Grubby | WC3 | [LEGENDARY] A Wall of Stone

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hello and welcome to another video here on the channel thank you very much for watching short message from me and everyone would love if you subscribe to the channel so that you know when next there is more warcraft 3 and reforged content thank you very much see see level 3 out of nowhere Johnny Cage Knight oaf again his MK look so late why is that he mercenary camp crepes keeping only 8 peasants at home thrill number 5 on gold he also made arcane tower to protect his mane but it finished oh my god turn is done again it finished late right the arcades are finished too late for him to get benefit from it than three peasants three peasants were not mining lumber and then he even lost like five peasants he got a lot of experiment and then he militia crafts another camp so he militia craft so much that probably he was 500 gold 80 lumber after then massively reproduce peasants until finally and so this is why this is why his deck was so late and I also fast act without barracks and without second burrow and without shop so my tech was fast and his was slow and that's why I was tc3 when he just started to creep is I'm thinking that's normal I wonder why he started to practice night elf usually people have a reason not just fun for example maybe he thinks that undead it's too difficult with human so he starts practicing elf to have an alternative when he scouted me last game I made a second burrow in this vision now he doesn't know because he didn't go fire maybe now he's gonna go talents from the start I just need to know whether or not he is going to go for the know this on the instep or on the Goblin mansions immediately or he's going to route you reaches you went to get circuits and dust and is now coming to compete so I want him to use that dust he's gonna get the other one I can't do anything about that double cloak of shadows I will admit this may come as a surprise to some of you not my favorite [Music] [Music] and hunters [Music] that's the real one with staff with deli [Music] [Music] his tech was so late I can't creep or I can harass but I think I should actually create very controversial for me I was thinking about it hard you just got a triple here's your reward cloak of permanent invisibility even when moving I would like illusion [Music] - greater yield to close of shadows if he was a non-stop hero focuser this would make my day I think he's doing bearson expanse or only Bearer only exposed gonna accompany I know it's bears it's so you did this I can not waste time like that a little embarrassed at that I do I was so multitasking he didn't realize it was holiday I just it's a chicken if he's expanding now but actually actually I don't really need to check he wasn't expanding before he's not very likely to be doing so now I'm just gonna get a TV so I can come home to defend the mother on he has to go mountain giant all in village duck upgrade this either we can just trade base I think this ants of war is gonna spoke this resonates divorce gonna spoil our plans our vision anyway it's stopping for getting upgrades actually yeah my eyes are pretty strong [Music] didn't focus fire properly there I mean I didn't lose a unit in that altercation I did of course loose units prior to that Tuffy and they're still really difficult to deal with this amount of mountain Giants [Music] [Music] [Music] I just saw his gold mine runners but weird bug is still in the game nice it's a dryer so now I got a high level snake [Music] maybe I can snipe his items if he's slow if he's slow Johnny Cage blunder so little man unless he's actually check these expanded anywhere else americlean of the small greens that we didn't get before pretty good fighter looks like he's back home what's the adding Chimaera he did do one small green staff there the greedy mother trucker maybe that was special tactics by him to do a lots of mounted burns on my shadow if so it worked dude I think he didn't attack because he couldn't get heal info cuz I took it before I don't think this is a good position for me to stay at Baltimore man to dance to on upgrades they're quite difficult to beat by the way like difficult to destroy you realize I would have a direct path to his face if he goes through with that I have so little DPS on my blades as well also I would love to go two or three but that's just not possible right now still has so many Mountain Giants left and we use so many items remaining double and it's hard I need more Raiders note our that's good he walked straight past my shop by the way I'm gonna mine on before his and I need way more items than him because he's dealing for free from moon wells hands when his base run says he can walk it again late storm just need to get his arrow kid once it's a lot of Giants has become comfortable I still have a shot there my next Expo should be up there not so many months and Giants anymore so greedy ready to ride I should have canceled the tranquillity a lot sooner so many mountain giants again freaking empty micro mountain Giants so difficult to fight here working people running towards him soozee well place excellent game for YouTube bit annoying to play against but it was damn close I won't say it's about balance because we were all sometimes one seconds away from killing his hero's friend why didn't that last place from do more damage to the dryads it looks cooler than it actually than what it actually does [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 51,071
Rating: 4.882472 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, giant, mountain, reforged, multiplayer, orc, ne, night elf, elves, legendary
Id: y17HXZEheos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 0sec (2700 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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