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all right lanza so the other day at caleb did finally introduce a new way to farm small and medium scrolls without having to go through the entire pain that is chronic request but having said that for some reason caleb still wanted to make farming small and medium scrolls a massive pain and they did this by implementing one of the most engaging types of content mechanics in the game dutch [Music] so yes there are these 10 quests that you can do throughout the week all of them have a different type of enemy all with their own different requirements of dodging enemies and because of that caleb have purposely done this to make it so you actually want to summon 40 characters that can read dodges that said though you don't actually need these characters to actually complete the quest and i will show you how to easily do it without the need of these characters but for those that actually want to know what type of characters are good for these certain types of quests i've gone ahead and made a cheat sheet for you lads so what you can see on the screen right now is fairly simple this character has the read dodges to fund this quest or to do it without having to deal with the 80 dodge rate that some enemies have as you can see jackie the newest mid map character is a mind no affiliation killer with the read no affiliation dodges therefore she can actually complete the medium sp scroll quest which you can just do again with ease same goes for again again is a no affiliation killer for the power attribute so therefore you can actually get the medium stamina scrolls now for the most part it's actually kind of unfortunate that mostly characters here are actually limited there's only two premier characters of these 10 characters and finally enough two of them that being the 2000 your bloodwork characters aren't even summonable anymore so that kind of does suck if you do have them then they're going to be a lifesaver for saving yourself time when farming this every single week the good thing about these quests too is that the dodge for these enemies shouldn't actually change so for the most part it's only going to be these 10 characters that can be useful for farming these small and medium strokes every single week which is a good thing if you eventually do get them because for the most part some of these characters you might not ever ever use personally i never see myself using the first button neutral but now i'm actually very glad i have him so therefore i can actually use them every single week to get myself some medium focus rules which i'm definitely not going to complain about having said that though do keep in mind this quest does actually have a three minute time limit you can't continue each attribute has a two times damage bonus and killer effect is actually buffed by five times so this basically means you one shot in fact all these characters here because they are guaranteed to hit the enemy they are going against they pretty much one shot anything even if you aren't even built up regardless of your accessory investment or your transcendent investment which means if you do have these characters again they're gonna be a lifesaver because you can just breeze through content having said that though if you don't have these characters what is your next best option well here is a simple way on beating any dodge quest in the future whether this is from here in cenkamon in some next future point event some next future hard difficult event whenever you see a dodge stage it's very simple on how to beat it and the trick to that which i'm sure some of you are aware of is just to use mad characters yes that's simple it's not that hard trust me what i did at the start this week when these quests did come out was to not use the dodge characters instead i wanted to make it a struggle for myself and i use characters that don't have dodge and the best way again to do that is to use mad characters and the reason for this is because net characters have a constant way of dishing out damage and that's from their nat string sp characters unfortunately have to wait for their strong attacks to cool down and that can actually slow down your run especially against the enemies that have the 80 chance to dodge you so as i mentioned the best way to tackle this is to use your night characters because they have a net button that has no cooldown and if they do get hit in thanks to the damage bus that you are getting from this quest you're pretty much one shotting the enemy so that's basically the best way to cheese this type of quest if you don't have the correct character as you can see from the gameplay i was using multiple nand characters with different transcendence level and i pretty much cleared exactly how i was expecting to it didn't really fail once there was one time where i did feel blessed because i got hit too many times and that was on my fault for not dodging correctly uh when i actually did use a transcended character a max transcended character to make it harder myself i actually just didn't give the character accessories so in the case of the kisake run yes he is max transcended but he's missing out on like 100 extra percent attack so i did this just to show you like that you don't really need perfect accessories to actually beat this quest just make sure you do fulfill the killer and also the attribute that you are going against at the same time what i did find out is that someone like tarsky for example the free sentiment character if you do actually have her because you have access to five of these characters even to a size and except maybe even zangetsu although i haven't tested him out they can pretty much beat the quest so technically uh for those really stressing that you can't do it you have a free to play option in the form of the center montatsuki again in a certain situation because you are going against 80 chance to dodge your attacks there might be a situation where you run out of time if you are very unlucky but there's no repercussion for losing you just go back into it and try again yes it does suck it is a bit weird for some reason that they put the dodge one of the most annoying mechanics in the game to these small and medium scrolls which should be easier to get compared to the large crowd which isn't the case right now large pros are definitely way easier to get compared to the smaller medium ones doesn't make sense i think it should be the opposite but personally i know a lot of people do hate the dodge mechanic i do too but i do like the way they have implemented this into the game by giving these 10 specific characters a reason to be used because that's something this game does lack a lot of the times this game is only required one or two characters to beat pretty much 99 the content and when they are dishing out sick characters per month they need to give you a reason to summon for these characters and not even summon just use these characters because again i have mostly these characters here i've never used any of them besides like besides ichigo and and kisuke that's pretty much it i had shinji i have noritora and i have grunge but i've never really used them other than that though yeah just bring your best in that character go for it at the very least you do always have the five-time slow ticket option so if you are let's say just going for the hard scrolls or the mind scrolls for example and at the very least you can do the five times run and save yourself potential an extra 10 minutes because you have to do each one individually so while yes it does suck that the dodge is actually being implemented in this type of quest at the very least now if you ever do pull these characters in the future you're going to be more happy to pull them because they're going to make farming this every single week a lot easier for example i know for a fact the most sought after scroll for this type of quest is going to be the medium hot scrolls and also the medium mine scrolls and those two characters are actually premium so you will eventually pull them in the future and when you do it you're definitely going to be happy to have those characters that said though that was the video hope you guys did enjoy if it did help you out show support by liking it and let me know which one you're actually farming for me personally i just did two each quest i started from next week though i'm definitely gonna prioritize getting the sp scrolls and probably focus and if i ever need to max transcender power character then i'm definitely picking up the attack or power scrolls i started maybe in a few weeks time but i said hope you guys enjoyed it i'll see you guys next one peace
Channel: Aaroniero - Bleach Brave Souls
Views: 54,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bleach, Beach Guild Quest, Bleach Brave Souls, Bleach Brave Souls Guild Quest, Brave Souls, Bleach Brave Souls Summon, Bleach Brave Souls Gameplay, 5 Star Summon ticket, Choose a 6 Star Summon, Bleach Anniversary, ticket summons, summons, aaroniero, bleach brave souls opening, bleach brave souls 6th anniversary, bleach brave souls best character, bleach brave souls scrolls, bleach brave souls training ground, bleach brave souls attribute scrolls
Id: XxyZM7Eg8nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 41sec (401 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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