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guys it's beautiful in los santos like every single day absolutely gorgeous and today i feel like wrecking havoc today i want really really special powers and i know exactly how to get them which is epic so this is me um i'm not very powerful i can punch and you know that's pretty much it nothing that special i want the most insane powers that you can get in gta 5 i've been pretty evil lately but hey it's more fun that way so i have to go to a biohazard place i know that there's one it's actually on this side of the map so let's go find it oh my god yes it's this building okay so there are freaking creepy doctors in this like little building area and they've been working on some elemental stuff and i want to have elemental powers so i think what i have to do is i have to blow up one of the freaking here i'll just show you i'll just show you i'll just snake really quick yeah look there's so much stuff in here i don't know what the hell it is but you see those containers i think i have to blow those up and that will give me elemental power it might kill me but it's worth a shot if i can get elemental powers that'll be so epic so let's do it all right let me talk to one of those guys what the hell are all these things dude hello doctor how are you doing today i just wanted to see if i could become if i oh what's this uh juice green juice maybe i could just drink it i don't know don't touch that that's very dangerous oh frick okay uh okay i definitely won't touch it at all let me just get my gun out yeah this is freaking serious put your freaking hands up yeah yeah that's right that's freaking right uh no no sit down sit down yeah that's freaking right stay there all right stay there okay i don't know anyways i'm okay i'm just go i'm just gonna blow it up hopefully you guys are okay oh sorry about that officer or uh doctor anyways uh let's just blow this up you stay there as well just look that way yeah perfect all right let's blow this up let's get the elemental powers i need all of you to smash like you we freaking go three two one oh no oh no that's not good oh my god what the heck i'm in the hospital oh do i have the powers oh that freaky guard guys what do i freaking do by the way make sure to subscribe to the channel guys did this freaking work let's find out oh my god where oh guys look at the hospital it's completely destroyed what happened here i don't even know how long i've been here for what the heck do i have powers hold up look at this window it's completely destroyed well if i have powers i'd be able to like fly right elemental powers hey shut up you hey shut up shut up everyone shut up okay let's test out my powers guys i need everyone to destroy that like one please will these powers work three two one oh i can fly oh my god i can fly this is sick oh no oh no oh no i'm invincible this is sick oh my god guys this okay what else can i do what are my other powers can i pick up the car okay i'm gonna let you down now how do i do that oh sorry about that yep uh just uh go on your merry way guys i think the powers worked i think the elemental powers work thank you to those doctors who made that freaking green juice dude oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm just i like doing that yep there you go there you go yep just keep on going okay let's fly away let's go into the blimp because i can why not you know oh my god and drop oh i'm on the blue bubble by the way guys new merch out now new plushie go cop guys seriously go cop the plushie i've seen you guys tag me on your insta posts and your twitter posts i'm gonna like all of you who tagged me who have bought this and stuff so yeah go go tag me and i'll follow you even maybe so yeah got the merch first like double um so what happens if i control the blimp while i'm on it let's test out oh my god oh it's coming with me oh frick oh careful well that was accident frick dude what else are my powers dude special attack magnetized attack wait what did that say magnetized attack vehicles oh frick oh i'm gonna throw the car at this car oh my god oh what did i just do how did i i can get multiple cars guys let's get all these cars i love causing mayhem yes everyone's on fire now what did i just do okay let's fly away cops won't find me and i'm gone let's actually go in this hole perfect guys this is insane what other powers do i do i just smash that car hold on let's try that again oh my god what am i doing what am i freaking doing oh my god i need to leave the scene it wasn't me oh my god okay guys no one saw that right no one saw me flying right yep or oh freak sorry about that oh sorry cop oh i have three stars we better leave oh my god this is ridiculous let's go to the freeway oh this will be fun just a normal day oh sorry about that guys special attack emp oh you know what that means you know what that means watch this this looks so epic oh my god what does it do i'm confused isn't that supposed to break all electronics nearby watch boom oh my god the cars exploded dead oh tina what are you doing you idiot hey cobb how you doing nice car you have there it'd be a shame if it didn't work anymore or if you died guys you see the bullets the bullets i can't take damage the elemental powers are working this is sick special attack mass kill what does that mean here we go three two guys do you see all the guns they're surrounding all the people no freaking way that just happened oh my god you gotta be kidding me that was so sick what if i do it up here by this helicopter oh this is insane let's try it again by the cop car ready alright you see them they have guns i'm gonna take their guns and i'm gonna point the guns at them and then i'm gonna shoot them the coolest thing this is sick i have the coolest powers in the entire world guys wind turbine smash wind turbine smash what the heck does that mean there's a wind turbine no freaking way can i smash this on people no way no freaking way hey car it'd be a shame if you weren't there anymore it's still there so i don't like this car though so have a turbine there you go wind turbine for you a cop car you want a turbine turbines are nice right have it turbine oh it's sideways this is crazy stab what does stab mean oh yeah oh come on man oh i missed hold on give me that helicopter real quick and then i'm gonna throw it at that helicopter oh it didn't work hold on let's try that again how's it going helicopter here smash them smash them hey you're coming with me buddy you're coming with me let's go to the top of may's bench come with me it'll be fine it's gonna be totally fine it's gonna be fun all right let's just place you down right here all right no one has to know there we go i'm holding him by his neck that is so crazy i'm gonna release you there you go you okay buddy don't try to if you shoot me okay i'm just gonna pick you up again she's gonna pick you up again all right now i'm gonna drop you off the side of the building because you decided to treat me bad all right i was just trying to be friends i don't have many friends all right so anyways hopefully enjoy your time falling and yeah have a great time i love this come here come here you you go into them freaking helicopters don't work cause they're flying landed perfectly all right ready for this ready for this i'm gonna here's a captain america shield hold on oh oh what did i do oh frick i did something crazy okay let's do that again okay we gotta get away from the car i have five stars let's go to the freeway real quick i'm gonna magnetize all the cars nearby there we go there we go yes oh frick what the hell is happening over here whoa they're floating oh frick oh this is so sick okay guys i lost the cops because i just flew away pretty easy so i want to kind of mess with some of my powers just on some civilians real quick so let's do that let's just uh drop in right here oh there we go and let's go see what i have all right i want to like pick up something and like stab someone with it i'm a terrible person like the video so if i do this correctly i should like just pick up something what did i pick up what did i pick up okay and then stab him no freaking way oh i feel bad that oh my right in the head is that a le that's a heater oh freak that's mean but very very cool oh my god let's do it again all right what are we gonna pick up around here i don't know what we're gonna pick up but let's stab someone another heater lamp okay can i pick up other things hold on yay that's so fun and perfect landing wait can i stab like just a person in a car i don't think so it has to be a civilian oh do you see that do you see that right by their head what is that oh it's a sign oh i swear these are the coolest powers in gta 5. i have the coolest powers this is insane i just stabbed him with a sign i feel bad let me take that out of you buddy and let me re-stab you oh i can't oh hold up can i pick up this pole i can pick up the pole no way oh this is gonna be so fun okay let's go over here i still have the pole with me right frick i don't let me pick up this guy and throw him at that guy why are you limping are you hurt here let me fix that yay let me get you back here okay i'll catch you oh i missed that is so cool just like being able to just hold someone by the neck look guys i don't do this in real life it's just in the game all right don't worry all right let's just release him backflip nice can i just have a ride to the airport please thank you oh jesus yay guys what are you running from oh my gosh is something happening what's happening i know it's happening a sign's about to go through your head oh my god here let me get that out of you oh my god oh frick wrong guy uh jesus let me get the sign out of you no get move out of the way i'm trying to help freak move out the way stacey oh i have the sign already and you deserve a sign and you deserve a sign and you deserve side hey give me that back it's my side you deserve a sign oh my god this is crazy you deserve it you deserve a i'm just throwing it at cars now hey buddy oh you deserve a car and a sign yay guys guys why are you running i have a jesus okay i'm yeah okay maybe yeah run away that's smart that's smart come here though i'm taking you far away stacy you'll never have to worry about anything ever again it'll be safe up here stacy all right you're gonna be fine you're gonna be just fine this is your new home here this is your brand new home up on the blimp stay here why aren't you looking at me stacy oh jesus oh stacy's dead stacy is dead well maybe stacey's okay let's check let's check see if he's she's still up she's not on there wait i'll save you blimp i'll save you there you go perfect save the blimp i'm a good guy trust me i'm not bad i'm a good guy see i'm a real good guy oh jesus i just hit tina with the blimp where is everyone going why why is everyone so scared jesus christ oh my god let's go to the beach yay 360. guys this is probably the most fun i've ever had playing gta i'm not gonna lie elemental powers are so fun dude hey i feel like you bill want to go for a swim correct oh you can't swim oh well that's okay you're going anyway and you don't have an option hey why are you running stacy come here you want to go swim go for a swim you want to go with her go for a suit and i feel like you you want something else don't you you want to go on a roller coaster perfect we'll put you right here safe and sound oh [ __ ] up okay maybe not safe hey she landed on the roller coaster sweet nope yeah stay stacy stay good okay goodbye oh sorry about that i oh jesus i didn't mean to do that there's a sign for you there's a sign for you sign for you sign for you sign for you sign for you sign for your sign pretty son for you everyone gets a sign guys it's free sign day guys my camera died but that's basically the end of the video thanks for watching i'm a superhuman super dude so drop a like and let me know if you guys want me to use more elemental powers like this it's so freaking fun let's just do one more uh windmill smash and then yeah goodbye what are you looking at you get one too
Channel: Caylus
Views: 5,667,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infinite lists, infinite, gta 5, caylus, gta 5 caylus, more infinite, jelly, gta 5 mods, more infinite gta 5, jelly gta 5, GTA 5 But I Have ELEMENTAL POWERS! (Mods), elemental powers, caylus elemental cars, stealing elemental supercars, caylus elemental, checkpoint, checkpoint gta 5, caylus gta 5 mods
Id: HlaiwWEu9bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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