GTA - ARTWORK vs GAME! (2001 - 2020)

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] hey maria move your butt dumb bro does this every time and here she is the one and only queen of sheba what were you doing up there whatever it was i bet it cost me money well you don't think i hang around here for the conversation do you get in the car and keep your big mouth shut take the limo but bring it back in one piece you hear me and watch her she can be trouble yeah yeah yeah i'm sure your new lap dog has everything covered and isn't he big and strong hey fighter let's go visit chico and get some party treats [Music] how you doing kid the don's son joey leone he wants some action from his regular girl misty go pick her up at hepburn heights but watch yourself that's diablo turf then run her over to his garage and trenton and make it quick joey ain't the kind you keep waiting remember this is your foot in the door so keep your eyes on the road and off misty [Music] get lost i know a place on the edge of the red light district where we can lay low but my hands are all messed up so you better drive brother okay let's do this thing i can set this baby to detonate but i still can't use a piece with these hands here this rifle should help you pop some heads [Music] oh for god's sake it's you oh geez i'm gonna need new pants hey those psychos from up north they've been on the horn and they're coming down here soon now where is the goddamn money relax relax we're not at that party wow i thought that you were taking care of this i really did and now those guidos say we gotta do them a favor you mean i gotta do them a favor oh of course that's what i mean do i look like i can intimidate a jury i couldn't intimidate a child and believe me i've tried [Music] can you help me and any grease balls giving you a hard time i'll see to it they take a long dirt nap okay what could i do for you this delivery company has got its depot on some prime land they won't sell they're hanging on like a big old prairie rat so we got to go in there and smoke that vermin out head on down there and stir up a homeless nest the security will have their hands full and then you can sneak in and put them out of business yes brilliant bloody brilliant hey tommy glad you could make it hey you ever made love fish before no i haven't but i've always loved your music let me introduce you to the band this is per percy dick uh willy's in the carseat and that was jess in the booth earlier and guys i want you to meet a good friend of mine this is tommy we go way back the boys need some help thanks who connected it we need some drugs pal gotta get on the old local fish beauty you know yeah well this is vice city man what's the problem love juice man we need to love juice men can love juice uh nice hopping holmes well you just shook that whatever's hanging come here baby hey get your dirty hands off my scissors what is wrong with you oh you're acting like she's your woman eh she's with me cabron so chill the [ __ ] out i treat her good baby don't start no [ __ ] don't make it [Music] what [ __ ] this [ __ ] is my brother easy homes he ain't from nowhere he's cool well i say he ain't cool i say he thinks he's gangsta man and i don't like it so you know what you can do for me man you can [ __ ] off bendeco and then maybe we could nah you [ __ ] off i'm talking to my sister oh [ __ ] come on homes i can handle this this is important to me who's this [ __ ] the name's carl johnson sir before working with mr rosenberg here i had the pleasure doing business with your son joey back in liberty city you know my joey i like that so kid what can i do for you well ken vouch for me i'm a straight killer oh one man [ __ ] army a real dependable total [ __ ] maniac too you know the pharrellis are sending over a crew to hit me their flight gets in soon traveling is a string quartet i was gonna send some of the boys over as a little welcoming committee but uh maybe you can take care of it so this is the big tough you don't look so tough thanks it is my honest wish to destroy a man mr biryani however he is taking delivery of more munitions today i want you to steal those weapons from right under his ignorant nose good goodbye tony i know what you did and no one is more grateful than me honestly but the idea that you walk in here and start to question my leadership right away is quite frankly out of order cabish i understand boss so when you need something give vincenzo a call down at atlantic key he'll take care of you won't you lucky of course boss anything you say tell you what we can go there now [Music] ah siblings just like me and diego how apt listen mendes we don't want no crap hey listen fans brothers you want me to kill you now no problem or we can work together your call the hell kind of choice is that all right i guess we're going to work together good diego so victor lance who has been ripping us off all of us because now we are partners a team as it were four brothers yeah it was martinez really okay prove it i mean prove it now so you're vic yeah and you you do yes no i'm santa claus i heard a lot about you missed the big buddies with the mendez i don't think we're exactly friends whatever you say i heard you wasn't exactly load of laughs amigo but crack a [ __ ] smile life is amazing look at me i got porn i got drugs i got money i'm happy [Music] hey man this is getting out of control the police are all over me i can feel them sure so so so so i'm gonna go to prison for a long time so my life is over oh god all this work for nothing man get out [ __ ] you better stop slinging that [ __ ] on my streets yo we don't want it anymore aoj you catching this rolling rolling for [ __ ] the streets have spoken now leave my people alone you nico what are you doing here oh i am not in the mood for this right now well he said he was going to bust a dealer can you help me clean this mess up there's a doctor in broker who can help come on let's put him in my car [Music] dimitri hey sit down what's the problem what do you think mikhail mr faustin you're given a choice kill your best friend or die what do you do and there is no way out not now shut the [ __ ] up my [ __ ] wife is watching television good lord what are you doing nothing i mean i was finding out who he is and who is he he is his cousin you were about to cut up some guy in my house making all that noise to find out he's his cousin where did you find this idiot he was a friend of your sergeant when we earned whatever stock he's an ambassador so nicole bellick you think it's okay to kill my employees if he is an [ __ ] yes i agree [Applause] look at me i can piece of [ __ ] now listen nicobellic you are very lucky vlad was an idiot the only reason i keep him around is because i [ __ ] his sister look at me you owe me [Music] do you ever clean your raggedy [ __ ] ass up [ __ ] you lamar i mean franklin or whatever everybody on the block knows you gonna avoid wooden shits well [ __ ] if going vinewood means i ain't hitting the pipe like 1992 then [ __ ] i'm guilty as charged hulk ass what [ __ ] ass excuse me look i'm sorry but where's your love for the hood jb ain't doing good he needs help we need your help [ __ ] we're going to lose everything oh [ __ ] what do i got to do same as before boo a little help with the tow truck nothing for a real man like you all right you just get yourself together your ass don't went crazy [Music] keep him away from me and the children you low-life whoremongering ass wipe did someone say yoga no i think she said [ __ ] monitoring ass wipe hello fabian darling namaste amanda are we ready to practice yes oh yes she's very centered a regular oasis some peace ability this one anger issues and worst friends no wonder i'm so upset you too please namaste we practice miguel join us please no please no no no the yoga is for sharing come come again go awesome [Music] you have come a long way today mikhail yes later you will cry like a baby yeah right his chakras are completely blocked don't worry about him is it downward dog i'm glad we have helped with your impotence mikhail what'd you say your sexual energies have been blocked for too long back into my pelvis back backpack yoga is the answer mikhail but what is the question uh why am i such a [ __ ] we are leaving and we are never coming back good you are alone you pathetic psychopath ugh [ __ ] you hand it bony french [ __ ] yogi ah [Music] all right it's the auditions fame or shame season 14 right here in vinewood san andreas coming up next it's tracy de santa judges tracy de sansa yes hi all right tracy's a dancer but she also likes acting modeling and working with children that's that's beautiful you're so original like a a basket full of puppies or a rainbow or a pile of puke who are these clowns that's my dad and trevor two dads great barry san andreas what are you guys doing here yeah what are you doing here okay i'm back relax chill make yourself at home he's got a little show to do here okay three two one all right it's famour shame for tracy desanta music [Music] hey i got security security [Music] okay there you go i'm all right what are you doing now i want you to dance sexy celebrity i mean i need music or are you trying to [ __ ] annoy me huh i'll dance good all right all right now drop it like it's hot all right i want to see you get nice and low come on slower slower come on oh please don't kill me okay i'm supposed to be on a magazine cover next week
Channel: BlaZe 92
Views: 425,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blaze 92, ARTWORK VS GAME, GTA ARTWORKS, gta artwork, gta evolution, gta games, gta, gta 3 maria, artwork, art work, maa, salvatorie, dimitri, elizabeta, gta iv, gta 5, gta v, gta 4, gta vc, vice city, san andreas, gta comparison, art work gta 5, tonya
Id: oMm5Z5RVCi4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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