GTA5 - Nostalgia Session! Car Roulette 2, Sleeping Gas Races and Stupid Stunt Jumps!

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oh you look so epic standing in that sunlight F off oh man this looks beautiful look at that sunet I know it's beautiful this is the official momade chicken car momade chicken what does that mean rub Los is there scking run oh no we've been saving it for 8 years and today is the day come on Delirious you got it imagine I can pull up my my phone here in game GTA 6 and order order me some food and it actually comes to me in real life you mean U eats yeah [ __ ] don't worry I'll get him I'll show him who's boss the wrong car I was aiming for the other oh [ __ ] I committed a crime I committed a crime hey Lou delious made a good point what happens if uh GTA 6 comes out there's no hockey mask there's no owl mask and there's no monkey mask who cares we started off without that it's over it's over no Rebrand things will never be the same no we Rebrand as what what are you going to Rebrand as I I thought about that I might as well I might as well start a new channel any day way I don't know we'll figure it out when like just how it did in this one I think we should just go to a nice quiet place and just die and that happens to die though just go to the graveyard and all of us just jump in the grave and then we're just just alive in the grave like now what we just like did anyone bring a Nintendo DS why a DS like I just ordered Uber Eats Rockstar should they should have [ __ ] did more stuff with influencers yeah yeah look where they are now and look where you are I bet they're wishing man I we could have done big things with h2 delirious actually if it wasn't for groups like us their [ __ ] would be a glitchy yes oh my God oh my where they go look this guy has something to say everybody listen yes today is the day today is the day we get why you keep doing today is the day that we get to witness greatness we get to Bru inside of why did you have to choose a hard word you know what I'm done no don't be done don't be done I was listening was listening like there's absolutely no reason for you to be all fancy out careful guys I'm trying to I'm trying to [Music] science what I asked for extra secret sauce I have some extra secret sauce thank you for the deal you just jerk that man off thanks for the deal you ordered extra sauce thanks for sucking my dick you off all right listen up listen up I have bronchitis Brian has leprosy covid 20 or something cuz he's sick and he can't make it today okay so we have to put our business on pause we have to kill time get new airplanes and see if we can fly through the TV like like old school days maybe we should clean up our garage you know what I'm saying yes maybe we should figure out what cool vehicles I have in my collection you be sold for auction bet you my garage looks better than your garage oh yeah all right whose garage are we going to see first you show your garage first how about that dude I don't I don't have anything this [ __ ] is going to have like the most OP garage I've ever seen in my life I have vehicles we've never seen you only have half a garage oh my God where' you get these you got invisible Vehicles what is this the that one I got for doing the the mission the be beginning of runs like this one looks like one you would actually drive in real life it's lacking some yellow though all right next up it's going to be a 3 minute video let's do this hold on hold on let me see Let Me Wait real quick just so you guys know oh what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what happened he had a heart attack he finally died damn it I like how I like how we both ran for the money though like our our instincts were like let me get the dollar bills first before we figure out how this man died here I'm going to go in my garage I want you guys to come in and check it out but cin here in my garage I uh what up welcome to Delirious sanctuary of of then why is this one black sound like sound like a death sound why youed blue all right give give us a story on each of your why do I have two of these yo this car is one of the cars they took away that everyone was crying about I think you can't buy it anymore so delirious people be like oh my gosh larious has the vapid bullet all right this is what he does he comes into the his garage he starts it up and starts turning the wheel like that yeah and then and then I start coughing for no reason at all and then he then he gets out that was a hell of a ride all right well take us to the next one in your might as well look at his while we're here who skull is that that you're you're [Music] riding ah I guess it's my skull now oh I have two garages I have two garages so you're going to see two what up boys oh my God Welcome to My Garage welcome what are you talking about this looks like a little like a little kid truck how do you get that in here I don't understand you built it in here huh you know what that is a good question I do not know how I'm going to get this out of here so you got a vintage faggio yeah me and this F go way back V Vos is damn we should be embarrassed Lou Vos is damn garage was better than ours mine's full of excitement I it has full of stories behind all of these beautiful Vehicles which one do you want to hear about first tell us about this one this one is a car that I specifically bought to get uh a cinematic shot of what uh uh uh uh wildcat's car was during a mission he's like where' my money go and he was like oh yeah I bought that car so I showed this car parked outside you went and bought this car for b-roll footage yeah yeah it was worth it though was worth it I don't think theater mode existed or maybe it did maybe it's just that he didn't actually have his car parked outside and I had to get footage of it oh I I love the background story okay do you remember what this one is is from yeah this is the one where we were all like in Batmobiles or in the tunnels of Los anos we're like to the banana cave all right banana team let's go banana team out go look at these wheels you got four of them 1 2 3 4 yeah dude and you might truly be Bruce Dwayne Bru you Bruce past tense that's past tense of Bruce this is the official momade chicken car momade chicken what does that mean wait have you seen it before but you don't know what it means no you're lying you no I don't know what it means we got to make it in time for dinner okay we got to make it home nothing's going to stop us not make chicken which one are we going to sacrifice to uh this one this one this one looks expensive and not important I remember when we used to go into the garage you were able to like attack the person as he was going in the garage can't do day anymore I don't think good old days [ __ ] you you just selling that car here damn it what was that your bad driving saved you the head $445,000 he finally got me I just see your dead ass body over there all right your next garage next garage out of my way [ __ ] hit and run welcome to garage number two you see I haven't filled it up yet the Dubach looks ugly right there the words talking about that says do Batman this is my flying motorcycle I never use I don't think you even know how to use this one I do I've used it before yeah but I don't think you're good I don't think you're good at this one professional glider show us how to use this one show us you know how to use this one your garage is very random here we go oh [ __ ] fly to the moon ven I flight to the Moon I'll be back yeah can we still do the old uh motorcycle [ __ ] Glide across the map like that glitch yes yes stop talking during that moment you're so far away from us I found my tree found hise absolutely massive right now enemy [Music] spotted damn it dude oh look at that car think about the other type of paints you could put on on this car Vanos this oh what is this this would fit into your into your garage you want me to get a new car yes that's why you sold the other one all right look at this [ __ ] and look what we have created the green screen mobile you can put whatever you want on it all right if you're watching right now take a screenshot right here of us in this car green screen it send it to Vanos on Twitter yeah not Delirious cuz he can't be on that platform let's go go hit him up on threads shut up so you guys want to take a trip to uh a cool place that Lou found yeah let's do it I could One V one Delirious in a race oh [ __ ] there's a black man attached to my car let me go [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay oh I'm okay see nothing guys look at the hole y'all see the hole hold on hold on hold on we're going back going back we're going back it's time to see Delirious's hole oh so epic that was lame don't worry I got it in cinematic you look really cool man what up delir see I customized these railings too beautiful preparing for this day why the hell are we here we're here because we're about to play a game called what is this game called Lou oh [ __ ] I don't know dude um this is called The Laughing Gas race this is called This is called OG GTA YouTubers run out of ideas no this is a really good idea we've been saving it we've been saving it for 8 years and today is the day all right we just running across is that it it's a race okay but he's going to shoot us no he's not going to shoot us you'll see all right racest we've ever had on the count of three you have to say go though all right 1 2 3 go ah he left early St yes yes I'm with no [ __ ] you can't even hear I'm winning I'm winning not even not even doing anything anymore I'm winning [ __ ] ah we win no please [ __ ] help clear you fall off yeah I'm up here I'm right beside you I'm up I'm down what the what is no no he's winning yes yes I'm so close to yes jump we have to jump over the railing at the end God stop him St no no [Music] yeah that was so close wow that was actually I was not expecting that oh man dude in my screen it was hard to see who was up who was down because you guys kept sliding left and right everywhere and that's a good way to end the garage video K Vanos defeated me in the in the race even though I didn't you know what the hell we were doing and I consider he cheated we talking about him cheat but now Louie you must take on the champion you must defeat him and if you can't defeat him Lou I'm the Champion then me and you are going to go against each other and then I'm the Champion then we're going to determine who gets third place I'm ready here we go I can't lose at this two one go go ahead yeah fall first oh god oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] get up that's right that's right this is going down you're going to stay down you're staying down with me dude I'm doing it strategically looking at the stars it's beautiful night he not stop yes oh my God oh my God yes no oh my God I wasn't ready yes all right dude that was the game master error right there guys the game master error I was trying to turn on my flashlight accidentally throw a C4 as he took off running I think he said gay Master yeah I demand a rematch I I demand a rematch double or nothing double or nothing double or nothing or nothing double or nothing double don't even look at me double or nothing due to technicalities we are having a rematch that's right in three two you're going down Lou oh [ __ ] oh my God this looks wait is there gas even coming out um that's not working I don't know it like distraction he standing up way too quickly what the hell oh that was a good one that was a good fall no no dude yes no I could just jump over this going oh no yeah wow Delirious sabotage there's no friendly fire this for real is like a 50/50 though cuz you just don't know like when you're going to get up or not get wait before you leave before you leave before you leave go to that big circle thing what big circle thing where Delirious put the car in like where you try to go through the the stunt jump thingy oh yeah I'm going to see I can fly a plane through it right now yeah you can fly through this listen I'm a professional flyer okay professional F yeah dude he's got it all locked down in the Midlands oh man this looks beautiful I no this [ __ ] God's raised God's rais sh no you guys I don't think it's going to fit it's not going to fit it's he got it he stopped this is not the smallest vehicle it was dead on in the Middle look the wing broke off and everything oh my God this is not the smallest one get ready Lou you ready I'm ready right this is going to rock That's My Boy the professional flyer don't claim this guy remember what I taught you oh God where where's the hole at come on Delirious oh [ __ ] don't fail your family wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what the where did you hear his like last words like oh my God where's the hole at oh my God he's already coming in Lou it's about to start oh [ __ ] I'm not even ready about the start that's my son here it goes come on Delirious you got it yes didn't fit you know what you could do could use the motorcycle I can show you the world I saw him fly diagonal and then immediately die on impact here here he comes on my way I heard I heard I heard he was part of the the Airhead Force I'm going to do it he did it holy [ __ ] he did it they thought he couldn't do it but he did I didn't do it he went through on my screen I hit my head on the thing no way dude we saw it and you've inspired people all over the world including me it's the owl's time to fly they said it couldn't be done said ow couldn't fly but then I said I'll prove you wrong I'll do it myself I'm the alpha owl yeah that's right to infinity and the owl missed it all the wall I made it I made it through and I came back oh you look so epic standing in that sunlight fos I know look at that Sunset I know it's beautiful [ __ ] I flew backwards look what I did was I pressed a and I pressed Y at the same time and I flew backwards I just fled the [Music] dumpster wow dude that was so hold on how did I do that show how it's done what is it a then y oh Jesus Lou see there you go Lou look look Ed we did it I told you we [ __ ] did it that was crazy that was the coolest trick shot ever I was like I survived the blast run around don't walk forward okay guess which trash can I'm in and throw a grenade into it all right I am turning around yes now all right Lou you can see me kid you no I can't see you don't don't adjust your camera so you don't see me I know you're I know you're in one of the lower ones don't he's going to be in this one don't adjust your camera honestly you know that was pretty good though that was a pretty good game because you really didn't know all right all right but it's funny how you died immediately all right all right you ready yeah okay time to turn around you hiding yes okay we got to figure out which dumpster he's in 20 seconds let me go for first yeah yeah go ahead go ahead 15 [ __ ] that's hard to throw in did I get it that was too far it's hard to throw grenades here here I'll do it I'll do it I'll do it I you missed wait what he died where was he heit he was over here what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] right here yeah how' you die hey we standing where were you standing how did you die you find this pip I was going to run in and blow you guys up listen up Lou came up with a brilliant plan to put some car bombs in these cars we don't me and Vanos don't know which ones have car bombs in it we are going to take turns one by one jumping in the car um L think of a number between 1 and 10 and who which one of us gets closer is the one that doesn't choose first say it on the count of three all right all right all right 1 2 3 S three wow you guys are even cuz I picked five I put it in the chat look oh wow you did count of three number one through 20 1 2 3 seven oh my gosh 1 through 50 in the count of three one 2 3 it was one Vanos that means I choose first all right I'm going to choose the first car he pulled up in the red one oh that's a that's a good pick man here we go yeah won this reminds me of the dumpster game that was a fast game guys why do I feel like all of these have bombs I don't I don't think they do cuz he remember he jumped in two well there's only one way to find out you already you did it yes congratulations go ahead L take your pick who's that what the hell who's this guy who the [ __ ] is this guy who the [ __ ] okay Delirious it's your turn it's your turn now God Dam it it's over I got beat by a random guy welcome ladies and gentlemen to carette 2 yes hell yeah you guys are going to pick a number between 1 through 50 all right okay 1 2 3 3 two yes I beat you Vanos gets to choose who goes first all right who goes first Vanos I will choose to go second okay delious you go first all right I'm going to choose the outside the outside man he that would have been the closest place to park the car if you install the bomb in that I know but it would be too obvious but maybe he wants us to to think about what we're thinking right now Dam it wait leave move this car I can salvage the rest nothing we we here I'm bringing another car we nothing no no no no I'm trying dude I'm trying okay we got three we got three here we got three never mind [ __ ] I got to save one I got to save this one save one oh my God I got one I got one I saved it y you get to you get to keep the car Vos welcome to round two the Auntie is up are you guys ready I'm ready whoever L is L is there steaking run oh [ __ ] oh no and they have to work a clucking Bell home of the chicken whoer gets to choose first want me to go first you go first all right I don't know man we're going down I was going to pick this one cuz I was like he's standing on it and then you see how fast he jumped off of that he did he jumped off of it he scared I don't know this one is risky listen if you pick that one and you blow up that means we go we go a third round no he wouldn't pick the one underneath this Shadow right here this dark area careful with the red cars cuz he really likes red okay well this is orange so this is safe see look watch boom and safe all right all right Delirious he wouldn't pick a blue car would he yes he would yes he would there's no way he would pick a blue car that looks like it he just drove it out of the damn shop don't pick that one don't be stupid man all right fine I'll pick this one with the cop under one with the cop under no no way no there's no way there's no way dude there's no way listen I was going to pick the blue one and you told me not to what are you writing over here you called the you tried to call me a [ __ ] but I turned into Bitcoin Master sh up Master now oh [ __ ] it's raining too now have chosen the car and I have put a bomb into it who goes first BOS I will go first I will go first this time okay cuz I'm not scared of nothing yeah starting with this one right here wisely you wouldn't choose this one you wouldn't choose the one you would stand on I told you told you all right Lou hope you guys didn't cheat by the way we didn't cheat I wasn't I was shining my flashlight you to drive into us with this one that's true that's true that's a good pick use wisely I'm Mo some cars look at that one right in front of the the custom shop look suspicious I think this one's safe but that's too boring to choose maybe I couldn't move that one after I got out of look at the one that's over there what the hell happened there is that a car is that in this game yes they're all in this game n you wouldn't risk this one You' be like oh they might see me because it's like kind of at this angle yeah see see all right L you choose you're too lazy to go for this red egg over here oh but am I am I yes you really are explosions explosions I feel he wouldn't he wouldn't he wouldn't do this one because I feel like if that was the one and he couldn't move it anywhere else he'd be like we got to get different cars this one's broken or something would I do that I don't know man I don't think you would do it I don't think you do it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the way he played it off I'm going to go for the egg one over here God I don't think you would have touched feel like that one's not safe n he didn't do this one can you even go in it he didn't even get in it oh is it broken can he get in it no I don't trust it anyways I'm going to go for this white one going for the white one he's going for the white one oh no uh-oh now it's a 50/50 now it's a real game 5050 for between the black one and that egg one wait is this one still in the game I think Lou jump in it on purpose can you not get in this one you can what the hell is this I'm picking a black one [ __ ] you the gray one I'm not stupid man damn it dude scared me went through all of them that was so good what the hell man nine more if we want to have one more round B do you want to pick a car uh yeah I can oh yeah I got to just do this one last thing one last thing back this up right there perfect actually let me leave the door open even there we go okay this is going to this is going to mine [ __ ] them all right finish I'm done ah welcome to the final round of car roulette the game that is known to be better than a dumpster game what screw you you're jealous all right you know what L he picked this one 100% we're going to blow up I swear to God okay Delirious has chosen first wow dude I really thought Vanos would have done that because it was a joke really thought he would have done that oh damn this is a fast round blue one is really coling to me the gray one though he thinks I will forget about the gray one you know the gray one hasn't even been touched it hasn't even been moved that's right hasn't even been moved oh there we go oh there we go there you go Louie you put it in the blue one 100% he put it in the blue car don't touch it Lou not huh because this is part of his his brain his his he couldn't help himself are you sure do yeah I'm sure hold I'm sure what are you doing sure wait minute can you actually see the B that would be hilarious it's a man and you chose the blue car you could sit in the blue car if you want boring white one a nice rain yes I knew you guys would fall for it I knew it I put it in the exact same spot I got it perfect analyzed it okay well I think we've played it enough times this game this game mode is actually pretty fun it is a fun one it we could bring this back in like a 100 years from now all right yeah I got to get upstairs I got to go this was fun my editor's going to make five videos one for each car roulette there you go there's six videos since since you been call my a purpose and clear gu that feeling is lost I Since You Been call my of purpose and clear gu that feeling is lost without you
Channel: VanossGaming
Views: 1,748,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, Montage video games, gaming, Vanoss, VanossGaming, Gameplay, Secret, Puncake, Parody, Comedy, Remix, Epic, Trolling, Xbox One, MultiplayerPS4, Funtage
Id: sQgwK2GdCXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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