Grubby | WC3 | [EPIC] Single Hero SURROUND

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what do you want i can do that be happy to zack hi zack oh my mmr is becoming higher on this account as well we're going blade mirror image double barracks and then bats for all for anti-air so this is going to be a very low beyond count game we're gonna creep quickly a little bit to level five and then bats i'm gonna stay on fourteen no i'll stay on fifteen 15 yeah 15 foot something we will not have enough resources for it for a while yes first the ground then the blade and the fake blade yes nice [Music] then we go to the next one okay that's the last hunter we make oh hey why are you so stupid the second campaign took more damage than the first determining factor as well as micro yes absolute choice choice yes i what task is so what am i going to do with a whole lot of grunts against a criplord fast expansion attack i guess just attack i'm getting pillaged and i will get a zeppelin i am but that still takes a while i guess i take this laboratory and then we can probably get a sapper too we'll get another burrow and then we'll try to do a sapper attack we need to heal anyway so we get attack upgrades spooky laboratory i'll get attacked and we die oh this is his main okay straight then yes oh bro no okay let's make one bat before we lose this burrow just kill us sent it all what you yes yes excellent choice yes yes the bats it dispels dust yes you're uh what's their second hero burning oil mirror image mitchells instructions are unclear fire yes zoinks what you want oh you know what i could do it should be fairly easy what is it i could do a reskill to mirror image and do a single blade death knight surround can i help you what you won't be bad i am yours hello just need to find him first i am yours this will be the first in my life if we if we make this yes i am yours yes but you won't be burned ready to win excellent damn it yes he won't know which one is real if we attack same time of course he could impale them all he found out yeah we did it um it's so tough on a big map when you're not allowed to creep because you only have a single hero under attack i can still deny him the creep village don't fail it looks scarier than it is oh yes [Music] evade hmm excellent choice what do you want yes [Music] research completed oh we lost one unit i am yourself [Music] let's get the arcanite armor we can get bats with six armor upgrades yes three attack upgrades yes oh what's the matter no problem i got two three grunts they're almost as good yes absolute choice i'm thinking of expanding again and i think i should create the space for it but you're the boss i also have to go for his maid it's gonna cost me my castle so i'll remake it here yes is [Music] yes what you want spikes come on spikes yes he does our town is [Music] yes ah okay come back our town try not to spend mana because we get blade storm again soon once we have anna yes lord i am yourself 480 gold no thanks yes yourself heal this ground heal this [Music] crowd come on they should like one shot the acolyte i got two three upgrades yes is yes yes to get some wood maybe a shade man i'm not mining anymore can i release myself from these rules okay i need blade back i need shredder we're what you want me back [Music] fire it up i am yours hunter oh crap here he is running low okay we can still try to eliminate yes i am yours [Music] oh i have two shops here lol yes absolute choices are you yes [Music] oh research i am is oh yes oh yes oh is yes yes lord excellent choice are you here and obeying this word what is it oh [Music] kill first yeah yes yes full speed ahead [Music] okay all right grunts and bats germany you get your way that was wild level seven four [Music] yeah the blade storm was still slowed from the nerubian so lame by the way you forgot the demolishers oh okay [Music] yeah sorry those two kodos they were supposed to be demos miss [Music] click [Music] you
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 15,971
Rating: 4.8369565 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, surround, blademaster, mirror image, reforged, orc
Id: 5FPWHuoiIxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 22sec (2542 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 15 2020
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