Guess By Former Team = Add Player!

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I'm going to have multiple rounds to guess these NFL players from their former teams if I guess correctly we get to add them to our roster by the way our team is terrible so every player that we can get is huge and oh yeah there's going to be a huge bonus if I can guess the player within the 10-second time limit let's go ahead and get into it I'm going to be awful with this and absolutely embarrassed myself but here goes nothing started on the Ravens one to the Packers Vikings Browns that timer is going so fast okay jeez this is going to be brutal first things first for me we might as well throw the colleges out the window I'm not going to get a single one of them I'd be shocked I'm terrible with that the NFL teams though Ravens Packers Vikings Browns currently on the Browns of 2023 I don't think it would be a quarterback running back or receiver oh wait shoot that's zarius Smith hold on let's check that it is and I think he is a superstar player so we get to add him directly to our defense that was kind of nice very stressful though let's move on to player number two okay bills Patriot dude he played for so many teams he's on the Cowboys now oh I got to pause it again my brain is not going to work this fast first person that would come to my mind is Brandon Cooks but oh wait shoot that's Stefan Gilmore I have no clue even what that college logo is Stefan Gilmore very nice so let's add a cornerback to our awful defense it's already looking so much better okay maybe I'm going to be a little bit better at this than I thought of but I'm still aiming to try to get a couple bonuses from getting under 10 seconds our third player Notre Dame Steelers bears Dolphins oh that's Chase Claypool let's let's just make sure we're right real fast it is Chase Claypool because I guessed it within the 5 Seconds we get a five overall boost which yeah he's still really bad let's hope that we can pick up some better wide receivers huh player number four is he's only played for the Rams I'm taking a shot I'm saying it's Cooper Cup oh shoot oh I missed that one really bad so because of that at least for now our tight end spot is going to remain the same Oh wait we're on to the next one already oh that's easy that's DJ Moore I know I shouldn't rush these but that has to be right right DJ Moore there we go that's the wide receiver we needed plus we get the five overall boost which makes him more than feasible as our number one wide receiver moving forward dude not bad so far Cowboys Jets foxs Hot Shots whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what I'm going to guess Cooper Rush what I guess we're just throwing in kickers all right so we're not getting a kicker for our roster whoopy dooo spot seven oh he's on the Steelers right now start started with Jags what the heck this is really bad cuz the Steelers are my team I actually have no idea I I don't know hello there oh my gosh I'm so stupid duh obviously dude this is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be especially with the time limit Vikings Jags the Neil Hunter wait no wait okay cuz I was this is about to get really difficult isn't it three different colleges wait Washington to the Bears Washington to the bears oh Montes sweat that's Montes sweat Final Answer Montes Sweat There we go this is another great addition for our defense giving us the plus five boost as well we're up to three players on that side of the ball which is the more difficult one if you ask me we're on to player 10 already Giants Raiders Darren Waller wait no he didn't play for the Ravens oh shoot oh shoot pause wait why do I feel like it's a safety oh I'm going to feel so dumb we're going to figure out who this is I said his name oh that infuriates me Dar Waller is not going to be added to our team whatever oh that's terrible though I would have had it within the 10 seconds we're mov on to player number 11 Steelers Rams oh wait yeah that was this year is that Dodson Kevin Dodson I'm pretty yeah the Steelers trading for a sixth round pick this year there we go that's kind of nice we actually get an offensive lineman with a plus five boost don't expect me to get much more of those 11 Saints Patriots that's Brandon Cooks Cowboys now started with the Saints give me sir Brandon give me a plus five overall as well with that and I am actually a big fan of our wide receivers so far spot 13 Ravens Saints Broncos now now I'm thinking running back but that can't be right okay we're we're not getting this within the 10 seconds oh this is definitely wrong why do I want to say Tim Patrick I'm saying Tim Patrick why is this a thing what a stupid troll that is all right we have Patriots JC Jackson went Patriots Chargers that lines up you know 2022 to 2023 genuinely I don't know if he's on the Chargers or Patriots now that's the only player I I'd guess it is okay so let's add JC Jackson to our cornerback room you know I'm not upset with how we're doing so far we're currently eight of 14 and five of those players we got boosts for it we still need a stinking running back and a quarterback hatred Bock a shoot what the heck is this you went from the bock to the Texans this year been in the league for eight years dude I I have no clue sha Mason yeah dude I'm I'm so bad with o linan like I said let's just be glad we got one of these guys what is this a hybrid of Tom Brady and Aaron roders wait what the heck hold on I I'd actually be able to get this cuz I follow the draft it's got to be Quay Walker or rwn Gary the fact I think I'd rather have rwn Gary is why I'm going to guess him oh buckets hex yeah boys that's what I'm a little bit impressed with myself about for getting that one what AM mine starting to get some more boost round 17 what even college is that you know I'm going to be completely honest I am not getting this Adam Troutman Troutman can't even pronounce his name expect me to get that well here's our running back ladies and gentlemen this should be Jonathan Taylor yeah Jonathan Taylor sick I like these ones where they stay on the same team the whole time just like that not only do we have a stud running back but we get to boost him five overall to help as well Lions the Falcons actually don't even know if he plays for the Falcons or not but I think Jeff Auda does that's Jeff Auda we're doing good with the DBS surprisingly we're getting the plus five for him also which he could use it keep me going round 20 dude played for a butt ton of teams bills Saints Washington Chargers on the Browns now definitely not Amari Cooper it's not Kareem hunt shoot this man's been in the league for 10 years I contemplated this one for way too long and then yeah I have no clue again not necessary Bengals Browns dolphins Chiefs Raiders what he played for five teams in 3 years this man was a Bonafide scrub wait dude I should be able to get this right it's not Nathan Peterman is it I know he went Raiders and bears at least once again because I'm an idiot I have no idea I would have never got that in a million years oh let's move on 22 Titans Patriots Falcons oh my gosh dude this is going downhill wait wait I think that's JN new Smith actually is that does that make sense it does make sense that is JN new Smith let's go so we get to add a tight end to our team that was important we've been doing pretty bad we're getting close to wrapping up here easy Chase young give him to me I love these ones that are currently in happen this year we're adding Chase young with the Boost to our defensive line which by the way the defense is looking scrumptious right now played for Virginia Tech played for the Ravens and the Jets I have no accidentally spoiled that one for myself I was totally going to get that one though Chuck Clark will not be added to our team Shen up again round 25 Cardinals to Texans David Johnson there's there's no way he's in the league I know he's in the dehop trade Josh Jones who are you oh no 26 now ah fudge hold on hold on hold on I I got to we got to slow down here man oh my gosh it's Jaylen ramsy dude if I wouldn't have got that one oh dude that would have been bad we don't really need the boost for him either cuz he's already super good we are adding yet another cornerback this one our best yet though second to last round Dolphins Byron Jones yeah Byron Jones I think we got that one too I think that's right oh shoot wait what am I tripping oh whatever whatever we're we're going to take the L right there and no I'm not even going to try to pronounce his name no igy final player Cow Green Bay Jets Aaron roders and we get the plus five boost let's go okay they're not going to reveal the player that is very clearly Aaron roders and that's crazy because that was the first quarterback that showed up too but we will gladly take that might have just been our Saving Grace what do you think boys the team is done we have some abilities and we have a man wearing lipstick sck defensively I probably have to adjust the lineup a little bit before our game but we're not looking bad linebacker stink safety stink everything else P stick all right here we go ladies and gentlemen of course we have to take on the Kansas City Chiefs what else is new oh boy oh boy we're probably in trouble no I'm just kidding our defense is fantastic get through the pass rush it's Montes sweat already all right seems a little risky but we should be able to run some man here with our good cornerbacks yet again Chase young this time oh yeah ring them on in what a start oh I love the defense already terrible punt by the way give me some room to go zoom zoom zoom we're near the 35 already talking about Good starts on top of that we got this guy with their final guess claypole off the slant you know what we'll run it with him instead oh look at the open Gap JT makes it look easy 6 nothing we're about to make it seven real quick I have so much confidence now we're going to be able to do what we did before it's Logan Ryan with an interception that's just a free that's 70 some overall and this could also be a team by the looks of things that can make it oh that's clamps that's Pi throw the flag we all seen it yep thank you refs for being completely blind to give me that call he already scored once can we get him in again what good blocking these guys aren't even great I don't know what they were out in on defense but man you want to talk about a steamroll you have to remember what we're doing is against one of the League's better teams Travis Kel you're mine you're going nowhere get down again this isn't real life right now do you see what we're doing to them from what I remember the Chiefs have one of the better old lines in the league as well and they are going nowhere they're getting pummeled destroyed it's an embarrassment to Kansas City here we go just found one of my favorite plays in this Playbook reason being look at this look at this check it out Brandon Cooks upgraded he needs some milk I just put him on ice skates I don't know who that Defender was but I'm sure he's having a hard time walking after that believe it or not our great game continued in the scoring didn't even stop there our lack of nearly any offensive lineman didn't seem to matter and anytime any one of our Playmakers touched the ball big things seemed to happen with a new and unimaginable amount of confidence the rest of the season continued to go just as well we were throwing in laser beams to nearly every single one of our Playmakers and our defense was just as good as what we seen in week one oh my people look at this we somehow have managed the number one seed in the NFC and look who's over on the other side a team that we dismantled earlier in the year we might as well Advance the divisional championship since we don't have a wild card game for ourselves we'll be taking on the Dallas Cowboys oh boy oh boy tough match up for sure for all of you stat people okay season for Aaron yo Jonathan Taylor and and Melvin Gordon we have bang near 30 touchdowns between the two of them DJ Moore th000 yards I want to see how many sacks that we got what that's it and out of all cornerbacks Jeff Auda leads the team let's see what we can do at home first these now boys here we go we got ball and we got to play oh that's M up that I'm dead that did not that was Demarcus Lawrence actually what a brutal Awakening that that was we got ourselves in a little bit of hot water here to start this game we're going to keep it low that's just patience there I tell you what Chase clayo for me nice little ticket wait for it wait for burned burned burned say why did I not lob that that's a touchdown wasted here in the playoffs oh no that's just a stupid mistake oh what a loser we're intensifying things it is now third down and four got to take the tight end myself boxed that was way too easy anyways Dallas should be at a massive disadvantage here get out of bouns out of bouns out and we can't tackle that's of course that's a really bad start JT in this running game have been our Rock All Season no exception here more should be able to do something to get open nothing nothing nothing Janu or somebody or yes I have so many different looks here oh no I'm up this is bad by the way we're going for it and deal with it oh gosh over the top over the top what a DOT by Aaron did John knew what do you do how the heck do I make this work I'm running we got him patience is everything we got a tie game oh no look where Dallas is I need a stand of a lifetime oh wait no way no way how can't we even tackle Dak Prescott this has never been an issue until right now pressed on DJ Moore I mean that is free is it not that has to be there it is I'm not making the same mistake I just missed him I just missed him a what the heck I don't even know what the heck I'm doing right now yes I do yes I do yes I do I don't know oh brother how do we get tackled how do you heck do you expect me to manage this like that right exactly like that and then we call our last time out we're going for broke why do I have to put up with this it's there no it's not no it's not I got baited and we didn't score forgot I didn't have any timeouts left we got to get our dang near crap together here's a play this is what we got linebacker on them oh that was easy can we get more reads like that you know you never know this could potentially work yeah it did oh that's great I don't even know who the heck I'm looking for here oh I think he beat him the high ball Brandon dropped it in the bucket and we got one in the back cornero thought we missed that I really did we're picking up things here at Midfield another run and another issue with tackling we are moving into the fourth quarter with a tie game here's the stat line for you people honestly pretty even why does this field look like this this looks terrible my eyes looks like we held them they should be kicking three that leaves this game very open for us to take a lead bro I can't even see anything with it this looks so bad yo fix this I'm sorry people I know nobody wants to see this right now myself included while we caught that okay this huge pass and catch from Aaron roders to DJ Moore on fourth down got us downfield to where we needed to be this is such a huge third down and Taylor's in and we have what we came here for we still have to get a stop though hold on to your seat belts ladies and gentlemen we're not done yet they keep going short the time's going to be running out they need a touchdown this time is flying CD's covered oh no oh no oh this is so bad we got to D up like we've never done before picked it D just lasered me up oh my gosh here we go and I see press once again could it happen it freaking happened for the first time we actually hit it and we're down we're timing out we're timing out what what am I even talking about right now not much time here left in the game there's no way I just Pi a first down there incomplete really oh wait Booth review hey first down his feet are in we're going for the win this right here is so flipping nuts I don't even know how to respond to this oh my gosh I'm so sorry subscribe for coming back with Revenge with another one of these challenges dang it
Channel: YoBoy PIZZA
Views: 773,200
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madden, Madden, yoboypizza, yoboy pizza, yo boy pizza, yoboy pizza madden, madden yoboy pizza, subscriber franchise, madden 32 team franchise, franchise yoboy pizza, madden franchise, madden 24, madden nfl 24, unemployed, 24, madden24, unemployed yoboy pizza, yoboy pizza unemployed
Id: 55eKvRtCbg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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