Grubby | WC3 | [LEGENDARY] A High Profile 2v2

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I'm sorry a little later so it's fine so you're still doing the life fitness yeah yep I have my own company now so since October last year I'm oh oh okay I think we do our unbeatable tactic no okay twitch chat is like do it cheese please yeah I was gonna say like you know you wanted to go double riser I'm pretty sure we had six days of Warcraft's in a week for me to be able to find yeah I'm not sure how this works against Oregon dead but I mean yeah that's true going for the orc I still can't believe that the double crits game works I can't believe any of our games it's so many wins today that's very decided on small small things there's always a new adventure in Warcraft land it's just amazing this they love this game yeah after playing for so long there's still games of a type that you've never had before that's incredible yes later yeah I don't know like 5k 10k 20k games I don't know many but they're still unique games it's cool yeah we are playing orcas it both makes I don't know you want to go to undead first and then yeah yeah super lost creep okay go to that first and we'll do the rush later on someone oh what is it rice or tea partyer her ass what but no he'll self this time changed it up oh that's unlucky I lost the burro oh and I kill the cigarettes all right oh nice nice nice so it's kind of even doesn't matter they scattered both of us let's just start adapting we can creed we can fight with that well I wanna arrest yeah yeah yeah just we both play our own side he is a creeper boy he doesn't know what to do and he doesn't get this a-levels that's true I said like do you do okay again Jimmy 101 find that he dreams too so following this green one there okay I guess we just have to keep both of the players we mean it's busy and then at the magical 72 food we go hello yes with those it's crazy get your attack of criteria yeah this is timing yeah I'm I'm a bit slower because of the car open yeah let's go okay okay Oh ringing I know let's go right inside the base and kill the rules okay sugar he's sleeping now so okay get them in the back there come shocker I'll get one burro first hopefully no second here oh I think just pull back a bit so we get a better spread yeah this is just stupid I love it that but look at this yes pull back kill the shop and pull back pull back to our tower stare down to it pull all the way back all over that hexxus okay yeah all that was close oh my god the damage dude see we just changed yeah yeah why why not Derek they're getting hurt I'll kill they skill this they activated this speech school actually do we really need to attack this not really you know what we're gonna go to the shop we're gonna heal up and then we're gonna get a heal scroll protection soon oh my god yeah sorry didn't say okay pull back pull back yep all the way back yeah maybe you have you're right about eating school roll I'll TP if I need to all the way back we just let the powers do to work I don't think they really want to deal with that or do oh we can actually go defend it again can you can you pop in and buy your scroll without dying and I'll he'll solve you a sir okay let's get let's get let's go Katie gave it up but it's good to actually finish it I okay do the same maybe okay a bit of lumber actually I will expand on riser space I think it's riser we need to finish this they're committed to defend Oh just speed scrolling man up let's go yeah you'll start to we have way too much stuff to care about this yes TP he went to the other base okay nice good job oh nice repair he has no envelope that's okay good job good job okay I'm gonna finish the Burroughs Oh they do not have an expansion cancel his here they're coming back they want the heroes they want my hero it's okay we don't need this I was I was slow forgot a little bit and also he didn't have money yet we creep and get more scrolls next time try to get me is too risky we have to play safe we have double income don't risk anything try to get me with the protection heal next time sorry you missed me with the protection he'll try to get me I'm gonna expand in this bit Nevada sister pearl okay I'm gonna expand in his face it's mostly a base you have money for me to buy to buy heel protection on me I think we should do a fight since I have protection scroll oh no we don't want to fight yet we need some more upgrades we need 45 defenses and stuff there's both going all in on the kill acolytes I don't have speed school but okay I can't do something they have a TP or under it has a TP or two and it has a TP is okay I'm the TP okay run I didn't know he TP he was our vision five to five miles from my base is good but also make some tourists like I think we need to have some lumber I think we'd go double I mean I don't know a hex I think eventually we need to do like two hexes to kill an undead hero probably the DK I think I go TC actually okay they did not take this but rather did expand I should be able to I don't have seen yet is arrested protect your base we can just arrest and we don't need to do a timing thing my main yeah can you repair focus the boroughs the destroyers I mean I'll go for the other days so you we can't actually maybe fight what do you think I think so we have gross but it appeal though I don't have any yielding yet see mama yeah okay I'm tipping to the left yummy oh no you don't have to oh that's give me space has no coil just focus back a bit like a bit back of it we need time with your time we have three bases against practically one can you hex the DK you know your hope just keep running yes unholy - it's hard fight about position for maybe should have run together okay I go to soccer base I'm gonna convert to Vader now since we are pre base okay I'm just gonna get lunch now it will be a quicker way to deal with destroyers yeah he doesn't mind because we sent four wolves to remake he has no burrows shockers here he might get your coat oh [ __ ] I should have TP to you he doesn't have a lot of stuff say that orc base is gone that's fine I help you better talk okay I'll go do a bit of creeping oh oh oh [Music] I go to creep gonna get a new TV and go again okay what they're asked to do I don't know now getting some baths kill the destroyers here's a lot to one upgrades yeah we you're not gonna win the fight I think we need to go for Raiders okay you can't go make Raiders I'm all my way now okay he left Paris I will rebuild God I got three ropes of the Magi what the hell are we to be there it's faster we need more time what do you want we spit up yeah I would like to expand okay be careful because you don't have much speed okay under this here just keep racing who can ever kill the riser units I'm nice Expo I didn't know that you probably told me and I didn't care cease chasing I we have to check this on - shocker may expand again oh my god if they realize where I was I killed it grounds guess it was worth it law Oh [Music] under the Harrah's are getting so sick yeah I think oh yeah thank you I'm sending water as well to his Expo I think shockers somewhere in the middle or on the way to my natural I believe only way it's gonna be [Music] yeah but you know Coyle Nova will kill everything we must have some kind of focus on DK at some point yeah yeah yeah under just buying clarity and speed scry no I've been trying to kill the shop actually I send one of my wolves to kill it it's almost dead would be funny if it was like before you know you keep the game yeah the w3a system stop hating on shocker and saying is cheating guys there's no evidence of that ever so it's not a nice accusation instead focus on razor and don't cheating yeah for sure these probably involve I'm gonna go to the island I have no money left geez sound good I don't think we can even speech go away from this we need like TP and they're doing this dirty like we've been doing people dirty you need to check this maybe yeah I'll try to give you some level of you what you want maybe scared gonna settle in yeah he didn't he should have it now oh nice job that's what vote does should be gone forever I think TTP yeah just let it go safe at least why I didn't hear Saturday oh there we go [Music] gonna get it you know okay I can give you a bit of tolls okay they did not expand in the core here but they do have that other corner can you expand here careful under I currently have no mining care okay cake I care I'm gonna do SEPA drop on the undead pace just try to kill heroes don't work heroes yeah [Music] [Music] yeah under this here I don't know if he STP he does okay right there's a boneyard I needed to get speech go I can I can sponsor you I wish you have to get [Music] his fiend came here exactly I don't know if they even saw it yes lemons Oh it's called my based on so we should count with there's only one CP here I'm gonna do we fight the under but yes this is you know he faked me with stuff I need to get it all before we fight let your island export ale sorry I think we should fight here okay I have a lot of Raiders now what I need 60 okay I think we could do okay in the fight I have potion of risking a cushion of Risto and more I get a scroll instead then wait for me wait for ya I'm just saving your base status yes touches touches genteel score enough yeah one morphine good good get every unit hit okay maybe we can't win the fight oh yeah okay yeah it's insane do you want some I give you one shadow okay I'm ready I'll go to you three for the Lich yes dude DK maybe destroy destroy destroy destroy nice I've tattooed okay so insane dude we doesn't think this normally it's DP'd calm Oh next we do it again but thanks any of the hex this may be the worst focus fire in the world to focus fire okay sorry I was scared KPK yeah just run just run with their faces just write smaller safe I was cheering too soon [Music] I can't help you I'm just gonna TP let's say okay so you're gonna broke okay I give you money where's my Zeppelin oh my god we're just trying to kill Roger heroes for once those still not here I have a lot of income I can help you give yeah I get my saddle back they need in your game I mean Russell man is running without ya we try to get here you have a start the TV Oh welcome plucking nice block nice block dude surrounded yes he's on the zipline I should have made a bet writer oh yeah go yeah I'm making it but probably needed you made a body's I'm gonna expand in the island again are you fully healed okay you are to start working on the on that basis your goal is to kill first here find the Farseer and kill elephants is here that's a bit hard yeah that's a bit too hard the base in the top is giving is getting too much money [Music] three for us enough pray for the Orca goes I have Saddleback begin though all my brain cells are going to the bath I cannot communicate with you on a verbal level right now I didn't find him or sir I see it I see it I see it he's coming run at least I'm starting to mine again and I have to I should get a base out I have 240 gold yeah I have I'm harassing acolytes I need 140 coal then I can get a new TP and keep fighting okay oh yes two worms three worms or - two - three worms you you base trade them good he has no TP don't be fooled first off of tele doesn't matter you has no TP it's only stuff it's a fake he is coming be prepared to run like your life depends on it because it will try to kill the man before I have just lost my TC run run did he have a yes probably oh I'm gonna lose my purse here where's my Zeppelin hey no I guess one myself Oh heaven all [ __ ] okay Oh heaven I'll try to wear this right ear too soon he has worms dude he's gonna hunt you down I know Oh heaven Oh God I think we may have just sang our last song we can try for a little bit more without Roger checking we win this do it you're gonna be fine yeah maybe the main weight I serve one but we still have a chance if we blow up where's my bath just blow up always Heroes fly to the islands he will Zeppelin to the island and he will think yes those up in there anymore hey it's just to to our units yes no okay you can kill them actually you have a shade probably yeah that's true that's true [Music] possibly multiple you can creep this I guess you can still try that so yeah he's going for you though I scoured with the bat it's an excellent scouting unit your fields [Music] most OPI hero in the game they talk about were stomp I'm remaking my face here look I'm baiting the destroyers you can go kill them when he sends him off to my back yeah he did it once he would do it again so cancel this time he didn't do it oh okay okay ready I'll make four shades how do you know oh yeah that's true but maybe it's here oh no where was my boss oh yeah I'm using it technically yes I should try to kill building seven okay I have a TC let's do you have any is one where I'm at least with him does here CP he doesn't it's a fake it's a fake do not believe his lies he's going to buy a TP he will have it in eight seconds advise extreme caution he's coming for the TP but he knows he can't anymore oh it's definitely gay oh god save us all okay oh it's just DK and you wanna go [Music] dude hex the hex - were max the worm yes Nova you hex the worm and yeah he's going for the Farseer say lightning go for the DK go for the big a hex just run [Music] give a base ya know hey they have a shade in my base going for rebate you have the Raider here okay good start killing yeah that's finished I am safe and I have another base oh my god no you're you're the unlucky is playing in the world yeah three Taylor in this is freaking Bank here J such a lost love sending wolves wait can I save one of your peels do you still have any peels anywhere oh I will try to save fun remaking course you know heaven be with us okay you haven't be on I have saved one of your fianc oh I know it's a lot to take in breathe what the right place do you have it you have it you have it you can take you can walk this train is left a man I'm doing good job we're all your heroes oh you sloppily lost them I don't like this yeah he has all the hero levels he's got them all leave it to me I have weathered worse storms having a good time here with my raider actually but you have a please for all that is holy oh are you kidding me I couldn't even respond yeah it's insane you do advise jump though that's good that's good I have my butt okay good trade for us haven't paid for my old yet for shadow should I sell my circuit I think yeah yeah do whatever needs to be done it's not mining anymore what he is not mining anymore cool stop making it Oh Oh where's my settle in can you help me find my settle in where is it lost it I I it was here just now no more wives where did the bus come from Oh all the shop here to kill it kill it with extreme prejudice no I mean I it's your shop what oh cool yeah leave it alive oh my god oh yeah you you didn't mind your skill with the sapling where's my Zeppelin oh let me give you some cool items okay let's give it back yeah I was trying to mana manage so he doesn't do they run yeah run it's I think it's only stuff of telly what your sh is massive sorry I just ran into extreme danger I am now stuck on an island and I need the Zeppelin I let me control package on some lumber please [Music] oh I am a Zeppelin okay you can have yours again I'm gonna put it here okay careful he's coming I'm sending a Zeppelin on the intersect course I'm snare something no the Crypt Lord is here for some reason I'm gonna surround it he doesn't know I got the script lers nice you're zipping this here oh yeah okay I can repair it go look there's a there's a path here oh my gold mine on the island just reminding oh thank you no more words Danny Chico I did you see what happen to the worms right did you see it I saw the two worms exploding them to sleep let's go get another now this was the craziest but like all the games are crazy oh boy yeah okay I think that's a good one for me against it but I had a lot of fun tonight Sam oh my god holy macaroni uh-huh I'm really glad you asked me for - um - it was fun yeah sure I would not expect the games like these one doctor 10 hero deaths can I have some more gold for an expand please hey good night good night enough then and until next time and thanks again see you next time JJ yeah Oh why did the Crippler suicide I think he just forgot about it to be honest replay analysis 50 minutes max 50 foods still when is crazy shocker 170 units killed 12 heroes killed Jesus could've shared control quality content right there oh thank you thank you thanks brick 5 0 for YouTube just Ross 15 grubby the ultimate long game player nice thanks I felt lonely did regimen leaf Sharkey did he help you did he tell you where our units were on the map be honest [Music] you [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 58,234
Rating: 4.9237804 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, reforged, multiplayer, 2v2, razzorman, shocky, ladder, wc3, champions
Id: 2q4231w0jDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 27sec (3147 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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