GUATEMALA - Mayská mytologie, šamani a katolíci. Festivalová verze 2021
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Channel: Miloš Brunner
Views: 1,554
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: milos brunner, Miloš Brunner, Montana Club, Guatemala, Střední Amerika, Central Amerika, America Central, Antigua Guatemala, Atitlan, Popol Voh, Mayové, šamanismus, Chichiastenango, Todos Santos, lago Atitlan, Acatenango, Vulcan Agua, mayové, pacaya, monterrico, tikal, livingstone, mašimon, mashimon
Id: szHGYX41Yd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 12sec (2532 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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