Grubby | "DH Meta Now?" | Warcraft 3 | 1.31 | NE vs UD | Amazon

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a spooky fan solo demon hunter on Amazonia we're gonna play for bear rushed and frustrating for us yes bb-but understandable right did you did you know that the level 8 magnetar can attack buildings with both I did not know that he's really a relic of the past maybe when storm bolt also still worked on buildings then they changed it for bolts but they forgot about magnetar sup nerds how's it going I don't know who you think you're talking to STX but there are no nerds here we are all intelligent jokes that's our our cake now Naresh then should I leave all right all right II was talking to all of us [Music] thought I could win the battle of wills he did awhile stop maybe I'll do a shop wonders deny on the coil but then I got so close to the skellies I'm just gonna make two archers whoa - yep just to special tactics one suck one shoe oh I wasn't looking I'm supposed to creep Jack here now he's got masks gauntlets what the hell what was that button did they introduce a new hotkey for zoom that never happened to me my whole life it's comma and dots that's so stupid I've always clicked that apparently 18 he was 18 and I knew it that's one tanky DK I don't meet another moon well any time soon that was nice I'll make short work of them I didn't think that that tanky DK could ever be taken down evasion level two I might have been able to survive that would have been sick are going [Music] our sacred robe is being desecrated I did a bunch of false auto attacks that's like I think he's going FRA storms or he wants to I mean even if I killed that cool that wouldn't have changed the outcome right out that's a boneyard nice it's just too bad to worse reminds me of Scrooge McDuck when a sea monster ate his ice cream he went bananas it wasn't really ice cream it was his money [Music] two bears you sell that Memphis let's see what I scream except of course I heard it in Dutch so he said is a bold statement i supplicate quick-reaction [Music] [Music] viens abomination he switched because I have a lot of dry ass or something there's no second hero to develop because I'm solo diamond we can burn all his statues what's that dk64 you killed his own soccer I was gonna die anyway uproots are no uproots double sapper self kill is one of my favorite moves oh it's disease everything I I'm awake I'm awake [Music] I Oh Oh where's my non morphed bear I'm not one to randomly misplace a bear if I'm gonna randomly misplace and lose a bear it's gonna be two at the same time two by two hands of blue that's two words our warriors have a [Music] hello six thank you my strength is yours of course yeah I didn't realize Ultimates came back yet but it wasn't necessary either GG sick wall play - got intense mobile ones Ultimo sang rain telegraph poo gel cloven thank you for the subs in this very intense game snowed in 24 thank you very much he talks I will never not think of hearthstone the adventure mission when you play against this boss and its response to everything you say as you try to cajole it into being you all it says is it speaks what was it like she lobe or zoth or whatever I don't know it's big friend that's that's how I think of myself when I forgot to speak for a while and then suddenly the game is over then we say hello chat please evaluate bears this game they seemed not tanky a liability at the end of the day is gonna kill some and this time he killed bears but if I don't have bears I don't have roar or a red roof I need red roof or demon will just get killed immediately so you must have bears when you go solo Illidan or you'll just by heal pots until the kingdom come and you need dryads because they are the natural counter to worms and destroyers but he's got such damage against both of them lit crypt fiends album against dryads and worm destroyer nukes against bears you really need that expansion and it's really the only wind chance you have otherwise you just stand around on the map waiting for him to make a tea food of a much much much better army I could go hippos but my experience is that they're gonna wet they have kites backwards with their speed ara and dryads slow is not enough to keep them with you and then they're just gonna either kite and kill the hippogriffs or just ignore them unless you can get double inches of wins mas hippos then you can overcome his air by having more hippos like four more hippos than they have Crypt fans then it works but I can't afford that from one base and then they will just boom stop making air mass album maybe a few fins and suddenly you've got eight hippos doing nothing just make art its archers have put them all the hippos nice idea but it's actually not worth it [Music] [Music]
Channel: FollowGrubby
Views: 50,507
Rating: 4.8956523 out of 5
Keywords: Grubby, FollowGrubby, Heroes of The Storm, Warcraft, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft2, Blizzard, Blizzard Moba, Games, Strategy Games, Multiplayer Games, E-Sports, Esports, Streamers, Pro Gaming, Best, Top, Epic, Family, Friendly, Funny, Fail, DH, demon hunter, demon, hunter, illidan, ne, night elf, elves, reforged, 1.31, patch, patch note, change, ud, undead
Id: WA-g-7sbjZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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