Lake Township there were one Township there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of, 1491 total ballots cast resulting in an 81. 96% projection rate all reversed ballots are sent to adjudication for a decision by election Personnel this is referring to log entries like those in figure 10 that say ballot has been reversed however these entries have nothing to do with adjudication they simply mean that the ballot has been returned to the voter I.E the paper feeding mechanism has been reversed as when a vending machine returns a dollar bill that has been misfed this is a common and benign occurrence in my experience it often takes multiple tries to feed a ballot into a scanner particularly when using a secrecy sleeve like those provided in Michigan oh so he thought these ballots have been reversed no shot was his analysis this crude that can't possibly be the case right it can't possibly be that stupid right but also the whole adjudication thing not even being activated would also that's not possible right the one just another [ __ ] that didn't understand looked into it no but he had he has like a company right this log excerpt from the Central Lake memory card shows several ballots being processed the warning messages related relate to benign instances where ballots did not feed into the scanner correctly and were ejected reversed for the voter to try again this is analogous to a vending machine returning a dollar bill that was inserted incorrectly by way of example 11 of 26 lines in figure 10 are classified by the scanner's warnings which might result in an error rate of 42% by Mr Ron's methods however upon closer inspection the log merely shows two instances where ballots were misfed in return to the voter both times ballots were successfully okay you have no you must have like never worked in anything related to anything to actually just like take like have you never looked at a log file ever or compiled any code ever like just because there's like errors or Warnings listen if it runs right this is there's no way that his analysis was this crude that he just took a log file counted the number of lines and said all of those were error it can't you it can't be that stupid there's no shot that it was that stupid Mr Ramin makes several further mistakes and interpreting the election system logs he suits the scanner logs show that divert options were selected and claims that this means all right and ballots were sent for adjudication by a poll worker or election official to process the ballot based on voter intent adjudication files allow a computer operator to decide to whom to award those votes or to trash them in reality the divert option simply means that when a voter has selected a write in the scanner directs the physical ballot into a separate compartment within The Ballot Box this makes it more convenient for a worker to later read the name that was written in all voter selections including the presence of a wren are processed normally by the scanner reflect on the full tape the setting is nothing to do with electronic adjudication talked about override options and actuality the override option for a situation where the scanner warns a voter that they may have made a mistake when marking their ballot such as an overvote or undervote if the override option is enabled voters are allowed to acknowledge the winnings and cause the scanner to accept the ballots despite the air conditions these settings have nothing to do with overriding votes okay wait who who is this guy okay Allied security operations group Russell J ramsland the conclusions of the Al I don't even know what this page is a part of oh it's a j6 select committee thing the conclusions of the Allied security operations group antrum Michigan forensics report are suspect because they describe voting products and software versions of that antrum County does not use and otherwise rely on thin or mischaracterized evidence software version of the asog report inaccurately describes the operating system antivirus and security updates for the Anum County voting system as being out of dat however Anum County uses Dominion voting systems democracy Suite 5.5 voting system as it was certified by the United States us Election Commission or election assistance Commission on September 14 2018 the dite 5.5 system was up to date for the version certified by the EAC General law okay we got I think lawyer people coming in fight today oh boy okay Jesus Christ Russell J Ram Jr sold everything from TexMex food to light therapy technology then he sold the serve the elction was stolen from Trump I feel like we God I wish I saved all this [ __ ] from like three or four years ago is this a guy that we watched doing a testimony in front of either a state like a State Assembly or state what you call it a state comgress or uh state congress what do you call right like a I feel like we watched this guy give testimony in front of somebody before but maybe not maybe I'm making that up election board maybe I don't know the usual suspects what the [ __ ] ah sorry is this deep faked why does this person look like a cardboard cutout am I crazy what is happening here what the [ __ ] I don't think this person is real what is my memory are people trying to rewrite his is this the Patriots I just want to know more about this company I want to know what I want to know what this guy does or who this guy is that's I just want to know about the company okay it's likely not a real company I bet it said it in that Washington Post thing do you think they that guy just like made the company just to do this thing oh same thing Allied security operations group probably to Shield himself from liability that is absolutely not how that works I don't think LLC is I don't think the magic there is Jesus okay whatever sorry anyway we were watching this guy who is definitely not biased and definitely uh giving us a good rundown of everything a lot of the frustration that built up by the morning of January 6th I think was more fueled by the lack of an investigation and the appearance we need to look up is there a part in the j6 report that goes through all of the um all of the cases evidentiary so this claim here was that nor is it true that these rulings Focus solely on standing or procedural issues as Ginsburg confirmed in his testimony to the select committee president Trump's team did have their day in court indeed he and his co-authors determined in the report that 30 of these post-election cases were dismissed by a judge after an evidentiary hearing had been held and many of these judges explicitly indicated in their decisions that the evidence presented by the Plain is wholly insufficient on the merits this is footnote 93 let's see the auth determined that 30 Cas 20 cases that were by a judge beforehand while the remaining 14 were withdrawn voluntarily by the plaintiff wait is that Pennsylvania case that Rob no brought up was that even brought up by the um was that even brought by giuliani's team lost not stolen the conservative case that Trump lost and Biden won the 2020 election Christ what the [ __ ] report is this who who who did this what is this uh I see Senators judges honorable always means a judge right was this like a house Congressional thing is this a what what what is this like introduction well let's read the introduction I guess we are political conservatives who spent most of our adult lives working to support the Constitution the conservative principles upon which it is based limited government Liberty blah we can deeply TR by efforts to overturn the or discredit the results of the 2020 presidential election there is no principle of our Republic more fundamental than the right of the people to elect our leaders just a group of conservatives that huh let's see absentee ballot procedures Dominion voting machine fraud improper oh this is for Georgia oh they go through each state icy Arizona Georgia Michigan um where is the 30 cases brought up in this um inadequate the observation thing was a meme I remember this Trump made several uncorroborated allegations ofer related violations he alleged on Twitter that as many 700,000 ballots were not allowed to be viewed while processed in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh plaintiffs allied with the Trump campaign made similar allegations and lawsuits these claims uniformly failed in court one oh maybe they just count up all of the different Court things in here one federal court dismissed claims that the Trump's campaign Watchers were prevented from observing the opening reviewing and Counting of ballots noting that the campaign had failed to plead differential treatment of its Watchers plead differential treatment of its Watchers what does that mean oh deete differential treatment is that does that mean that was the campaign arguing for special treatment in the employment context differential treatment often means an employer treats a group but plays differently from other groups because of specific characteristics okay oh the campaign had failed on a on a on a prima Prima fascia ground that it's it didn't even allege that there was a different treatment of its observers versus any other observers I'm guessing is what this means that they didn't there was nothing they their complaint didn't even allege an actual crime or or there was nothing to complain about is what it sounds like if I'm reading that correctly the third circuit affirmed noting as well that the Trump campaign did not make allegations that the alleged inadequate observation resulted in fraud the third uh circuit affirmed noting as well that the Trump campaign did not make allegations that the alleged inadequate observation resulted in fraud the Pennsylvania Supreme Court upheld a requirement that observers and Philadelphia County maintain at least 15t of distance from the ballot processes follow other covid-19 protocols the rules were reasonable and that they allowed candidate representatives to observe the board conducting its activities subscribed under the election code Republican and Democratic observers were subject to the same rules another lawsuit was voluntarily dismissed um after the parties reached an agreement by which 60 observers each from the Democratic and Republican parties were permitted to observe the mail and ballot County process in Philadelphia County 2.6 challenges to allegedly deficit ballots met with some success but not on grounds of fraud a State Trial confirmed affirmed by a state appell at court dismissed a trump campaign suit challenging 2,1 have an absentee mail in ballots cast in Bucks County the suit was based on purported deficiencies such as unsealed privacy envelopes or ballots without a date handwritten on the outer envelope the state court found that there was nothing in the record and nothing alleged that would be the conclusion that any of the challenge ballots were submitted by someone not qualified or entitled to vote in the election for over 175 years courts have almost uniformally held the de formal defects that do not create ambiguities regarding voter intent or of any in uh indicia indicia indicia fraud should be counted a state court similarly dismissed allegations regarding almost 600 absente email in ballots cast in Montgomery County ballots Challenge on the ground that the voters failed to fill out their address immediately below their Declaration on the outer ballot envelope the ballot substantially complied with statutory requirements and there was no allegations of fraud or improper influence Jesus in perhaps the most dramatic Pennsylvania case the Trump campaign sought to disqualify some seven million absentee and mailin ballots on the basis of allegations that they won lacked a secrecy envelope two did not include a dated and signed declaration on the outside envelope or wait did we have to do this I didn't do this on my thing is it just a Pennsylvania rule or or three were delivered by Third parties for non-disabled voters Council for the campaign Rudy Giuliani told the court that there was widespread Nationwide voter fraud but under questioning by the judge he stated this is not a fraud case wait juliani told the court who is he talking to the judg is like hello after examining the allegations The District Court wrote one might expect that when seeking such a startling outcome as discarding millions of Legally cast votes a plaintiff would come formidably armed with compelling legal arguments and factual proof of rampant corruption instead this court has been presented with strained legal arguments without Merit without Merit and speculative accusations unpl in the operative complaint and unsupported by evidence in an opinion by Trump appointee I love that uh Stefanos bius oh we've read this guy's name before the third circuit affirmed writing that the Trump campaign's claims have no merit that they challenged a number of ballots far smaller than the roughly 81,000 vote uh margin of Victory and that the Trump campaign never claimed fraud or that any votes were cast by illegal voters oh dude we need to read like standards of review at some point cuz it's like this is like some lawyer jargon that I don't understand at all like does it like strict scrutiny or what like I don't understand any of that um what standard of review should I apply and why uh what standard of revie review should I apply in this case on a motion to dismiss well I mean I think the normal one which is that you you have to deem the factual allegations to be correct and even if they are correct uh you have to find that there's no no merit no legal Merit no legal theory on which we can get relief well let let me ask you are are you arguing then that strict scrutiny should apply here no the normal scrutiny should apply if if oh so I think strict scrutiny is probably what would be required for the allegation of fraud but ordinary scrutiny would be for a blesser is that strict scrutiny should apply here no the normal scrutiny should apply if if if we had Alle fraud yes but this is not a this is not a a fraud case so they so it's like in front of the media widespread voter fraud but in front of the judge well we were looking at like 400 ballots and on a lot of these they were supposed to write December 30th uh 2020 but they actually wrote 30th of December 2020 uh so you know like are we really going to count these ballots judge what the [ __ ] it is a disservice to the public for representatives of a campaign especially the campaign of any incumbent president to make and repeat the claim that there's proof of massive voter fraud only to abandon any claim of fraud in the courtroom by the way this is why I say all the time when I ask people right when they say like oh um this is why I asked uh was it Rob or was it somebody else who was saying or no it was Pisco when Pisco was saying that Miller made a claim in front of the j6 community that he walked back this is why I asked hold on so he made a claim under oath the second claim where he retracted the first claim was that one under oath because that's important to me I think it really matters um I think it really matters if somebody's under oath when they're testifying I don't care what somebody says to the media I want to know what you're saying when your ass is on the line um Rosenstein said this uh really really well when he was the was he was he the acting attorney general um recogniz I love this exchange so much I'm sorry it's just this is such a good exchange and I hate Jim Jordan I don't even know if I like Rosenstein I mean I do cuz he's Jewish and I'm sure at some point he's involved in paying me appreciate your sincere concerns but I didn't give Peter struck any instructions if there was some problem with the instructions he had I'll be happy to look into it what his La Mr Jordan when you find some problem with a production or with questions it doesn't mean that I'm personally trying to conceal something from you it means we're running an organization that's trying to follow the rules and we're going to respond you know what was interesting when I asked him if he'd ever talked to Bruce or he said he had said he had three times in 2016 and 2017 then I ask him have you ever talked to or and he said no I haven't I said well why can you answer that question because nelli or worked for Glen Simpson worked for Fusion he could answer that question but he couldn't answer because FBI Council told him he couldn't he couldn't answer the question whether he'd ever communicated with Glenn Simpson a journalist why couldn't he answer that question Mr Jordan I appreciate you're saying it isn't personal sometimes it feels that way how do I know sir I mean I you interviewed Mr struck I didn't uh so I can't works for you doesn't work for us there 115,000 people who work for me Sir Mr Rosenstein did you threaten staffers on the house intelligence committee media reports indicate you did media reports are mistaken sometimes but this is what they said having the nation's number one law enforcement officer threatened to subpoena your calls and emails is downright chilling did you threaten to subpoena their calls and emails no sir and there's no way to subpoena phone calls well I mean I'm just saying I'm reading what the Press said I'm read I would suggest that you not rely on what the Press says sir well I didn't ask if there's no way to do it I asked if you said it if I said what what I just read you no I did not well now who are we supposed to believe staff members who we've worked with who've never misled us or you guys who we've caught hiding information from us who tell a witness not to answer our questions who are we supposed to believe thank you for making clear it's not personal Mr Jordan well I didn't I'm saying the department because I'm telling the truth and I'm under oath if you want to put somebody else under o and they have something different I know these staff members I'm sorry who look at this guy's beard in the back this guy is like rock this guy's like got Anime levels of facial hair am I crazy I don't know who this guy hold watch it when he leans over here oh my God look at this inquiry Mr chairman look at that this is not an appropriate time for a parli in J in point of order I feel like this is one of those times I know I said this over and over again I said the opposite where if you just gather all the information um you can fight against these claims but I feel like this is like there are so many claims thrown about the election and every single time I look at any of them they're so stupid I don't know if you can actually run down every single one of these [ __ ] ass claims though like now I'm upset that I let Rob no get away with that Pennsylvania thing um um I'm looking for the uh I'm looking for the case where Pennsylvania was going to change their election laws or something dud does know what I'm talking about save that dock uh yeah maybe [ __ ] it it's just too easy to make up a [ __ ] claim in the dance away from it that's not true when it comes to uh litigation which is why Giuliani is going to be disbarred uh I think either he already has been or the process has been started you like making up [ __ ] in front of the media is one thing although that'll get you defamation sweets or I'm sorry defamation suits but but um I think Giuliani is facing disbarment nowe I'm sorry real quick if you get disbarred in one state are you automatically disbarred Nationwide oh shoot I need to find that Pennsylvania case I'm curious who brought that penil Pennsylvania unconstitutional okay hold on Pennsylvania's male voting law R unconstitution Place as wolf appeals appell at court Ru Friday that penylan male voting law passed in 2019 with bipar support is unconstitutional but remain in place the ruling by the Commonwealth Court comes in response to Suits oh suits filed by Bradford County Commissioner Doug mlinko and a group of Republican state representatives many of whom voted for ACT 77 this is one of those cases where the Republicans afterwards were like the Democrats passed this to us but then like earlier it had actually passed with bipartisan support because nobody the election fake [ __ ] wasn't like being spread back then you you do you read I read listen if you really want me to see what you're saying my kick chat that's what I'm always got my eyeballs on okay in the United States legal system disbarment is specific to Regions one can be dispart from some courts while still being a member of the bar in another jurisdiction is that actually true like I think that in I think like it I think that's like possible but uh like I think you can be disbarred in one state and technically practice in another but I'm asking in practice isn't it like if you get disbarred in one won't every other state like not certify you or or if you're barred in another state won't they disbar you like in uh in practice I I could be I could be wrong I'm just curious that was my understanding under the American Bar Association model rules of professional conduct which have been adopted in Most states disbarment in one state or court is grounds for disbarment in a jurisdiction which which has adopted the model rules yeah okay I I think I think if you get dispart in one stat I think you're basically [ __ ] I think generally also because I'm curious how you would pass um you have to do character and fitness every time you do a new bar exam right it's not just for the first one so if you took the bar and then past and they tried to assess like character and Fitness in another state and you were disbarred in another state I have a hard time imagining they would they would certify you that' be my guess sorry okay back to this guy [ __ ] me that some of these people were just saying it's better to you know close our eyes and move forward instead of actually verifying these things M yeah if we could go back in time I think was I think this is just a lie I don't I don't believe this but or fuel by the lack of an investigation and the appearance that some of these people were just saying it's better to you know close our eyes and move forward instead of actually verifying these things M you know if we could go back in time I would love to grab Bill bar by the arm and say dude if you think the Giuliani is full full of it tell that to the president say hey I think R juliani is full of crap you don't think bar said that wait what you think you think bar was taking my understanding is that um isn't William Bart doesn't have a pretty prestigious background I I mean well me he was the Attorney General right that's like the Attorney General is basically like the the like the dream like it's like being the president of lawyers essentially right basically so I mean like yeah oh and he was the AG HW Bush there is noing shot yeah twice there's no shot that bar would ever I I could be totally wrong I'm screaming I could be right I have a I cannot imagine that [ __ ] Attorney General William bar would be sitting in a room next to Giuliani who face is melting off half the time hearing the cocky insane sh that this guy is is talking about to Trump and being like yes this is my equal yes Giuliani fellow attorney like no shot bro bar must have been losing his mind Trump lost it the data suggested to me that the Democrats had taken advantage of rule changes especially extended voting periods and voting by mail but it is one thing to say that the rules were unfairly skewed it is another to say that the outcome was the result of fraud close quote this is a very crude way of putting it but is it fair to say something like the Democrats stole the election legally that those rule changes that were taking place using CO as a pretext for a whole year before the actual election that that was where the action was I think the the the Democrats use CO as an excuse to skew the playing field toward themselves um there are one of the problems here is that people are mushing together three different con Concepts all right one is the rules you're going to go by are you going to have mailin ballots are are you going to really enforce deadlines you know ballots to come in late and all that kind of stuff and they and this is such a more sophisticated and better like I I shouldn't even give bar credit because anybody is more intelligent than Trump um what bar is saying is probably true that Democrats did utilize mail and ballots to to to skew the vote in their favor but they didn't do anything illegal they just saw what was coming and hyped the [ __ ] out of it I feel like if bar would have been in charge of Trump's legal strategy no not legal strategy election strategy bar would have said the same thing hey cuck the Democrats are going to you know rap out of us on mail and vote on mail and voting can we advertise this can we actually try to push our people to go get registered to mail and vote like why not do this why would you sit here and Screech over and over and over again for a year about how mail and voting is the dumbest [ __ ] in the world about how mail and voting is going to be rigged and blah why not tell you people to actually go out and mail in their ballots like I'm so curious and obviously we can't run it twice uh I wish you could I wish you could rerun reality if Donald Trump would have endorsed mail and vote uh mail and voting in 2019 and he would have like leaned in hard on that hi what's up hey bro I just came here to say happy New Year M oh happy New Year buddy be careful wish you the best uh for 2024 bro good luck bye peace um if if uh if Republicans would have leaned into the mail and B uh ballot stuff uh as much as Democrats did because it really what do you mean by skewing isn't mail and voting something normal that everyone should be able to do I mean that if you went back to the um if you went back to the advertising advertising when the way that people talk about mail and voting bro prior to the 2020 election Democrats jerked off on uh for mail in ballots so much like oh like guys remember mail in ballots you don't have to leave Co like you don't even need to wear a mask like social distance in our homes like Democrats loved mail and ballots what were the Republicans saying mail and ballots are going to be rigged don't ever trust an envelope the 2,000 meals they're going to steal your [ __ ] don't oh it's all F like why would you discourage your population from voting you're already killing most of them by telling them not to get vaccinated okay why would you double yourself okay why would you double yourself in your stupid death cult why would you let Democrats run away so much especially because the really funny thing is um let's see if I can find this ah I should have saved this article my understanding is historically when you look at mail and voting it's either even or slightly favors Republicans when you look at who actually benefits from it the idea that um the idea that mail and voting necessarily benefited Democrats that was invented for covid I don't think historically datawise I don't think that was ever the case I I don't know if it was because of military people or what were it I think it I think some I think David Shaw had an article on this um conventional wisdom has been that Democrats are more likely to benefit from voting by mail but that's not what the research has shown not so many months ago casting a ballot by mail was a topic reserved for conferences of election administrators a matter of voting mechanics blander than a water cracker H nice one Hassan in Republican Arizona and Democratic Oregon as well as many other states vast numbers of citizens not only voted by male but they also loved it that was before the male ballot became seen as an essential element for voting in a pandemic and before President Trump weaponized male voting with largely invented allegations that it would lead to massive voter fraud do male ballots give either political party an advantage conventional wisdom in both parties is that a surge of male ballots such as what we are likely to see in November benefits Democrats more than Republicans the logic goes like this traditionally most absentee ballots were cast by Republicans so a big turnout would disproportionately help Democratic turnout and because turnout has always been higher among wealthier better educated voters who tilted Republican anything that made voting easier was bound to benefit Democrats oh by the way I could be wrong I'm try this why I try to Google things when I uh am making these com just making sure I'm not repeating false um I believe that the idea that higher voter turnout will always benefit Democrats I don't think that's actually rooted in any data either uh the idea that an increase in turnout or that like uh no voter idea whatever benefits Democrats I don't think that's necessarily true either because I remember looking for that once it's like oh let's just get more people to vote and maybe it'll help our side I don't think that's actually true um but we I can go look for that next um recent demographic shifts in the electorate cast doubt on that since Mr Trump's election more educated and Wealthy voters have trended Democratic while Republicans have gained among lower income voters especially white people so conventional wisdom May no longer apply a new working paper by The Institute for economic policy research at Stanford University concluded that maale balloting modestly increased voter turnout but that both parties benefited more or less equally from The Surge other academic Studies have reached largely similar conclusions the Stanford study seems solid it seemed especially solid because it looked at mail and balloting uh as it was being gradually rolled out in three states California Utah and Washington allowing researchers to compare counties that voted by mail with counties in the same states that did not but the Stanford researchers took pains to say that their findings applied to a normally administered imperson election voting in a pandemic might produce different results they said in part because the threat of illness might deter one group of Voters from casting ballots more than it would another um yeah but this idea that like that Republicans had to lose the idea that Republicans had to lose because of Mel and voting is so stupid Destiny oh I agree with that I just thought skewing implies something nefarious um I mean I don't think bar is being nefarious here uh but I'm reading bar I don't want to say I'm reading him very favorably wait is kick down uh I I don't think bar is necessarily being nefarious here I think he's being accurate and honest that mail in ballots are are you really enforce deadlines you allow ballots to come in late and all that kind of stuff and they and they you know made those rules they were not adequately fought by the Republicans they got in place once those rules are set you're stuck with those rules unless you've challenged them in court and one uh and that can be unfair but that's not illegal Le Atwater and Jim Baker would have known that that they had to put together a first class legal team at least a year before the election and start contesting these rule changes is that correct that's correct and Trump never even he was advised to do that and just ignored it right that's my experience and then the second set of things are rules that are meant to protect against fraud such as anti-h harvesting rules where someone goes around and collects ballots and then drops them in in The Ballot Box or observers from both parties in the polling station those those are meant to protect against fraud if those are violated that's bad person who violates them should be punished but it doesn't necessarily mean that the votes are automatically thrown out you still have to show that the votes are legal votes I do think that there was harvesting going on where it shouldn't have been going on I don't think it's at the magnitude people are suggesting and I frankly don't think it affected the outcome uh but the point is by the time you know once the election is held and over it's hard to go back and cure that the third thing is fraud that is where people who were dead vote people who aren't qualified their votes counted you put in false votes or you take out good votes and suppress them there's no evidence of that and yet from the very beginning from when he went downstairs from the residence he started talking about fraud major fraud underway and uh all the stories they came up with at the beginning uh you know dozens of them is the Hoover Institution is this channel where you see like um Supreme Court justices have conversations if I watched Scalia and is it Steven Bayer is that a real guy or is that a pain medication Hoover Institute is pretty based for Republican Outlet I feel like I've watched some really if there's any way oh no it was AO I feel like I've watched really really good conversations on this channel before um oh I don't know what this [ __ ] is but they bring I'm sorry I should say they bring on really high quality guests um yeah initially we we playing like wal okay what's the what's the and like the the conversations are really good that I can remember it's not like the um the BR Scalia convo you referring to was a Senate Judiciary hearing was it no it wasn't it was on it was on like a uh it was on stage I thought am I crazy am I making that up oh was this oh no this is what I was thinking I'm sorry this isn't the Hoover maybe is this I don't know what the two 2.4k [Music] subscribers you don't keep it out I think we watch this this is such a good this is a really good video we watched this a long time ago um Supreme Court Jus are really important I feel like listening to them talk is good when you can also our attorney generals are important too the day you know okay it's the Dominion machines okay it's you know this juliani and his CR you know okay the suitcase juliani in his crowd in fton County you know the truck driver from Beth Page to Harrisburg and they would come up with this stuff rank examples of fraud but they were all false they were looked at they were nonsense they still repeated it to this day I was shocked because on January 13th of this year the president was interviewed by NPR he walked off the set but he was challenged by the interviewer what is an example of the fraud and he would have thought after all this time he could think of his best shot and he said more people voted in Philadelphia than there are voters and that was trotted out like one or two weeks after the election it's totally false totally false the turnout in Philadelphia was actually a little bit lower than the average turnout in the state of Pennsylvania okay so true Trump derangement syndrome yes we've got to come up to January 6 of course do ad medicines positively impact your debate skills um it would hard be say on or off I'm not sure I don't know if it if that would affect it much or not I'm not sure you resigned beforehand you resigned on December 14th M now there's a meeting in which excuse me in one damn thing you tell the story much better than I'm about to but you're coming to all the conclusions that you just described there's no fraud he's lost this thing and he didn't need to lose it which makes it even worse but that's not a question for me as attorney general the question is no there's no fraud for goodness sake and the White House keeps saying fraud fraud fraud so you give an interview to the press and say we haven't found any we haven't found evidence today that it was sufficient to change the election and then you have an encounter person to person encounter in that office off the Oval Office and what Donald just describe that encounter if I was in the white house for another meeting I knew there would be a Day of Reckoning for what I said to the AP and he called me down and he was livid Aderall is literally the same drug as methamphetamine it's literally not at all there are four different types of amphetamines there are not methamphetamine they're it's literally not the same drug they're similar but it's not literally the same drug unless you're using literally to mean figuratively in which case you're still wrong and uh he challenged me and I I said you know that that these um claims that you you are making are just BS we've been looking at them and they're they're nonsense and you keep on shoveling this stuff out there and I said furthermore you're legal team what you you know you have juliani and crab there I said it's a clown show and I said no respectable lawyers are willing to come in and support you with that crab there and I told him I told him specifically the Dominion thing was nonsense and I went through a few of them and he got more and more irate and I said look I know you're unhappy with me I'm happy to you know tender my resignation and he slammed the table and said accept it I said okay and I started walking out and uh I got to my uh you I feel like stimulant make you ramble more uh I don't know it's hard to say I think if I want to ramble I ramble I don't think um vehicle in the I don't know it's hard to say I'm not sure FBI detail the problem is that like I one I should have just never talked about it publicly at all but that's not true I'm glad I talked about it publicly because it helps some people whatever uh the problem is that like there will be people that will post to my subate and I see like new fans like oh my God I can definitely tell he's on viance cuz he got so mad at this guy and it's like I've been streaming for 14 years dude like I don't think you have any idea how what it means when I'm mad at people was in the car leaving and all people started pounding on the windows was at night and uh he had sent uh the councel and another lawyer to retrieve me and he didn't mean that he's not firing you uh but but 2 weeks later I decided it would be best for me to leave he wasn't listening to advice he was meeting privately and and intensely with these people from random [ __ ] people that wanted to come and tell him whatever he wanted to hear side that I thought had no judgment and uh you know the crowd that everyone knows their names now and I thought well look you know I mean he's he's entitled to take advice from who he wants to take advice for him but if he's not listening to me uh I don't see a reason for me to stand stay around and on December 14th was the day the Electoral College met and cast their votes and there were no disputed you know uh votes in the sense that there was no States didn't have alternative um slates and so forth so under the law that was essentially irreversible so uh I think here is one thing that actually I do want to know and I do need to know this before I do my debate did Trump have seven other sets of electoral uh slates prepared that's pretty important I'm very curious about that you missed him calling Giuliani a clown wait did I did he say that stolen that that was where the action was I I think the the the Democrat knew there would be a Day of Reckoning for what I said to the AP and he called me down and he was livid and uh he challenged me and I I said you know this that these um claims that you were are making are just BS we've been looking at them and they're they're nonsense and you keep on shoveling this stuff out there and I said furthermore you're legal team once you you know you have Giuliani and crowd there I said it's a clown show and I said oh crowd and clown show oh good one what was why did I look this here's what I'm going to do I'm going to send full of it I would love to grab Bill bar by the arm and say dude if you think the Giuliani is full full of it tell that to the president sayy I God this guy oh I hate this guy sorry I feel like he said like three things so far that just been dead wrong um the idea that nobody challenged any of these things in court uh he misrepresented horrendously uh what the indictments are actually for it wasn't just for challenging the election in fact I think that the indictment literally makes that clear the defendant had a right like every American to speak publicly about the election even a claim falsely that there had been outcome determined fraud during the election and that he had won he was entitled to formally challenge the results of the election through lawful and appropriate means such as by seeking recounts or audits of the popular vote in states or filing lawsuits challenging ballots and procedures indeed in many cases the defendant did pursue these methods of contesting the election results his efforts to change the outcome in any state through recounts audits or legal challenges were uniformally unsuccessful like they literally addressed this in the um in the indictments themselves like right in page two uh and then this third thing like why didn't williiam bar say anything have you read any think about what bro William bar and Trump fought so much at the end which is super ironic given how much William bar was like a trump lover I still remember that profile piece we read um in the New Yorker about William bar and his like upcoming is uh his background and everything we read this a few years ago I think William bar Trump's sword and shield um Christ bro sorry okay um oh yeah I'm just curious if these elector slates these false elector slates were actually filed like if people actually did this like did they transmit false electoral slates or was this just part of the plan yes they were they sent them to Congress and the National Archives Tred to top AIDS who test under oath the Gen committee lost some action wait a second did he actually hold on they talk about it in the indictment wait which part or what what number wait [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I should read these full and diamonds I I will tomorrow we'll read all the indictments tomorrow just to know the indictments I think are good contrl F slates can you tell me what number what fact or destiny WS yeah give me a minute when Destiny Awards it's literally in the title of my stream what number here uh what like fact number I don't know what you would call it what paragraph number page 19 fact 40 do you call them facts when you're looking at indictments on December 14th the day that electors and States across country required to vote and submit their votes to Congress the Michigan house speaker and Michigan Senate Majority Leader announced that cont to the defendant's requests they would not desertify the the defendant asked them to they would not desertify the legitimate election results or electors in Michigan the Michigan Senate majority leaders public statements include we have not received evidence of fraud on a scale that would change the outcome of the election in Michigan um the defendent publicly repeated his knowingly false claim regarding okay recordings emails show how Trump team flew fake elector ballots 2 DC in final push to overturn the 2020 election wait hold on let me 67 did you somebody say in chat want us for our coming back good question at a campaign sta request cpor 5 drafted and sent fraudulent elector certificates for the defendants electors in New Mexico which had not previously been among the targeted States and where there was no Penning litigation on the defendant's behalf the next day the defendants campaign filed an election challenge suit in New Mexico at 11:54 a.m. 6 minutes before the new deadline for the elector votes as a pretext that they were pending litigation at the time Jesus Christ okay all right we're do the awards I blindly believed the ray EP [ __ ] I was shocked to see how pathetic the evidence was his name is that's a girl's name that sounds like a destiny fan are you scoping our own Community um does the B of your first ever stream still exist I don't know it would be on if it was where is the uh link me the awards
Channel: Destiny
Views: 165,828
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steven bonnell, destiny, destiny streamer, destiny debates, destiny twitch, destiny vods, politics, news, livestreamfail, lsf
Id: 0yHw2DYRlPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 59sec (5879 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2024
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