GTA 5 Mod Guide: Extended Video Export Explained and Configured!

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hello guys this is Ali Alid also known as Nightingale I am the developer of extended video exports mod for GTA 5 through the years many of you have been using my mod to enhance your videos and I am flattered by the feedback uh you guys gave me regarding the quality and value it adds to your videos so basically what this mod does is that instead of the low quality video that Rockstar editor gives you it uh exports the video in a better quality uh using other encoders than the default one it also adds this high quality motion glare effect to your videos for High Fidelity cinematics uh through this video I will guide you uh on how to install and use this mod to uh export better videos and have control over the quality of your exports let's go before you can use the mod you need to install a couple of dependencies first of all head to and in the download section download the latest version of voder with which I will link below uh just download it and install it it doesn't need any configuration you have to just install the package uh after that you need to uh install the latest version of Microsoft Visual C++ r distributable package uh x64 which I will link also below uh and you have to to install that as well now you got to download the mod from the GTA 5 webssite uh I will also put a link to the mod below uh you just have to download the latest version and open it and then you have to copy these two to your GTA5 uh directory here uh I have to remove the oldest old version first then remove these two files and I copy these two into my GTA 5 directory uh if you are using 5m you have to go to percent Local app data percent 5m uh inside this directory plugins and then again I have to remove these two files and copy them from the latest package and done you have installed the mod into your GTA 5 game now that you have install the mod you have to run the game and wait for it to load to settings and make sure that uh your screen type is set to window or window borderless uh the mod uh might not work on full screen so use window borderless or Windows uh for now I will use window uh because it's the uh simplest uh way I can test it um and make sure that in advanced Graphics your frame scaling mode is set to off uh for now the mod doesn't work with the other values uh but I'm working on it so uh for now we have to put it to frame to to off put the frame scaling mode to off so uh now we go into to the Rockstar editor load the project I have a test project that I use for whenever I change something in the mod uh which works for a demo purpose as well I load the project and uh export the video uh before that make uh these two uh options uh don't matter at all after you have installed my mod you have to change uh these settings via uh the mod itself so we put them to whatever and um export the video it's a short video about two seconds long and uh now we wait for it to finish and done you'll have EXP imported your first video and it will be in your videos uh directory in your uh user account uh so all right you have exported your first video using extended video export to change the mod options you have to head into your GTA 5 directory and head into the eve directory here and open up uh extended video export and a file with your uh text editor here we have a couple of options uh First Option enables or disables the mod for example if you want to go online or you don't want the performance hit from the mod you can set it to False auto reload config uh determines that uh the config is uh reloaded before each export so uh whenever this is set to true you can alt Tab out of the game change the config and uh alt back alt tab back into the game and Export your video with a new settings output fter by default is your uh videos directory but you can put whatever directory you want uh here but you have to make sure that the directory is created beforehand all right so I put extended export directory in Drive C here and log level you can read about that on The Mod page on GTA 5 uh the default error is only shows you the error uh messages in the log and uh you can put multiple values here for debugging and seeing what's wrong with the mod and stuff like that uh the export uh section has the actual export config uh you change the FPS here uh for example you can put 60 or uh 120 or whatever the FPS you want for the sake of the uh test I will go with uh 60 and motion blur samples uh determines the quality of the motion blur uh the higher the value you uh the better the motion blur but uh it will also increase the video export time so you have to be careful not to put a very large number here uh for the sake of our test I will put 20 and uh motion blur strength determines how many of those samples will go into the actual motion blur uh frame for example half means only 10 of those 20 will go into the final uh frame and uh the other 10 are discarded uh yes we discard some frames uh to simulate the shutter effect of uh video cameras uh this value can be any value from 0 to one uh I will put uh 0.8 here so we get a uh relatively High motion blur and open XR is a format for high dynamic range images uh if you want to export a high dynamic range image from your uh GTA you can use this and uh then you can use a a video editing app that supports P exr or you can use Photoshop to uh view those images uh the this is uh some expert uh stuff uh that I won't cover cover in this video maybe another video and uh for now you don't have to uh uh change this value all right so we save this file and head back into the game game and Export our video again as you can see the uh video is uh being exported but at a very lower speed uh this is because of the both FPS and motion blur samples uh you have to be careful with your motion blur samples not to put a very high number uh as your exports might take a very long time so we wait for the export to be finished and then uh take a look at the video to see how it looks comparing to the original video all right uh the video is here here inside the uh uh directory that we put in the uh config file here's the video as you can see the motion blur is here uh we can replay the video and see how motion blare has affected the surrounding area and the tires and yeah everything uh so so this is uh the basic uh configuration of uh uh extended video export uh in the next section I will uh look uh on the encoding settings and yeah let's see all right if you want to uh change the encoding settings uh I have uh put uh encoder config uh executable here for you to try it opens up the voder uh configuration uh window here you can uh set the codec to whatever you want if you want if you want to use a GPU for encoding or whatever uh encoding you want to use if you want a lossless video you can use ffv1 and uh you can use either the default presets or you can set your options for each of the encoders here and more here for uh audio uh codex and uh the same stuff and uh you have to change you can change the output formats of the file MKV MP4 mov or whatever you can choose here and yeah after you uh set your options you can click okay and the preset Json file will be updated for you to uh have your exports so how does the mod work uh so basically uh what it does is uh that it hooks into the uh video export pipeline of a rockstar editor uh when each frame is ready it grabs the frame and adds it to an accumulation buffer and whenever a number of frames have been accumulated uh then the frame is sent to the encoder and and uh the encoder uh encodes the uh video based on the encoding settings that you guys put there why is there no audio or why is the audio out of sync uh well this is something that I've been working on since uh I added the um frame rates uh settings and motion to the mod but I couldn't fix it no matter what I did I think it's a limitation of the audio subsystem of the game that whenever the frames per second goes above a certain FAL uh the audio goes out of syn and the audio is unusable when you use high uh frame rates or or you use motion BL uh the only thing that you guys can do is to uh export one uh low quality video with like 30 FPS with no motion blare just to have the audio and use whatever you want to export the video uh in high quality and combine them in another software what's next for the mod well I uh have no plan for new features only bu fixes and increasing comp compatibility with uh different configurations and mod people have uh yeah that's it for now so why were there no updates in eight years uh well many happened uh in these eight years I I had to go to mandatory military service back in my country then I had to maintain a full-time job just to pay the bills I got married uh and we migrated twice so yeah that's was a hello a ride yeah eight years yeah so anything to say uh no so anyways guys uh don't forget to subscribe this Channel and click like of course if you like the video and put your comments below uh you can also uh support me on my patreon which I link below bye [Music] subscribe
Channel: NightiNerd
Views: 5,199
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Id: b6EXIXOoigM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 57sec (1077 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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