Guide on How To Make PERFECT BUILD! - Project ASCENSION WoW Season 9

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in today's video I'm going to show you the way to how to ultimately build your character so you get exactly the build you want on the classless Ascension server with their Wild Card mode we're going to be maximizing the Synergy rolls without carding anything because as it turns out that Sy ruls get kind of turned off the class closer you get to perfecting your build so we're going to be using a method where you actually don't card anything at all and initially you will be leaving yourselves completely to the RNG but eventually when you start getting the rolls you want the syy rolls are going to kick in and you're going to get the stuff that we actually need and when you get to the point where you cannot roll things you want we're is going to slap the open card slots with things that we miss thus far perfecting and polishing the build to the point which you have imagined in the first place remember that if you want to maximize the gains from this method you want to come in a little bit PA beforehand so you want to farm as many marks of Ascension as possible beforehand which means playing on the character previously and farming some dailies some endgame stuff that can basically provide you with the marks of Ascension this is important because for marks of Ascension you can buy the roll Scrolls on level 60 and this is the only way you can get them on the fresh character because while prestiging all the other Scrolls get completely deleted so that's why marks are important in this one like I said before to do this you can either do some dailies from the call board Farm some Mana storms as well you also get marks from there and if you're a completely new player that is starting your first character just roll simple spells like Crusader strike initially one of the judgments seal of righteousness for damage and the charge to get some ability this will allow you to go uh for the one with the light build which is one of the easiest to roll and play on a level that can allow you to farm all those things we mentioned before very easily on level 60 there are plenty of uh one with light build guides on the internet so we're not going to cover it in this one but like I said if you're fresh character and you want to play something else and prepare you need also the cards exactly for the for the build you're going after so you can get your one light build to level 60 get as many marks of Ascension as possible also during the process get some cards whether it be from the open world or the card packs because not every uh skill card or Talent skill card Talent card can be obtained from the world but if you already have uh some character with some Max of Ascension saved up this is the perfect moment to start a new character in this case I will try to build a wind rager as I haven't tried this season yet so for myself I'm going for a storm strike lightning Shield thunder clap and charge when possible you want to get as many starter skills that fits your build because this will increase the chance of getting some Synergy roll that improves one of those abilities for me one of the most important thing is of course storm strike because we're looking for things like wind strike uh hurricane strike Whirlwind all the improvements for storm strike as well uh lightning Shield is nice because when we get the static shock Talent we will have some extra free damage on top of everything Thunderclap is some uh is just a warrior ability that first can help us with leveling because it's AOE and second it can also create some synergies like getting some rage region and stuff like that so uh nice to have and charges and obvious for obvious reasons because of extra Mobility it's only one possible choice in here and we don't really have any more synergies to get on level one for this build in particular So This Is How We Roll if you're going for some Rogue stop be uh Rogue uh build for example be sure to uh check all the backstabs Sy this strikes take as many as you possibly can then you're going to get those extra juices Sy the jals along the way so another step we want to take in is go for the trials and turn on the Resolute mode this is mainly because before level 20 uh all the Adventure cases that we get actually have higher chance to give us some rolls thus far we want to complete all three starter Zone on resot mode and then turn it off and level to level and go for level 60 as soon as possible unless of course you will be pretty lucky and you get some good stuff on until Level 20 then you can level via bgs or things like that uh because yeah otherwise usually you will have some very big amount of random that is unplayable uh that's for leveling through Mana storms or bgs will be up p in the ass unless of course you have some friends that can help you things like that they're always different cases for different people uh for me I just want to get as many ruls as possible until Level 20 so completing three St zones get as many as possible try to roll things I want remember that you can always check on what level uh the skill you're looking for actually unlocks so uh you can for example keep this craws until that particular level and then start rrolling and this is quite good especially for things that roll on level 10 or level 20 because because you have lesser overall pull of skills or talents thus far increasing your chance to actually get the one you want so uh early using of Scrolls early usage of Scrolls is actually very highly advised especially for things that start at level 10 or 20 so for this build as you can see I can get wind strike on level 10 I can get Whirlwind on level 14 good talents like ramper tornado or Rising winds that buff our storm strike also on level 10 so I can actually start rrolling very early to increase your chance of getting some playable build quite fast thus far also increasing chance of getting those Synergy rolls a little bit faster and to complete all the three starter zones a thing like travel permit is very advisable it can be bought off auction house or the shop this will actually allow you to teleport to each starter Zone with single click this is just a convenience item you can also go on your own legs but this will take longer remember that if you're a night night Elf or a dwarf on level 10 you can get into a Mana storm and then leave it and this will teleport you instantly into the Stormwind thus saving some traveling time so let's have a look we've got seven Adventure CES and from those seven CES we got four Talons and two skills roll so it's pretty good amount and this is on level two level five sorry so we got those pretty freaking early let's finish up the other starter zones quick and get this done this step is optional of course but as you can see to Maxim maximize the gains it's very advisable also please do remember that travel permit if you have it only works up until Level 9 so I finished my all the three starter zones on level 10 with four scores of Fortune for skills and 13 for talents which is not something crazy but allows you a very nice start in case you get some very bad things now there are two choices you have to make at or one choice but you have two ways of doing things first you can leave the ability cards free up until later and just play through the RNG gods or you can slap the cards you need straight up and then you can actually have higher uh chance of getting those Synergy roles you are looking for talent cards actually have to stay empty because they are overall harder to roll than the skills themselves and to be honest if you are going for PVE and don't need some kind of I don't know stuns defensive cool Downs maybe some offensive cool Downs you can still make it because most of the builds actually use only like three or four slots in total and then you can keep the two empty slots or three whichever you decide to slap some offensive coold Downs for example or defensive for a tank to complement the things you already have and you kind of increase your chance of getting those Synergy rolls and kind of save up some of the Scrolls because you can use also remember that you can also use normal scores of Fortune that are used for abilities also to R talents but you canot do the otherwise vice versa so you actually give yourself more chances for good talent roles not only because of the Synergy possible Synergy rolls but also the sheer amount of increased rerolls themselves it's up to you to decide I actually want to slap Whirlwind wind strike and wind pury toads weapon as those are like my most important important things I also get hurricane strike and then I leave two slots open in the future for things like uh offensive cool downs and stuff like that I could possibly get uh air ascendants for example I could also increase pure physical damage because in here basically everything you do was also physical so there's plenty of way to do this but the core is here and I can get more rroll Talent R rolls thanks to that and get all those juicy stuff as cool Downs can wait we actually want more to start all those juicy Buffs we can get to increase the damage itself so I'm going to straight up reall my Raptor strike for a wind strike and then receip to level up don't forget to deactivate your Resolute mode so I actually joined a trio Mana storm just to get more Scrolls during leveling I've got potion of experience and Aura of experience so this should go fast he we're level 60 finally for the prestige Quest itself we get 10,000 marks of Ascension by collecting all the Scrolls of Fortune we can possibly get we sit in around 400 rolls in total from what I heard from many people around 500 yeah 500 rerolls it is actually possible to make the build work so let's test it out and see you guys when I'm done with the rerolling okay so we have almost used all of our rolls and we actually got some of the good stuff so for this build I did receive 5 five mtal quickness which is great for everybody fter five poly aack raising winds fire five en rage overheated strikes three out of three static shock for some extra damage an ending Fury to ruce the cool down of Whirlwind in case of enrage outrage which increases our physical damage even further Marshall cresendo which is great as well Doom winds which will increase our wind Fury procs by quite a lot Frost L for some additional damage harbinger of flame as well and some lesser things that just purely increase our damage so we didn't still re receive too many cool talents but we did some of them also on the spell side I I did do some rolls and I did get aspect of the Beast which increases melee attack power by 5% death wish which is a great offensive cool down swipping strikes for example a lot of charges like battle charge intercept so some of the good stuff I could still Farm my daes and St another around 150,000 marks of Ascension to further uh real the talents but and probably get some of the stuff we need this method with lots of rolls is actually a lot better because during the process of fishing for those special talents you are also upgrading all of your other talents like uh things like one hand specializations mental quickness stuff like that it can all pop during your rolls so this is quite important as well because those percentages in damage increase actually play quite a big role for scaling so as you can see we still have two slots for the skills and all slots for talents so for the sake of this video we're not going to be rerolling anymore I'm just going to slap some of the missing parts and we're going to see if this build is any good to actually get it any further in case it does I can always just Prestige get even more marks of Ascension uh get more more marks of Ascension first then Prestige it uh get even more Scrolls and rerolls from the uh another Prestige and just rinse and repeat we have eight Tal left so we get all the good stuff we needed okay we're still missing some of the stuff from this build but just for the sake of this video let's check out the DPS while we can actually achieve it's over 4,000 and taking into consideration my gear which is basically item level of 16 because everything we have here are just heirlooms okay so it seems that with Titans grip we are able to do over 5K with this build so if you would like to play wind ranger go for Titans goup definitely hey guys so I hope this quick guide did cover everything you wanted to know just remember Farm as many marks of Ascension as possible before going into this one making a lot of prestiges beforehand is also good because you initially get a big Jun of Scrolls for rerolls make sure that you know what you want to roll and as always May the RNG Gods be with you
Channel: Venario
Views: 5,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mcdoubles, world of warcraft, project ascension, ascension wow, ascension world of warcraft, wow ascension, ascension gameplay, guide, tutorial, build guide
Id: W2sAKiBn2XU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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