Guessing YOUR RANKS In Roblox BedWars!

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all right boys so in today's video I put together seven different people inside of Roblox Bed Wars and each and every single one of them has a different rank all right so we got DB Ali with no rank we got this person with silver rank yeah this person with gold platinum diamond emerald and also nightmare all right boys and listen man they're all gonna go on a secret alt account and we are gonna spectate them while they play the game and we're gonna try to guess what rank they are inside of Roblox battle Wars okay I'm telling you right now dude this video is going to be amazing all right and you guys gotta guess along with me and obviously subscribe for good old times sake you know what I'm saying okay I now have every single person lined up on alt accounts and I have no clue which rank is who so starting with this guy he's gonna go into a solo game and I'm gonna spectate him and try to guess his rank all right we're officially in the game and my man is already rushing right off the bat hey yo what and who is that dude bro you're getting your bed breaking dude I wish players like that were in my lobbies every single time I Rush right off the bat do they have hammers and they're whacking me off the map but he looks like he has a scythe he rushed right away uh this guy this guy looks a little bit cracked right now dude I'm not even trolling okay he's rushing again man's a professional rusher sent out here does he use the Dodge on the Scythe wisely okay uses the Dodge oh he's gonna get bopped right now oh he's teleporting back wait what did he try to Juke him by like pretending to teleport no way he gets common with my bacon oh my God yo I don't think this is no Nightmare player man this is like a platinum right here he's using the Scythe he's rushing well he's going to middle after he failed the rush this guy kind of knows what he's doing I'm not gonna lie all right so this man gets he's forging he's forging is it gonna be a crossbow is it gonna be a sword what did he get oh he's got a crossbow okay this man is definitely Diamond he's gotta be in Diamond usually every single Platinum player would get like a diamond sword or something like that boom bro's dead there's another guy coming up does he kill him does he kill him always Mr shots Mr shots dude I gotta shot that man I would have shot that man off the bridge a lot earlier okay he just did now I would have done that 10 years ago buddy this man is definitely a platinum 100 he's got to be a platinum either platinum or Diamond I don't know which one to pick he's kind of taken a while to get this man's bed I got a pizza here like bro kill this dude mind the wool and then dip you look at him like he's taking forever to get the bad bro okay this guy's definitely Platinum we're gonna watch him go into one more fight okay one more fight he bows him owes him again that man's AFK dude he's never seen a bacon for in his life duty surprise he lagged out and he's dead nice one all right this man has a crossbow he just got eight diamonds he's definitely gonna win the game but I'm gonna guess this player is platinum all right now we're spectating the second person in line and uh they actually bought the hammer this time which is a little bit weird you know you know usually in ranked people like to use the hammer and this person is using the hammer so yo this man might be a little bit Pro you know what I'm saying yo he's building slow yo what that man was building slower than I've ever seen in my life and he's also using Flora he just missed that tremendously all right going in going in he's hammering he's hammering he's about to die he got him another person just came up he's building quick this guy's movement is insane dude I've never seen movement like this in my life dude I'm seeing a lot of movement right now you know what I'm saying he broke the bad book The Bad built up slapped him up nice nice this person right here is very interesting he's moving faster than the last person he's using the hammer which is what everybody uses in writing he's building faster dude he's smarter he's in every way shape or form better this might be the diamond player or Emerald I'm not gonna lie this could be an emerald player right here I would not be surprised if it's Emerald or nightmare I'm I'm leaning a little bit more towards nightmare I'm not gonna lie boys okay let's see these kills let's see these kills still slapping them up nice nice nice all right iron armor versus iron armor let's see what happens let me see this fight let me see this fight I think that guy looks a little bit new I'm not gonna cap but anyways it'll still be fine yeah that man is new bro what the flippers he's running into walls out here he bought shears in an ax when did he buy shears and an ax guys we found the Nightmare player boys this has got to be the Nightmare player if this is not the Nightmare player then I have no clue who it is okay so we got the Platinum player right here we have the Nightmare player right here I'm guessing and next up we got this random dude that's dancing weird all right little man let's see what's happening with this guy oh my god brother my eyes deceive me dude is this man using the baker kids why is he using the banker Kid ah no there's a bras player right here oh oh wait never mind that man just got slaughtered like a goddamn seal in the middle of the summer night when a dolphin attacks it in the middle of the beach that was actually crazy Diane hacking yo somebody's accusing this dude of hacking and he combo him oh my God boys I take it back dude this is not a bronze player we've already guessed Platinum we've already guessed nightmare this man I wouldn't be surprised if he's Emerald dude less than a minute into the match I'm just to use Emerald it's 100 true I'm actually so curious what these ranks are gonna be and no way he just let that man get his bed like that that's a little bit risky bro okay if he's playing risky like that then that means he's confident if he's confident then that means he's good if he's good then that means he's probably Emerald if he's Emerald then that means I got it right he bought a speed pie interesting interesting yo this guy might be a little bit a little bit bought he's like good but bought at the same time you know what I'm saying okay he just bought armor he got a stone stone to Scythe yeah he's winning that by 100 if he loses this fight he's garbage he got him nice one buddy nice one buddy you got iron armor speed by what does this man not have let's see this fight let's do this fight obviously he's gonna win it man that guy has regular armor and why isn't he rushing him bro I would kill him right now kill him bro why is he running oh he's getting the bet that's why he loves smart man right there I don't know why that guy's teleporting you know that guy is stupid kill him syad he's right there dude kill him you're wasting time buddy what do you get oh you got a diamond Scythe interesting interesting this is a very interesting man right here he seems like he's bronze but he also seems like he's Emerald at the same time he's getting the diving Guardian bro you will have iron armor Diamond side upgrade probably a talent Pearl a speed buy okay I'm gonna give my actual guest right here he's not Emerald he's also not Diamond he is 100 gold boys all right so the first guy we got Platinum second guy we got nightmare third player we got gold bro your butter butter my boy I don't know who this dude is and next up we got the smiling man right here bro is that thing blinking yo what yo since when did Roblox start having avatars blink all right we're gonna wait for this guy to go in all right let's see this gaming experience boys he's using the regular sword that is kind of a bad sign but this man's combo in yo what yeah that's got to be using Auto clicker dude there's no way look how fast the sword's moving dude look how fast that thing's moving look at that thing look at this that's an auto clicker if I've ever seen one you know what I'm saying all right next fight boys next fight he just missed the floor how do you throw through that beehive straight into the void man that's crazy uh stone sword versus wooden sword and he still won that's no way and he's got an ax and he got the bed yo this guy is crazy he's kind of not crazy with that floor though apparently he doesn't need it anyways you know boys I kind of came up with the conclusion people that play rank to also use regular swords which is a little bit weird look at this dude what the flip this man is bad with the floor kid dude you should have put on the baker buddy oh now he did it oh congratulations buddy it finally it finally works for you let's see how he takes on this fight right here this man has a little bit of a bed defense to test the coil let's see what happens here he has a gloop in everything dude look at the traps on this guy's base he played Tower Defense simulator nice clutch by that man he's going for the bed he got the bed he threw the bees he still missed it when is this guy gonna not miss the Beehive you know this guy's pretty good but he's a little bit mid you know I know he's breaking all the beds but like realistically he's a little bit mid I'm not even good at catboys I think this might be the silver player or maybe the unranked player we could be the mod ranked player honestly oh that guy's off the map again this guy's like speed running this has to be the unranked player I'm gonna guess on ranked all right he hasn't played ranks but he just plays a lot of solo games bro he missed the floor again oh nice clutch though oh that was sword let's see how he does this let's see what he does see what he does he just went for it oh my God yup that man is definitely on ranked all right we're back in the lobby once again we have Platinum nightmare gold unranked and we got three more ranks to guess okay I like how this man put on the Bounty Hunter kit skin just because the bacon is ugly and you just killed that guy instantly bro he's getting the pet he's getting the bed he's a pretty easy bed takes right now I need to see an actual fight want to see some action bro yes here's some action right here [Music] and he got him nice one bro nice one guys I'm not even trolling I actually don't know this guy looks a little bit more like silver honestly like look at let's look at him look at the way he's hitting he's not being fast he's not even charging up the attack it looks like he could easily be comboed I'm not gonna Cap all right he's getting him again he's not breaking the bed I don't know why he's not breaking the bed but okay I think he's literally farming him for Bounty right now he what you can just farm for the Bounty why is the same guy the Bounty every time wait I'm actually confused look at this he gets the kill he gets a bunch of resources from it look at that and then the guy spawns again and he keeps on getting resources this man has found an infinite glitch he has not touched the middle in the entire game and he already has a diamond Hammer like what bro I genuinely do not understand what rank this guy is this guy is like 100 silver he's got a crossbow now let me look at the aim a little bit uh pretty normal you know he's running across the bridge pretty normal stuff dang bro this is actually hard he might actually be gold I don't know but I already guessed somebody has gold so I have to go with silver there's nothing really special about him he cannot be emerald and he cannot be Diamond so I'm gonna guess silver I'm not gonna lie boys this is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life I'm guessing Platinum nightmare gold unranked and now we got the last two and the only last two ranks left are diamond and emerald so I gotta figure out those two it's gonna be terrible boy it's gonna be terrible [Music] for a second I just got into the spectator that dude was floating I was like yo what all right we're gonna try to guess whether this person is diamond or emerald and uh so far every single person we've spectated has not lost the game which is pretty crazy not even the unranked player has lost dude so let's see this guy let's see the combos let's see the combos he backs up he uses the Dodge he's using the Dodge again on the side yo this person's kind of cracked I think I guessed a little bit right I'm not gonna lie this person might be Diamond I'ma be honest every single fight these people have entered are absolutely like they're just unfair dude like these guys are not even that good whenever I get into a Lobby in Roblox better words bro everyone's try Harding whenever they get into a Lobby everyone's just AFK doing nothing you know what I'm saying it's kind of wild to me oh they're going up they got a crossbow come on hit the shots little man all right shot him once he's going for it wow wow yo this dude's confident okay okay he's gonna get him weak too nice nice keep him from healing keep him from healing this dude's gonna crack bro I'm not gonna lie oh he's gotta get a combo he's getting combo oh me personally oh he got teleported on with the dagger but that person fell off the map anyways did that person just buy an iron Scythe when he doesn't even have armor or did he just forge it dude I'm kind of confused yo this is a little bit wild dude and if he did Forge it why did he put all of his Forge points into the Scythe he needs some armor points dude like actually guys I'm not gonna lie boys this person actually might be the silver player boys I'm not even trolling oh she's going for it she's going for it oh oh he's getting bowed yo she's about to win against a diamond armor player yo you serious yo if I was that diamond armor player right there dude I'd be a little bit triggered right now bro I would I would not want to be seen getting exposed like this bro oh my God diamond armor and still kills him me personally I would not let that slide dude I would uninstall Roblox delete my computer throw it out the window burn every single component to a crisp and never play video games again in my entire life I would have went back to playing card games like goldfish out here not even trolling oh she's boxing inside the bed yo this is a professional bed breaker right here yo this person 100 plays rank that is a wild bed break right there bro I've never seen anything like that in my life dude that is the first time I've seen this and she shot the person off the map wow yo this is kind of crazy I'm not gonna lie this person might be Emerald let's see how they handle this fight right here you know it's gonna be pretty easy but I just want to see it let's see if she finds it one shot she did not find it bro why did she mind right there oh she did find it wait what I didn't know the bed was right there dude dang I'm just a dumb one he's about to die though she's about to die oh my God and she pulled out nice this is a hundred percent an emerald player boys this person's just probably the bed breaker and last but not least we have this person right here with a weird duck outfit okay run my tens and Roblox bedwars now I already guessed all the ranks the last rank I have to guess is Diamond so this person is gonna have to be picked as Diamond but I'm just gonna see boys I'm just gonna see if uh if that was right or if I have to switch around some stuff you know what I'm saying okay let me observe whether or not this is a diamond player or if I have to switch some stuff around what weapon did they choose the Scythe okay we're looking good so far this is the fight of the Sentry right here this man that bridges that one block every three seconds versus Diamond Player what is he doing and Batman was a rank bro would be like negative bronze dude he wouldn't he would be unranked after he got unranked you know what I'm saying all right she broke the bed about to kill him again hopefully yup got him again I don't know what this person was doing dude that was the weirdest person I've ever seen in my life he bought a chest yo who the heck buys a chest in this game what does she just get I can't even see the dude what was the loot that was in there oh my God another fight bro what is that bro what the what the flippers dude what is happening right here why does that person look like he's lagging and why is she not rushing him yo dude Rush this dude oh God bro what is it oh my God yo this is not a diamond player boys this is this can't be real there's no way this is a diamond player listen man I don't care what happens in this game dude I've actually seen enough simply based off of that one fight dude that was crazy I gotta switch around my guesses dude like actually okay so for my first draft of rankings it was Platinum nightmare gold unranked silver emerald and then apparently Diamond but boys this is what I'm gonna do I'm gonna review some of the footage and I'm gonna switch some people around because I genuinely think this person is silver right here dude I don't know how that person lost that fight a few minutes later okay so after some extensive research and a little bit of switching stuff around I'm gonna put number one as Diamond because that person I remember was like really good so I put them in Platinum but I actually think this person right here is Diamond okay so I'm gonna do diamond nightmare we got gold unranked Emerald platinum and then silver okay those are the last guesses so that is my final decision but now boys we're gonna have them join on their main account and stay in in the same order of line except they're all going to have the ranks okay we're gonna see how many we got right all right boys I got every single one of the people behind me and we're gonna check if I got the ranks right okay so number one I picked diamond and the person was actually gold that's great second I picked Nightmare and the person was actually nightmare third I picked gold and that person is Emerald fourth I picked unranked and that person is platinum fifth I picked emerald and that person is Diamond six I picked platinum and that person is unranked and then last but not least silver and that person is silver so that means I only got the nightmare Rank and the silver person right and uh I'm very disappointed in myself even in the other orientation I wouldn't have gotten right bro I'm not even trolling [Music] oh
Channel: MiniBloxia
Views: 356,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox BedWars
Id: 9sXW1PvVopQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 29 2023
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