Grubby | The NEW SWOLE Kael'Thas!

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hey guys hello and welcome to a game of kel'thuz now kel'thuz received a couple of buffs in the most recent patch just about a week ago his phoenix damage has gone up um about eight percent or so which is honestly not bad it's not as explosive and fun as the pyroblast but it's a respectable heroic ability that can do a bit of zoning and splash damage and eight percent is nice keltas also received more mana from his mana tap level 4 talent which is typically taken with convection this is not something to be too exciting about as convection is mostly a meme talent not very strong even when you complete it and kind of hard to get and you run out of mana so i don't think anyone should be taking mana tap if you already have mana addict which is what i went for in the coming up game finally kel'thuz received a small health buff therefore i can call him swole alright let's see how kel'thuz performs in this game on hanamura i've always enjoyed the hero very much the hanamera there's so much open space it's not easy to get good gravity lapses and you can get flanked so we better play our best enjoy did cash stop playing hot we just can't play together you could say he glaive you a good suggestion no i saw it uh uh yesterday you said so i hear you plan to play more of my favorite hero no memes required seems good cass doesn't like playing on an a candy bomber surprisingly because of the ping hey can you say words that make logan react i think you just gathered me so but you see a dog is not a plaything you don't lie to it and say something good is gonna happen like pork jerky snack for eating and then not give it to them because that is lying and that is not very nice when you say it you gotta give it it's a perfect day for some mayhem the ming linara oh aurora scary on gunter and renee roman all with the pork turkey snacks but first let's do less streaming and more banning this balloon grant us strength i bring pandemonium uh can someone uh tts okay g-o-e-a-t to see if it works o-k-l-o-g-a-n g-o-e-a-t see if it works i'll pay you back oh this is my jam maybe i can do it myself i need to donate to myself to trigger tts we will forge a great destiny i want to see if it works why can't i donate to myself the button is greyed out ah logan go eat [Applause] logan go eat the heathens are at our gates [Applause] logan go eat logan go eat yeah damn it it didn't work thanks candy well maybe that's a good thing he doesn't take commands from robots [Music] good boy low again he's a good dog ready yourself my champion i think that's a good thing probably ready to fight for this land wouldn't have it any other way why do you doubt me didn't press logan's capture failed the turing test hello wow let no okay let's look at thrall spec as well oh he still went rolling thunder no no no no that was close um oh we didn't do a zero death uh yeah well we'll do an informal uh zero death challenge not part of the prediction i don't know where anyone is so i cannot really follow up on this like i didn't want to go um without knowing where people are plus i'm needed bot lane and now i can't rotate by that side unlike what junkrat is trying go for uh there's a little bit too much of the wall here i have uh i had joke built highlighted it's better now staying grounded really really wow thank you mouth that's gonna be a clutch heal i'll be with you shortly never punished i know dude i know i'm i'm i'm dead three times good work friends i'm already dead three times your world is upside down heading your way now i got nothing left i'm on my way i can't believe it's on the 12 second cooldown now that's crazy i could use some help here is okay yes ow you will not be stopped i need to rename for some reason because i don't think it's for some reason i know what the reason is imagine zero death challenge dying two months atc is going to get that fat 20 armor okay we're gonna get that big phoenix bonus damages yeah spread the love oh that's a shame hey they see us here they see us here wow oh no junkrat a testament to my glory strawberry i need to do some more damage i should teach them a lesson oh my accuracy is at the moment that was fun let's try it for that not to be the case nice attempt juked allah that will do for now nice [Music] oh yeah okay who killed chen because he got thrall do not let our ally falter i need some help well done let us press onward oh okay they killed each other well done let us press onward i will join you get out of there as long as we hold the sentinel and it's not getting our fart because they've wasted time did you see what three hk did he went to like the left of the sentinel so it swipes to the left very good habit to prevent damage to your fort whoever is closest to it when the cooldown comes up later it was hard to do anything there big wave on our fort this talent is my gift champion to know if it's safe take this hero out of the fight our defenses are faltering may try to snipe someone wow i need some help i should have been there too karin may just die now because not playing with team huh i was close though oh do our team went for the objective right did we get it no right and byron went to the center i think varian is right i was pushing out top which was also not really right i do want to push out that area grows perilous my pleasure the team is chasing liming and pushing objective retreat get out of our there is in need of assistance lucky hit i will join you oh that's the worst phoenix ever i missed big i don't miss my lifetime wasted i'm breathing hard i'm like i'm griefing art i need a mindset switch oh that area grows is there a chance to see celtics out as well yeah of course of course there is i'm trying all the new stuff today zero death at least yeah zero death at least i think we need to focus on the sentinel now you see them hiding he's holding back he's hiding enemies you may select a talent i should have gone flamethrower oops this is unlikely to get as much value i'm going to pull yeah mistake mistake i quick picked a shortcut picked this sentinel camp respawns in four has i just blew the hell up out of lucio mayhem take this hero out of the fight they just don't have healer i'm on my way i'll be with you we have cake let's see how you fight let's go our bottom keep though it's getting catapulted get out of here almost lost keep i'll be with you shortly so we almost got their key but the forts are still intact assist me what's up this is too easy that's a really nice kick jesus traitors do you have everyone extinguished double the light has without sentinel i think we can probably end i don't think we need this okay fine glock imagine actually needing the turret it's 5v2 i'm just gonna focus the door i can't believe it i should have died at least five times this game but i think uh i think mouth played pretty incredible well totally undeserved but there you go y'all dude i should have voted for mouth so your death i took care of the dying part yeah but you have a post-death trait you're supposed to play junkrat that way i'll blame alessa for the win [Music] you
Channel: GrubbyHOTS
Views: 4,527
Rating: 4.9259257 out of 5
Keywords: Heroes of the storm, Heroes, Hots, Grubby, Followgrubby, Blizzard, Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo, Overwatch, Storm League, Quick Match, Aram, Best, top, great, Streamer, Game, Gamer, Pro player, professional, Twitch, Streaming, Talent, Build, Ultimate, Heroic, KT, kael'thas, buff, nerf, hp, health, tank, swole
Id: 7xr2CBEv6bw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 4sec (1924 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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