Guess the Lyrics: Pop Song Or Opera?

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Hello, hello, hello. Welcome to another episode... Yeah. Anyway, today's episode is about... So we have a bunch of lyrics, and we have to guess if the lyrics is from... a pop song, or an opera. That's right. We thought it would be an interesting game... to get a bunch of lyrics, and see if we can tell which ones are from opera, which ones are from pop. And you guys can play along at home. And also, it's gonna be even more... I N T E R E S T I N G because some lyrics will not be in English. - Alright, let's go. - Alright, let's go. First one! Wait, is this a competition? It should be a competition, hey. - Alright, let's make this a competition. - It would be funny. - I need my phone. - Yeah, I need my... I'm writing my stuff down. Yeah. Alright, while Eddy is there, I'm gonna google the lyrics. Alright, I've decided. Alright, what do you have? I just went pop. Same, pop. Dude, "hangout" is such a... Yeah, that's what I thought. Yeah... I can't imagine opera go... ♪ HaNgOuT ♪ But it might be a translation thing. Who knows? - It could. - Are you ready? - Yeah. - 3, 2, 1. Nah, dude, that is a tran- It must be a translation thing. ♪ vo´che scorra il viver mio pei sentieri del piacer ♪ (I want my life to flow through pleasure) ♪ Nasca il giorno, o il giorno muoia ♪ (Day in and day out, always happy in hangouts) I mean I- like... Yeah, it's translation thing. But like, the vibe... has a kind of like sassy... She's got a wine bottle. There you go. Maybe it's not so easy to guess after all. - I think we overestimated pop though. - We did, we did overe... They wouldn't say "pleasure." - Nah, we gotta remember this is like - Nah, nah. - probably google translate. - Yeah, true. "In your neck?" "Why can't you..." Okay, ready? 3, 2, 1. - Opera. - Opera. What?! Of course! "Why can't you imagine a world like that?" Oh, I know this song! I mean I don't know this song, - but I know this song. - Yeah! What... ♪ Love how my face fits so good in your neck ♪ Alright. It's gonna get copystriked, so we're gonna stop there. - Ariana, you are so... - Wow. such a... ...intellectual being. ...poetic. Yeah, you're so poetic and... - emotional. - Damn. Alright, number 3. I don't know. After the first two, I'm not confident at all now. Yeah, I don't know. Can you imagine an opera singer go... ♪ I saw the sign- ♪ or... ♪ I saw the signs and I ignored it ♪ - Let's go. - Ready? 3, 2, 1. - Pop. - Pop. It's gonna be opera. - Yeah! - Oh okay! Oh okay... - Getting a hang of it. - Yeah, okay, yeah. That's right, Selena Gomez. You thought you had us. Alright, that's obvious. 3, 2, 1. - Opera. - Opera. - Yeah... - Yeah... Look, like, that was so poetic. Yeah. - Dude, even the translations were like... - You wouldn't- Dang. Yeah. See, the original text is Russian. The original is... "Ты одна в моих мечтаньях." "x." ♪ Ты одна в моих мечтаньях ♪ (For you alone I dream) ♪ Ты одно моё желанье ♪ (For you alone I long) ♪ Ты мне радость и страданье ♪ (You are my joy and my suffering) ♪ Я люблю тебя ♪ (I love you) I can see why people like opera now. Yeah. I'm getting old. Just kidding. - Was that a compliment or a diss? I can't tell. - Yeah...! Alright, number 5. Whoa... - Yeah. - Could be both. - Alright, I got it. - ♪ Life for us will be! ♪ - Are you ready? - Okay. 3, 2, 1. - Opera. - Opera, yeah. I think it's opera. Yeah! Donizetti! Alright, next. That's good. - Oh, come on. This gotta be... - Bro, this has to be like... - That's gotta be opera. Yeah. - opera, right? - Yeah. Oh, that is Mozart as well! - Yeah... Yeah. - It sounded like a cheeky person that wrote it. - Yeah. ♪ Nella bionda egli ha l'usanza ♪ (With blondes it is his habit) You would not imagine... like... ♪ With blonde it is his habit... ♪ It sounds so sophisticated, but the lyrics are just like... an old school version of like a... - F-boy, playboy... be like... - Yeah. Yeah. - ♪ Blonde... and brunette... ♪ - ♪ Blonde... and brunette... ♪ - It's like "whoa... dude..." - Damn it, Mozart. You cheeky bastard. Ooh. Are you ready? - Yeah. - 3, 2, 1. Opera. Pop. OH YEAH! That's right! Let's get it! Bizet! You got me! ♪ Ah! J'étais vraiment trop bête ♪ (Ah! Really I was too dumb) Dude. Fire. It sounded so dramatic. "Really I was too dumb!" Brett: Yeah, it was a bit dramatic. Alright. Next one. I'm one up. Alright. Alright, 3, 2, 1. - Pop. - Pop. Yeah. - Yeah. - I didn't what it was though, but... - But I just... It was - I just knew. I don't want to say why, but... It just sounded really um... It sounded very pop. - Ooh... - This could be... This could be either. ♪ What should I do ♪ ♪ I can't stand myself for being so weak ♪ Okay, here's the other version. *incoherent Italian-sounding gibberish* Alright. 3, 2, 1. - Opera. - Opera. That threw me off! It's Korean! I was getting close. I was like "imagine it was different language." OHHH...!! Alright, fine. Let's go. You got us there. Tsk, tsk, tsk, tsk. Okay. Alright. Opera. Opera. - Yeah, okay. - That's right. - Dvořák. - Ooh, Dvořák! - I didn't know he wrote opera. - Yeah...! ♪ aby si alespon chvilicku ♪ (So that for at least a moment...) Oh, that sounds like Dvořák. That's really nice. Yeah! Oh, that's... so obvious. - 3, 2, 1, pop. - Pop. Yeah. I think I recognise those lyrics. It is Attention. - That's so like... - I know. "Maybe you just thought that-" "hate the thought of me with someone new." - It is- That is very pop song lyrics. - That is so pop. 3, 2, 1. - Pop. - Opera. Of course it's Mozart! Mozart! Of course, Mozart, you cheeky bastard. - Alright- - I remember I played this. Oh you did? Yeah, long ti- It was my first opera ever. But it's actually just like a really troll opera. Alright, next one. Okay. Opera. Nah, pop. Oh is it pop? OH! Oh, it's Sorry. Ugh, how does Sorry go again? ♪ Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry ♪ Sleep, me, eyes, mine. Doesn't rhyme. But it could be translated. - Are you ready? 3, 2, 1. - Yeah. Opera. - Ooh. What'd you put? - I thought opera as well. Oh, at least we're the same. "Delicate." That rhythm is very Taylor Swift. ♪ Sometimes I wonder when you sleep ♪ ♪ Are you ever dreaming of me ♪ Okay, way off. - Nah, the rhythm is way... - The syncopation! Last one. - Okay. - Alright. 3, 2, 1! - Opera. - Opera. Has to be. I feel like every time we think it's opera, it's been a Korean K-pop song. Yeah... Maybe Korean K-pop is actually just like... poetic. Or maybe it's just a translation aspect. Just so you can't tell. But I- You know what? I think 99% that. I don't know. Koreans watching this, - 날 닮은 그림자 (BTS song lyrics) - Is that poetic? Dude, I want Korean for dinner. Alright, let's get a... Korean fried chicken! Yay...!! Woohoo...!! Alright guys, I definitely lost that one. Dude, I got like 10/15 or something? I don't know. I just know I got 2 more than you. - That was a lot more difficult than I thought it would've been. - Yeah. But to be fair, Quiz-sama picked like... ambiguous ones. Yeah, okay. Quiz-sama could've picked like... I don't know, like ♪ Gucci gang, Gucci gang ♪ or like... - ♪ Ice cold! Get rich! Get money! ♪ - I know... Yeah... Uh! Beep! Uh! Beep! Uh! Beep! Yeah... Did you guys score better than us? - Probably did. - Yeah. Or did you also get owned by Quiz-sama? Quiz-sama's like "ha ha ha ha!" Alright guys, thank you so much for watching. Please accent the like button. And we will see you guys next time! Oh, don't forget, guys. After you finish this video, you know what you have to do. GO PRACTICE!! Practice!
Channel: undefined
Views: 460,899
Rating: 4.9850097 out of 5
Keywords: twoset violin, violin, viola, cello, music, classical music, opera, education, learn, orchestra, piano, singing, public, funny, jazz, guitar, bass
Id: QArjUSFhkf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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