Guess The Marvel Movie In One Second! | React

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- (React) Today we're gonna see who can Guess That Marvel Movie. - Oh, okay! - Ooh! (bell rings) - Aw, you're gonna win, dude. - (React) Alright, you'll get three clues for each movie. Whoever buzzes in first with the correct answer will get a point. There are no penalties for guessing. Alright, you ready? Here comes your first clue. - (whispers) Okay. ♪ (tense music) ♪ - Crap already. (bell rings) - Guardians of the Galaxy 2? (buzzer rings) (bell rings) - Guardians of the Galaxy. (buzzer rings) - I thought it was gonna be like a second one. - Shh! (both laugh) - She's really serious. - Be quiet, I'm constipating! ♪ (tense music) ♪ (bell rings) - That was you. - Oh I... - That was you, that was you. - (yells) Doctor Strange? Let's go! - (React) Wait! Which Doctor Strange? - Shut up! I don't know! That's so hard! - (Stephen) The fate of the multiverse depends on us. (bell rings) - Is it the newest Spider-Man movie. I can't remember what it's called. Aw crap, what is it called? No Way Home. (buzzer rings) - It's just Doctor Strange, correct? (Izzy laughs) - How do I not know this? - Doctor Strange and the Multiverse? - (React) Boom! (bell rings) - Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness. - Oh, good one! - ♪ Dun-dun, dun-dun, dun-dun ♪ - Criminy, go ahead. (bell rings) - Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness. - (React) That is correct! - Ah! Dang it! (laughs) - Ugh, this is so good! - That part. - (Stephen) I could use an Avenger. - (Wanda) There are other Avengers. - Man, it looks so good! - I love him! - Seriously. (gasps) Wanda! (bell rings) - Avengers: Infinity War. - (React) No. - What? - Black Panther? (buzzer rings) - Wait. - Oh! (bell rings) - I'm so sorry. - Who was that? - (React) Alright, Izzy, go for it. - Shang-Chi. (bell rings) - (React) That is correct! - I... - Shang-Chi. (bell rings) - (React) Shang-Chi is correct. - I haven't seen that one either. - Really? - You know why, because my mother-in-law canceled her Disney subscription. - (crowd) Aww. - (React) Here's your last clue. - (Katy) I like your spike face. - But I can't remember... - Ooh, ooh, it's the New Mutants. That's what you're talking about, right Brian? - It's not that one? - (React) No. - You've got, I'm out. - (Katy) I like your spike face. - Oh, it was Awkwafina's voice, it wasn't ScarJo, there we go. - (man) Front of the line, baby. - (Shaun) I'm not here to fight anybody. - Now I get it. - Look at the guy. (laughs) - (man) Never heard of her. - It's a very funny movie. - I've heard, but the only way to watch it right now... - Is on Disney+. - Is on Disney+, and I don't have a password to use anymore. - (crowd) Aww. (Sharon thumps table) - (React) The buzzer's over there. - I know! - I, hmm... (bell rings) - Oh! (both laugh) - Captain America: The Winter Soldier? (buzzer rings) (bell rings) - Spider-Man: No Way Home? - (React) That is correct! - Oh, it was No Way Home? - God, this is really irritating me. I'm really mad at my mother-in-law right now. (bell rings) - Oh, why are you so quick? - I'm sorry! (laughs) Spider-Man. - But which one? - No Way Home. (bell rings) (bell rings) - Spider-Man: Homecoming. (buzzer rings) - (React) Nope. - Oh. (bell rings) - Spider-Man: No Way Home. - (React) There it is! - We love, we love. - Yeah. - I was just watching this two nights ago. - (MJ) You should just swing me, yeah. - (Peter) Okay we can take the subway. - I don't think I've been that hyped or screamed in a Marvel film. - Same. - As much as I did in this one. - I did not like this character at all. - I'm not doing good. - (crowd) Aww. - (React) (laughs) It's okay. - How many are there? - (React) More. - More. (laughs) - You might get this one. You will get it. - (Melina) You got fat. (bell rings) - Well not if I can't hit the button. (bell rings) - That would be Black Widow. - Black Widow. - Black Widow. Yeah. - (React) That is correct! - (Alexei) Let me say something right off the bat. You haven't aged a day. - He's so good in this movie. - Yes he is. - They're all so beautiful. They're such an attractive cast. - (Melina) You got fat, but still good. (phone rings) ♪ (tense music) ♪ - (Laura) Hey babe. - Hi honey, I need you to do me a favor and call your mother and make her subscribe to Disney+ again, because I'm in the middle of a Marvel game, and I'm losing, because we don't have access to Disney anymore, thanks to your mother-in-law, and I gotta go, 'cause we're filming. - (Laura) My mother-in-law? - Oh see, this could be any of them, with a blue light going into the sky. (laughs) - Right? - Okay, and then the one that I can actually hit for, I can't see. - What? - I have an extra blur, 'cause I'm not wearing my glasses. (bell rings) - Endgame? (buzzer rings) - I'm... - Avengers 1? (buzzer rings) - Damn. (bell rings) I hate you. - I don't, I'm gonna get it wrong. Is it Thor? - (React) It's not Thor. (buzzer rings) Here's your next clue. - (Tony) He's from space, he came here to steal a necklace from a wizard. (bell rings) - Ah! - Iron Man. - Tony Stark. - No, you can't buzz in again. Yes you can. (bell rings) - Infinity War? - (React) Infinity War is correct. - It's the scene where they're fighting everybody right? - I'm not really good. I'm doing so bad at this. - (crowd) Aww. (bell rings) - So that would be... (snaps fingers) Oh, that's Avengers: Infinity War. (bell rings) - What is it!? - Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Is it um... Avengers: Endgame? (buzzer rings) - (React) It is not. - Infinity War! (laughs) I'm sorry! - (Sabrina) That's what I meant. - I'm sorry! (laughs) - (Tony) I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. You better pack it up and get out of here. - With his no nose. - (Ebony) Stonekeeper. - Stonekeeper. - (Ebony) Does this chattering animal speak for you? - Does this chattering animal... - (Stephen) Certainly not, I speak for myself. - Ah, sick! - (Stephen) You're trespassing in this city and on this planet. - I love it! - I wish I could do magic. (bell rings) - Captain America: The Winter Soldier. - (React) No. - Ugh! (bell rings) - Is that Fantastic Four? (buzzer rings) - What, bitch, that was like one second. If you get this right Sabrina, I quit. (laughs) - Ant Man. (buzzer rings) - Wow, that was... (bell rings) - (React) Really long. - I mean... - Spider-Man: Homecoming? (buzzer rings) (bell rings) - Avengers: Age of Ultron. (buzzer rings) (bell rings) - Everybody loves Herbie. (buzzer rings) (both laugh) - (React) Oh my God, you got it! (laughs) - Oh, oh! - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. (bell rings) - Black Panther? - That's Black Panther! (snaps fingers) - Nice! - (React) That's Black Panther. - Wakanda Forever! (tires squealing) - Mm, RIP! - There we go! I remember all of this crazy ass [censored] car flips. - Rest in peace. - (Shuri) Woo, let's go! - Give a moment of silence for him right now, ugh. (glass crackles) - Again. (laughs) ♪ (tense music) ♪ (bell rings) - Venom? (buzzer rings) (bell rings) - Is this one Morbius? (buzzer rings) - (React) Come on, Shar. (bell rings) - Is that Captain America? - (React) No. (buzzer rings) - Are you trying to give me a point? I feel like you know it. - No, I... What superhero would do that? You know what I mean? That's where I'm going. - I wanna cuss so bad. (React laughs) (bell rings) But since he's 12. - (laughs) I'm 17. - Whatever, same thing. - The first Avengers? (buzzer rings) - Oh, that's Incredible Hulk! - (React) There it is! - Oh wow, that's good bro. - Yeah, yeah. That's a deep cut. - I'll give you props for that. - That's what I was gonna guess! - Oh! - The Hulk. - You got it. (bell rings) (bell rings) - (Jaden) Oh. - The Incredible Hulk. - (React) You got one! - Yes, finally! - (React) You're on the board! - Good job. - Oh my... Don't you dare patronize me, pal! (Jaden laughs) - Yeah, mm-hmm. - Nice. - Ugh, that's the first one, too. - Ooh. - Very nice. - Yeah, I remember when Mark Ruffalo first appeared, I was kinda sad it wasn't this guy. - Here comes the scream. ♪ (tense music) ♪ (Hulk roars) There it is, oh! That guy's dead. (laughs) (bell rings) - Spider-Man, like the first Spider-Man with Tobey Maguire? (buzzer rings) - (React) No, that's incorrect. - And that's not even the name of a movie, just so you know, I mean... - Yeah it is, just... - And he's winning? No, I'm kidding. (bell rings) - Yes queen. - (laughs) I don't know. I was gonna say the first Spider-Man? (buzzer rings) (bell rings) - Is this Age of Ultron? (buzzer rings) - (Logan) You lost your money, you keep this up, you'll lose something else. - Wow, he sounds hot. (laughs) I can't put my finger on it. - (React) Final clue? - Give it to us. (bell rings) - X-Men. - X-Men. (bell rings) - X-Men: First Class? Or just X-Men? - X-Men! - Ugh, you... - (React) Alright, yeah, that's X-Men. - Thank you, I mean come on! - (React) I mean, he gave it to ya! - So what? - (Logan) You lost your money, keep this up, you'll lose something else. - Oh, okay. - (Rogue) Look out! - Ooh! - He was such a good... - Ugh. - I totally forgot X-Men is a part of Marvel. I totally forgot! - (Drax) Nothing goes over my head. (bell rings) - Guardians of the Galaxy. - That's Guardians of the Galaxy. - Guardians of the Galaxy. Nothing goes over my head. - Oh, you're right. - I'm too fast, I will catch it. - Okay. - At first, swear to God, almost said Deadpool, 'cause I thought it was Colossus, then I was like no no, no no no, it's Drax. - (laughs) I love him! - (Peter) It's just a metaphor, dude. - (Rocket) His people are completely literal. Metaphors are gonna go over his head. - Dave Bautista's the best. - (Drax) My reflexes are too fast. I would catch it. (both laugh) - That was a good one. - Oh. (bell rings) (bell rings) - I just rung in, because he wasn't, I was hoping something would come to me before. Is that Endgame? (buzzer rings) - (React) Nope. - I know. (bell rings) - X-Men Brother-something. I don't know. (buzzer rings) - You don't know it? - I don't know it. - You're lying. - I don't know, Endgame? ♪ (tense music) ♪ (bell rings) - Morphius. (buzzer rings) (bell rings) - Morbius! (bell rings) - Morbius: the Living Vampire. (bell rings) - Morbius. - (React) There it is. - I said Morphius. That's not what it's called. - (React) Yes. ♪ (tense music) ♪ - Yeah, it looks pretty cool. - This one, not gonna lie, I'm a little worried. - Looks sick. - Oh, that's creepy. - Yeah. - I think I can say safely that this is the most I'm gonna see of this movie. (laughs) - If we had this CGI when all the Mummy movies came out. - I'm worried, I'm still gonna watch it. - (Kingo) Are we getting back together? (bell rings) - [Censored] No! - (Kingo) Are we getting back together? - Oh wow, I don't even know this one. - (React) Here's your next clue. (bell rings) - That's The Eternals. - Yep. (bell rings) - Eternals? (bell rings) - Eternals! Let's go, I should've known! - (React) Come on, Shar. - I'm not happy! I'm really disappointed in myself. - (crowd) Aww. - (Kingo) Are we getting back together? - (Sersi) We need to talk. - Yeah. - (Ikaris) The deviants are back. We don't know how many there are. - Yeah, you know, I didn't watch this one. - (React) Congratulations Izzy. You are the winner today. - Woo! - Thank you, thank you! - (React) Brian! Congratulations! - Thank you very much! - (React) Jaden, congratulations, you are the winner today. - Thank you, thank you. - Well done. - I would like to thank Disney+ for helping me with this. - (React) Sore spot, man. - Thanks for watching this episode. - It sure would be Doctor Strange if you didn't subscribe to our channel. - Make sure to follow us on Instagram for behind the scenes content. - Thanks for watching. (snaps fingers) (Brian yells) - Bye! Pshh! - Bye! - Bye guys! - Ooh, that was sick!
Channel: REACT
Views: 276,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guess that, marvel movies, guess the movie, marvel trivia, movie trivia, black widow, avengers endgame, tony stark, do they know it, iron man, captain america, marvel challenge, guess the marvel movie, the avengers, guess that movie, avengers: endgame, marvel studios, black panther, guess that marvel quote, react channel, spider man, guardians of the galaxy, avengers: age of ultron, movie challenge
Id: dWnQfc27AKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 51sec (711 seconds)
Published: Sat May 14 2022
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