GTX 1070 Still Worth Buying 2023? Can it Run Hogwarts Legacy?

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hey everyone welcome back to ratchet builds in today's video we're going to be taking a look at this GTX 1070. uh that I picked up off of Facebook Marketplace because it had some artifacting issues while in extreme gameplay now I've been running some tests on this card for the last couple of days I probably clocked about 10 hours worth of Hogwarts Legacy on this card and I ran it about two hours worth of benchmarking on this car and I've yet to find any kind of artifactings or issues with the card except for a little bit High temps I've seen it hit up into the 80 to 85c range but let's get into this card and some of its specifications and then we're going to actually run it through some tests to see is this card worth buying for gaming in 2023 so a little bit about these cards this is my 1060 from the previous video this is the Pascal architecture it's got six gigs of ddr5 in it and setting right at 1280 Cuda cores the tencent 70 that I recently picked up this is also a Pasco architecture sitting at about eight gigs of ddr5 and about a thousand nine hundred twenty Cuda cores with the difference of these two cards I want to see where the performance is going to be but that'll be a little bit later in this video I've already did pre-testing on my 1070 card here just in the condition that it arrived in and on this card I paid around sixty dollars for it with shipping and everything off of Facebook Marketplace but the first thing that I want to get done to this card is I want to go ahead and pull it open and get thermal paste put on it check my thermal pads and just go ahead and make sure that's all cleaned up before we do the testing for this video thank you all right with the new thermal space let's go ahead and get this installed into the computer we need to delete all of our old drivers make sure we've got the most up-to-date graphics driver installed and then we can actually start getting some testing done with this all right so we just got our PC booted back up with our drivers cleared out of it so the first thing we're going to do is install the latest driver now windows will pull its own driver for the graphics card but we want to make sure we're at the most up-to-date driver we're going to go to their official website the after being on the website we know this is a G-Force we are a 10 series GTX 1070. I am running Windows 11 on this one I'm going to do the game ready driver we're going to search for it and it looks like we have a release date of 2 8 of 2023 so this is actually real recent so we're going to download now I don't use GeForce experience on my systems I do just a basic clean install and I go and check the drivers periodically to make sure that I have the most up-to-date one all right guys so the test just got finished with Heaven Benchmark looks like our average frames per second was a 192.8 our score is 4856 minimum frames was 40 and our Max frames was 374. I'm going to put up on the screen here also what it was compared to the 1060. enough with the testing let's go ahead and get into some gaming I'm going to go ahead and start off with doom Eternal we're going to go valheim and then I want to go ahead and run Hogwarts Legacy to see how this is going to perform now keep in mind I do have screen recording on when doing this so it can hurt the performance some we're going to start off with doom Eternal so with the game loaded up first thing we're going to do is go over here to the video quality and make sure my settings are all set so we're at 1920x1080 we're in Native we only got the one monitor on one thing I want to make sure of is the quality that we're setting at so let's get down here motion blur off good so I got motion blur quality down too low everything is still set to nightmare from our previous testing so it's all still the same so let's go ahead and launch this game and get started so jumping into Doom Eternal got a bunch of characters here jumping around I haven't seen any lows we're pretty much logged right at a route to 75 frames per second this whole time I need to find another area for more people let's grab this help so got a whole bunch of people here hitting me and my frames are still staying locked at pretty much the 75 almost the entire time it looks like I haven't seen it dip go up or falter in any kind of way really I need to shoot that gun and I'm dead but all in all in Doom it looks like this thing is running pretty phenomenally I know when uh the 1060 whenever I was running it I hit lows of about 45 and it would range around 65 to 75 bouncing this thing's pretty locked on unless I've got something different on the settings which I did check I don't see an issue with this graphics card this thing is running pretty smooth but let's go ahead and exit out of this game and I'm going to go to the next game that I know I had issues running which was valheim when I first loaded in that game I stayed around 30 to 40 frames per second and I actually had to drop all the settings down to medium to even be able to play it all right guys we're jumping into valheim here so in valheim I've went ahead and changed all my settings back up to hide from my previous testing still got motion blur off so I just want to show that here instead of where you all know what settings I'm running and we're going to close the menu uh I had to play the game for just a little bit to let the daylight actually come back so that way we can get a same comparison as the 1060. right now I'm just trying to find some water but the game is already running as you can see at about 100 to 100 to 80 frames per second I haven't seen it really drop anything lower this card is running valheim much much better than what the previous card on the 1060 was doing we're going to run up here to this opening to where there's a lot of trees and a lot of stuff that's got to be rendered in I actually kind of want to see if I can put this on very high and see what it'll do because we're just on high settings right at the moment but I'm pretty impressed with the card it's just amazing on how just one series up changed so much on the view of this like even the trees look a little bit better to me than what it did in the previous one the grass looks a little bit better and it's also it's a little bit smoother than what it was at the previous one even being in medium settings but this game is still very playable for a GPU that I got lucky on so we're gonna go ahead and close out of this game the next game I want to boot into is going to be Hogwarts Legacy because I have been playing that I've got about 10 hours maybe a little bit more playing on this system as well in Hogwarts before I read thermal pasted so I'm really interested to see if that's going to change anything uh Hogwarts is where I saw a lot of my higher temperatures running at like 80 85 C I never noticed it really getting above that but it's a possibility so that's the reason I wanted to re-thermal paste it to get those temperatures back down the thermal paste felt like it had probably dried up some or wasn't transferring to heat like it's supposed to that is pretty evident after doing the testing on this because I'm not hitting my ADC anymore in the Benchmark it hung around 75 previously right now it's hitting around that 70 72c that I see it at Max and it pretty much maintains it at that even running The Benchmark continuously back to back back to each other all right with Hogwarts Legacy uh loaded hidden here we're gonna go ahead and go in here and check our settings what's cool about this game is it has like a benchmarking to go ahead and set all your audio or all your graphic settings for you so that's what I'm going to do is I'm actually just going to run this Benchmark and see what it picks for me previously I was on all medium settings and it says that it's already completed let's see if it throws me on the same thing which it looks like it did it just went full medium settings for just about everything it looks like no Ray tracing nothing like that is turned on so let's go ahead and exit out of this and actually let's see on how it plays let's see how it plays in the game uh let's just go into this other room actually why I'm in here I'm going to go ahead and do a little bit of Maintenance uh for this game uh because I've got some stuff that I need to collect and do but all in all running around through here it looks like everything's pretty good let's get out into this hallway and see what's out here oh man whenever I change rooms in this game that's when it seems to really be hitting hard like in this smaller room here I don't know see even in the small room is hitting pretty bad so let's go out here to a bigger room where I have more to load so I'm getting up it to like the 70 frames per second and stuff like that but it's not staying up there it's dropping down pretty bad in between granted I don't know if I can notice it in the game let me find an area where I can walk yeah I can feel the The Hitching of it as I run all right let's go back into my settings real quick and see if we can adjust this down a little bit to make this more playable hey guys future Robert here uh I was editing in a video took a break to actually play some games just to take my mind off of editing I started playing the Hogwarts game again on the 1070 and I realized that my frames were back up I almost staying at the 60 frames per second a good majority of the time through the game I was still getting a few drops down into like 55 54 frames per second but I wasn't hitting into that 40 and 30 like I was in the video uh what I've started thinking about is this time I was running the game without OBS running in the background for the screen capture or MSI afterburner for the data showing up on the screen I think that was taking a big hit to my performance on the card I even turned everything back up to medium settings and I just still had some dips in some areas but not as often as that we're showing in the video of almost every time I was taking a turn or going to a new room in the video I was dipping real bad whenever I play it without all that running it was staying closer to the 55 to 60 frames per second still not great don't get me wrong but it's still very much playable I just want to put that clip in here just to give you all the update on it I mean the game seems to be playable like this I just noticed a little bit of hitching and stuff and it seems like there's more in it than what it was previously before I did the driver update to it well that's enough with the Hogwarts Legacy game here all right so with the gaming out of the way my thoughts on the 1070 is I would still buy it in today's time especially if I'm doing a budget build or a beginner's build for somebody that's going to be playing games uh graphics card still holds up pretty good to most games there are always going to be some games that is not going to be able to run and if you're edging towards playing those games then it may be a time to consider to either upgrade or instead of doing the 10 series go ahead and do a 20 series or a 30 series or you could go ahead and jump all the way to a 40 series if you wanted to and Skip all those lower Generations the only nice thing is is for sixty dollars graphics card to me it'd be worth it to put it in the rig to be able to get play time in it if you're still saving up to get a higher end graphics card or something like that now I did kind of look these up online after I bought this card most of the 1070s are still going anywhere between 150 to 200 it looks like and that's glancing at eBay and Amazon and then just the regular Marketplace that I run to so it's all up to your opinion on what games you're going to be playing and work work case you're going to be having the graphics cards used for so definitely always do your research make sure that you're finding the proper car that's going to work for what you needed to work for and go for it that way so I hope this gave some information to y'all I'll especially on trying to pick out graphics cards or figure out what you're going to be doing for a budget build or your next gaming PC so until next time thank you all for watching please like And subscribe nothing else check out my other video about the GTX 1060 and I'll catch y'all next time thank you
Channel: Ratchet Buildz
Views: 20,226
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Id: hjnXyn0_mCk
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Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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