GTeaLive: PewDiePie Is Now A Minecraft Channel!

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[Music] [Applause] I'm telling you Jason I told him to split that episode as soon as we started writing it I was like hey Matthew up this episode is getting really long we need to split this episode and it's spilling all kinds of teeth because it's talking about ninja and I was like we need to split it and then Matthew like now it's gonna be like an 80-minute it's a it's a weird place to split it it's a it's a like 1/3 2/3 division and personally I think the last 2/3 is the most exciting part but it's also the part that I gave you the hey I'm like hey we should research in this direction yes I'm like hey we should research the economic models behind this I'm telling him say your writing is great Stephanie without it without exaggeration is the fastest writing partner that I could ever at like you're really good I'm super I am so slow at writing scripts because I'm just the slow writer oh yeah I'm really thoroughly you say that the internet with a lot of times I'm just brewing up some brewing up some weekend in Singapore for my favorite tea company twgg this is not sponsored I just really love this company so maybe we should catch people up on ninja it's really long and we should split it into two parts because it's so long so would you like to talk into your microphone as opposed to over your microphone I can't look where this pop filter got put there we go there cardioid lingo here I can't it's just it's done it's over welcome to t-series the hottest of messes hottest of tea also can we just do a shout out to father of all podcasts Conan O'Brien who according to Variety is the reason podcasting is a popular format these days Thank You Cobra no it has nothing to do with the success of like the the like serials of the world or any of the like ongoing story podcast American history ups yeah that's a great punch no classic podcast so anyway Stephanie was spilling tea on me right now we have this long episode coming out it's about it's about ninja and his decision to move to mixer it's a really fun I like it so I enjoyed it is I think it's a really interesting episode all right but it's really long and if we make the episodes too and everyone's always like no don't split episodes that's the worst don't do that but the fact is if you look at the data after a certain length like after about 18 minutes people don't have that much time to just sit around and watch a video straight through or at least a lot of them don't and so we see a lot of drop-off after 18 minutes and so we try to if they're over 18 minutes we try and split them that way everyone can watch them just in chunks except for lately where they've just been like a half an hour inch I mean they have been at it but that's like part of the standard on YouTube almost that like videos on YouTube at this point are just so egregiously long yeah everyone really pads out their videos but right they've really Pat them out and I know that people are always like oh man Pat artificially extending it's not honestly the shorter that we can make these things to make them shorter we are always trying to make the episode every beachy I mean honestly it would be cheaper for us to because we pay all the editors by the minute of video that they work on right so that way because so the longer the video just the more expensive it is yeah does it help us to make the video longer no and then the whole like it's ten minutes and so you can't vote it's all bs um no but it's one of those things where like in order to come up with it we've we've experimented with a lot of different like payment models for our editing team because we have one guy who's full-time and is kind of like our lead editor and then we have a bunch of freelance editors who work on our projects working on other projects and we have a lot of them because you know we just have a lot it takes forever to make our videos it takes I cannot express to you the amount of time and effort it takes to edit one of these videos together and so if you're churning out a 20 minute episode every single week twice a week because we're doing it on film Theory as well like it's an egregious ly difficult process and because a video and we used to pay on the project basis right like hey you do this video and you get a set amount of money for doing this video but the problem is video is just vary in length a lot of times a lot of times very videos can especially when we first started working with that like they could be 10 minutes upwards to like now 2025 minutes right so it's unfair to the editors to say like oh you get one set rate and so instead we we've tried a lot of different models but the one that I think we've settled on that everyone really likes is paper the minutes oh and it's it's actually more detailed than that it's actually like rounding based on 15 seconds fair yeah for exactly how much video they make and that and sometimes it's easier sections to edit and sometimes it's harder sections to edit but it all evens out after a while and sometimes you'll luck out and sometimes you get the really hard section that requires a lot of animation or sometimes the editors just like go above and beyond like what was the episode oh where they wrote you into an anime oh that was cool market marketable anime intro he did the music everything it's great he did the music he's saying sometimes they just like really go above and beyond and that's awesome but some but you know that evens out sometimes with sections that are like easier yeah I talked to that others I'm like I really would love to do kind of like a custom anime opening for this with kind of like you know goofy over-the-top and a Japanese lyric this and that and we have a lot of like hardcore anime fans on the editing team and one of them mark who is incredibly talented huse to work at fine brothers and now works with us and he's also working on I think a movie as well right now and he's kind of doing our stuff in between but um but he's like I got this this is this is what I was made for and it's on the dr. stone video over on film theory which unfortunately did you know no one watched because it's doctor stone but it's a really cool episode and the intro is the intros I'm like well yeah I was so thrilled with how it turned out it is one of those like and we have a lot of the intros have turned out really well we did the x-men intro where we recreated the original x-men cartoon intro with like members of the team back in the 90s I'm excited about this one for the new nin for the for the ninja episode it's good where we replicated pitch meetings was also really fun I think we should just turn our in our cold opens into like parodies of every other YouTube channel you know yeah I mean here's the thing right here's the tea and we are gonna get to spill tea here in a second here but it I mean I guess this is real tea on us but uh it is one of those things where the way I see the cold opens is it's harder and harder nowadays to do comedic sketches on YouTube just because YouTube values a longer videos like all the videos are soo oh you can't make a comedic stretch that sketch that's like 30 minutes long not even sitcoms can do that yeah I mean Smosh gets away with a lot of stuff because they have a lot of the like every blank ever which is a bunch of like small skits all you know put together into a well yeah it's a it's a vine compilation' but they've produced it right so like I mean that's the way that you get comedy on YouTube at this point and it's a tough comedy it's it's funny a couple years ago animation was the thing that didn't exist on YouTube because it didn't work with the algorithms nowadays like comedy and comedic sketches is the hardest thing to sustain on the platform it's fascinating whereas that was what the platform was really built on in the early days with like the original days of Smosh and stuff but anyway the way I see the cold opens at this point is not only is it like let's introduce the episode but I see it a lot of times as our chance to kind of like in some level of like sketch funny kind of you know it's it gives I think like I'm shocked that no one did a parody of ninjas announcement video of him live streaming on me or at least I didn't see any they might exist out so we did it yeah I had fun with him so we'll see so I just got done filming that's why my hair's kind of wonky cuz I was I had a couple wigs on um also if if you're concerned if you're watching this via video formats and you're seeing my arg t-shirt or my arg sweatshirt this is not a clue there are no clues in this video That's not me trying to misdirect you or anything it's just I needed a sweatshirt for the ninja shoot and then also in honor of our game theory that came out today all about the energy that we've been working on for the better part of the last year so long we're kind of rounding out towards the end of the energy I've been having a lot of meetings over the last couple weeks about kind of the final slate of clues that we're getting to it's almost done oh my gosh it's almost over if you've never given it a try give it a try it or read about it there are a lot of there's a discord about it there's stuff on reddit about it it's really fun um and Matthew especially has put incredible amounts of work into it and we have a whole team that's behind it so it's totally worth checking out baby yeah it's been a lot it's it's been great it's super fun it's super rewarding but mine is it's like no we've been more than weekend Jesus meeting of our busy schedule we got to get to the tea because we have to actually make this a pretty a pretty short street yeah good good stay with their stuff we'll get into things yeah we have a we have a business friend coming in from out of town and we have dinner with them at 5:15 so we got to be out of here by 5:00 dinner it's actually the only time we have to go and do that but we are going to be spilling some tea today we have PewDiePie and minecraft on the cover we're gonna cover off on a couple of things before that and the other only other personalty is that our baby got to teeth today Congrats to him why Oliver what what what what what what two teeth okay crazy thing watching teeth just hurry up set for like 30 minutes and then it's like okay my tooth is there that's wild I'm okay it's a crazy thing and and it's also weird to think that he's going to lose those teeth but those yeah then a couple years that's those teeth just like pop out then they don't I ripped out every single one of my teeth what your baby Tino I was every single I pulled out every single one I wiggled like I wiggled but then I pulled like straight out oh no I I did I did the whole huh I did I did every technique you could I tried I tried really hard to I now that I'm looking back on it I went to some pretty decent lengths to dig the teeth out of my mouth but I ever like went further really you never you never popped him out I mean I I pulled that I they came out but I was just mostly like wiggle it today oh yeah I got maybe like dig your nail under it a little bit yep I did that I did a little bit floss method every once in a while hey we got TV but before we get into the T what are you drinking today I'm drinking unbranded diet soda except from Brandon cause I know I have I have my I have my generic blue glass mug here today but uh I came from McDonald so yeah who knows what's inside you don't know all right ready what are we starting with oh yeah you're drinking drinking what good night Singapore weekend dancing sorry okay good smells so good oh my gosh great one second I'm smelling the tea it's like fruity and effervescent you know it's so nice okay okay so the tea like we said we have to hop out early today so we're gonna we're gonna burn through the tea pretty quickly today on my phone so hit us up hashtag Gigi live on Twitter or just hit us up in the chat first this is more just kind of like a quick top of the line thing here since we're gonna be talking about PewDiePie and minecraft first and foremost congratulations to PewDiePie and Marzia for getting married yeah they just got me or at least it was announced that they got married in the last 24 hour period since this livestream slash podcast is happening yeah which is huge I'm so happy I think they were really smart to wait as long as they did and also to wait until a point when I think a lot of the drama is behind PewDiePie at this point and they waited until there was like a calm period but I think you know they looked so pretty I think it's so pretty I think it's one of those that like it's kind of like the best of all situations cuz in in YouTube especially when you're making your job on YouTube there's a lot of uncertainty and a lot of instability and a lot of concern over your profitability over how your videos are doing over how the audience is reacting to you this and that and right now PewDiePie is like in and we'll talk about this with the Minecraft stuff too but like PewDiePie is in this place where it's literally like almost the best he's ever been in YouTube period kind of crazy you know after having done it for so long after being number one for so long that to swing back around after all the drama and after all like the controversies and this and that to swing back and be on such a high not only from a viewership perspective but also just from a like I mean he's enjoying the minecraft so much he likes it public opinion of him is like solid right like you know he's no longer yeah there is no longer embroiled in controversy it's great like honestly that's the best place to be enough especially for a wedding right like one of the thing and this is you know this is just kind of like again getting personal about things but well I was really resistant to propose to Stephanie because she looks like my brother what no way sorry she looks like my says she could be my sister so Noah back in the day I was really resistant to propose to Stephanie because at the time I didn't have a job right I was transitioning out a theater we were poor in New York we were about to move to Los Angeles I was literally hiding in Stephanie's apartment a lot of the time and and it was one of those things where I didn't feel it was appropriate for me to propose you know and then when we got married yes I had just gotten a job but it was one of those things where like it was still early days stephanie was ma sugar mama she was the one who was having to carry me and just go on blind faith that you know I would be a productive member of human society at that point I mean we don't really get a lot of the drama that I think a lot of other people online get and I know Marcia has even gotten her share of this where people have accused her of like oh you're in a relationship with him because he's popular because he can help you grow a YouTube channel because he makes he's made a lot of money that kind of stuff and I think that's you know that was like earlier days but I haven't really gotten much of that there have been maybe like one or two times ever where I've seen a comment that was like oh my gosh look at her gold digger and like like someone who actually you know said that in response to like an Instagram photo or something like that and I think you know people who are together for a long time really do see each other through a lot of ups and downs and in our case when we first got together I was like what and more especially when we got married I was the only one with a job and you know you were doing the YouTube stuff and I was helping a little bit on the side but mostly I was just sort of like keeping a roof over our head and stuff and I think you know when you commit to someone you have to have faith and the other person that they're going to be like a good team member and that they're going to attend and that things are going to end up evening out and the YouTube stuff took off and now we mean we both work really hard at that and so I feel like think of us as like teammates in that but it was the kind of thing where like I knew you're a good person so and I knew you worked really hard and I figured that it would work out well the reason I bring it up though is because what we tell a lot of people and I just had this conversation over dinner a couple weeks ago right where it's the idea of hey there sometimes isn't the perfect time to do stuff right either your work isn't in the right place or you know sometimes you just have to do it you just have to do it if you don't make the decision to you know go through that like life is full of doors right and if you don't make the decision to go through doors and shut other doors life makes those decisions for you and you might wind up with door in a position that you never wanted to be in in the first place right yet when you make a decision to do something big whether it's getting married or start a new job or move to a new place or whatever it is you also make the decision to not do some other stuff right you're always if you wait whenever you make a decision you're always giving up something else and you have to be okay with that but if you don't make that decision eventually life is just gonna decide that like hey you're too old to do whatever or you don't have the money to do this or you know whatever so you just have to take advantage of the opportunities when they're there right and so the the kind of the moral of the whole story right is for 99% of the world it's like hey timing might not be perfect or whatever but you care about this person and it's it's gonna be an amazing time because I love that person PewDiePie is that lucky 1% though where his wedding just so happens to be like the perfect it seems at least from the outside perspective the perfect storm of everything right where it's like wow I'm super wealthy and I'm not embroiled in controversy and also my career is that am I already super wealthy career I'm even better than I've ever been and everything's beautiful in my life and so like the clouds have parted a rainbow and doves have launched off into the sky and you know and the pictures can reflect that like oh this looks great but I would say and I think that it's important to say when it comes to like just living in reality is the idea of you know that the internet a lot of times Instagram photos this and that can give you a skewed perception of what those sorts of moments are supposed to look infinitely and and people are only sharing their best selves and the best pictures and the ones where they look the best and this and that and I think it sets you up in a lot of cases for disappointment because as humans were always like comparing ourselves to the input that we're seeing around us right and so if it's like man my wedding did not cost that amount of money or was not as beautiful as that one or whatever it can say yeah and all those big decisions come with these like amazing Instagram moments and you feel like you have to like live up to the image that everyone else has for those moments in your life but everyone's moments are different every and yeah I just like can't emphasize how important it is to not look at look at social media and try and base like your decisions or what you think your life should look like in those especially in those big moments to what they look like online and I'm really glad that we didn't have like Instagram accounts when we got married right I mean Instagram was like a thing but we weren't really paying attention to it and we just like weren't we weren't doing it so I actually really appreciate that I think it's nice and honestly I mean and here's the thing right like cuz stuff and I briefly talked about this but like seeing PewDiePie's wedding pictures reminded me a lot of our wedding which was really nice really and oh yeah and it made me really happy because even though I was like literally that the government was basically like we can't take any money from you because that would be evil of us to do so because you are so poor because I nearly enough money they're like oh you need every penny that you can scrounge up from the Great's my friend that is please we would give you some beware the government so we're not going to know what but that's kind of the situation right and but I look at our wedding and I'm like I wouldn't I was so happy oh that's great you know neutral high-five hmm friendship oh I hear I look like your brother so I don't want to get too cozy so okay so way that's like the Twitter quote of the month now staff your brother at 0 D longitude we get that a lot for GG live I'm blowin oh yeah oh yeah oh definitely damn one everyone is in it great I'm so glad that that's what we take away from this special moment everyone okay move on so anyway in the wake of PewDiePie MRSA game effort a big congratulations to them but that segues nicely to what we are kind of alluding to before which was this whole minecraft re explosion on the platform everyone's starting to talk about it and it's largely well it's it's a collection of two factors right so the first one is the what everyone is kind of reporting on which is PewDiePie playing the game right and it's this resurgence which is great because we had just talked about it literally in the Google stadia video where I'm like YouTube is ruining gaming and we're like hey remember this PewDiePie effect he it still exists and then lo and behold a couple weeks later he starts playing Minecraft but we're sometimes pretty prescient about that kind of stuff like we start talking about impressioned there you go there's an SAT word it's a good word stuff sometimes when we start talking about stuff a couple weeks or maybe a few months down the line like a lot of other people start talking about it like one of the big youtuber issues from last year was creator burnout right everyone was talking about creator burn out creator Brown career burnout the year like six months before all of that stuff started coming out or maybe even last like four months before that we did a big presentation on creator sustainability and creator burnout at VidCon and it like kicked off the entire like discussion and how to build your channel in a way that you're done and get burned out yeah it's not that we caused it it's just that we started talking about it and then like no no like and then it just happened that that discussion started and like we talked about all the like the earned media stuff when it comes to stadia and the PewDiePie effect and how important minecraft is to YouTube during that episode and now like there's this huge take off of Minecraft I will say it's just nice I will say we did talk about how big minecraft is and how powerful it is on YouTube before PewDiePie started playing it I don't know what I think probably he was like man I'm making a lot of money right now and I'm kind of bored I'll pick up the old Minecraft do whatever I'll hang with Sven and so know I'm in some dangerous situations and then and then profit no but the so obviously like a big part of this is kind of pewdiepies impact on getting everyone to please experiences tremendous success and it is it's the adoption curve right he's the early adopter even though minecraft is not early anyway but he's a trendsetter yeah do you what we did that back in the day we built a working cell phone I know that was really fun that was so fun those we've actually been watching minecraft speed Alice the pizza girl any oh just any og members of the GT live community remembered Alice the pizza girl who delivered pizza that we ordered through minecraft it was great it was great that's it I mean that's an old-school we set a world record for the biggest selfie in Minecraft I think that's probably been broken at this point but we set a record which was awesome but we've been watching Minecraft speedruns lately which if you've never seen a minecraft speedrun it's actually insane I love watching them now I'm so into it it's awesome anyway minecraft its back the the other thing though that I think there's worth calling out here is if you look at the actual Google Trends curve for why minecraft took off it was it's and like I said it's been a two-prong thing obviously PewDiePie is the thing that's really helped skyrocket it but it was already in an unusual upheaval it was already in kind of like a big spiking trajectory leading into PewDiePie doing it because it was its ten-year anniversary right and I think that that's something that unless you're hardcore in that community like might have gone overlooked or whatever but the game was already ramping up for a big 10 year kind of like celebration of where hit has been and how far it's come in that amount of time and so looking at Google Trends data you actually see it already doing the spike upward and then PewDiePie hits it like right as it's cresting which then takes it up to a whole nother level and that's at the perfect time when fortnight people are starting to get bored a fortnight they were looking for alternatives and so you see kind of this like really interesting kind of like dual curve of you know Minecraft then like accelerating growth as it kind of like sucks away people from the fortnight I think it is actually I think people are like fortnight okay like there's maybe there's only so many ways to play for tonight at the end of the day but minecraft like we've talked about this before minecraft is more than a game it's a tool you can use it for so many things it's a it's a platformer in and of itself it's like a creative sandbox and it's almost like limitless potential for what you can do with it well I think it's also one of those things where and one of the things that I think we've really seen by doing what we do right with the game theories where our best game theories are the ones that people seem to react to the most and and they're hard to come by because they're hard you know it's not like content that you can just cut like constantly generate it's like well we found this thing and now we got to find the next big thing but the ones that seem to get the most reaction are when you discover something in a game that no one's ever thought about before or like a new detail or new design decision or you know an element of the story that largely went over people's heads are went over locked right suddenly your sink you know this thing but suddenly you're surprised by what you come back to and I think minecraft is experiencing this huge success in part because of the 10 year anniversary in part because a pewdiepie but I think a lot of it too is you're 10 years later you're suddenly getting minecraft nostalgia right I remember almost a generation no it is and and it's and it's not just nostalgia but it's a surprise in how the game has deepened and evolved and gotten much more robust in that amount of time right you started playing the game when you were really young and it you know you made your rudimentary structures and you you know you're goofy sky blocks or whatever but you come back ten years later and you appreciate on a whole new level the flexibility of it the ability to like use redstone to concoct crazy things the fact that they've added in all these new features and there's more deep story elements to it now there's you know there's new mobs and and there's new building supplies and this is like there's so much now to it that I think a lot of people weren't exposed to or didn't get a chance to like really enjoy and participate in before so now people have this expectation of what minecraft is but coming back to it you know seeing people playing online or talked about it online it's suddenly this idea of like oh wow there's all this here that I either didn't recognize the first time didn't really understand or appreciate the first time or that's been added and now I can go back and appreciate this thing that I loved as a child in a whole new way and you know experience it all over again it's true there's yeah there's a lot too and there's also a new sense of share ability I think of Minecraft because some of those people who used to play it have now gone on made completely new friend sets they're in a completely different stage in their life and so the ability you have to share minecraft with like a completely new set of people or even people who have like gotten older and had a kid in that amount of time now they can actually play Minecraft with their kid I mean we've even talked about this how like this is the most grownup lame adult thing ever but but we're like man ok Ollie's one so maybe like three years or something like that we could like show him minecraft and he could play it it's like playing with digital Legos like he already plays with blocks sort of and he mostly just knocks them over but in in like a theoretical world in like a couple of years he could play Minecraft and we could do it with him and that would be really fun it is yeah it's it's interesting right cuz stuff and I have been one of the things that I think we're both really proud of for especially you know this first year is that Oliver hasn't had any screen time yeah we're not sitting him in front of a little baby bomb allowed to video chat with his grandparents and that's it and that's maybe like once every couple weeks or something like that yeah like maybe like once a time on any TVs no phones nothing he watched the five little ducks on little baby bum for like two minutes less it's like a minute song and that would like and he wasn't excited about and he's like dhak dhak dhak Wack Wack but that would that was it for like an entire year and I think you know it's one of those things that we talk about like you know how do you introduce media to a child what are the pieces of media video games videos whatever that you comfortable showing them and minecraft is actually one that I feel wonderful okay about I would right now but like later well cuz it's modern Legos yeah you know it's it's educational gets you to think creatively you have to kind of concoct the story for yourself like it's it's an open world in like the truest sense of the word so it's pretty cool but yeah I think minecraft is absolutely one of those things that I would totally be comfortable sharing with Oliver it's I've also had this theory I'm curious to get your guys's thoughts on this so let me know on the chat or insider yeah I've got a few here like thoughts about Minecraft well before we do that let me do this call out to you guys to I'm curious to get your thoughts um I have this theory that or I have this idea where I want to introduce Oliver to video games in the I mean outside of Minecraft to do video games in the order that video games were released if that makes sense so basically this idea of hey here's a Nintendo play old-school Nintendo games hey here and then once you know he's had a couple years or whatever playing with Nintendo games hey here's a Super Nintendo play that because my thing is I feel like a lot of my the way I behave now and the way they look at video games and this and that like old-school video games are hard and they and they force you to get like be be really patient and they force you to like just be comfortable like banging your head against a wall and trying and trying and trying and trying and and overcoming a lot of those challenges right like I say it all the time that beating the original Battletoads is still one of the like most memorable game or achievements I've ever had in my life but nowadays with savestates and so many checkpoints and this and that it's it's a lot easier like old-school difficult is a thing for a reason and so I wonder if it would help him appreciate like the oldies but then also help and learn like is that stupid let me TLDR that stupid me wants to torture our kid by making him play through the original NES titles with like no safe states no like no emulators nothing just so he can get really frustrated about it no so he's not so he can get really frustrated that's the translation of what's going it's so he I don't know won't let him do it here's the thing back before we live where we currently live we lived in an apartment complex and there was a kid who lived nearby he was in middle school great guy super nice and um name was Garrett he's in one of the very old episodes of game theory in fact oh my gosh there's someone on there's someone on the roof right now what the heck is going on that is very alarming huh I am very concerned about the stability of this moon Jason will you go like not beyond the roof and that they probably shouldn't be on a roof and that was scary so don't get hurt buddy go if you need to take a broomstick take the bra stick use a broomstick pokum it's a weird day on the livestream but anyways anyway about Garrett right Garrett I tried to show him or I kind of like gave him like hey here's a mega man acts like this is a classic this is you know uh you know a pivotal game that is like beloved by generations of people couldn't get past the tutorial couldn't care less about getting like he he and he and he was someone who was born and born and raised unlike the Call of Duty's and stuff of the world he's like I don't care like he just gave up there was just kind of frustrating and sad and so like I feel like there is something to be said and if you're presented with like modern graphics and this and that I totally see why you would not want to necessarily engage with like old-school games and I think that said I want to I want to teach my child the classics hahaha oh I like this comment about this issue at Clay Faye on Twitter says there are old games that are perfectly fine even nowadays no need to go Nintendo hard to go Nintendo oh that's deep oh I like that I think that's a really good compromise you may have solved our problem okay and also Nikko losing his mind says get off the dang roof thank you thank you thank you please get out of our get it quiet down up there you kiddies literally was a bunch of kids was it wasn't a bunch of kids where they skateboard were they the skateboarders scooters all their scooters today we have a lot of we have a lot of skaters who like hang out on our roof I was here over the weekend about like a month ago and I was here alone right I was just working out of the office and it was and all of a sudden I just hear like random noises happen it was the first time that I had ever heard any of this and I'm like oh my gosh what is going on right now like it freaked me out so badly and then you know I I'm like I look outside and I'm like oh they're skateboarders on the roof but there were a lot of them yeah they were like older teenagers and I'm like they might beat me up so I just put on my headphones and cranked up the volume I'm like I'm just gonna cold just gonna work a little bit louder now Oh Matthew comes back I might get beat up I better leave these kids alone alright that's mother Stephanie so anything else about Minecraft so anyway it's I think in general like the the takeaway of this whole thing right it's cool to see PewDiePie playing and I think it's really fascinating that it has brought back this era of you know that trickle down of like here's the big channel and everyone else kind of like follows on the trend it's cool to see collaborations happening again I think the other thing I will say and I think minecraft is just such a positive game and it's such a creative and like fun game that you see a lot of the comment sections on all these videos our videos included you know where people are talking about the game and they're just excited and positive to engage with it it's it's really cool to see like it's it's positive in a way that a lot of other like game franchise franchises a lot of times don't engender and that's that's nice hopefully hopefully it doesn't get too toxic in there oh no we've ruined minecraft there's nothing sacred the last thing I want to say about it though too is I think it's what's most fascinating is watching a lot of the fortnight channels starting to mix in Minecraft I think that's fascinating because because here's the thing right over the last two years with this huge surge in Minecraft or sorry with the huge surgeon fortnight channels were made literally in a year literally in a matter of months they went from like you know a couple thousand subscribers maybe like they've been grinding away at it or whatever and all of a sudden they take off into the stratosphere ninja is a great example of this right and we talked about this in this episode where it's like eight years of grinding away doing his thing playing games but all it takes is the right place at the right time playing the right game and boom all of a sudden he's a worldwide phenomenon set for life in and and that's like a good year right we talked about kind of house numbers peter out after 2018 but it's one of those things where like that's what it took but sustainability is the tough part of that right where it's like great you have an amazing year but you know that's what doesn't need to do it but other people do so it's one of those things where the a lot of these fortnight channels who are like oh man I hoped fortnight would be popular forever but whoops it's not going to be so they have to figure it out and so when they're not playing Minecraft fortnight I bet a lot of them are like figuring out the Minecraft well that's that's the thing right they have to find out what is the next big game that is just like the game that everyone needs to play right now and because of PewDiePie and because of all these factors it's minecraft and so you see the mixing minecraft into their schedules and a lot of them are having a lot of success with it I think it's fascinating though that those two games are the ones that are kind of synergizing together yeah and I'm wondering when people get tired of Minecraft where does it go to you know I mean minecraft has had some unbelievable sustainability it's gone up and down and up and down but like it's it's actually hung in there really really well I think the thing that's most fascinating though is a lot of what it takes is just a couple of large creators getting together and saying this is like I think that's someone needs to do this right where it's like a couple large creators get together and be like this is the game we're all gonna play this at the same time we're gonna supercharge it and you know we've created the trend that then trickles down from there so here's a question minecraft is owned by Microsoft now that's the one yeah we're all gonna get together in playful naf naf is gonna have a big resurgence people are gonna be nostalgic for oh I remember the first 1/2 I'd love to see the Fortnight errs playfun Ave that would be so funny it would be so it would be so right it would be really good it would be super dumb I just like the concept of a lot of the Fortnight errs playing indie games I think that that's just a funny fun world to imagine in my mind I think so too I'm sorry you're saying last question is minecraft is owned by Microsoft Ninja was just bought over to mixer which is also owned by Microsoft Microsoft going to be like hey ninja switch to playing Minecraft and so we just we just bought you now you have to play our game huh that's fascinating I could see that I mean here's the thing it's he has to play for tonight because again looking at the statistics for a ninja he's really struggled to get his audience to watch him play minecraft no I don't have any actually keeps amazing track of like the games that dreamers play but I don't think he's actually played minecraft I don't think so either I'd have to look at twitch Dre he's always been more of a first and third person shooter yeah I know it's not really his bag but I mean I get a lot of the 49ers are switching over to it I could totally see him going in that direction I'm willing to let Minecraft I'm just thinking I'm willing to let Minecraft ride on for another like month or two yeah but snaf man end of the year for now trend bring back the nostalgia he's so funny that would be so I get not even for our own sake I just think it would be hilarious to do anyway so that's that's PewDiePie minecraft and just like the general trend of Minecraft here on you - it's been fun I think it's fun I think it's refreshing I think a lot of people feel refreshed like it feels it's a bell jar right like a bell jar is a jar and you have like the invent we're going with this I was I was gonna say that YouTube for a lot of I think gamers especially especially if you're not playing fortnight for the last year has felt a bit like a bell Jarre right where you're in it but you're kind of like slowly suffocating because because dark well no because things that because things are stagnating right because it's one game that you play over and over again you're trapped in fortnight kind of yeah like where it felt like things were at a sand standstill like they were trapped in a vacuum chamber or bell jar or whatever and you see it and you're like alright but it's still that same game and yes there are small iterations to it and this and that but it was a very stagnant ecosystem and now for some reason the resurgence of minecraft makes it feel like it's no longer stagnant it feels like people are excited again and kind of like refreshed to kind of come back and like do their best work yes it's nice it's nice and we know a lot of the old school minecraft channels too so I hope they're benefiting from it it seems like they are I know CaptainSparklez went on Twitter to say like it's his best month in year years at this point which is great for him yeah okay so anyway the Minecraft is super fun do you like playing it are you excited that effect so a lot of people told us already on Twitter that shoot yeah here hop over pop over to the twit Steph so it's I wanted to find all the people who are like oh yeah you've like I've been inspired to play Minecraft again at Mohammed s ban says Mohammed is a Minecraft I'm reading your name Minecraft is evolved as someone who played it as a child I love it it's been a great ride and I'm curious to see it evolve in the future right um let's see a lot of people have been saying like oh I want to play it again yeah there's there's actually a bunch of people who have been like oh yeah I really am excited to see minecraft again Nico's losing his mind I want to see Ali play Minecraft that would be cute give it a couple years FG TV here we come alright next uh we don't have that much time stuff right it's 4:15 so we should we should power through these right so real quick let's talk about the new Alden movie news that just happened so right before this livestream and we're trying to get familiar with it cuz this is big stuff right obviously we have film theory so this is all really interesting to us there's gonna be a fourth Matrix movie with Keanu Reeves who is whose breathtaking I hear he's breathtaking breathtaking we are all breathtaking so counter Reeves is going to be in a fourth Matrix movie and also this whole rigmarole about spider-man leaving the MCU right this is crazy so there's a lot of big movie news happening so first and foremost will get since we have a limited amount of time let's do some hot takes here first off about the matrix before we get to spider-man I'm really doubtful you know the first matrix was awesome the other two were like and I'm really not I'm really not confident in how they're going to handle the fourth Matrix what do you didn't like the like 15 minute expositional scene with the architect explaining everything to you but not really explaining it it's what you did you didn't like the twins with their like huge dreadlocks they were a thing or like machine baby in in matrix 3 machine baby and him like losing his eyes and now he's blind even more christ-like figure than he already was what do you think Kris you're a movie nerd I'm totally down for matrix for really I mean I'll see it I know that I'll see it and I will hope for the best but I will expect the worst I mean I guess the thing is with something like the matrix same with Harry Potter at this point I'll see all of them because I love the universe and I don't expect it to be good anymore but I'd want to revel in the world yeah I get that that's a fair point I think that's a fair point to say because the matrix original set up the world so well that it did carry me through at least wanting to see it in 2 & 3 but I I don't have a lot of faith that they're going to do a great job bringing it back yeah the story ultimately and it's interesting right I feel like I feel the way Chris is kind of expressing himself about a lot of franchises at this point in general where I love the initial premise I love the world that's been created but I'm really kind of bummed out about the stories that they're either choosing to tell in those worlds or where those stories ultimately went to right so Steph and I are currently in the middle of Handmaid's Tale season 3 which is the show that we would never talk about on film theory it's just a really good show I mean it's definitely not brand safe it's definitely for like super super material like even us we're uncomfortable watching it a lot of times but the world and situations that it presents are really fascinating the third season decides to take a lot like and it's and that's like I want to watch this world I want to see these stories but then it chooses to tell like the wrong stories or like take the story in a direction and it's like no I don't want that um Harry Potter I think is a great example of that we're like obviously Harry Potter is like one of the most beautiful fantastical magical imaginative fictional universes out there but do I really want to hear about this political intrigue of Grindelwald and the fantastic beasts like do I want to follow the other stuff I actually think is pretty interesting is the characters that we're following but like not really following because they are not actually like the main characters in their own story like that's that's the problem for me again I like the world I just don't like how it's being done yeah the the stories again the stories that are being told are particularly interesting I haven't that's a bummer to hear I've seen like the first three or four episodes where swear seven in and it's it's rough I'm hoping it picks up it's rough but but I mean that's that's a lot of these fictional universes and I think you're totally right to say that the matrix is another one where yeah the matrix is a fascinating world that presents a lot of really interesting things to think about and talk about and do theories on but matrix is 2 & 3 just I like they were fun for the spectacle I love the mr. Smith fights I thought that they were really cool but they got a little bit too far up their own behinds I think in a lot of cases and so I'm curious what they'll do with it I'm hopeful for what they'll do with it do I think it'll necessarily be good track record doesn't necessarily mean a whole lot here um honestly it's it's kind of how I feel about marvel at this point to where Marvel has a lot of goodwill for me I love Marvel and I think like every single one of the movies right and and do I care about the elementals or you know a black widow prequel whatever and all the stuff that's good not not particularly but I want to exist in that world and I want to see it so them I'm not saying that Marvel's drop the ball on story telling it all they haven't they're one of the ones that but they're one of the ones that's created a universe and I'm just really excited to see and live in an experience even if you know the the headline title or the character isn't something I'm excited am I worried about spider-man uh you know I have to go yeah I know we got to go real quick um the spider-man thing is is a bummer right so for those who don't know Sony owns the rights to cinematic spider-man right so even though Marvel owned or sorry Disney owns Marvel and most of the characters spider-man's always been in a weird place where a spider-man is owned at least when it comes to the movies by Sony and so when Spiderman started to get mixed into the Marvel Cinematic Universe that was a licensing agreement with Sony so basically Disney makes the movies because they own Marvel so like Disney and Marvel make the movies and then Sony gets paid out on like from all of the money that the movies make if spider-man is in the movie they get a share of what that movie made and that can sometimes be huge numbers because obviously Marvel movies do really really really well but Disney was basically like hey we're making you so much money and you're doing no work so you need to contribute to the making of these movies like you need to help us pay for these movies they cost hundreds of millions of dollars and you know you're still gonna make money at the end of the day but you need to like help us put the bill based oh yeah you have to like pick up the tab here come on and Sony was like uh I don't think so we're just here to profit on the back end and so I mean I think the only person who really loses either way because these are both mega corporations right it's hard to feel bad for either one of them but the people who lose out in the at the end of the day are the fans because if people aren't free to use the spider-man character it means that he can't be used like to the best advantage in storytelling and from a creative perspective and so I think that between Sony and Disney the loser is going to be the audience right I think yeah and honestly I do feel pretty bad for I mean as much as it is I feel bad for Disney like Disney owns the world so I can't feel that bad for Disney Plus comes out and they try to kill YouTube then you hold a different I'm already mad at them because they're trying to do the whole crackdown on people using the log in multiple times they're trying to be like we're gonna figure out how to do that and crackdown it so that's already kind of a shady move on their part it's not Shady it sucks but but it's one of those but I do feel bad right cuz you're totally right they're doing all the heavy lifting on the these spider-man movies made him again like a huge household name I mean he's always been but like made him a huge celebrity really tied a lot of their Cinematic Universe into spider-man is kind of like taking the torch left behind by Tony Stark and Iron Man and then for that to suddenly like disappear because of contract negotiated like that sucks like I feel bad I into into the spider-verse complicates things because I think if into the spider-verse had done poorly Sony would have been like yep will kowtow will concede but because into the spider-verse prove that they're like hey we can actually make a decent spider-man movie on our own anyway and it was amazing I think now they're like oh do we really need this hey you made spider-man popular oh we're just gonna take off the top okay we gotta go it's a bummer so anyway that was a short sip we will be back tomorrow Thursday I'll be back Thursday you won't yeah go solo I have to go on a trip but I will miss all of you and we will see you next time yes we'll see you next time there's a brand new game theory that launched a couple hours ago on this whole thing all the secrets that we've been seating into our videos over the last year really so go check them out especially clues that we've hidden on the live livestream we kind of decode some of those that's in part two but it's happening but anyway so go check that out and if you'll excuse us we go run to this meeting but we love you we'll see you on thorough see you on Thursday and until then remember that's just the tea the tea series thanks for putting up with my failure to come up with a good catchphrase you
Channel: GTLive
Views: 194,173
Rating: 4.9003043 out of 5
Keywords: tea series, tea series gtlive, gtealive, pewdiepie, marzia, pewdiepie wedding, pewdiepie married, minecraft, pewdiepie minecraft, jake paul, tana mongeau, spiderman, matrix, disney, tana paul, gtlive, game theorists, game thoery, matpat, matpat and steph, matt and steph
Id: -7fa-Qc0XK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 8sec (3248 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 20 2019 🗫︎ replies

NGL, haven't watched the Dr. Stone episode yet because I haven't seen the series before so it was bumped down the watch priority. I guess I'll have to check out the intro at least!

Anyways, hey, look, Minecraft popularity, the thing I wanted to hear them talk about ;D I know Mat probably didn't even see my post (cause, again, this place has gone *crazy* wild with discussion threads), but it was great to hear their thoughts on the recent resurgence nonetheless.

One thing that caught my attention though was his question on what would be the next big thing that everyone plays, which is something that I've been curious about myself. It's not gonna be FNAF, obviously, but that's because FNAF is sort of in the wrong category: the games that become THE games to play for a long period of time have almost always been multiplayer. Fortnite, League of Legends, Overwatch... heck, GTA V still gets a ton of play, but not for the story mode, it's the online lobbies that are full. Not that those games don't also have story to them, even enough to generate some fun theories about, but at the core of it, people aren't logging in for round after round of battle royale because THIS is gonna be the round where they discover some deep new secret, they're doing it because they want to have fun playing a video game blasting other people and competing for 1st place.

Now, games like FNAF can become "indie popular". These are games that are usually a single-player experience with more of a story focus that does something unique, and executed well enough to gather a following of people who are crazy about this sort of thing and want to see more. Bendy, DDLC, FNAF, Undertale... none of these games are ever going to spend months at the top of Twitch's Most Streamed charts like the ones in the previous category, but they're there long enough to pull in a pretty dedicated following who stick around for months or even years afterwards.

The thing with Minecraft (and to a lesser extent, Mario Maker) is that it somewhat succeeds on BOTH fronts: It's a blast to play multiplayer, but also, like Mat mentions, it's great at fostering creativity in its players even working by themselves. The story may not be as deep as some of the indie darlings, but it gives players the tools to, essentially, make their own stories and unique experiences. Just like the fan games and mods of FNAF, DDLC, and Undertale, Minecraft brings you a means to bring your own creative vision to the table. I think it will never quite be THE archetypal multiplayer game, or THE archetypal story game, but if there's ever one or both of those currently not on fire (and you could argue that there hasn't been a new one of either of those to really catch fire in the last year or so, Kindergarten 2 and Deltarune were big but I dunno if they're gonna be as big as the originals), I think we might see something like Minecraft continue to resurface.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/DiabloGraves 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies
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