Guided Meditation for Activating your Inner Healer (Healing Story Metaphors Included)

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do not listen to this recording while driving or operating machinery thank you hi this is Joe Tracy and welcome to this guided meditation on activating your inner healer now before we get started it's important to know that in the state of hypnosis you're not asleep or unconscious you're actually very aware of your surroundings and you can't be forced to do anything anything that's against your will and please don't worry about outside sounds or distractions because you'll soon be able to relax completely and you can actually use those outside sounds to deepen your trance you're always in control and you can accept or reject the suggestions as you wish so just allow yourself to absorb the suggestions without evaluating or analyzing and don't worry if your mind drifts off cuz you'll still gain the benefits from the suggestions and when you find yourself focused on other thoughts just gently remind yourself to focus on my voice and the suggestions and don't worry about getting it or doing it right just allow yourself to feel comfortable and relaxed now allow yourself to get comfortable and let your hands rest easily in your lap or on the arm to the chair and close your eyes and think of your whole body growing limber and relaxed and think of the muscles in the scalp and forehead growing very comfortable and relaxed and you will find as you think of these muscles relaxing they will do so and as the muscles of the forehead relax you may notice a slight increase in tension around the eyebrows now concentrate on the eyebrows and all around the eyes Atlas tension will fade away now feel the tiny muscles of the eyelids relax and feel the relaxation move deeply inside the eyes and deepen back the eyes let all the facial muscles relax over the cheekbones and the cheeks the jaw and the chin and the lips in the mouth as muscles of the mouth relax you will find your mouth automatically becomes not too moist not too dry just moss enough to keep you perfectly comfortable now feel the relaxation spread deep in the back of the throat deep in the back of the head and neck and deep into the neck and shoulders now let the arms relax relax the upper arm you know concentrate on the forearms and feeling relaxed all the muscles between the elbows and the wrists relax and feel relaxation spreading across the tops of the hands and deep into the hands deep through the hands to the palms and now the fingers relax all the way to the fingertips and as a fingers relax you may or may not experience slight tingling and fingers and if you do you will find it to be a very pleasing sensation very pleasant tingling and fingers now bring your attention back again to the relaxed muscles of the neck and shoulders now let the relaxation flow into the chest and lungs and your breathing is easy and gentle you feel yourself relaxing more and more of each gentle and easy breath you relax more and you relax more and more with each sound of my voice and all outside sounds are unimportant only the sound my voice is important now now let the relaxation spread then to the proud of the back and feel it move gently down to the lower back let all the muscles of the body go to sleep in a sense while remaining perfectly conscious aware and concentrating now I'll feel the relaxation spreading deep into the sides and let the muscles of the stomach relax deep into the stomach and all the muscles of the stomach and hips relax now let the legs relax feel the relaxation spreading into the thighs the knees and the castle the legs relax all the way down to the ankles and now let the feet relax be healed of the feet the undersides of the feet deep to the feet to the tops and finally even the toes relax and it feels so good to relax and let go of all tension and care now in just a moment I will begin the countdown and with each descending number your level of relaxation will double want that to happen and allow that to happen five sinking deeper and deeper down or so calm so peaceful and so relaxed three letting go and it feels so good to just let go - getting even closer now one now peacefully and complete relaxed I wonder if you've ever had a really long train and all the details are vivid and clear when you're feeling relaxed and comfortable you can enjoy feeling a deep sense of serenity and peacefulness and in that serene state you remember something so easily as if you're listening to a recording deep inside your mind and you notice that you went really hearing the recording but rather you could just feel the sounds without words almost a direct stream of thought your inner knowing to your conscious mind and you can move as if these words were guiding you back and forth from the future to the past right now internal movement while your body remains perfectly still your mind moving freely as if you were seeing thoughts that perhaps show you what was or what could have been or what will be or what can be and as you go deeper into that place in your mind you're allowing your body to rest gently and peacefully dropping deeper and deeper into the sanctuary known as the forests or dreams and as you move deeper into your forest pay close attention and listen you realize that this forest provides you with a glimpse into your future and this makes your mind set up feeling alert waiting for something in fact feel incredible be relaxed and perhaps more comfortable than you've ever been in your whole life while your body relaxes deeper your mind begins to consider exciting possibilities so here you are in your force of dreams look around notice the moss on the trees and the shade flowers have surround you listen to the birds as they fly from tree to tree they're singing a playful little song and then your magical forest of dreams on some deep level begin to understand their songs in your magical forest of dreams on some deep level you understand their songs and the message is simple yet complex as if they're teaching you the secrets of the ancient healers and you look with your inner eyes to see what you can see and you listen with your inner ears and they hear what you can hear and as you do you're feeling more relaxed and comfortable than ever perhaps you can even feel a comforting presence protecting you a warm gentle and reassuring presence causing you to feel completely loved and accepted a memory annoying surfaces as in memory surfaces begin feeling more vibrantly healthy than you've ever imagined it's more than a feeling it's who you are now I know you always be then you remember that you're powerful beyond measure and deep inside it feel as if anything is possible for you you are unlimited speaking of possibilities may have heard of a woman who took a medication to help her heal and she was completely free of any negative side effects in fact she trusted this method of healing so completely that every part of her body spontaneously began to heal itself her immune system gradually restored itself to perfect health every system in her body began to repair itself gently easily so my so and the repairs took place while she slept while she relaxed and even while she was working and each cell following its own personal blueprint for vibrant health and she knew what her mind can conceive and believe her mind can achieve the first time she took this medication she laughed out loud how could such a tiny pillow bring her anything but health and as you think about this and the truth of it said blossoms inside you even more now see those words growing being more of who you are on the inside something that you can sense truth that you've always known all around you moving inside you and outside you and another woman imagined herself healing from the inside out a very different way every day she sent love to every cell in a body using the power of love and attention to heal herself she sent love to her physical body she loved her emotions she loved her thoughts she sent love to every part of her being and gently gradually on every level she began to heal and these women began to understand how everything is connected that were one with everything around us everything is a part of us were part of everything look around you to begin your healing in the forest of dreams as you heal yourself force becomes more vibrantly alive as well so there you are in your forest safe and secure you belong here and you have a reason for being here although you may wonder where you are you feel safe here as you walk along the path the path seems as though it's been created by the inhabitants of the forest of dreams especially for you the deeper you move into this forest the deeper inside you go down into the deepest part of your mind in this place you can heal anything that you want this part of your mind creates your tomorrow and records all that you've ever touched ever learned and ever see as you go further compelled by your inner curiosity you know what you need to know you understand why and how your journey into the force of dreams can Helio and it's as if you're being led by more than a dream on your own curiosity but by fate by destiny and then it's clear your great healthy future life was the reason this made your sense of the ware and sharp and you notice how strong an acute all your senses suddenly became it began to perform as if you yourself or a supernatural presence this forest of dreams and deep within your inner mind you know yes you just know you're going on a journey you might say a never-ending journey a journey that takes you further into health than you've ever gone before but you're brave now and have a heart for adventure because you can see tomorrow and it looks great that's so exciting so filled with possibilities and you can enjoy this adventure with your vibrantly healthy energetic body and mind you were born for so much more you've ever believed possible before now and the center strength Pete you in the force of dreams where you are now becoming a vibrantly healthy you and right now at this moment can use your mind and your intention to heal your body and mind you could choose how your body responds to medication treatment even surgery you can choose to shrink anything in your body that does not promote perfect health and you can do this right now today you can just do it and the force of dreams you can easily choose positive thoughts and emotions to heal your mind you can send unconditional love to any thought or emotion that surfaces remember you can heal yourself because you're powerful beyond measure and you deserve the healing that you seek for your life now you can feel confident intelligent and unstoppable knowing that you found your inner healer a part of you that works 24/7 for your high is good your inner healer you subconscious mind continues working for you doing it's perfect work while you simply live your life imagine how your life is changing now that you're recapturing vibrant health physically mentally spiritually and emotionally now notice up in the distance two years into your future you see the healthy new improved you and you look stunning your magnificent a radiant being imagine yourself standing tall and proud because you learn how to restore yourself to health and you look at this view successful and healthy you you notice the way you're dressed the hairstyle you have you notice everything about you you're delighted that you look and feel so great full of energy mentally alert ballast emotionally now look back from that perspective now and learn exactly how you reach the state vibrant health in the next clock one minute look back from that perspective now and I'll learn exactly how you reach this state of vibrant health it's time now to return from the force of dreams back to a state of alert awareness think about how you feel in this place and anytime you wish to return to this place just touch your finger and thumb together and say relax in dhruv effortlessly - this force of dreams we relaxed and comfortable serene and peaceful and vibrantly healthy imagine your future self looking absolutely incredible love the journey because it reminds you and you're powerful beyond measure now it's time to return to an alert awareness as you listen to me count from one to five return with a new attitude of accomplishment self-confidence Co anything is possible for you you feel vibrantly healthy every day and on every level now when I reach the count of five you'll return to full awareness feeling completely rested and refreshed one feeling returning to your fingers and toes to all energies and complete balance etheric body closed three feeling more confident and in control realising things that used to bother in the past have now been released for feeling as if your eyes have been bathed in cool clear water five realizing you have now activated your inhaler you now know that anything is possible eyes open fully aware you
Channel: Joe T - Hypnotic Labs
Views: 930,282
Rating: 4.7180257 out of 5
Keywords: guided meditation for healing, hypnosis for healing, healing meditation, healing guided meditation, healing yourself, meditation for healing yourself, guided meditation for healing yourself
Id: AmK_clZ579M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 4sec (2224 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2016
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