GTA 5 - MEGA Tsunami FLOODS Los Santos!

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hey what's going on guys my name is nought and today is a big day guys I have been told a tsunami is on the way to lo Santos we are using Franklin right now but we're going to go check up on Michael a bit later on but right now the weather is a little bit of foggy guys you know you can't quite see what's going on but supposedly in the next 24 hours or so we're meant to see a tsunami and I gotta say guys I'm a little bit uncertain I don't really know what's gonna happen I don't know how big this tsunamis gonna be all I know is that the weather is progressively getting worse and worse and worse and you know what I'm gonna bring chop inside shop you're coming inside man I do not want to leave you outside in this tsunami but everyone's saying this tsunami is going to happen the weather is beginning to get worse so I'm beginning to believe it it's actually getting quite windy outside as well come on shop come on now come on I've got you some food inside I've got your favorite ball as well come on come on buddy come on don't be shy no no no don't walk away from me chop come on come on man he likes his kennel too much but if he only knew this scenario yes he's coming inside oh man I really hope this tsunami is not too big but just in case we might actually barricade this house guys um so there we go chop look I've got your favorite ball I've got your pork chop as well come on come inside come inside man it'll be fine ah chop okay you look cozy in there man there we go we got chop inside that's all we need to do now we're going to yeah we may as well barricade this house guys I don't like this weather at all you know what I think I might bring in my furniture as well I don't really want my furniture outside here either guys ah man there's so much to do there's so much to do Franklin but we got time we got time guys let's get to work guys I've been up all night but I can safely say my house has been barricaded I don't think a tsunami is gonna make it through this we got shop inside as well every single window has been closed and we've put a board over as well guys and if we take a look downstairs oh by the way the doors also locked as well we're gonna have to unlock that if you want to get out guys but downstairs you've also barricaded up that window the doors are locked down here and inside Franklin's room we actually decided to pile up all of the garden furniture and we put it against one of the planks because that is where there is no window guys it's just a plank in the way so in case that plank falls down we got the furniture to back it up guys there's a chair wedge between all of them as well so that's actually quite strong um and of course I had to save the barbecue I mean yes I know it's a tsunami and I know there's other priorities but it's a pretty good barbecue and I have some good memories with this guys you know it's an amazing barbecue so I think we're good to go the weather it does sound like it's raining actually let me just listen it does sound like it's raining yeah that's definitely rain and thunder as well oh no oh no guys the tsunami is close yeah that's definitely rain and thunder guys oh man now it's starting to storm what time is it half 9:00 in the morning so we started last night about 7:00 p.m. or so now it's half 9:00 in the morning the tsunami must be close I'm worried about this I don't know how big this tsunamis gonna be but I really hope Franklin's house is gonna be okay we got chop inside here guys as long as the house is okay then chop would be okay and that's my number one priority right now we got to make sure shop is safe let's take a look at Michael and see what he's doing guys oh man it looks cold out there it looks freezing wait Michael you're oh wow his family have packed up what's going on here you haven't barricaded your house either oh my goodness wait hang on does this mean the tsunamis gonna make it towards Michael's house we aren't quite lowdown guys we're lower down than Franklin's house you know that's probably a good idea Michael oh wow okay this weather looks pretty crazy guys there's thunder and lightning it's raining it's cold his entire family have packed up their cases as well guys it's well guessing we're gonna go somewhere where were you gonna go Michael let's take a look where was he he was going to go to the airport I guess he wants to get into a helicopter and fly away somewhere or something well I guess we better carry on with this guy's clearly Michael had an idea on where to go and I don't think his house will make it through this guys let's just check everything's gone Tracy have you cleaned out your room Tracy pretty cleared out your room you're leaving a lot of things here guys you do know that we probably won't come back here again this seems really dramatic guys for a tsunami and most sandals they have actually evacuated their entire house Tracy I guess you're leaving your vehicle there there's no time to change your minds now we better get moving we'd better get moving guys the weather Oh Marie Jase you can see the storm over there this is one big storm there's no one on the roads either there's nobody on the roads there's a few vehicles parked up but everyone must be indoors or away from like Santos guys days I don't like the sound of this guys we'd better go over to the airport quickly before the tsunami lands in lo Santos and we must be leaving this late Michael for everyone to be off the road we must be leaving this quite late where's this helicopter them what's this helicopter doing oh here we go there's a guard over there hello excuse me sir there we go thank you very much just let me into the airport there's a few people around here so I guess they're doing some final flights and yeah there's a plane over there guys now we just have to find our helicopter oh there it is yes that must be the helicopter guys um so yep there's a few people outside I can see the pilot over there guys switch is Park our vehicle here come on guys everyone out everyone get out the vehicle this must be the pilot that I can see Dave I can see Dave and someone else they're just queueing up guys already all right everyone get in line I guess we're gonna be on this clipboard or something maybe our names on the list I hope so at least I hope so guys Michael's clearly organized something where were on the helicopter guys clearly we're on the list Michael you've done a good job of this man let's get out of here that guy's waving us away so yeah let's get out of here guys let's get out of lo santos before this tsunami lands in lo santos oh my goodness guys there's a lot of thunder and lightning I hope this is a smooth flight I can't even see the other side of lo sad cause guys Oh guys we're slowing down we're slowing down I think we're staying in lo Santos I don't like the sound of this wait I can see some lights I can see some lights on that building you guys see that as sunlight down there that must be where we're going to Danny yep they're lowering the helicopter guys were going over there great we're not even leaving lo Santos we're not even leaving lo Santos so I guess this tsunami yes it's gonna flood lo Santos but they're hoping it doesn't take over the entire city let's just hope they're correct guys is anyone even gonna be on this building like what are we gonna find on here guys why don't do we even gonna find a way hang on okay there's some tents and there's some water on there as well I think yeah there's definitely some water okay so this is our camp this is where they're taking us guys they're hoping I guess the tsunami doesn't get as tall as this building now I'm hoping if that doesn't happen as well guys I wonder why we didn't go any further then blowww sandals though you know sandy shores exists guys you know it does exist well I gotta say you know it's better than I expected guys there's some water tanks over there there's tents around the entire building there's also a barbecue going on someone's put on some food I think go on what's cooking what do we have cooking today hey we got some steaks are brilliant I can do with some steaks guys and they look like they're ready as well ah perfect perfect guys and we also get a perfect view of the tsunami I don't even know if I want to see the tsunami happen guys but yeah we've got a perfect view of the tsunami when it does guys oh goodness you know what guys I think we'll be okay we're quite high up in lo Santos whatever tsunami this is gonna be I feel like we're gonna be okay down there not so much um but up here I feel like we're gonna be okay there's people walking around down there there's even people at Vinewood right now guys come on get inside get inside oh my days alright everyone's checking out the tents what do you guys think so far there's a radio tower over there as well so we can communicate if we need to and I think the electricity plant is just nearby I don't think there's a ladder though so I don't quite know how we're supposed to escape from this place in the event that we need to luckily we do have a helicopter boat guys we can always fly away if we have to wait where's the helicopter gone no come on come back don't leave us man oh my days guys I guess we don't own the helicopter then well there he goes guys we've lost the pilot I'm trusting that wherever Michel has done has ensured that this pilot will come back to us if we need him guys but I guess he has to do more like tasks or something maybe he's saving more people yep it was stuck on this building guys I hope that whatever happens this tsunami is not gonna get as high up as this building I don't think it will that has to be one big tsunami and all of that happened guys but you never know you never know and hang on and hang on guys the time is 9:00 p.m. and the tsunami is not yet in Los Santos no tsunami in sight this is good they said 24 hours it's been 25 hours or so just over 25 and yeah no tsunami yet guys no tsunami yet so yeah we're just gonna spend the night here um Amanda Tracy and Jimmy haven't found their tents I guess this is our water bowls here we've got DJ Jacob on the bongos thank you man for playing a nice tune keeping everyone in the mood and dave is just patrolling the barbecue whoo it's just a shame it's raining you know we can really do with no rain here guys I'm gonna have some food we're gonna get some sleep and I will see you guys in the morning I'm excited guys I don't know if I'm ready for this vine excited guys I think we're going to see the tsunami if we wake up in time were actually gonna see the tsunami even lo Santos like the moment it goes into lo Santos and that is gonna be crazy I've never actually seen a tsunami do that yet so yeah we're in the perfect place for that guys let's go and check up on Franklin to see how he's doing guys how do you think Frank let's do it right now hey you Franklin you're dressed up and you're ready for the tsunami I guess he's just been around here nothing looks like it's been taken down guys um but yeah the tsunami is on its way it will be here any moment our guess and our man chop move to the sofa all my days in a war guys we're just gonna sit down and watch the TV and wait for the tsunami to blow over guys I feel like that's gonna be I feel like yeah that's gonna be the best idea for me and chop at least let's watch some TV Franklin we get to watch our own videos as well all this is perfect oh I like this one I like this one guys this one's a good one chopped what do you think about this yeah peas barking guys oh man what a good night it's gonna be who even cares about this soon army guys who even cares about this tsunami I'm just doing this to try and make sure job is relaxed and cool about this guy's you know chop doesn't really like you tsunamis or storms or anything else like that so I feel like this is the best way to to make sure he's okay with this guys anyway let's go back up to Michael and see how they're coping hey Michael this looks good we're staying next to the fire keeping warm and dave is still cooking the barbecue guys it looks like we're getting seconds or something and Jacob is still on the bongos my man thank you so much for lighting up the mood we really got the dream team here guys we got the dream team uh anyway I think we ought to get some sleep the tsunami is on its way it's almost midnight so I will see you guys in the morning and I have a horrible feeling that when I wake up in the morning it's gonna be when the tsunami lands I mean it's meant to be here already guys it's late it's already late all my days everything's shaking that's the tsunami that's definitely the tsunami guys come on Michael get out get out dude we got to go and check this out we're not missing this look the floor is shaking guys the entire building is shaking right let's take a look at this tsunami oh my goodness that's huge that is oh my goodness we got to go we got to go Michael come on get out of here get out of here dude get down get down get some carbon get some cover we'll stay here for now oh my goodness this tsunami is still making his way across Los Santos for my days come on please please don't take out this building come on all my days guys the building the building is shaking so much come on guys I'll be fine stay in your tents stay in your tent if you can hear me stay inside your tent it'll be okay it'll be okay guys dude I can actually see water landing on us that must be from the tsunami it's crazy I haven't seen anything like this at all in gta5 this is crazy all my days is over it's not shaking nothing else is shaking anymore guys oh my I can't believe we actually saw that guys all my days that was absolutely insane let's go and take a look at what happened guys yes yes guys we just made it through the tsunami all my days I wish I could say the same about lo Santos though guys look how clogs that was goodness that was close a few more meters and we would have been toast guys oh no I can see some people down there no guys come on swim swim guys you'll be fine you'll be absolutely fine come on come on guys just swim swim Jimmy's already got the binoculars out guys look Jimmy's got the binoculars out Amanda's already taken your photo of this as well ah days okay Jimmy do you see anything if you see anything Jimmy he's looking over at Franklin's house though I think that made it through oh wait hang on yeah I think Jimmy's trying to look at our house guys I don't think our house made it I'm so glad we left our house when we did I'm so glad guys the house is 100% underwater no way did the house make it through that guys let's take a look through our phone to see if we're able to even see the area of our house oh my days yeah it's underwater it is underwater guys look at that that's the eclipses towers over there that's the tower just underneath there and that's our area where our house is guys it is it's under the water it's flooded it's flooded guys it's gone okay I'll do something else we'll work something else out don't worry guys he'll be fine he'll be absolutely fine our house has been destroyed though guys apart from that though I don't really see your way down I don't see any way down from here guy someone else down there as well no come on come on swim you can get that building over there come on dude just swim to that building all my days I don't like this I can see so many people swimming around guys oh man come on come on dude and there's nothing were able to do either we're just able to stay up here and just ride the tsunami out I guess yeah I'm just going to wait here guys let's go and check up on Franklin and see what he's doing whoa Franklin I wasn't expecting this you're dressed up to go outside are you serious you actually want to go outside well I guess we're gonna carry on with his plan guys Franklin wants to go outside and explore the tsunami how about shophouse chop doing chop seems fine he seems fine guys okay chop will be back you'll be fine but I'm glad to know that the house is fine guys look at this let's go downstairs I wonder what downstairs looks like has the tsunami made it downstairs downstairs is fine check this out guys everything's fine the house is okay you know what guys let's follow Frank Lee's plan I want to explore low sad doors as well oh wow okay we're in the tsunami guys we are in the tsunami now there is no going back let's do this guys let's check out the damaged Angelo Santos I wonder what we're gonna find guys I wonder what we're gonna find Ashley I want to go and check out Michaels house let's go and check out Michaels house and see if it actually has flooded no way no way guys this is Rockford hills Vinewood Hills you can see that in the corner and it's totally destroyed trees have been pushed up against that house over there guys some of the vehicles have been destroyed as well Oh No look their cars in the drive I don't think they made it guys I don't think this person made it look at this house they even tried to barricade the front of their house and it didn't quite make it guys no way it didn't make it it just got completely barricaded by rocks from the outside I played some plane crashed into this house what how did this happen this happened dude look a crane that crane is falling down into the house I don't know what to say I actually don't know what to say anymore oh my days wait hang on this is quite deep have we gone down a hill or as the tsunami risen I better check up on Michel in a minute guys if the tsunami is rising then I don't like the sound of that yeah Michael's house didn't make it guys it is underwater no way would they have made it through the tsunami in the house guys no way no way okay let's go and check out downtown Los Santos I want to see what that looks like now well I'm glad that there's not many people driving around lo santos guys you know we saw the streets were quite empty before the tsunami I would be surprised if I saw any vehicle around here oh no this source whipping up come on you've got this man come on swim to the top come on come on dude come on you've got this keep swimming it keep swimming he must have been hiding in there or something come on man come on dude come on keep swimming at the top you got this you got this man don't stop come on you're almost there you're so close no man confirmed the tsunami is too deep if you're stuck somewhere in a building at the bottom of the tsunami you're not gonna make it out guys no no no no well as I was saying there's not too many vehicles around here guys which is good to see but there's still people trapped in all of these buildings trying to make it out at the top of the tsunami what's that guys can you see something under the bridge there's something there it looks like a truck that's a very weird truck if there's a truck under the bridge just on the ground it's yellow what is that what is that dude yo guys it's a submarine we found his submarine yes yes we actually have a submarine yes Franklin let's get into submarine dude I'm so excited we actually have a submarine it was hiding under the bridge that might explain why I didn't go to the top of the tsunami I guess yes we got a submarine I don't know how this got here guys but I'm keeping it I'm keeping the submarine let's get a move on it works guys it works yes yes we actually have a submarine oh my goodness now we can explore lo Santos at a speed guys ah yes first person looks amazing Oh you can see everything way this is downtown Los Santos there's some buildings which have trees stuck through the windows did a tsunami really do that have you just like thrown trees into all of these buildings I mean I guess that makes sense all of the trees from like low sandals have been flung across the city Oh even a plane to crash down over there whoa whoa there's some crazy currents around here no no don't crash are we okay are we okay Franklin days what is happened here this must be like Ground Zero of the tsunami guys this must be where the currents meet it doesn't it doesn't surprise me there's a lot of buildings around here guys there's a lot of force going on around here wait I just realized this building isn't even vertical this building is falling down an entire building is falling down in low sandals a crane is falling down into that one goodness no don't crash don't crash again please please please Franklin come on try and control this we've got to get out the central blow Santos guys as crazy as this looks we need to get out of here there's too many currents going on I don't want to end up destroying my submarine but check this out the entire of Los Santos is underwater I'm leaving guys I am leaving the center of Los Santos come on Franklin let's get moving let's go and check out the bridge oh no way guys look this is the bridge the bridge has fallen down no way look it's over the boats it's pushed the bridge into lo Santos oh my goodness the entire iconic lo Santos bridge has been destroyed guys lo sandals is destroyed this tsunami has done so much to lo Santos never in a million years but I have thought the bridge would have been destroyed guys never in a million years but yeah it's been destroyed anyway let's go back over to Michael and see how he's getting on how do you think Michael is guys come on Michael are you okay please be yes the building's still there he seems fine oh my days those waves look at those waves guys they're huge but hang on hang on let's take a look at the building some of the waves are beginning to make their way on top of the building guys this was not happening last time if I remember correctly the waves were not this high up yeah look at that one it's sweeping straight through the building even this building is almost underwater look at the one next to us guys wait look there's people down there I saw people I saw people down there are you guys okay there's so many people around here watch out for the wave don't get pushed off the building Michael please don't let happen we have no way down I am NOT jumping into this tsunami I have seen so many people jump into the tsunami to try and swim the tsunami guys and it's just not worked out for them we don't have oxygen we done have a supplies to help us swim either we just have food and water this is difficult guys I'm gonna have to get Franklin we're gonna have to get Franklin to save us we're going to have to call on Franklin guys he's the only way out of this so let's go back over to Franklin and it's time to try and save Michael and his family let's do this we are not leaving you guys behind over Oh Michael your plan didn't work but it's fine it's fine we'll save you it's okay now in order to save them we can't use this guys know where they got no way where they last on this guy's there's no effort them to go there's no space I need to find a boat luckily we are actually near the docks this is where boats would be kept so if there's gonna be a boat anywhere it's gonna be around here so I'm going to check the surface of the tsunami and hopefully we'll find a boat around here somewhere guys wait I see yes yes I see a shadow is that a boat is that a boat come on please please be a boat I can see something over there just go over this wave come on what is it what is it dude yes it's a boat we found a boat is anyone on it is anyone on the boat I hope no guys oh my days it's a boat it's an empty boat as well or I leave the submarine Frank that we got to do this quickly we got to do this quickly man come on come on don't lose the boat that's huge we've got to be careful about these guys if we're not careful that boat is gonna end up going straight and does come on Franklin climb the ladder give up oh oh you almost had it there come on yes yes well done well done we climbed onto the boat get in the boat now Franklin come on in the boat in the boat come on come on dude oh gosh there's so many waves around it's so difficult the waves are so choppy for almost in all my days guys they are big waves there's huge waves we are not gonna leave you behind Michael we're gonna save you there's the building guys we're approaching the building I can see people on there I can see a few heads looking over the wall guys come on frankly don't mess this up this boat is going so slowly though look the waves are just pouring themselves onto this boat we're lucky we haven't sunk already guys this has been a very tense journey I must say that myself now there's the building Michael it's gonna be okay Amanda it's gonna be okay everyone it's gonna be fine it's gonna be absolutely fine just hold on guys hold on you'll be okay who's standing on the wall who is that Michael get down get down from the wall Michael what are you doing what are you playing at okay guys you're gonna have to jump on this wave everyone jump come on three two one jump yes they jumped off the boat yes all right everyone inside everyone get inside the boat and I would take you over to safety wow what a base you guys had you guys really had it well what a base you had over there guys all right guys everyone inside the boat I don't want to see you outside a tool not in the tsunami now I'm going to take you guys far away from Los Santos okay don't worry about that we're going to go far away from this tsunami well what a day guys what a day and it's not over yet we have to leave lo Santos and make it as far away as possible from lo Santos and this tsunami I mean look at this guys the waves are huge it's taken over the dam the water supply is no more in lo Santos there's no electricity in lo santos either guys and now we just have to sail away i guess until the tsunami leaves lo santos i mean how is that even going to happen anyway guys I'm leaving lo Santos I will see you and we finally get away from this tsunami and I just hope everyone's okay inside this boat i if your seasick then I'm very sorry about this well what a relief guys we made it away from lo santos away from the tsunami far far away and i am so glad to be out of that mayhem so yeah i think everyone else around here is just as glad as well we got DJ jacob dave as well guys oh my days what a ride that was well i'm going to end the video here guys if you enjoyed the video be sure to drop a like when it subscribe as well guys that would be amazing and let me know in the comments below anything else you want to see me do in GTA 5 and never know guys your ITI might make it into another video but guys thanks for watching my name is Nord and I will see you guys next time thank you so much these amazing people for becoming a member of the channel if you guys would like to have your name randomly selected and featured at the end of every video just like these amazing people then press the join button just below this video and become a member of the channel today and feel free to watch another video there's two on the screen right now anyway guys thanks for watching and I'll see you guys soon
Channel: NoughtPointFourLIVE
Views: 4,723,589
Rating: 4.3416419 out of 5
Keywords: gta 5, gta v, gta 5 tsunami, gta 5 tsunami mod, gta v tsunami, gta 5 mods, gta 5 big tsunami, funny, gta 5 funny moments
Id: Y_amW5BOu7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 14sec (1394 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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