Growth Hacking - Neil Patel - Pioneers Festival 2014

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so how are you guys doing today awesome that's great it's so funny I've been to Vienna before and it's actually one of my favorite places to visit I love the weather it's great in the US everyone thinks about like California you know it's sunny I was born in London and I lived a lot of my life in Seattle and the weather is just like this so I love it because you know as a start-up when the weather sucks like Vienna no offense that means you're gonna work more you work more you make more money if it's nice and sunny you want to go outside you're not gonna work you don't make as much money it's the same reason why you guys all play a lot of online poker during the winter it's all right let's get started today I'm gonna teach you guys all about growth hacking you guys all familiar with the term all right well now you'll actually know how to do it for your business I'm going to give you actionable tips my twitter handle they also have a twitter handle here i have no idea what it is but you can use theirs as well before we get started i want to tell you one quote from a guy named Adam Nash and it's very important in which growth is important and all good companies take it seriously you're not going to increase your revenue your traffic your sales unless you take growth seriously for example you know Facebook you know what their internal metric when they first started out was how many more users were they adding per day and they weren't just looking at it as a pure number so if they had a thousand users the first day and the second day they had another thousand users and then the third day they had another new thousand users that's slowing growth percentage-wise you're not growing as fast so their goal was to grow a faster percent than the previous day right if you take growth seriously you can actually do quite well but there's three main things you need to know before you start hacking your way into growth one who are your customers if you don't know who your customers are there's no way you're gonna actually make any money it was funny when I created a KISSmetrics and my co-founder we're just like yeah we're analytics company anyone who has an online website is gonna pay us that is our customer we failed miserably when we did that marketing approach why everyone is not our customer the local shop on the corner that sells pizzas is not our customer right it's not useful you got to be very targeted for us it was companies that do at least roughly what seven eight million euros a year and they're in e-commerce or software as a service or subscription so you got to get very particular how do you reach your customers do you reach them on Twitter Google Facebook whatever it may be you got to figure out what channels your customers are actually using and most importantly when you're trying to grow you can't just look at the most popular channels these channels get crowded very fast now let me give you example of this you guys all know Dropbox right so when Dropbox first started out there worth over ten billion US dollars now that's a lot of cash but when they first started out did you know they actually try to acquire customers on Google AdWords before they try doing any growth hacking or anything what's the problem with that well their product is only $99 a year when they're trying to acquire customers off of Google they were spending two hundred and thirty three to three hundred and eighty eight dollars do those economics work out no not at all why not one and they're paying way more than the customers paying them and two just because the customers paying them $99 doesn't mean they make in $99 there's cost for that customer there's support costs there's development costs there's cost to host their files right so what a Dropbox do they realize that paid ads don't work for them but they realize that they can hack their way into growing so they did thing in which they did a distribution hack want more space on Dropbox invite some friends tweet it out connect it to your iPhone refer a friend right when they started doing all of these things it actually worked now I myself I'm a Indian Asian in descent in which Indians are very frugal right I have a lot of Twitter followers I myself was so cheap that I didn't want to spend ninety nine dollars a year on Dropbox that I myself tweeted out to over a hundred thousand people it works that's kind of silly of me I should have just paid in ninety nine dollars because eventually after I did all the tweeting and stuff I still use up all my free space so I had to spend the $99 but they got me to do it why because there was like hey click a button it's really simple you'll get more space I was like ok more space yay right it works out for them and it worked out for me it was a great distribution half so there's 5 strategies that I'm going to teach you one integrations to emails 3 and beds 4 powered by badges and 5 free stuff now let's get started integrations right are you down with other people's platform the more people out there that you can target right the bigger your market that means there's someone else already out there with those customers for example if you're targeting a very small niche there may not be a lot other businesses with your exact customer base but if you're going after something broad someone out there who's not a competitor also has some of your same customers for example KISSmetrics is analytics a lot of our customers use google analytics a lot of them use Dropbox there's all these other tools our customers use and instead of just saying hey let's do Adwords to go and get them let's do Facebook Ads why not actually partner with some of these other channels so if you look at Shopify they have over 30,000 plus businesses paying for Shopify Salesforce has over a hundred thousand businesses these businesses may not seem like a lot of businesses but sales horses customers spend a lot of money right there worthwhile I think forty plus fifty billion dollars that's a lot of coin box over a hundred and twenty thousand businesses 37signals has over 150 Yammer has over 200 thousand Constant Contact has over four hundred thousand github has over 1.9 million MailChimp has over 2 million Google Apps over 4 million fresh books 4.5 google analytics over 30 million businesses are using Google Analytics that's a lot Evernote also has over 30,000 people 30 million people using them right and last but not least Dropbox over 50 million people are on Dropbox so what does this tell you if you leverage their user base you can actually grow yours so how do you actually do these integrations one these integrations have to make your product better and the other person's product better for example Evernote has a lot of users I sell analytics does it make sense for me to integrate with Evernote a place where you just take notes what do you think yes or no no it's ok the reason it doesn't is someone who's on Evernote is just making like to-do list oh I need to do this or I need to buy groceries or I need to go to the mall today I need a go put some more petrol in my car right there using Evernote for that kind of stuff we're selling to b2b but integration with Google Analytics makes sense why because if they're using Google Analytics we can say hey Google Analytics will show you or shows you what ok mob site or and KISSmetrics tells you what happened right in which we can actually give them more data on top of Google Analytics that benefits them and it benefits us because more people get more out of their Google Analytics plus it allows us to get their user base in which why market our own user to random people online when we can already tap our ideal customer right so that's an example of an integration that benefits both parties you also want to discover what's valuable and you can do this by asking people as your users ask your customers what other services what other products what other tools do you use what other websites do you go on this will help you identify what solutions you should potentially integrate with because you don't want to just integrate with the business because you think it's a right fit you want your customers to tell you hey this is the right fit this is what I use you should integrate with these guys that way you're not wasting your time right I know I have problems with development and they bet you every other startup does too why there's not enough developers out there especially good ones so you want to make sure that you're only integrating with tools services products applications websites that your users feel that would be very beneficial and it has to be a win win once you do that you need to make your partner pages awesome you can't just integrate with Dropbox Shopify whatever it may be and expect people to just come on board and sign up it doesn't work that way so when you integrate what you need to do is a few things one create a partner page letting people know that they can integrate with Shopify or KISSmetrics or whatever it may be right and your product to most these big companies that have a lot of users have very popular Facebook fan pages so what you want to do is you can create Facebook campaigns targeting their users so people who like Dropbox you can show them ads and you can actually show them ads to integrate with your product and once you start getting attraction 3 you need a head up the companies are integrating with and try to get them to promote this integration to their user base and you'll be shocked they actually want to promote it why because the more integrations their users do the longer they'll end up sticking around and paying them so it's a win-win situation next emails you guys all log into Facebook every day you guys use google write search engines you know what the one thing I bet that everyone uses more than anything else emails right the world revolves around it especially the in the working world everyone has to have an email account whether it's a gmail or hotmail or at Microsoft you know your company that you work for whatever it may be everyone has emails if you can figure out how to tap it you can actually get a big customer base quickly this is how people like Facebook and Twitter grow even currently LinkedIn example right a lot of them all grow through emails here's an example right of podio put in your email here's another one from Yammer put in your email right join your company's free social network you can use it for almost anything when people put in an email let's click Next but there you go so another one box right but when people put in an email you want to try to entice them so for example box says hey the more emails you put in of your colleagues the more free space we'll give you right it's enticing them to invite their friends Facebook knows that within the first 7 days I believe you need is either 10 or 30 friends I believe the number could be 30 30 friends they know if you have 10 or 30 friends within the first seven days you're very likely to keep using Facebook forever so they push really hard on getting you to put in your email and inviting friends now the thing with emails is you got to optimize the onboarding it's actually not that difficult to get people to put in their emails and just say hey sign up invite some friends but if the onboarding isn't good then their friends aren't actually going to use a product so good onboarding for example is you sign up for Facebook and you say alright cool now that you've signed up let's connect you with your friends put in your email so we can see which of your friends already on Facebook if none of them are it's like alright invite your friends to Facebook and then after you do that then they say alright let's create your profile add an image ad you know your info add your bio add your birthday etc but you got to optimize the onboarding and continually tweak and test it without doing that what you'll find is you'll get a big drop-off from emails it's all about the onboarding it's very easy to get people to invite and the cool part about the email addresses too is when you're doing this whole process you don't even have to ask people for the name and email anymore most people watch look at this room how many of you guys have a Facebook account raise your hand a lot almost everyone how many have you a gmail account almost everyone again how do you have a Twitter again see you don't have to ask people for their name email or password what you do is you just say hey sign up through Twitter sign up through Facebook because then they just click a button your conversion rate will go up by roughly 30 plus percent which is huge and then you can tap into all their contacts and etc really quickly so that's a quick trick then when you're doing the onboarding you got to let them know who should they follow this actually helps the whole process it creates that circle right if you don't have that circle there's going to be a drop-off you got to get them to keep connecting and inviting etc it's a never ending game you also need to utilize invitations on onboarding process Dropbox is a great example of this right in which they try to get you to invite more people more people you invite more storage you get that's why they utility is it you got to measure the number of people in every company or every person has in their contact list this will help you determine what the potential you can actually go for because if your average user has 200 people in their contact list and they're only inviting 10 of their friends to use your service your product whatever it may be that means you're not doing a good job with the invitation flow in the onboarding because you may be able to get 40 50 of them to invite right instead of them inviting all the 10 people you also need to figure out the engaging interactions in which when someone signs up there's things that they do within the first five six seven days that makes them actually want to use your product your service and invite more people if you can figure out what these actions are you'll get more people to stick around for a lot longer the next one and beds you've seen this one everywhere YouTube right why do people embed these YouTube videos most people actually do it because they're funny these videos are very silly like they'll put a picture of a cute cat I know they're really popular in the US like oh hey look at this cat is so pretty and then people share it and that's how they get millions of views because everyone's embedding them SlideShare another example right you can take presentations like mine right here and share it due to the fact that it's all embeddable when you're doing these embeds you have to give people a reason why they're gonna embed you can't expect someone to bed something on their website for no reason I remember when I was starting out crazy egg years ago it's one of my earlier startups and it's another analytics tool that shows you a heat map of your website I wanted people I was naive when I started as entrepreneurial as 16 I'm 29 now so I'm quite old but when I started out I wanted people 10 bed my company's product on their website I was like yeah show your data to the world show them you know how much traffic you're getting which company would embed that do you guys want to show people your traffic your sales your revenue probably not right but there was no good reason on why they should embed it I just wanted to do it you can't get people to embed your product or service if there's not a good reason people embed YouTube videos because they want to share something whether it's informational whether it's humorous whether it's an emotional roller coaster they want to share those videos because it benefits other people it's a win-win situation in which YouTube ends up getting more traffic plus they're providing value to other website owners you also want to make it easy as possible to embed make them click a you know box it automatically highlights it all they click a copy link and they can embed it onto their site right copy paste you can even create little widgets like hey have a wordpress site click here to get the WordPress version have tumblr click here to get the tumblr version those are all examples you also want to track how well these embeds convert in which just putting these embeds on people sites doesn't mean it's going to drive more traffic YouTube actually discover this when they did embeds at first it was just a video player in which you would watch a video and that was it eventually they started rolling out features such as you embed a video on people's sites and after they're done watching the video they say hey you like this video here's some other videos to watch and then you end up clicking back onto YouTube site and it helps them get more visitors right you got to optimize you got a track they were also testing relevant call to actions they found that showing relevant videos where the best call to actions but you got to figure out what works for you having these beds is one thing but getting people to actually click through go back to your site purchase or embed again or sign up whatever maybe is a whole different thing right you also want to optimize for search but don't obsess about it a lot of people when they do these embeds they're like oh we kept backlinks you know why backlinks are valuable it's because you can get more search engine traffic's higher search engine rankings what people are doing though with these embeds is they're actually putting keywords in their keywords that they want to rank for on Google but if you end up doing this eventual become penalized so you don't want to be too greedy make the call to action or the links relevant don't try to manipulate the search results but instead the more embeds you get assuming you use relevant anchor text instead of keyword rich anchor text you'll notice that your search traffic will go up in the long run next powered by right you've seen all of these powered by badges they're everywhere the thing about powered by widgets badges etc is people end up clicking through on them and some will sign up so alright switch with these powered by badges people need to know what you're powering I remember one time when I was creating my first website it was a consultancy website I spread marketing services and I'll try to get people like TechCrunch foot-powered by neil patel and people would be like what the hell why would we put a powered by badge on our site didn't make any sense right you're powered by x' need to be relevant in which if they know what's happening for example if you do a survey tool like camp i'll it goes on people's websites people like survey powered by camp i'll user voice is another example feedback provided powered by user voice or support powered by user voice etc right those are all good examples of making it very clear on what people are powering you also need to test your call to actions we thought that putting like powered by KISSmetrics etc would be powerful it wasn't that powerful instead doing things like analytics by right so-and-so company or conversion optimization by so-and-so company actually converted better than just putting the word powered by because so many people had powered by and they didn't know what they're getting so you actually had to test it and try different ones you need to track the views on these powered buys the clicks the conversions and even the LTV by measuring the effectiveness of it overall you'll be able to fine tune it last but not least and then we'll get into some QA and I'll actually give you guys growth examples for your businesses free stuff HubSpot has a greater they actually recently went public they're valued at almost a billion dollars and they provide a free grater that tells you what you're doing wrong with your marketing how's law says hey you're doing this isn't this wrong and they'll be like oh by the way sign up for hub saw very effective it's a free tool that tells you you're screwing up right that's a great example of a good free tool another one New Relic how fast is your app compared to others they do benchmarking another one Kitt's ebooks PDFs all good examples of free stuff that you can end up using when you're doing this free stuff you need to map it out to the customer decision making in which you can't just say I'm gonna give free marketing information and people buy my marketing product doesn't always work that way HubSpot realize companies buy their product to improve their inbound marketing to get more leads to get more sales so what they did is they created free stuff that showed you what you're doing wrong and why your business isn't growing as fast that caused more people to sign up and pay them you also have to think about what you can repurpose you don't necessarily want to go and create something from scratch and spend a ton of time and money on development if you can test something that you can that's already out there and repurpose it and launch it get alee right you're pretty much doing a minimal version and if it starts working then you can adapt it then you can make it better over time and then invest dollars into it but you don't want to do too much of a commitment at first you also want to educate your prospects a lot of the best free stuff out there is ebooks and information how to use products how to actually get more value out of a service whatever it may be anything that benefits your user it actually builds a lot of goodwill and it causes them to spend more money with you tell other companies friends about your product and service and last but not least you want to measure and optimize for revenue the free stuff can convert it can make you money example Dropbox they give you free storage they're making money write a ton of it free has worked out really well for them so when you're doing all of this there's two things I want you to keep in mind 1 figure out what's best for your product growth hacking isn't just about driving more users it's about providing more value benefit to your customers if you can do that they'll continually use what you have to offer and tell other people about company you also have no excuses to make money just because you see companies like Pinterest snapchat being worth billions of dollars without making any money doesn't mean you can do that as well those are very rare cases even in the US are very rare cases even in Silicon Valley they're rare cases focus on actually making money that's the one thing that's valuable no matter what part of the world you are right so now let's get started in some QA and let's go over some questions you may have if you also want examples of growth hacking for your business you can tell me the type of site you have and I can give you live examples but first let's have some applause for a great talk thank you good so we have again two ways of questions the digitized way using the pioneers at clicking on interact and posting questions you can also upload questions there or the traditional way you just raise your hand and I go around and we already have a few questions lined up I highlight them so the question is growth hacking in b2b markets it works extremely well in b2b and b2c a good example of b2b is signals they change the name it's a product by HubSpot in which they give you something for free you can use a product to small bit it helps track how many people open the emails you send them right and what they do is they only give you a certain amount for free if you want more you got to keep inviting more and more users and every month that resets that's how it grows it's a great example of b2b growth hacking talking about examples what is the best b2b growth hack you've seen recently so that one is actually one of the best ones I've seen recently HubSpot uses it wealthfront uses it these companies are actually doubling their user base through these growth attacks in which one user that they acquire through Adwords or whatever channel they acquire the user from becomes two with this invitation process and the trick that these guys have all learned is you reset it every month in which every month you make them invite more and more people so once they invited ya you may give them more space or more information but they give it to them for 30 days and then it resets back to the default and they got to keep inviting more people or pay to upgrade an interesting question why do you need my phone number when we're just doing for KISSmetrics so our sales team can call you and sell you on our product we want to get your money so we get your phone number we know if we call you you're gonna pay us more than if we email you okay so what kind of growth hacking techniques would you recommend to boost pre-orders or crowd funding boost pre-orders or crowdfunding so one thing I've actually noticed with a lot of the crowdfunding campaigns this is actually a very unique way in which I've seen some companies offer discounts for multiple purchases and what they've actually done within their crowdfunding campaigns is saying hey you know you can spend X dollars on one pre-order or if you get five you'll get a 30% discount and what they say is don't need five yourself we'll bundle it together with your friends make a big order tell your friends about it and it's actually been a very effective process and you should actually check that out when you're doing the crowdfunding campaigns encourage people to do group buys versus doing it singularly and you can actually try to make it if you're doing it on your own website in which they can invite a few people and share the cost and split it so that way they don't have to collect the money awesome are there any questions in the audience in a traditional way raise your hand if so over there we have a winner can you sign up hey we're a b2b analytics database is usually like 9 to 12 months sales cycles and anything that's really expensive has a huge sales cycle so what I've seen is a lot of examples for quick or short you know less expensive sales what if it's you know your average sales 500 thousand a million nine months twelve months sales cycle any ideas or tips yeah so with you the way even though your cell cycles long the more leads you get the more business you'll eventually get you would agree with that correct yes perfect so what you would actually do is you would optimize for leads not the sale part because the cycle is too long and if you're in the b2b space the best way to actually generate leads from what we found is you do guest post so you know like there's a inc magazine Forbes on four what's an example of a business magazine in Vienna let's call it they've in Vienna Tribune right I'm gonna make it up I have no idea what you guys here so if I'm reading the vienna tribune what you should actually do is and this is a long growth hack but it'll work i've tested this out so i would email the vienna tribune author that writes there because not all authors on these big sites actually work for the company some are actually just guest contributors i would email them and let's say their name is john I'll say hey John great article on growing you know your business through analytics I noticed you actually did it head on XY and Z topic you hit on a B and C which is great but have you considered you know modifying and talking about XY and Z just a friendly tip keep up the great work I love reading your content don't ask for anything you just shoot an email over like that next email you said next time you writes another article John wow what an amazing article I learned a B and C from it keep up the great work I'm a big fan right and you signed it your name cheers Stan third email you send hey John I realized you haven't actually written on a B and C topic I've looked through all your posts and I haven't found anything on it I think it ought to be really beneficial to your fans your followers just like me right I'm one of your fans but I know you're busy so if you don't have the time to write no worries you've already done so much for me if you want I can just write the article for you right and what you'll find is John will be like yeah you would really write it for me I'm like yeah right up for you I'm also gonna throw in a link back to my website but I'll write it for you right you don't tell them the link part just write it for him and what you'll find is he'll introduce you to the editor of Vienna Tribune or whatever the paper is called you'll get your account and then from there when you write articles because now you can publish your own you can link from the article let's say you wrote an article you're selling analytics so you roll your article ten ways analytics can help grow your business and then what you would do at the end of the article you would say hey click here to download the checklist so your credit image have a developer on Fiverr right I think that's Israeli company fiber $5 is cheap and they can create a like a PDF that has a checklist of the ten ways it can benefit the business and they put in a name and email to get that on your website now when you have the name email you can even ask for a phone number your then your sales guys can follow up email see if they're interested you'll collect a lot of leads a lot of them won't be qualified but a portion will you'll actually make a ton of revenue for this and this strategy works just look at me I blog on Forbes now entrepreneur magazine Inc Fast Company all these sites because I use this strategy but I'll give you one little advice don't try to do that tactic with me I know it works I'm not gonna are you we have a question from a slider which is growth hacking in two-sided business models chikna that problem yes when it's a chicken-and-egg problem you're gonna have to go after both sides but you can't go after both sides right away it's funny in which companies will try to get people to let's say if you have a two-sided market you're looking for advertisers and publishers it's very hard to growth hack for both of them so you need to focus on one side of the market first and you artificially inflate the other side for example air B&B growth hacked by taking listings from Craigslist putting them on their site that's how they started getting the first listings and then what they did is they spent money on Google Adwords to get visitors to their website to view those listings and apply so what I'm getting at is it is two-sided in which they need people to list and they need people to come and pay for the listing right like to go and stay in someone's place but it's hard to grow target for both sides so pick one Airbnb decided to pick two growth hack for the listing side and they bought the traffic once you figure out how to growth hack one side and you start getting more of a user base then you can work on both sides eventually but pick one at the beginning we're kitchen here can you stand up sure hi Neil how do you grow track off lines of physical products like socks for example oh my god I actually have a great example of socks I used to buy a shitload of socks I had like a five chest drawer socks like I was obsessed with them and most people send them for free because of my about page I used to put how I like fun happy socks no more I just work great now but I used to have like all these socks at different patterns and I think over time people sent me around like a thousand two thousand two hundred three socks which is a lot but I actually forgot the trick to hacking the sock market Instagram it's super popular right you know how many dupe you guys buy your socks or girls guys guys guys okay you know how many guys are perverts and creeps on Instagram oh ha they're just looking at pictures of girls and there's going like like like like like and you know a lot of the guys even if they have wives or girlfriend the look at the pictures they won't click like but the look look look look right so what you can actually do and I've had a buddy test this out a lot of these models on Instagram don't make any money they just take pictures a selfie these girls made selfies popular right they just take selfies of themselves doing a duck base in the mirror like picture okay give them free pair of socks I've seen people do this like nice laundry and even like five dollars ten dollars the black oh my god you gave me socks I'm gonna post these socks on my website on my Instagram profile and they mention it and my buddy started doing this he started getting a thousand six hundred visitors a day from Instagram just by giving girls free socks and in sales I think he was making something like a extra like twenty six twenty eight thousand dollars a month and profit from sales from Instagram try it out it'll work he could scale it up you can probably get a few hundred thousand now because so many more perverts on Instagram and hot girls um next question sorry are you laughing cuz that's what are you on Instagram thank you that's a video no thank you no um so the next question had like 22 up votes how do you grow heck a grow factor app download to the App Store do you want the legitimate answer the shady answer Shady Shanee um through Mechanical Turk you can get a ton of up votes for dirt cheap and you'll actually skyrocket to that top of the App Store check it out Mechanical Turk have you guys heard of that it's a place where there's people all around the world who are looking to make a penny literally one penny and they'll you can pay them like a fraction of a penny I don't know what you call it in Europe I know in in London it's a pad right pence or something like that sense your sense okay so it's a sense you can give people like one cent for five upvotes like it's that dirt cheap and people will go and just like your product uploaded downloaded etc all on the App Store check it out look a legitimate way I don't want to sound shady so I'm gonna give you the legitimate way as well um with uploads it comes down to actually partnering up with other people some people think oh you get a lot of press you'll get upvotes and stuff like that usually an app usage creates good uploads so as you're using your application you say hey have you uploaded it if you upload it will give you more coins will give you more more features whatever it may be the other thing you actually want to do is there's other applications out there in which they'll promote your product and uploading it and rating it and leaving comments if you pay them and that's a great way to skyrocket your abstracting it's expensive though Mechanical Turk is kind of the cheaper solution I hope this is not recorded and I hope so don't worry just a live street but okay even better hey Neil I'm Peter do you have any grocer King tips for b2b hardware businesses yes what kind of hardware it's called mini break it's a remote-controlled bike break for kids we plan to go to retailers and get into their business like bikes like a bicycle I'm going on the street pedaling yeah yeah that's right as a kid why would I want a bike break I want to keep going faster it's not for the kid it's for the parents too to keep them safe yeah that kind of sucks I was that kid like who's going off at jumps and stuff I saw the scar from the tarmac like the road I was watching X Games and my I don't wear helmet and I just my chin kept scraping on the pavement this is thought of the same don't turn yeah I should have probably used it my bone was showing it was bad but I loved it if my parents had a break I would have been crying but I like getting hurt and having fun nonetheless in the b2b world bicycle shops so your customer you want to get more bicycle shops to include your product correct what I would actually do is there are companies with your user base for example Yelp right I don't know if Yelp is popular in Europe they have a big directory of bicycle shops I would hit up companies like Yelp I would hit up other bicycle fan bases there's like bicycle groups Amsterdam bicycles are really popular did you know bicycles have the right-of-way in Amsterdam I was walking in a bicycle guy ran me over and got mad at me and I was like that's a whole different time I wish you know I could push a button and he was breaking but what I would actually do is get to those people who have those groups bicycle groups shop groups the yelps who have a list and I would actually crawl them scrape them and actually get the email addresses for all these people or make a list Mechanical Turk someone you can pay someone like three cents for every hundred emails to give you a vice shop owners and then what you do is you mast email up and you're saying hey this is a good product to have for upselling it can help make you more money it'll actually work check it out I've done similar things for like my buddy had a cleaning business I did similar things like that he was selling cleaning products other cleaners and we went to Yelp scraped them all for if it was a fun experiment went to Mechanical Turk got a list and people got us the email address we sent out I think it was like 16 17 thousand emails and he generated over a half a million dollars worth of sales over the next 12 months from it so try it out it's more of an unconventional growth heck but it'll work but we're out of time yes the clock say there's no clock okay so we ran out of that so there to wait because there as you can see the lots of lots of questions alone I'm not even counting people who raise your hands up so they're two alternatives I leave you a choice option ace because the next session is actually lunch break we can do a few more minutes York already ate lunch so I'm good I can option it's also the audience called obvious that's your call for any questions that we don't answer now would you be willing to if you send an email saying these are reality questions can you just write like short you know lines and reporting blog posts I can do either one all right so you guys pick what did he say now of course if you ask the audience you always get the he wrote it down or like okay only a few more minutes right is it fine okay what are some underrated channels to use right now to promote your products I know you guys all know about Facebook and you think oh it's already saturated it's not Facebook on mobile ads one of the cheapest channels I'm killing it from that YouTube man there's someone in here already sells analytics but I'll tell you nonetheless YouTube I try to spend a hundred grand a month on YouTube ads I not only am spending money on youtubes but within the first thirty days I may enough revenue to pay for more than my actual cost YouTube is one of my roi wise youtube advertising as my number one channel and do you know why it's underrated because those videos that people put in front of other videos no one wants to create them it takes a lot of work so we just go to demo duck and we would pay companies to make the videos for us and we just shove a shitload of pre-roll ads works like a charm even for b2b like we're killing it from that alright then I put it nine times growth hacks for developers target audience developers yes growth hacks for developers as a target audience focus on github do integrations with them I would also head up all the hackathons the hackathons have big email list of all the developers partner with them because muslim' don't make any money and you can actually do some sort of promotion or something with them and part of it they have to give you their whole email list and they'll actually do it and then you can blasts out to their emails right there one more question from the audience traditional way hi great presentation want to ask how would you address a niche market of urban professionals on the verge of a burnout people who are suffering from symptoms of mild depression so pretty much people who work nine to five jobs yes now uh overachievers almost on the verge of a burnout suffering from mild depression so you're trying to figure out how to go after them and get them yeah we have a great solution to help them I found out a lot of these professionals also spend a ton of time on uh who actually got a good one have you heard of rescue time no it's a free app that helps people track their time and helps them optimize it it's for overachievers kind of like your audience okay so rescue time has a free tool you can probably partner with them because they're not that big of a company but they have hundreds of thousands of users and say hey we would love to do a campaign with you to target all your users that are are using the application the most because the ones that use it the most are probably the most overachievers because they're trying to optimize our work output productivity and we're get the most done for the amount of hours and then you can sell products some of that can you can partnership and give them a rep cut check it out I would do that all day long cool things I'm getting to sign here to close the session is that fine for you one I'm not going to be killed or something all right so you first of all take very much know your audience make some life today you
Channel: Pioneers
Views: 131,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: PWshoKN952k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 09 2014
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