Guidance on Healing - Physical and Spiritual

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here's a question about the teachings of a spiritual teacher called Joel Goldsmith who taught in the 50s and 60s he wrote books like the infinite Way and other books using Christian terminology but going far deeper than the kind of Christianity you would encounter in most churches so he's taken Christian terminology Church and use it in a deeper sense I started all goldsmith teachings for many years before I came to your teachings he was very much a healer spiritual healer this is true now I'm in a healing field massage therapy and would like to hear you talk about healing physical and spiritual I can get involved in trying to fix my clients aches and pains and need guidance yes that's interesting healing physical healing physical healing not infrequently comes naturally with the arising of presence and not only physical healing also the the likelihood of being ill diminishes as presents grows because many illnesses are actually caused by dysfunctional states of consciousness which are egoic and dysfunctional states of consciousness affect the body in a negative way and decrease the body's ability to fight disease the immunes so not all illnesses of course there are other reasons my people become ill but very often a dysfunctional state of consciousness makes you generally a dysfunctional state of consciousness makes you much more susceptible to disease it does not mean that when you are present there is a guarantee that you will never become ill as the body grows old at some point it is in the nature of things at some point something will fail at least so fights happen to humans I'll let you know if it doesn't happen to me the and healing also as I mentioned the other day healing is often experienced spirit that kind of spontaneous healing when people surrender they no longer not surrender to the idea of illness surrender simply to the present moment of what is in the present moment and something is generated that is very healing piece itself is healing to be in a state of a peaceful state of consciousness is healing so that is all true so I some of you may have heard me telling the story that for me I think how to remember for a long for a couple of years or so I I was a spiritual healer for a while and the reason was that a few years after the awakening people started coming to me and one lady who used to come once a week for to sit with me she was sensitive to energy and as she was talking about her problems I was in that state of blissful intense presence listening to her with a smile on my face which she didn't mind but other people minded because has always had this smile on my face I was listening to people's problems not because I was thinking that the problems were funny I could just sense that at a deeper level the problem didn't actually exist and so some people got angry said I spy you smiling at me I'm telling you about my sufferings and my smiling much much going on in your mind and that's it there's nothing going on in my mind and that's why I'm smiling so I was sitting with her and she was talking suddenly she stopped talking and said oh you're doing healing on me I said am i and she said yes I can feel it it's just wonderful and she didn't talk for a while and then she felt so much better and then she said your healer I said oh I didn't know that and then she recommended that certain people should come to me by word-of-mouth it started with her you must go to this spiritual healer he will free off your your pain your illness whatever it is and more and more people came to me he said oh I've got this pain here can you take that away I've got migraine headache please help me I've got a lump on my foot please remove it and for a while I I did it I kind of was present that's the only way I could do and then a few people experienced healing some didn't and then more and more I realized most people that were coming now just wanted to be relieved of certain symptoms illnesses they didn't seem that interested in awakening anymore because they wanted to be free of their pains physical pains which is fine too but I realized that that was not my function in the world and so I said I'm no longer spiritual healer and I know that healing still sometimes happens to people naturally it's not what is that to focus on that so much I believe it's not my function maybe somebody else is functioning Joel goldsmith is a great teacher was a great teacher one thing where his teaching was perhaps slightly unbalanced is there was an excessive emphasis on physical healing and that was where always regarded as a criterion for how successful you are and apart from that his teaching is great but because of the excessive emphasis on physical healing so his teaching was associated it's very strongly with that one reason being that he came out of for several years he was a practitioner of Christian Science and his teaching still has certain similarities with Christian science so that's a some balance something a little bit unbalanced excessive in my view emphasis on spiritual healing which resulted for example in strange things like when he had a heart attack it had to be kept secret from the followers because they would have been disappointed and so you can see the the loss of balance too much emphasis on on physical healing but of course when finally had another heart attack and died they had to finally say he died but if you disregard that then it it might help you you might read spirit Joel Goldsmith and become suddenly physically healed so that's great there's some many people the the book I don't know how many people are familiar with Christian Science I don't think I'm familiar with it but the foundational book for Christian Science Mary Baker Eddy is most kind of channeled and you can read it and quite a few people have claimed may still claim that just by reading some chapters in the books they suddenly became healed the book stresses as Joel Goldsmith does that basically illness is an illusion and ultimately even having a physical body is an illusion on the deepest level that is true but you don't even I don't usually approach it from that angle the rising of presence is enough and where the identification with the body ceases I'm not trying to convince anybody that the physical body is an illusion then we go really feel so real to me especially the aches and pains [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Eckhart Tolle
Views: 418,375
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Eckhart, Tolle, Eckhart Tolle, Healing, Physical, Spiritual, Power of Now, A New Earth, Enlightenment, Mindfulness, Presence, Awakening, Aliveness, conciousness, meditation, spirtuality, spiritual, transformation, now, liberating, liberation, mind, body, spirit, egoic, egoic mind, ego, evolution, faith, religion, belief, pain, pain body
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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