Gta 5 Challenge - Survive The Hunt #35 - Escape The Country

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hello and welcome to the show and welcome to a very special episode of survive the hunt you see today marks well exactly 10 years ago that i created my channel and for this whole week we're kind of doing a little bit of a throwback doing some old series and that kind of thing so for a survivor hunt episode we have gone to well actually what was the precursor to survive the hunt the escape the country video there was it was along the lines of 500 you had to try and get out the city and get to an airport and get away and i've for this we're kind of merging the two things together to create hopefully a really exciting interesting idea so i've got to blow out some trees but i don't have a time limit on this one once i've got three trees exploded i have to drive out of the city get to an aircraft see the aircraft behind us i've got to launch a flare the aircraft is going gonna land hopefully on the water uh maybe somewhere else if things get desperate and pick me up if we get in the aircraft we win but there's a lot to go on before then we do have a passenger in our vehicle for reasons unbeknownst to me so we're going to get rid of said passenger from the vehicle and we are going to set off now we do get a two minute head start uh for in in all of this oh the fuzzer here hello police someone's annoyed them and yeah we get two minutes like normal and the rest of the rules are pretty much the same there's no map there's no name of the players the hunters are limited in terms of their weaponry and all of that kind of thing however yeah it's it's the end part is going to be a bit difficult i've got to blow up three pres so there are eight dotted around the map they know that i only have to blow up three before i start running away uh before i start leaving the city but i have to blow up three of them beforehand and well actually doing that is surprisingly difficult uh it is not a straightforward task to blow up three pers a lot can go wrong trying to do that once i have is actually quite a long drive abiding by traffic laws to get north okay the motorways are quicker but they're also more obvious oh that was a big issue for me didn't see that car until last second uh yeah we've got to abide by traffic laws all of that sort of stuff getting north um unless you want to get seen and we can't basically we can't win this one while in a chase oh there's a pre at the petrol station that might come in handy to know exactly it's location already um we can't win this in a trace because i won't necessarily be able to call the aircraft down and get into it safely i've got a lot of people around me they could sit and wait and shoot me and all of that sort of thing because the flare is going to be seen by everyone they're going to know so yeah this is going to be a difficult one i think it's going to be too bad to start with i feel like this is going to be fairly normal but after this bit it is going to be a smidge difficult uh do we have any fun things that we can borrow car set at the moment is a bit pants it's really looking like it's an oracle maybe a ruiner it really is not much fun around um we could go for a supercar uh however i go for that the hunters are allowed to go into faster vehicles so we are going to try and avoid them as best we can the oracle is not going out to the police station there don't make a car right in front of that um that really is oracles oracle oracle's oracle's ruiner oracle i'm not going to drive a bloody tornado i can tell you that much f620 that is a good shout uh yeah i think i'm going to want that actually spin it around now the f620 is on the borderline of what counts as a fast car or not uh it is technically a coupe rather than a um sports car or anything so it doesn't unlock more vehicles for the hunters to use they don't get like the faster cars well it is still pretty good it's not astonishingly quick it's a good shout basically for this uh it is a good car it's got some speed about it um it's also a simian car that's a wonderful wonderful start lester my good friend lester would you be ever so kind and uh get rid of the police right okay so things we've got to do we've still got let's say stuff to deal with here uh style let's go with sure we'll go with this why not we've used a lot of these before i have to make some new ones at some point but they're not going to remember the clothes that i wore last time out if you're seeing if you're seeing that level of detail on the character chances are i'm going to do something non-ai like that's more obvious than that so i'm not going to worry about that really right and now we're back into a i guess normal survive the hunt esque scenario let's have a look so we've got the map i've got my second monitor we're having a bit of a do we have any traffic lights around here or do we just go when we're no there's two traffic lights for us so we'll just go uh we have got a pre-located at michael's house that might not be a bad shout for us to go and get that might actually be the one that i head to first i think yeah we're gonna head towards michael's house uh we'll try and get that one there's one up by the cinema there's one by the casino there's one by mirror park i think where that construction is there's one by the los santos custom oh there's one by that petrol station that's under the motorway bridge there is one by the casino i think there's one by the helipad the main helipad area there's one by that stage there's one over there by that slip road that goes down to the motorway which i it's probably about equidistance from where i'm heading there's one at the chinese monument and i think that's all of them i can do this at this current moment in time because the saturn is a red light and not much is happening deuce by the blimp of course it is tempting to shoot the blimp very tempting to shoot the blimp you might see there is an aircraft you might see an aircraft whizzing around with a trail that is my getaway aircraft is not involved in this point it's just flying around it's not allowed to follow me it doesn't know where i am they don't have a map on either so it's just flying around it's not allowed to follow chases so it can't be used to give away where i am he's just kind of he's just doing something while waiting for the however long i don't know how long this is going to take could be over in 30 minutes i could be successful in that time or we could be shot and i don't know i don't know which way it's gonna go with all of this um it really depends on how well we get through the pres explosions damn it stevie is blowing up there's played a lot of money for blowing up the i mobo um iron morgan the actual technical name for it uh yeah so we follow this road down there is uh i think i know the bit i'm on i think there is a no way we can't really go anywhere yeah we'll just follow this road down we'll take a left at the bottom of it we'll head up to michael's house we'll blow that one up michael's is michael's house is not the nicest one to have to try and blow up you're kind of limited in your escape routes now if i blow up here is my here's the thinking okay we're going for some tactical thinking if i blow up the one at michael's house logically speaking the best route for me would be to go try and get the one at the cinema if i go that way then we can try you know that would be the shortest distance to blow up a number of cars quickly but of course they're probably going to expect that they know where the cars are located they just don't know what ones i'm going for so they're likely to check that one what i'm thinking is we're going to drive down to michael's house we're going to blow that one up and then we're going to go the other way we're going to go around the back of the golf course and then we're going to head to the slip road if i can blow that one up and i can jump on the motorway and make a swift exit although this is always i can lay out this plan it's all very well and good it can be the best laid plan in the world but something can happen that screws it over i get seen that's gonna be a fairly big problem but all manner of things can go on between now and then and this plan will i've nothing i've ever stuck to a getaway plan i did just see a hunter down there in the distance ai car shot through at much greater speed than everything else that is going to be a hunter um i say that actually they might not be loading in properly we've got weird like long range or is it long-range lods or something i think that there's probably that's probably not how that an acronym whatever it is is pronounced but yeah there's gonna be something funky going on with the cars at long range that might give me trouble if the blimp kind of sees a player car and nothing else there's an abandoned vehicle over there a little abandoned vehicle just left the door open uh i don't know what that ricotta was doing something it shouldn't have been never mind right so we're not the first it's not the first one it is the next turning that we want and that will take us towards the uh pre hopefully so my plan is we go here we do cops turn a blind eye now ideally i'd be getting out of the car we're just gonna go for a wind down the window it's better than smashing the window but it still gets spotted like the car missing our window can still get spotted can still be seen so i don't i would rather get out of the car but for the sake of this with our potentially iffy getaway as it is and potentially busy part of the map i'm just gonna play safe basically i say play safe this means i don't have to get out the car i don't have to do any faffing around um it's yeah it's a bigger risk in the might get spotted just randomly driving but it's better to get back into the car and just drive away from bad stuff uh there it is okay but well we we did stop not very unlikely to get caught for not obeying a stop sign properly that is an unlikely set of scenarios that somebody sees that um because let's face it the ai are dopey anyway so they don't really abide by the stop signs properly okay my plan is i'm not allowed to drive across the map of course and blow the pre up from a random location i have to be within you know feasible line of sight but i can wait for example here i can wait until the lights go green i'm going to take a left i'm going to blow the car up hopefully not going to have a blimp directly above us actually pretty difficult to keep you'd be surprised how difficult it is to keep track of the blimp um that thing is a right pain in the ass despite it being a massive vehicle it is uh surprisingly easy to completely lose sight of it and uh yeah sometimes you do something stupid not realizing or well within sight of it despite the fact it's a huge aircraft it's a very freaked out uh suv going along there there is so the blimp is already here that's why i didn't want to part around too much with parking up and getting out and all of that sort of stuff come on traffic lights i don't want to be sat this close i really don't want to be sat this close to a set of lights not with a blimp above me because if an ai car ruiner don't you bloody dare okay good good ruiner you're actually abiding by traffic laws here you haven't tried to overtake me at the set of lights they're gonna be directing cars this way now where they think i've gone from here this i was counting on them expecting me to go to the cinema i might do i blow up the one but they might also think uh maybe we'll we'll like coast around this way and we'll see how we're doing time-wise we might not actually this is about five minute cooldown on the whole cops turner blind eye and i don't want to have to blow up a pre without that in this in this kind of mode if you will um i would like to get through all the praise is incognito as possible and having to deal with a wanted level and then getting shot at could be a problem the blimp is heading this way actually didn't really do that bit very well we'll park up behind the oracle the blimp's just looking it's just flying around the area i can't even if we get down onto the slip road i can't blow that thing up if there is a blimp directly above us i've already got enough difficulties as it is the last thing i need is insta blimp i don't think this is the lane i'm supposed to be in no no it should be fine it should be fine yeah i was just making sure they were like this wasn't just a right turn only lane although being in this lane if an ai car wants to turn right it's gonna try and overtake me and screw up my day come on lights thank you there goes a felt sir at warp speed geez that ai is shifting over there i mean that isn't a player car they're not going to be using something like that but that ai was in a right hurry there's the blimp i saw the shadow blimp is directly above us let's maybe not blow up that pre just yet we may have to rethink our strategy here i was going to go left here but i'm not going to we're going to buy some more time it might be on to my plan you know i don't like it when they're on to my plans i like it when my plans are simple as i say i like it when you know a plan comes together i don't like it when we have to keep making crap up as we go along uh if we can't get this one we could i can't get this one we could run all the way to the other side of the map along the motorway because it's quick to do that we're gonna have to make this decision very soon oh in the wrong lane here that's unlikely to be seen unless you were right behind me like from a bit further along you wouldn't know that was technically a very iffy maneuver hmm and i don't know where this pre actually is either if it's on if it's in no if it's in the car park i think it's further up than the car park maybe oh well that's not what i need to see yeah we're not blowing that one up no i'm going to go to the other side it's not worth the risk now they're not allowed to camp you're not allowed to simply just park looking at a pre but you are allowed to check the area if you think i might be likely to go for it which let's face it they were not wrong they were not wrong at all i was contemplating going for that one okay we're best off going for the other side of the map strategy we'll put the foot down a small bit the ai are weirdly slow on some bits of the motorway and then lunatics on others don't ask i do not understand or no we haven't actually seen a hunter car i don't think so far we've seen blimpus plenty but a hunter vehicle not not so much that is weird it is unusual to have got to this stage and not seen an actual vehicle an actual car anywhere or maybe like in the very far distance and stuff but i don't know where the blimp is i'm trying to look around to see if i can notice it without stuck behind slow-moving suv that would be an ai helicopter they're only allowed one aircraft you can see off to the left we have our escape vehicle is just buzzing around uh i guess we can go along here down towards mirror park if we jump off there that actually don't work we can cover a lot of ground if i go off the motorway here we're going to be stuck in traffic lights and junctions so i might as well just go all the way up to mirror park that seems like a solid idea all the casino does this take us that way kind of yeah sort of similar turning just keep an eye out for any weirdness going on it's lots of traffic i'm going to move my way across here because at some point i'm going to want to be off the motorway and i'm not quite sure which turning i need i think is it this one coming up here because that is mirror park on our left so we have to come off here and then across a bridge should get us there i think whereabouts is it okay it's kind of by the lake it's around the far side of the lake uh cool right mirror park oh that's a little bit of janky turning but nobody's around so as long as there's nobody around to see you do a janky turning it doesn't matter that's my theory at least getting out of here is going to be more difficult getting out of here is going to be a touch more difficult it's tempting it's really tempting to try and go to the casino and blow up the third car but as we saw they're going to be swarming that area i think we did very well to get out of away from michael's house as efficiently as we did that it must not have been long before a bunch of cars turned up there they may have tried to fan out more to try and catch me leaving if they did they didn't fan out to the right bit basically uh what way do we head out of here i mean my wonder is if i come down this road and rather than yeah i could maybe come down this road and go around the back off towards the oil fields almost across that really big bridge and that could take me towards the heavy pass they might not expect that one but if i do get seen on the bridge i'm screwed uh where is the pre somewhere over there just don't quite know where uh right oh don't tell me it started raining okay i don't know what i saw but it looked like a couple of spots of rain maybe i'm just going insane where is this pre it's somewhere over here i think just keeping an eye out for it it's further around than this i think there it is okay so i think it was down the first road that we could turn down and sure enough it is there 13 sticky bombs blimp check this is the use of a stop sign is nothing to do with road laws it is to do a quick blimp check that's the entire purpose of the uh the stop signs whoop there we go we'll sticky bomb you don't blow it up just yet uh right so we're gonna take this turning and i'm gonna have to blow it up because otherwise we will have gone a bit too far away we want to get on that road and we want to follow it the good news is the good news is there doesn't seem to be anybody around over here we seem to be fairly safe and if i can get on this road up here quickly which we do my hope is that oh no that's one of them i saw that boat with a trailer at the start um okay oh traffic lights please go green please go green please go green please go green please go green go go go go go go go go if we could change i want watch dogs abilities yes go ruiner move for god's sake i'm in a hurry without i'm in a hurry without looking like him in a hurry yes that's the one um i don't i don't think a boat with trailer you'd oh you're not going to find one of those naturally around there come on phoenix move move move i say phoenix move the lights come on if i could just get on this road i just want to be i want to get on here so we can just kind of go safely if we get on here get on the bridge drive across the bridge past the airport we can loop our way down we can either go to the heavy pad one i might actually go to the chinese monument one uh the reason being there's more ways out the helipad one feels a little bit um penned in well we've seen our first hunter car it had a look but didn't think anything of the uh f620 and that's actually good news is if the car has gone through and not thought of anything other cars are going to go different directions that's my that's my hope here other cars are going to go different ways that's a big fingers crossed moment because they're not likely to be that well organized but still we could like pull into one of these like warehouses and just waited out for a few minutes or something uh but in theory quite good i'm not allowed to stay camped permanently somewhere but in theory that sort of stuff is not a terrible idea you know momentarily but the issue i get is we've done it before we've sort of camped out somewhere briefly and it's always the leaving part that's the difficult bit it's like how do i get out of a car park a warehouse something like that without getting seen because you can almost guarantee someone is going to warm the past it's just the wrong moment is going to get really suspicious of a car in a funny place so yeah i would prefer not to do that you know we've done it is trying to get away from chases and you may have to with some chases uh we're going to try and avoid it unless you know absolutely necessary i'd rather keep moving and rather keep making distance there is the school of thought and i see this commented a few times and i pondered it myself a few times there is this school of thought that they expect me to make ground when i blow up a pre i generally do the theory goes that well what if i don't what if i stay right near it when i'm blowing it up because i've swarmed that area briefly not see me you know a few seconds or a few you know 10 seconds after it's blowing up 20 seconds i've blown up and then spread out and that the area around is actually quite safe it kind the theory is sound i like the idea the difficult part again is the leaving bit uh how long do you wait until you leave when you do leave you know you're putting yourself in an area that's going to be very heavily scrutinized and if you're hidden well enough great it might work but you might also have been parked right there where every car is being directed towards and not be hidden well enough so it's not really one that i want to chance essentially it's better to be making the distance if you can it might be one that you don't get a choice at some time there might be a a time where i have to go for that strategy but i'm not gonna probably go for it unless absolutely forced to uh we are almost at the bridge we are almost at the location i want to be at timewise okay we're making half decent time we've had to change our strategy out a little bit but we've got two cars so we've only got one more to go before we have to head out of the city now i am a little concerned about heading out of the city for good reason if i go on the motorways are likely to be roadblocked i would be very surprised if they didn't blockade them because they can with a couple of cars they can now they can't blockade every route out of the city there's a lot of little roads that i could take the motorways are the quickest there is a really sneaky plan i've just seen looking at the map there's the third so the motorway the road that leads to the left side of the map you've got the main motorway that leads up through the middle now there is the third option the one that's out actually out roughly around where we are at the moment uh that motorway that is a lot less likely to be guarded but they might still put a car down there the other option is to go for the little twiddly roads but that's then time it takes longer to get to them than anything else so it's yeah how i get out of the city is gonna be a big gamble we could go could go by the via the observatory that area we're going to be heading the right way actually for the observatory come to think of it so maybe we head that way and just go straight north from that because they're not going to have time to really roadblock me there as an easy road block and once i've got past the observation up on that road i'm going to be well out of the city by the time they can react to it they can't yeah they can't necessarily roadblock it but we've got to get through all of the junctions and everything horrible anyway we'll see we'll see what i'm feeling like by the time we get there we'll get off this bloody bit of motorway i feel like this has been a good call as far as i survived the hunt goes for me sorry my voice dying a little bit of course middle of survivor hunt what else um as far as i survive the hunt goes this one has been fairly calm we've actually managed to sneak our way out of a lot of situations now that's good for me i like sneaking i'm just surprised that we've managed to get this this well away i'll take it hopefully he can continue i'm always scared i'll get on this buddy bridge i think i've only been on it once and i think instantly not instantly but i went on the bridge once got seen got stuck because there's essentially two exits the third exit is the one here but if you're on the bridge already if you're past that exit there you are really really stuck you've got no options as to where you can go so it's always it's always nerve-racking when you have no options at all because if i do get seen here we're done i think we're done but we get seen here it's easy to navigate people to you and i could get penned in very easily because there's walls either side i do have advantage of speed in this over the cars that i could have this is probably my best bet for if we get stuck here what is going on with the ai why are we going so slowly i mean i know it's a steep hill and everything but your truck's gonna have more power than that where'd the blimp go as well if we just lost it over the rest of the hill we might have done you might be having a look around by the docks area which would be fair enough which would definitely be fair enough there it is actually okay it's by the stadium it's cruising around the back of that the other fun bit is if i do get seen while trying to leave the city it will essentially nullify that's that attempt to escape i can't i can't run away from the city while being chased because well the city is the best place the city is my best chance at getting away so i'm not going to be leaving the city to try and outrun vehicles i can't complain while being chased so we're going to have to play this very smart and i'm going to have to be very sure i've lost any pursuers before we leave the city and i'm going to have to be very sure that i am in a fairly secure place before calling in the plane um as in when that happens hopefully as if that happens and all of that potential guff is gonna cruise down bridge where are the slip roads off of here they're somewhere along here aren't they can you can't you get down by i swear these go there's a slipper that goes down to the like main road below i don't want to stay on this bit of motorway particularly maze bank arena sent us here does this take me where i want it to i think so it does appear too cool okay we will get off the motorway all right yes this is where i wanted to be okay we're not gonna go for oh even better look at that absolutely perfect all of the green lights i love it we're not gonna go for the pre down here because i think it's going to be too far in by the helipads and another perfect perfect green light i i think we're better off going to the chinese monument to be honest with you i feel like that's just a better option here more avenues of escape cops turn a blind eye means the police station nearby won't ping me for driving a stolen car all is good oh no the priest actually just there okay i thought it was a little further down never mind we're not going to worry about it i'm still going to head further in we have the time to do it it is very tempting but no no we're going to be good we're going to stick to the plan don't alter the plan when you alter the plan that's when you make a mess of things we know this we know this stuff uh right we're going to get leicester ready on the phone i think for this it is going to be just around the corner now it will probably be parked we will probably have to take a slight different route to the one that i was thinking of because i believe it will be parked actually in the statue what is going on here guys 10 out of 10 dumbness from the ai which is doing a demo derby that's not even a hunter at this point in time that is just ai demo derby in the middle of a bloody junction i'm really glad the blimp didn't see that because that would have given us an actual real bloody problem oh hey what's up right how can i help that's unavailable why is that unavailable oh okay it's actually unavailable because i think an event is going on that will make it irrelevant okay so cops are going to turn a blind eye regardless that's kind of helpful oh the blimp's right there i still feel like i'm gonna go for this one because we're so close to an opportunity here um the blimp's actually not up in the sky i think we got that not okay definitely got that one the blimp's not in the sky so it's actually gonna take a little bit to get up into the air if we go straight and hook a left anyway from here the blimp's gonna crap itself when it hits the explosion so close and be annoyed it's not paying attention to this but yeah we're gonna get up here i hope we don't get a wanted level we can just spam call lester uh anyway um that's gone the ai over here are not freaked out from the explosion okay and now begins the exfiltration i believe i am using that word correctly not a word you use very often from the city i mean this bit here is the nerve wracking part would should we have swapped cars would someone recognize a white f620 but that was that is the car that would recognize it basically the car that's just driven past so i'm going to hazard a guest go i'm going to go run the orange light nobody saw i don't want to sit around in the city any longer so they're going to bolt off to that location and if they can't find me quickly they're going to have to bolt away they're going to have to get to do i actually have lights for this bit i don't know they're going to have to get thinking about leaving the city because they know where i'm heading i mean we let's go say we could sit and buy that time because they'll expect me to run away straight away but the more i buy my time the more likely they are to have time to set up like roadblocks and stuff so i think getting out is going to be this quick as possible is going to be the way to go we do not want to go he didn't want to go all the way down to the road we wanted not this one the next one we're going to go right at if i can find a way to get into the lane because yeah we don't want to go right just yet but i think the next one we take a right we want to go yeah we want to go by the observatory we do not want to go via the very very potentially busy motorways uh we can take this turn as i i'm going to need to take the turn on a red light the lights have changed where is there is blimpers menacing in the distance it is heading this way it is heading this way i mean it knows that uh it knows where we're headed it knows we're going out of the city here it's checking it's looking for vehicles that are maybe leaving that's a really awkward place for it could you please piss off uh that is one of the hunters as well with the police car what are they searching they're searching everything headed this way this could be a problem for me you know can you search every car though that is the concern we're just gonna go drive forward i have a feeling i mean i've got no traffic lights to guest with there i've got a feeling we might be in some trouble here possibly can i do the brake light trick quick enough will they think if they look at the back of it and we have actually got the brake lights on ai don't screw this up for me i'm just waiting for the bullets i have a feeling we might be in trouble here because the ai crashed into us i was trying to get off all the buttons and not spin the wheels and not flick a reverse light on in time and uh yeah we have got some problems they're not sure and that's the best thing about it wait hold on i have a plan here they're expecting if it's me to be leaving the city so why on earth would i go back into the city that was a theory it's not worked now sometimes ai cars pull over if there's a vehicle with a siren on sometimes they do sometimes they don't it's difficult to make it look like an ai vehicle but i don't know here [Music] can i do this oh that was a gun i didn't actually mean to pull out a gun i thought i'd selected i was trying to swear at them like an ai would and i think i had a gun selected by accident never mind i had a cunning plan it didn't bloody work well the chase is on i think i just pulled out a gun rather than doing what i meant to because i hadn't flicked through that quick it i flicked through it and gone one too far by accident um this is a bit bad because we wasted so much time now i can't so i can't leave the city until we've got away from this i know the police car is actually pretty quick uh oh that's a big bounce through there and the police cars had an accident okay f620 use blinding speed i need as much of it as we can get here lights off white car not the best for this nighttime sneaking however blinding speed is going to have to do the trick and now we're going to put ourselves completely the wrong end of the city we've got a blimp to deal with and that's not okay oh back end has gone slippery slidery there where is the old blimp i could dive into that subway tunnel it's bloody tempting i'll tell you that much now when the blimp the blimp struggles with u-turns and tool buildings of course bridges tunnels all of that sort of stuff um which i may have to try and use too good effect there it is um because u-turns are very very very dangerous for me because when you do a u-turn and you run into the cars that are giving chase we don't really want to be doing them unnecessarily but we might be able to do them to good effect at the right time and again it is very important to figure out a way to shape the bloody blimp uh it is still following somewhere but a little further back so this is what the blimp is very good at the blimp is very very good at um sort of long range keeping a chase alive it's not very good at close range stuff ah crap there's a car right there i was hoping i could sneak up here and get away from the blimp but i can't what is that following he's got some speed it is a ricotta or something that is not slow at all compared to the f620 oh gap gap gap gap gap try it that's hoping to give the pursuing car some grief it did not work limp is still there blimp the other downside the blimp will have top speed is lacking in it it won't match an f620 or a lot of sports cars in terms of uh yeah top end speed oh do i try and shake it i think we can win in terms of top speed as well here but that ropato is quicker than you expect all right get off here i'm hoping the ricotta might roll taking that jump it didn't that's a pain in the ass there might be something down there that's why i'm not taking the tunnel route i don't want to stay on the motorway it's kind of easier to bring people into a chase like that or the ricotta went a bit funny there so it's going to be mispositioned for that corner we're kind of now driving almost based on what that car behind us is doing the police cars back in the fray that's not a surprise lose the back end a little bit through there oh and it's still sliding and sliding its way around through these next couple of corners the police cars are quick oh oh bloody hell that was on the limits of the grip there was nothing left in the f-620 there we got away with it but only just there is one of the other chasing vehicles oh backhand does kids sliding over these little crests these little bumps come on machine you can do it oh it's a bit of a snappy bug at this one probably shouldn't be attacking kerbs i know it's gonna snap or has a potential to snap i really shouldn't be super aggressive on the old kerbing but we kind of got to do what we got to do here to get away from the chase if that means across curbs if it means avoiding traffic cars all of the good stuff like that i've got to do it it just means we might have to deal with an oversteery car i feel like we've lost the blimp but i don't know can't check at this moment in time we're dealing with other problems i need the police car to crash that's uh still the blimp's there but the blimp is struggling in this chase at the moment uh there's a gap going to appear through that section i'm trying to use perceivably i would expect this to have better top speed which is why i'm trying to use longer straights no yes weaving in and out of alleyways is good however oh i am not trusting this car in terms of grip because it has just let go on me again oh there was a gap there very briefly uh no i was hoping i could judge that one better than we did we did not uh the back end just went again so we've got to be careful with this car uh we are actually there's a little bit broken as well that will not help matters uh oh rolly cart not go that way change your plan that was an impressive tumble from the ricotta there i'll say that much oh i didn't realize this thing was so oversteer snappy kind of yeah snappy bouncy over steering almost i just said we are oh we are really pushing it trying to get away i've drawn these before and i swear maybe it took a little bit of damage in one of these bumps or something that might have been what's caused it grief now one thing you'll find is if a car is really close behind you like that police car is for example um you're in a dangerous place right there because if i make a move that they don't expect you can overshoot a corner you want to you potentially want to say just a little further back so you can react to whatever move i do uh of course stay well within visual range and everything we've got a little more speed down here see we do have more top speed than the police car it's not by very much though probably shouldn't have gone here because it's a really easy place to navigate everyone too we will take this corner now this is a i'm hoping there's not gonna be any vehicles coming this way this is a try and confuse a blimp momentarily uh there is one that was really close um yeah i was hoping if there was something coming towards me i could dodge it and we just just got out of the way of it uh there is a hunter car up in the distance that's not a turning there was a hundred car the distance i didn't wanna have a head-on collision with and where i thought i could sneak i knew it wasn't a road but i thought it was a bit i could drive over it was a lot bumpier than i realized oh police car is still there still sat behind us uh do we try something risky do i have the ground clearance to do it yes we do have they been stood up behind me they have oh they've massively screwed that one up okay floor it we've got to go now f620 we have got to go there is a car behind us it's a long way back now we'll see where we go my hope is i have got we've seen we have top end advantage we could even use this as the bolt out of the area it's tempting the blimp is a long long way back do we just go for it do we make the most of this and just run north they will expect me to do that oh do we bail this is this is a really difficult decision now do i bail and try and find another car extend having them think i've gone north or do we just head north i think we've got such a lead at the moment i'm gonna head north and hope that the old blimp we go out of render distance i might have to potentially go for a sneaky plan so we're not gonna run north the whole way on this road my hope is if i can do this we can oh we can swap a car out somewhere uh by the military-based way so if we die then is actually another theory they're gonna uh more time we wait and materials if we go all the way up to polito bay and then come back down from the north part of that no one's gonna expect that one and we can swap a car out there however i should have gone that way because if i go by the military base that's where they're expecting me to go they're expecting me to take that route across they may even have car waiting somewhere along here um i don't think they would though oh yeah i feel like that might oh if we go straight there especially with something like that we're gonna have more time problems so i'm gonna go we don't have a time limit i'm going to play the safe option ah they've got a car back there they have they're close enough to see me at the moment that is an issue the blimp is still watching will they be close enough no they are they're too close at this current moment in time this is a problem that spin has cost me a little bit i don't know whether it's cost me enough here we're gonna have to now try and lose them in the northern part of the bloody map that's not what i needed here i should i should have not gone this way i fear it's so difficult to know that when you're far enough away from that blimp that line of sight uh where do we go oh that's not what i needed let's see who can drive down here oh not me apparently it's just it's somewhere different and somewhere different that cars may get into trouble the ricotta might be pretty good though that is the issue part oh we're gonna have to hope that i'm good on the rally stage here and that someone bins it in the drink because i haven't got much choice there is another thing i'm hoping for here and that is a boat uh a boat would be wonderful uh a blimp having a crash that would also be wonderful where are they have they got anybody around i don't know here they may well do uh they haven't got anybody about in cars currently close where has that been gone i can't even see the damn thing is it has it actually broken down that would be hilarious if it had um oh no there it is so my plan is if we go for this one oh chris how did that blimp not explode from that liam has had an app i think it's liam in the police car has had an absolute heart attack coming around there and had a massive accident uh so the reason i've done this is that they're never going to get away in that scenario i don't know how that rocket didn't hit the blimp it must have just shuffled far enough away um to have got out of that hello if you could go cause issues for those cars giving chase i'm kind of planning on them being more likely to fall off the road to me and the fact that the blimp's now completely the wrong place uh this is a risky strategy i'm not gonna lie uh because it relies on me not falling off the road and i'm in a rear-wheel drive coupe on the slipperiest surface known to gta 5 kind and they're in all-wheel drive suvs and some rear wheel drive saloon cars this isn't working currently this strategy is not working um yeah they are they're still there i mean they're not stopping me but this was not the car to do this getting this is why i wanted the all-wheel drive because you never know when you might need it uh we're in a bit of trouble now there is our getaway aircraft where the hell do we go what is do i have a cunning plan left in me we're back and now we're doing we're doing all the maps survive the hunt that's going horrifically wrong do i have a secondary cunning plan we tried oh dangerous road that's a nasty bit get out the way go go go go f620 go go go drive thankfully some other people must have had a crash somewhere because it was only one car in position to try and stop me that's good i've got to try and get them to have a crash somehow how do i get them to have a crash i have no idea how do i get to a lot of them to have a crash all at once definitely have no idea on this one i have an idea but it's a bloody dumb idea there's a jump i could try and land on a roof but i mean you're really asking for trouble there if you're going for a jump onto the roof somewhere um yeah where do we go where do we go do we try and lose them in the buildings around here uh maybe i feel like it's a really dangerous plan trying to lose them around here i'm hoping someone overshoots that's corner that's why i was so late on the brakes in the way that i was there um no they they overshot where i went but they made a different turning which is fine to be expected a little bit if we fart around here for too long i am going to get in trouble but it's the best built up area i've got i'm gonna do here we need to buy more time this is the thing we're just we're desperately trying to buy ourselves some time oh which is why we're hoping for traffic collisions or something anything that can give them grief no we're not really done we've shaken some of them but they're still there uh oh dude we can't try off road again they've got too many cars well thank you thank you very much you have annihilated the police car from this one i don't know where the blimp is it's long gone something's glitched out massively over there i hope it wasn't important i don't know what it was at that juncture i need some form of escape i need some form of plan here i need something that i can do that will not be expected and that cannot be seen but i'm not far enough away from any of it from any of them like i can break the line of sight just for a second but i can't do anything with it because i'm stuck on this road now i can see two of them back there did you see a parachute that gave me a really dumb idea but i'd never be able to pull that one off in time uh can i no i'm not far enough well they've had a crash oh they have had a really really big crash am i out of line of sight here can i do something absurd i might be out of line of sight here they might see this you might not i mean this is the best bet i've got and the reason why i've just thrown it here is i'm hoping the hills will hide it um i don't know where the blimp is the blimp has gone out of sight i don't know quite where it is um this is a wonderful plan i spot an aircraft it's in the drink swim f620 this was not at all the plan this is not the initial plan but the plane is here the plane is here let's go let's go they don't even know where we've gone we've done it okay it's not quite gone the way we anticipated at all in the slightest however that crash the crash they did on the motorway is what's uh what did it for us because they beans did it the bees are going over the crest and they spun and they weren't close enough anymore to stop me from doing that and where we were located i could just throw it off road and they hadn't had time because they were so busy chasing me we have got into the sky we have done it we have escaped the country i was worried the aircraft like following around is going to be a problem but it saw what my plan was and it went for it we should probably not have survived that that is really bloody difficult to do however we have made it we are home free from that horrible mess what an escape well there we go that is going to be it for this for this video thank you all very much for watching and until next time aye goodbye [Music] so you
Channel: FailRace
Views: 515,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failrace, Gta 5, Gta 5 challenge, surive the hunt, Failrace survive the hunt, survive the hunt gta, Survive the hunt forza, survive the hunt gamemode, challenge, commentary, lets play, gameplay, custom gamemode, free mode, chase, car chase, police chase, getaway, getaway challenge, hunted, racing, gta 5 freeroam, gta 5 gamemodes, gta 5 custom, gta 5 car chase, xbox, xbox one, one x, armoured car, new cars, dlc cars, casino dlc, survive the hunt 35, Gta 5 STH 35, Sea Plane
Id: eyOt5XCq-lQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 6sec (3126 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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