GRWM: Renaissance Snow Day! - 16th century Italian Clothing

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[Music] good morning everyone I'm Morgan Donner and I've gotten a few requests from people for more get ready with me type videos and today is a lovely day for pictures so I am excited to get dressed up in one of my 16th century Italian style dresses and I thought you guys might enjoy watching so first up we have a camiseta or chamise if you're French or a shift I love the 16th century Italian style shifts they have this really beautiful pleating that's bound up with a nice narrow bit of trim and it's just very pretty very fine and delicate and that cleaning is really nice and then next up we have a bit of hosiery some socks for my feet I actually have a video showing how to make this exact same pair so check that out in the description box somewhere below these are made with a really nice warm wool which will make a big difference for our weather as you'll see you later today and then to help keep the socks up I have some green that linen woven trim to act as essentially garters to help keep those socks up next up for a little bit of extra warmth since like I'm gonna be going out into the cold I have essentially yeild Underpants this is one of the cool things that is kind of a benefit of doing italian style clothing is that there isn't a lot of documentation for under things in the 16th century but Italy is one of the places that does have extant and pictorial documented evidence of it and mine are very very plain in comparison to some of the illustrations and accent ones we have but they'll still add just that little bit of extra warmth and coverage and now to help cover up all this I have a very very modestly ruffled part late' part 'lets are really lovely as a way to keep the Sun off of the exposed skin at the top of your shift because the dress itself does not cover that area it's also nice for the cold weather because that little extra layer of warmth is really nice so the bit of skin right here will tend to become exposed as just the garments work themselves away from each other throughout the day and I'm not a fan I don't like that looks weird feels weird it's not great so I like to toss a pin in the side here to keep it from working itself out alright and I am all nicely covered up don't worry too much about this string we're gonna take care of that later this this is a look so now that we've got all of our various underpinnings on it's time for the over dress itself da da da da this one is made of wool and is moderately heavy not an aid oppressively I can't wear those heavy kind of weight Justin a got some heft to it yeah I don't understand how in historical dramas they always look very pretty and lovely as they're getting dressed and I look like a monster actually you know I take that back I know how they do it they have maids to help everybody get dressed I don't so don't mind me as I gracefully wiggled myself into everything so you might notice that the sleeves are tied into place rather than being sewn the advantage of that is that you can take them off completely if it's really hot or switch them out or when you just want different colored sleeves to go with a certain outfit get everything all neat and tidy all right so the dress is on it's looking cute I do still need to lace up this front opening so after I do that I'll show you a full look of the thing [Music] so I like to end all of my knots with a slipknot involves twisting it pulling it through the loop you just made and sort of tightening it up against the point that I want it to be tightened and then all of this excess just gets tucked into the bodice now that string that I mentioned earlier we can go ahead and just untie that and then tuck it in getting these strings to be even definitely takes a little bit of judging as well you want to aim for nice and parallel slides here keep on shushing and adjusting to your heart's content until everything looks about where you want it to be good enough so this dress and these kind of funny-looking sleeves are actually based off of an illustration from the 16th century book by Cesare Vitelli Oh where he covers fashion from all over his world essentially including Italy I particularly love the look of this peasant woman and I actually have a whole blog post all about it particularly her skirt but this is the dress and sleeves that you see here in this passage describing the illustration he writes that they wore coral or silver beads around their necks as well as on their breasts as well as down these seams of their sleeves so that is what my very silly silly circles here they are giant silver beads to match the approximate proportion and size of hers all right so I've gotten a really good head start on the dress but this hair nonsense will have to be neatened up so starting off instead of a side part we want to go with that Center part next up we're going to want to twist these bang area fringe you can either twist quite literally like this or what I often like to do is go for just a little bit more definition with that Quist and do a sort of like a French braid but there's only two strands so I guess it's a French twist so I go down until I have two pretty healthy braid sizes and this last bit that's left over it's gonna make up our third strand of a braid and we just start a braid braid all the way down to the tippy-toes of your hair all right so I've got my perro braids if your braids are long enough you can go around the back of your head and then across the top which is very pretty and lovely and you end up with that really nice completely covered back or if your braids are a little bit on the shorter side you might want to just go milkmaid style you can also use a little bit of good old fake hair to help supplement as well which I'm going to totally do today so just toss it up around the back of your head and then I'm just going to use a couple of these u-shaped pins to hold it in place so next up I'm going to use my own natural braids to help cover up and blend in with the fake one I've got it's a this is kind of a cute look if only I had tools and oodles of a hair to just make like Crown Plus falling braids thank you [Music] all right so I got that all pinned in and awhile it looks cute mmm it's just a little bit too far forward so let's adjust that back a little bit it's very easy to have it kind of do a headband thing waiting up here kind of right at the very top of the head but you really want to try and aim for almost back of head does that make sense I'm gonna try and get all of the ends and bits tucked in neatly and as semi invisible as possible you all right so we have our fake circle in place and now we're gonna augment it with the real ones I think it looks about right it is very tempting to make it a little bit higher up it has a kind of very pretty crown effect when you wear it a little bit more visible from the front you can see here can't really see much of what's up top back here it looks kind of more nice and pretty to the modern eye when you wear it a little bit more forward but it seems like a lot of the illustrations show it a little bit further back all right so we are all pinned in place and that is good that should hold but even better is to do some Italian 16th century hair taping which is to take a tape a result ribbon or what have you and lace it around your braids catching a little bit of scalp hair as you go to tape it to your hair so to start off we're going to take our tape which is about 75 inches long and we want to make sure that we have enough for both sides and evenly do the whole thing so the only way I get to make that happen is if I divide it and have to begin with there we go and then I hold on to one of the halves so that it can't get sucked in and now that I've done that first round I don't have to worry about it pulling out anymore and I can go ahead do the second one okay so this little piece up here you can get tied into a pretty pretty bow and if you have a little bit too much excess like we do here I just like to tuck that underneath the braid a little bit so here's the finished braid [Music] last but not least we're going to do some finishing touches I have some coral beads for about my neck because I'm a very very big fan of the coral bead look very cute and because I'm feeling uppity I'm gonna wear my pearl earrings even though I'm going for a very peasant look sometimes it's a pearly peasant jellia and then for my dress I have a few more small accessories I have a little pouch that I'm going to tie about my waist and then I have this very very pretty apron with some trim that is meant to be imitating the style of the hand embroidered late 16th century aprons there's a couple of excellent ones that are really really beautiful I don't have that kind of time so mine is a trend that I found that I knew would be just perfect for it alright so next up if I was feeling a little extra fancy and this does seem to be pretty common for a lot of Cesare Vitelli OHS mentions of 16th century women both upper and lower class is a veil of some kind whether that's ones that go over the face and yes there's lots of him mentioning that they are covering their face and peeking out from their veil or you can pin it delicately about the back of your head which is definitely a very pretty look I think I will go ahead and wear today because it is very very pretty and I like that so I like to just place it approximately where I want it I like to put some of the length down the front so I can verify that it's somewhat even once I found a good pair of anchor spots for my braid I will just use those hair pins that I was using for the rest of this and very gently pierced through my fabric attempting to do as little damage as possible to it because I do like it so I have my two little pins here insert it into my fabric and we're just gonna flip that back I want to give it a maximum grabby power as possible there we go okay all right so we are all pinned in place it may occasionally sort of blow in front of or behind the braid either ways just fine so it's kind of interesting the sixteenth century how there's this sort of very slight gentle nod towards the idea that women are supposed to cover their hair you see that a lot throughout the various medieval ages across Europe lots of covering of the hair by the time you get to the sixteenth century they're just sort of like alright we'll kind of cover our hair barely all right so I think it's about time for me to go out and about and have my adventures taking pictures I will definitely share some of them in the video following this and I hope you guys all have a wonderful wonderful day [Music] you
Channel: Morgan Donner
Views: 144,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morgan Donner, Morgan Donner's Sewing Party, renaissance (art period/movement), get ready with me, renaissance GRWM, Renaissance get ready with me, Renaissance ootd, historical dress, wearing a 16th century dress, society for creative anachronism, making historical clothing, getting dressed in the 16th century, historical cosplay, medieval clothing, medieval dress, medieval costume, medieval reenactment, medieval fashion, 16th century clothing, dressing in the 16th century
Id: 2mgZKM2CIN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 58sec (1018 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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