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hey guys welcome back to my channel and i'm going to do a comparison on three different wallets um if you look at my last video i did a comparison between a goal yard and a louis vuitton i guess you can say like card holders or pocket organizers so this time i'm going to do a comparison with the bifold wallets so here i have a louis vuitton bifold wallet i got the gold yard by full wallet too and then last we have the gucci wallet and i do have a video of a um a review on the gucci wallet on my channel i also have a review on the goyard wallet on my channel as well and i do have i don't have this review on this wallet particular um but i do have another multiple wallet from louis vuitton so these are going to be the three wallets that i'm going to be comparing so you guys get a better idea if you guys are interested in buying one of these products um you know you guys will have a better idea of what to look for or you know if it's something that's going to work with you so first let's jump into this louis vuitton wallet right here so you can see it is all canvas now this louis vuitton wallet it's kind of an older generation wallet um i think this was back in 20 probably like 2016 2017 um and this one does have a leather border as you can see there you can see it goes throughout the wallet you can see here too the border so this is going to be a canvas on canvas and when you do i guess now on the website they don't have this one anymore but they do have like the regular multiple wallets and that's what these are going to be called um they're all canvas with like the original like rather um what is it the leather uh glazing that they have here so it's going to be different than the one that you see on this video so you can see canvas you got the louis vuitton right there same thing louis vuitton and then when you open it up you can see this is all leather and you do have these pockets here so on this one you do have one two three you got four five you have six seven and then you have the bifold where you can put cash receipts anything you need um so yeah the the new ones the new multiple wallets that are on their website it's not going to be leather it's just going to be all canvas and then same thing on this side it's going to be all canvas so this one's just different but for the most part it's going to be the same setup where you have the cards here and then you can you know put other cards here but then yeah this is basically how it's going to look and then you can see inside you do have a leather you got leather there too so this is how it's gonna look and right here if you guys want to see the cards here okay so this is going to be the multiple wallet from louis vuitton i don't remember how much this cost though and then here is the goyard wallet so we couldn't open it up all one piece of canvas and then you can see this here the glazing see if it adjusts there you go see a little bit of the glazing and then we can open it up and then of course when you got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten so you could do 10 same thing you have two pockets of course you got that yellow and then the stitching looks really nice on this wallet you can see i don't really use this wallet that much or at all you can see that and then let's look at the back again you can see it's stitching here and then last let's jump on the gucci wallet you can see here the gucci wallet you got that silver hardware it's embossed leather because this is going to be all leather and you can see i don't use this one either i don't know why i should be using them anyway so let's look at the inside so you do have 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 same thing as the gold yard wallet where you have ten and then here you have and you can see it's it's not leather inside like the louis vuitton or the gold yard it looks like it's a material the top here oh that's the back so that is leather but all that's material and then let's look at the glazing see here looks really nice and that's going to be the gucci wallet now from all of them you know the one that i have used the most was probably this guy here um now for this particular wallet you can see it's kind of tearing not really tearing but it's making you can see an indentation a line that's going across and that's from this here that kind of cuts into the leather um if you get the you know the regular multiple wallets that louis vuitton has on the website you know it's going to be canvas here so you're not going to have that issue it's just with the leather one or you know this leather so that's going to cause you know as it's in your pocket start scratching it but i do use this one a lot and to be honest i think with louis vuitton you know their wallets last really long um there is a review on something that i want to make um that just shows you how long you know the products last because i think i've had it for like five years and to be honest it's held up really well of course there's minor wear and tear but you know for what you're paying for i mean they do last pretty long you see the glazing right there now with goal yard um really nice personally you know i'm sure this wallet is going to last really long time i'm going to start using this wallet more often over time that i have seen is this starts rubbing off see you can kind of see the the canvas um so over time this is going to kind of scratch off so over time this is going to come off as for the louis vuitton it actually has to get like a deep scratch into the canvas where let me see if this one has it i think maybe it'll pick it up see a little bit right there where there's like deep scratches um yeah you can kind of barely see a little bit right there in that little square but other than that i mean it should last long the goal yard um i really need to start using this guy more and then last the gucci i really don't know about gucci i want to say it should last long um i mean it looks like it will it's a pretty thick piece of leather um so i'm gonna say this is gonna last long too so whichever wallet you go with honestly either these three are gonna last a really long time let's look at this one one more time you can see the emboss gucci logo see it goes throughout the whole wallet so get this here you can see here gucci made in italy i see a little it looks like dust in there and then let's open it up i don't think it's gonna show but yeah so that's about it guys really quick simple video just wanted to show you guys you know there's the comparison on these three wallets um hope you guys enjoy hope you guys liked it give it a thumbs up and subscribe thanks take care
Channel: JICKS TV
Views: 1,788
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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