Grupo Frontera x Bad Bunny - un x100to (Video Oficial)
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Channel: Grupo Frontera
Views: 330,252,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bad bunny, grupo frontera, frontera, frontera grupo, bad bunny grupo frontera, grupo frontera bad bunny, bad bunny grupo frontera audio, un por ciento, un porciento, 1 porciento, UN X100TO, bad bunny grupo frontera unx100to, bad bunny un porciento, bad bunny un por ciento, grupo frontera un porciento, grupo frontera un por ciento, bad bunny grupo frontera un x100to, bad bunny un porciento audio, bad bunny 2023, uno por ciento, 1 por ciento, bad bunny un porciento letra, 2023
Id: 3inw26U-os4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2023
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Wow!! Huge collab for the hometown boys. Props to all involved.
Insane how fast these guys have become world famous. I think this time last year no one knew who they were, now they’re doing songs with bad bunny. The internet is crazy powerful
Really cool! Love to see our locals succeed. Now we just need them as Bad Bunny’s surprise guest at Coachella with bronco956.
Much better than their beaten dead horse cover of "No Se Va". Cannot believe that Bad Bunny's contribution goes well with this collaboration lol.
Very happy for Grupo Frontera 🎉
why do spanish language groups always feel the need to include grupo in their band name? always found that a bit odd
From the Kardashians to the Cuhrdashians 🤣 Srsly tho, this is a great thing for the Valley and for local musicians. Totally happy for them!!